NAME - Compute retention time
./ [--method=METHOD [--saveparam=PARAM] [--current=CURRENT]|[--learnfrom=LEARN] [--settings=SET]] | [--readparam=PARAM] [--calibratefrom=CAL] [--out=OUT] (filein1 [ filein2[...]] | - )
- --method
The algorithm to be taken (irrelevant if parameters are to be read from a file). Currently available algorithms are: Hodges(averaged sum of amino acid coefficients), Krokhin (modified Hodges) and Petritis (neural network).
- --current
For Hodges algorithm, precomputed coefficients can be chosen among several references in the literature: Guo86 (default), Guo86_2, Meek80, Su81, Krokhin04, Sagasawa82, Meek81, Browne82, Casal96, Meek80_2, Browne82_2, Petritis03.
- --out
Output text file (or STDOUT if no such argument is given)
- --learnfrom
Learn from experimental data in LEARN the coefficients in Hodges algorithm or neural network weights in Petritis. File format of blank-separated columns: "amino acid sequences" "retention time" "additional cols" ...
- --settings
XML file with additional settings for learning, filtering, etc. See 'rtset.dtd'.
- --calibratefrom
Calibrate the algorithm by fitting some experimental data. Same format than for learning.
- --saveparam
Save current params in PARAM, including current coefficients and calibration.
- --readparam
Retrieve current params in PARAM, including current coefficients and calibration.
- --help
Print a brief help message and exits.
- --man
Print the manual page and exits.
All remaining arguments are names of input files; or '-' for the standard input.
This program will estimate the HPLC retention time for a given list of peptides. Several prediction algorithms can be chosen. It is also possible to train the coefficients used in the algorithm or to calibrate the estimates to a set of experimental values.