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Lab::Moose::Instrument::ZI_HDAWG - Zurich Instruments HDAWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator


version 3.904



/DEV/AWGS/n/AUXTRIGGERS/m/CHANNEL Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_auxtriggers_channel(awg => $awg, auxtrigger => $auxtrigger, value => $value)
 get_awgs_auxtriggers_channel(awg => $awg, auxtrigger => $auxtrigger)

Selects the digital trigger source signal. trigin0, trigger_input0 0 Trigger In 1 trigin1, trigger_input1 1 Trigger In 2 trigin2, trigger_input2 2 Trigger In 3 trigin3, trigger_input3 3 Trigger In 4 trigout0 , trigger_output0 4 Trigger Out 1 trigout1 , trigger_output1 5 Trigger Out 2 trigout2 , trigger_output2 6 Trigger Out 3 trigout3 , trigger_output3 7 Trigger Out 4

/DEV/AWGS/n/AUXTRIGGERS/m/SLOPE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_auxtriggers_slope(awg => $awg, auxtrigger => $auxtrigger, value => $value)
 get_awgs_auxtriggers_slope(awg => $awg, auxtrigger => $auxtrigger)

Select the signal edge that should activate the trigger. The trigger will be level sensitive when the Level option is selected. level_sensitive0 Level sensitive trigger rising_edge1 Rising edge trigger 2falling_edge Falling edge trigger both_edges3 Rising or falling edge trigger

/DEV/AWGS/n/AUXTRIGGERS/m/STATE Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_auxtriggers_state(awg => $awg, auxtrigger => $auxtrigger)

State of the Auxiliary Trigger: No trigger detected/trigger detected.

/DEV/AWGS/n/COMMANDTABLE/CLEAR Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_commandtable_clear(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_commandtable_clear(awg => $awg)

Writing to this node clears all data previously loaded to the command table of the device.

/DEV/AWGS/n/COMMANDTABLE/STATUS Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_commandtable_status(awg => $awg)

Status of the command table on the instrument. Bit 0: data uploaded to the command table; Bit 1, Bit 2: reserved; Bit 3: uploading of data to the command table failed due to a JSON parsing error.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/DELAY/INDEX Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_delay_index(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_delay_index(awg => $awg)

Index of the bit on the DIO interface for which the delay should be changed.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/DELAY/VALUE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_delay_value(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_delay_value(awg => $awg)

Corresponding delay value to apply to the given bit of the DIO interface in units of 150 MHz clock cycles. Valid values are 0 to 3.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/ERROR/TIMING Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_error_timing(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_error_timing(awg => $awg)

A 32-bit value indicating which bits on the DIO interface may have timing errors. A timing error is defined as an event where either the VALID or any of the data bits on the DIO interface change value at the same time as the STROBE bit.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/ERROR/WIDTH Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_error_width(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_error_width(awg => $awg)

Indicates a width (i.e. jitter) error on either the STROBE (bit 0 of the value) or VALID bit (bit 1 of the result). A width error indicates that there was jitter detected on the given bit, meaning that an active period was either shorter or longer than the configured expected width.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/HIGHBITS Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_highbits(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_highbits(awg => $awg)

32-bit value indicating which bits on the 32-bit interface are detected as having a logic high value.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/LOWBITS Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_lowbits(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_lowbits(awg => $awg)

32-bit value indicating which bits on the 32-bit interface are detected as having a logic low value.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/MASK/SHIFT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_mask_shift(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_mask_shift(awg => $awg)

Defines the amount of bit shifting to apply for the DIO wave selection in connection with playWaveDIO().

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/MASK/VALUE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_mask_value(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_mask_value(awg => $awg)

Selects the DIO bits to be used for waveform selection in connection with playWaveDIO().

