``` my $linkedin = Net::Linkedin::OAuth2->new( key => 'your-app-key', secret => 'your-app-secret');

get authorization url({ redirect_uri =>
    'http://localhost:3000/user/linkedin', scope =>
    # scope is an array of permissions that your app requires, see
    http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication#granting for
    more details, this field is optional

    my $authorization_code_url = $linkedin->authorization_code_url(
        redirect_uri => 'url_of_your_app_to_intercept_success',
        scope    => ['r_basicprofile','rw_groups','r_emailaddress'] );

    # convert code response to an access token # redirect_uri is the url
    where you will check for the parameter code.  # param('code') is the
    parameter 'code' that you will get after the user authorizes your app
    and gets redirected to the redirect_uri (callback) page.

    my $token_object = $linkedin->get_access_token(
         authorization_code => param('code'),      redirect_uri =>
    'your-app-redirect-url-or-callback' );

    # use the new token to request user information

    my $result = $linkedin->request(      url    =>
         token  => $token_object->{access_token} );

    # we have the email address              if ($result->{emailAddress}) {
                # ...  }

    # Or here is an entire login logic or recipe:

            my $linkedin = Net::Linkedin::OAuth2->new( key => 'your-app-key',
                                               secret => 'your-app-secret');

            # catch the code param and try to convert it into an access_token and get the email address
            if (param('code')) {

                my $token_object = $linkedin->get_access_token(
                        authorization_code => param('code'),
                        # has to be the same redirect_uri you specified in the code before
                        redirect_uri =>       'your-app-redirect-uri-or-callback-url'

                my $result = $linkedin->request(
                    url    => 'https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~:(id,formatted-name,picture-url,email-address)?format=json',
                            token  => $token_object->{access_token} );

                    if ($result->{emailAddress}) {
                            # we have the email address, authenticate the user and redirect somewhere..
                            # ....

                    } else {
                            # we did not get an email address
                            # redirect to try again?



            # get the url for permissions

            my $authorization_code_url = $linkedin->authorization_code_url(
                    # this field is required
                redirect_uri => 'your-app-redirect',
                       #array of permissions that your app requires, see http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication#granting for more details, this field is optional
                scope    => ['r_basicprofile','rw_groups','r_emailaddress']

            #redirect the user to get their permission

            # and catch an error back from linked in
            if (param('error')) {
                # handle the error
                # if the user denied, redirect to try again...

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 3:

Unknown directive: =NAME

Around line 6:

Unknown directive: =VERSION

Around line 9:

Unknown directive: =SYNOPSIS

Around line 97:

Unknown directive: =AUTHOR