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Jifty::View::Declare::CoreTemplates - Templates Jifty can't function without


This library contains templates that Jifty can't function without:

YAML and XML webservice endpoints for core jifty functionality

These templates are still in Masonland. we're doing something wrong with escaping in them

template '__jifty/autocomplete.xml' => sub {

    # Note: the only point to this file is to set the content_type; the actual
    # behavior is accomplished inside the framework.  It will go away once we
    # have infrastructure for serving things of various content-types.
    Jifty->web->response->content_type('text/xml; charset=utf-8');
    my $ref = Jifty->web->response->result('autocomplete')->content;
    my @options = @{ $ref->{'completions'} || [] };
    body {
        ul {
            foreach my $item (@options) {
                if ( !ref($item) ) {
                    li { $item };
                elsif ( exists $item->{label} ) {
                    li {
                        with( class => "informal" ), span { $item->{label} };
                        with( class => "hidden_value" ),
                          span { $item->{value} };
                else {
                    li { $item->{value} };

template '__jifty/validator.xml' => sub { Jifty->web->response->content_type('text/xml; charset=utf-8'); my $output = ""; use XML::Writer; my $writer = XML::Writer->new( OUTPUT => \$output ); $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" ); $writer->startTag("validation"); for my $ra ( Jifty->web->request->actions ) { my $action = Jifty->web->new_action_from_request($ra); $writer->startTag( "validationaction", id => $action->register_name ); for my $arg ( $action->argument_names ) { if ( not $action->arguments->{$arg}->{ajax_validates} ) { $writer->emptyTag( "ignored", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) ); $writer->emptyTag( "ignored", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) ); } elsif ( not defined $action->argument_value($arg) or length $action->argument_value($arg) == 0 ) { $writer->emptyTag( "blank", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) ); $writer->emptyTag( "blank", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) ); } elsif ( $action->result->field_error($arg) ) { $writer->dataElement( "error", $action->result->field_error($arg), id => $action->error_div_id($arg) ); $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) ); } elsif ( $action->result->field_warning($arg) ) { $writer->dataElement( "warning", $action->result->field_warning($arg), id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) ); $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) ); } else { $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) ); $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) ); } } $writer->endTag(); $writer->startTag( "canonicalizeaction", id => $action->register_name ); for my $arg ( $action->argument_names ) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; if ( $ra->arguments->{$arg} eq $action->argument_value($arg) ) {

                # if the value doesn' t change, it can be ignored .

# canonicalizers can change other parts of the action, so we want to send all changes $writer->emptyTag( "ignored", name => $action->form_field_name($arg) ); } elsif ( not defined $action->argument_value($arg) or length $action->argument_value($arg) == 0 ) { $writer->emptyTag( "blank", name => $action->form_field_name($arg) ); } else { if ( $action->result->field_canonicalization_note($arg) ) { $writer->dataElement( "canonicalization_note", $action->result->field_canonicalization_note($arg), id => $action->canonicalization_note_div_id($arg) ); } $writer->dataElement( "update", $action->argument_value($arg), name => $action->form_field_name($arg) ); } } $writer->endTag(); } $writer->endTag(); Jifty->web->out($output); };

template '__jifty/webservices/xml' => sub { my $output = ""; my $writer = XML::Writer->new( OUTPUT => \$output, UNSAFE => 1 ); $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" ); $writer->startTag("response"); for my $f ( Jifty->web->request->fragments ) {

        # Set up the region stack
        local Jifty->web->{'region_stack'} = [];
        my @regions;
        do {
            push @regions, $f;
        } while ( $f = $f->parent );

        for $f ( reverse @regions ) {
            my $new =
              Jifty->web->get_region( join '-',
                grep { $_ } Jifty->web->qualified_region, $f->name );

            # Arguments can be complex mapped hash values.  Get their
            # real values by mapping.
            my %defaults = %{ $f->arguments || {} };
            for ( keys %defaults ) {
                my ( $key, $value ) = Jifty::Request::Mapper->map(
                    destination => $_,
                    source      => $defaults{$_}
                delete $defaults{$_};
                $defaults{$key} = $value;

            $new ||= Jifty::Web::PageRegion->new(
                name           => $f->name,
                path           => $f->path,
                region_wrapper => $f->wrapper,
                parent         => Jifty->web->current_region,
                defaults       => \%defaults,

        # Stuff the rendered region into the XML
        $writer->startTag( "fragment",
            id => Jifty->web->current_region->qualified_name );
        my %args = %{ Jifty->web->current_region->arguments };
        $writer->dataElement( "argument", $args{$_}, name => $_ )
          for sort keys %args;
        $writer->cdataElement( "content",
            Jifty->web->current_region->as_string );

        Jifty->web->current_region->exit while Jifty->web->current_region;

    my %results = Jifty->web->response->results;
    for ( keys %results ) {
            moniker => $_,
            class   => $results{$_}->action_class
        $writer->dataElement( "success", $results{$_}->success );

        $writer->dataElement( "message", $results{$_}->message )
          if $results{$_}->message;
        $writer->dataElement( "error", $results{$_}->error )
          if $results{$_}->error;

        my %warnings = $results{$_}->field_warnings;
        my %errors   = $results{$_}->field_errors;
        my %fields;
        $fields{$_}++ for keys(%warnings), keys(%errors);
        for ( sort keys %fields ) {
            next unless $warnings{$_} or $errors{$_};
            $writer->startTag( "field", name => $_ );
            $writer->dataElement( "warning", $warnings{$_} )
              if $warnings{$_};
            $writer->dataElement( "error", $errors{$_} )
              if $errors{$_};

        # XXX TODO: Hack because we don't have a good way to serialize
        # Jifty::DBI::Record's yet, which are technically circular data
        # structures at some level (current_user of a
        # current_user->user_object is itself)
        use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
        my $content = $results{$_}->content;

        $content = _stripkids($content);
        use XML::Simple;
                NoAttr   => 1,
                RootName => "content",
                NoIndent => 1
        ) if keys %{$content};


    Jifty->web->response->content_type('text/xml; charset=utf-8');

    # For some reason, this line is needed, lest we end up outputting ISO-8859-1 text


        sub _stripkids {
            my $top = shift;
            if ( not ref $top ) { return $top }
            elsif (
                and (  $top->isa("Jifty::DBI::Record")
                    or $top->isa("Jifty::DBI::Collection") )
                return undef;
            elsif ( ref $top eq 'HASH' ) {
                foreach my $item ( keys %$top ) {
                    $top->{$item} = _stripkids( $top->{$item} );
            elsif ( ref $top eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                for ( 0 .. $#{$top} ) {
                    $top->[$_] = _stripkids( $top->[$_] );
            return $top;

template '__jifty/webservices/yaml' => sub { Jifty->web->response->content_type("text/x-yaml"); outs( Jifty::YAML::Dump( { Jifty->web->response->results } ) ); };