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/STATE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_state(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_state(awg => $awg)

When asserted, indicates that triggers are generated from the DIO interface to the AWG.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/STROBE/INDEX Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_strobe_index(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_strobe_index(awg => $awg)

Select the DIO bit to use as the STROBE signal.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/STROBE/SLOPE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_strobe_slope(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_strobe_slope(awg => $awg)

Select the signal edge of the STROBE signal for use in timing alignment. off0 Off rising_edge1 Rising edge trigger falling_edge2 Falling edge trigger both_edges3 Rising or falling edge trigger

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/STROBE/WIDTH Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_strobe_width(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_strobe_width(awg => $awg)

Specifies the expected width of active pulses on the STROBE bit.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/VALID/INDEX Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_valid_index(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_valid_index(awg => $awg)

Select the DIO bit to use as the VALID signal to indicate a valid input is available.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/VALID/POLARITY Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_valid_polarity(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_valid_polarity(awg => $awg)

Polarity of the VALID bit that indicates that a valid input is available. 0none None: VALID bit is ignored. low1 Low: VALID bit must be logical zero. high2 High: VALID bit must be logical high. both3 Both: VALID bit may be logical high or zero.

/DEV/AWGS/n/DIO/VALID/WIDTH Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_dio_valid_width(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_dio_valid_width(awg => $awg)

Expected width of an active pulse on the VALID bit.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ELF/CHECKSUM Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_elf_checksum(awg => $awg)

Checksum of the uploaded ELF file.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ELF/LENGTH Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_elf_length(awg => $awg)

Length of the compiled ELF file.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ELF/MEMORYUSAGE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 get_awgs_elf_memoryusage(awg => $awg)

Size of the uploaded ELF file relative to the size of the main memory.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ELF/PROGRESS Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: %

 get_awgs_elf_progress(awg => $awg)

The percentage of the sequencer program already uploaded to the device.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ENABLE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_enable(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_enable(awg => $awg)

Activates the AWG.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/AMPLITUDE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 set_awgs_outputs_amplitude(awg => $awg, output => $output, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_amplitude(awg => $awg, output => $output)

Amplitude in units of full scale of the given AWG Output. The full scale corresponds to the Range voltage setting of the Signal Outputs.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/ENABLES/k Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_outputs_enables_k(awg => $awg, output => $output)

Enables the driving of the given AWG output channel.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/GAINS/k Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 set_awgs_outputs_gains(awg => $awg, output => $output, gain=>$gain, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_gains(awg => $awg, output => $output, gain=>$gain)

Gain factor applied to the AWG Output at the given output multiplier stage. The final signal amplitude is proportional to the Range voltage setting of the Wave signal outputs.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/HOLD Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_outputs_hold(awg => $awg, output => $output, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_hold(awg => $awg, output => $output)

Keep the last sample (constant) on the output even after the waveform program finishes.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/MODULATION/CARRIERS/k/FREQ Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Hz

 get_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_freq(awg => $awg, output => $output, carrier=>$carrier)

Indicates the frequency used for this carrier. The frequency is calculated with oscillator frequency times the harmonic factor. Note: This option was not available in the device used for developement, it is therefore untested.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/MODULATION/CARRIERS/k/HARMONIC Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_harmonic(awg => $awg, output => $output, carrier=>$carrier, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_harmonic(awg => $awg, output => $output, carrier=>$carrier)

Multiplies the carrier reference frequency with the integer factor defined by this field. Note: This option was not available in the device used for developement, it is therefore untested.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/MODULATION/CARRIERS/k/OSCSELECT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_oscselect(awg => $awg, output => $output, carrier=>$carrier, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_oscselect(awg => $awg, output => $output, carrier=>$carrier)

Select oscillator for generation of this carrier. Note: This option was not available in the device used for developement, it is therefore untested.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/MODULATION/CARRIERS/k/PHASESHIFT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: deg

 set_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_phaseshift(awg => $awg, output => $output, carrier=>$carrier, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_modulation_carriers_phaseshift(awg => $awg, output => $output)

Phase shift applied to carrier signal. Note: This option was not available in the device used for developement, it is therefore untested.

/DEV/AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/MODULATION/MODE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_outputs_modulation_mode(awg => $awg, output => $output, value => $value)
 get_awgs_outputs_modulation_mode(awg => $awg, output => $output)

Select modulation mode between off, sine modulation and advanced. off0 Modulation Off: AWG Output goes directly to Signal Output. sine001 Sine 11: AWG Outputs 0 and 1 are both multiplied with Sine Generator signal 0. sine112 Sine 22: AWG Outputs 0 and 1 are both multiplied with Sine Generator signal 1. sine013 Sine 12: AWG Outputs 0 and 1 are multiplied with Sine Generator signal 0 and 1, respectively. sine104 Sine 21: AWG Outputs 0 and 1 are multiplied with Sine Generator signal 1 and 0, respectively. advanced5 Advanced: Output modulates corresponding sines from modulation carriers. mixer6 Mixer Calibration: The AWG outputs are multiplied with the sum or difference of Sine Generators multiplied by gains specified. The resulting output signal is AWG1*(Sine1*Gain1 - Sine2*Gain2) + AWG2*(Sine1*Gain2 + Sine2*Gain1).

/DEV/AWGS/n/READY Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_ready(awg => $awg)

AWG has a compiled wave form and is ready to be enabled.

/DEV/AWGS/n/RESET Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_reset(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_reset(awg => $awg)

Clears the configured AWG program and resets the state to not ready.

/DEV/AWGS/n/RTLOGGER/CLEAR Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_rtlogger_clear(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_rtlogger_clear(awg => $awg)

Clears the logger data.

/DEV/AWGS/n/RTLOGGER/ENABLE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_rtlogger_enable(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_rtlogger_enable(awg => $awg)

Activates the Real-time Logger.

/DEV/AWGS/n/RTLOGGER/MODE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_rtlogger_mode(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_rtlogger_mode(awg => $awg)

Selects the operation mode. normal0 Normal: Logger starts with the AWG and overwrites old values as soon as the memory limit of 1024 entries is reached. timestamp1 Timestamp-triggered: Logger starts with the AWG, waits for the first valid trigger, and only starts recording data after the time specified by the starttimestamp. Recording stops as soon as the memory limit of 1024 entries is reached.

/DEV/AWGS/n/RTLOGGER/STARTTIMESTAMP Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_rtlogger_starttimestamp(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_rtlogger_starttimestamp(awg => $awg)

Timestamp at which to start logging for timestamp-triggered mode.

/DEV/AWGS/n/RTLOGGER/STATUS Properties: Read Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_rtlogger_status(awg => $awg)

Operation state. idle0 Idle: Logger is not running. normal1 Normal: Logger is running in normal mode. ts_wait2 Wait for timestamp: Logger is in timestamp-triggered mode and waits for start timestamp. ts_active3 Active: Logger is in timestamp-triggered mode and logging. ts_full4 Log Full: Logger is in timestamp-triggered mode and has stopped logging because log is full. erasing5 Erasing: Log is being erased

/DEV/AWGS/n/RTLOGGER/TIMEBASE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: s

 get_awgs_rtlogger_timebase(awg => $awg)

Minimal time difference between two timestamps. The value matches the awg execution rate.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SEQUENCER/CONTINUE Properties: Read Write Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_sequencer_continue(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_sequencer_continue(awg => $awg)

Reserved for future use.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SEQUENCER/MEMORYUSAGE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 get_awgs_sequencer_memoryusage(awg => $awg)

Size of the current Sequencer program relative to the available instruction memory of 16 kInstructions (16'384 instructions).

/DEV/AWGS/n/SEQUENCER/NEXT Properties: Read Write Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_sequencer_next(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_sequencer_next(awg => $awg)

Reserved for future use.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SEQUENCER/PC Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_sequencer_pc(awg => $awg)

Current position in the list of sequence instructions during execution.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SEQUENCER/STATUS Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_sequencer_status(awg => $awg)

Status of the sequencer on the instrument. Bit 0: sequencer is running; Bit 1: reserved; Bit 2: sequencer is waiting for a trigger to arrive; Bit 3: AWG has detected an error; Bit 4: reserved.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SEQUENCER/TRIGGERED Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_sequencer_triggered(awg => $awg)

When 1, indicates that the AWG Sequencer has been triggered.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SINGLE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_single(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_single(awg => $awg)

Puts the AWG into single shot mode.

/DEV/AWGS/n/SWEEP/AWGTRIGS/m Properties: Read Write Type: Double(D) Unit: Dependent

 set_awgs_sweep_awgtrigs(awg => $awg, trig => $trig value => $value)
 get_awgs_sweep_awgtrigs(awg => $awg, trig => $trig)

Node used by the sweeper module for fast index sweeps. When selected as sweep grid the sweeper module will switch into a fast index based scan mode. This mode can be up to 1000 times faster than conventional node sweeps. The sequencer program must support this functionality. See section 'AWG Index Sweep' of the UHF user manual for more information. Note: This option was not available in the device used for developement, it is therefore untested.

/DEV/AWGS/n/TIME Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_time(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_time(awg => $awg)

AWG sampling rate. The numeric values here are an example when the base sample rate is the default value of 2.4 GHz and are rounded for display purposes. The exact values are equal to the base sampling rate divided by 2^n, where n is the node value. The base sample clock is the node /DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/SAMPLECLOCK/FREQ. This value is used by default and can be overridden in the Sequence program. 02.4 GHz 11.2 GHz 2600 MHz 3300 MHz 4150 MHz 575 MHz 637.50 MHz 718.75 MHz 89.38 MHz 94.69 MHz 102.34 MHz 111.17 MHz 12585.94 kHz 13292.97 kHz

/DEV/AWGS/n/USERREGS/m Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_userregs(awg => $awg, userregs=>$userregs, value => $value)
 get_awgs_userregs(awg => $awg, userregs=>$userregs)

Integer user register value. The sequencer has reading and writing access to the user register values during run time.

/DEV/AWGS/n/WAVEFORM/MEMORYUSAGE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: %

 get_awgs_waveform_memoryusage(awg => $awg)

Amount of the used waveform data relative to the device cache memory. The cache memory provides space for 256 kSa (262'144 Sa) per-channel of waveform data. Memory Usage over 100% means that waveforms must be loaded from the main memory of 64 or 512 MSa (67'108'864 Sa or 536'870'912 Sa) per-channel during playback.

/DEV/AWGS/n/WAVEFORM/PLAYING Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_awgs_waveform_playing(awg => $awg)

When 1, indicates if a waveform is being played currently.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ZSYNC/DECODER/MASK Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_zsync_decoder_mask(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_zsync_decoder_mask(awg => $awg)

8-bit value to select the bits of the message received on ZSync interface coming from the PQSC error decoder.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ZSYNC/DECODER/OFFSET Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_zsync_decoder_offset(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_zsync_decoder_offset(awg => $awg)

The additive offset applied to the message received on ZSync interface coming from the PQSC error decoder.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ZSYNC/DECODER/SHIFT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_zsync_decoder_shift(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_zsync_decoder_shift(awg => $awg)

The bit shift applied to the message received on ZSync interface coming from the PQSC error decoder.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ZSYNC/REGISTER/MASK Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_zsync_register_mask(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_zsync_register_mask(awg => $awg)

4-bit value to select the bits of the message received on ZSync interface coming from the PQSC readout registers.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ZSYNC/REGISTER/OFFSET Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_zsync_register_offset(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_zsync_register_offset(awg => $awg)

The additive offset applied to the message received on ZSync interface coming from the PQSC readout registers.

/DEV/AWGS/n/ZSYNC/REGISTER/SHIFT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_awgs_zsync_register_shift(awg => $awg, value => $value)
 get_awgs_zsync_register_shift(awg => $awg)

The bit shift applied to the message received on ZSync interface coming from the PQSC readout registers.

ClOCKBASE =head3 /DEV/CLOCKBASE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Hz


Returns the internal clock frequency of the device.

CNT Note: None of the functionality could be tested here since the module was missing in developement. =head3 /DEV/CNTS/n/ENABLE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_enable(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_enable(cnt => $cnt)

Enable the pulse counter unit. Note: This option was not available in the device used for developement, it is therefore untested.

/DEV/CNTS/n/GATESELECT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_gateselect(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_gateselect(cnt => $cnt)

Select the signal source used for enabling the counter in the Gated Free Running and Gated modes. trigin0, trigger_input0 0 Trigger/Ref Input 1 (front panel). trigin1, trigger_input1 1 Trigger/Ref Input 2 (front panel). trigin2, trigger_input2 2 Trigger Input 3 (rear panel). trigin3, trigger_input3 3 Trigger Input 4 (rear panel). awg_trigger04 AWG Trigger 1. awg_trigger15 AWG Trigger 2. awg_trigger26 AWG Trigger 3. awg_trigger37 AWG Trigger 4.

/DEV/CNTS/n/INPUTSELECT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_inputselect(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_inputselect(cnt => $cnt)

Select the counter signal source. 0DIO Bit 0. 1DIO Bit 1. 2DIO Bit 2. 3DIO Bit 3. 4DIO Bit 4. 5DIO Bit 5. 6DIO Bit 6. 7DIO Bit 7. 8DIO Bit 8. 9DIO Bit 9. 10DIO Bit 10. 11DIO Bit 11. 12DIO Bit 12. 13DIO Bit 13. 14DIO Bit 14. 15DIO Bit 15. 16DIO Bit 16. 17DIO Bit 17. 18DIO Bit 18. 19DIO Bit 19. 20DIO Bit 20. 21DIO Bit 21. 22DIO Bit 22. 23DIO Bit 23. 24DIO Bit 24. 25DIO Bit 25. 26DIO Bit 26. 27DIO Bit 27. 28DIO Bit 28. 29DIO Bit 29. 30DIO Bit 30. 31DIO Bit 31. trigin0, trigger_input0 32 Trigger/Ref Input 1 (front panel). trigin1, trigger_input1 33 Trigger/Ref Input 2 (front panel). trigin2, trigger_input2 34 Trigger Input 3 (rear panel). trigin3, trigger_input3 35 Trigger Input 4 (rear panel).

/DEV/CNTS/n/INTEGRATE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_integrate(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_integrate(cnt => $cnt)

Sum up counter values over time.

/DEV/CNTS/n/MODE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_mode(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_mode(cnt => $cnt)

Select the run mode of the counter unit. free_running1 Free Running: The counter runs on a repetitive time base defined by the Period field. At the beginning of each period the counter is reset, and at the end, the accumulated number of counts is output. gated_free_running2 Gated Free Running: The counter runs on a repetitive time base defined by the Period field. The Gate Input signal controls when the unit counter is allowed to run. The counter as well as the timer is reset when the Gate Input signal is low. The counter will only deliver new values if the Gate Input signal is high for a time longer than the configured Period. gated3 Gated: The counter is controlled with the Gate Input signal. The counter is enabled at the rising edge of the Gate Input signal and disabled at the falling edge. Pulses are counted as long as the counter is enabled. The accumulated number of counts is output on the falling edge of the Gate Input signal. time_tagging4 Time Tagging: Every pulse is detected individually and tagged with the time of the event. The Period defines the minimum hold-off time between the tagging of two subsequent pulses. If more than one pulse occurs within the window defined by the Period, then the pulses are accumulated and output at the end of the window. The Period effectively determines the maximum rate at which pulse information can be transmitted to the host PC.

/DEV/CNTS/n/OPERATION Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_operation(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_operation(cnt => $cnt)

Select the arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction) applied to the counter unit outputs. 'Other counter' refers to the grouping of the counter units: 1 with 2, and 3 with 4. none0 None add_other_counter1 Add Other Counter subtract_other_counter2 Subtract Other Counter

/DEV/CNTS/n/PERIOD Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: s

 set_cnts_period(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_period(cnt => $cnt)

Set the period used for the Free Running and Gated Free Running modes. Also sets the hold-off time for the Time Tagging mode.

/DEV/CNTS/n/TRIGFALLING Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_trigfalling(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_trigfalling(cnt => $cnt)

Performs a trigger event when the source signal crosses the trigger level from high to low. For dual edge triggering, select also the rising edge.

/DEV/CNTS/n/TRIGRISING Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_cnts_trigrising(cnt => $cnt, value => $value)
 get_cnts_trigrising(cnt => $cnt)

Performs a trigger event when the source signal crosses the trigger level from low to high. For dual edge triggering, select also the falling edge.

/DEV/CNTS/n/VALUE Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_cnts_value(cnt => $cnt)

Counter output value.

DIOS =head3 /DEV/DIOS/n/DRIVE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_dios_drive(dio => $dio, value => $value)
 get_dios_drive(dio => $dio)

When on (1), the corresponding 8-bit bus is in output mode. When off (0), it is in input mode. Bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte. For example, the value 1 drives the least significant byte, the value 8 drives the most significant byte.

/DEV/DIOS/n/INPUT Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_dios_input(dio => $dio)

Gives the value of the DIO input for those bytes where drive is disabled.

/DEV/DIOS/n/INTERFACE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_dios_interface(dio => $dio, value => $value)
 get_dios_interface(dio => $dio)

Selects the interface standard to use on the 32-bit DIO interface. A value of 0 means that a 3.3 V CMOS interface is used. A value of 1 means that an LVDS compatible interface is used.

/DEV/DIOS/n/MODE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_dios_mode(dio => $dio, value => $value)
 get_dios_mode(dio => $dio)

Select DIO mode manual0 Enables manual control of the DIO output bits. awg_sequencer_commands1 Enables setting the DIO output values by AWG sequencer commands and forwards DIO input values to the AWG sequencer. The DIO interface operates at a clock frequency of 150 MHz. dio_codeword2 Enables setting the DIO output values by AWG sequencer commands and forwards DIO input values to the AWG sequencer. This mode is equivalent to the mode AWG Sequencer, except for the DIO interface clock frequency which is set to 50 MHz. qccs3 Enables setting the DIO output values by the ZSync input values. Forwards the ZSync input values to the AWG sequencer. Forwards the DIO input values to the ZSync output. Select this mode when the instrument is connected via ZSync to a PQSC.

/DEV/DIOS/n/OUTPUT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_dios_output(dio => $dio, value => $value)
 get_dios_output(dio => $dio)

Sets the value of the DIO output for those bytes where 'drive' is enabled.


/DEV/FEATURES/CODE Properties: Write Type: String(B) Unit: None

 set_features_code(value => $value)

Node providing a mechanism to write feature codes. Could not test as no feature code had to be installed.

/DEV/FEATURES/DEVTYPE Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Returns the device type.

/DEV/FEATURES/OPTIONS Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Returns enabled options.

/DEV/FEATURES/SERIAL Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Device serial number.

/DEV/OSCS/n/FREQ Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: Hz

 set_oscs_freq(osc => $osc, value => $value)
 get_oscs_freq(osc => $osc)

Frequency control for each oscillator.

/DEV/OSCS/n/FREQAWG Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Hz

 get_oscs_freqawg(osc => $osc)

Frequency as set by the AWG sequencer.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/BUSY Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_sigouts_busy(sigout => $sigout)

Boolean value indicating whether a blocking process is being executed on the device. For example, locking to the external reference clock.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/DELAY Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: s

 set_sigouts_delay(sigout => $sigout, value => $value)
 get_sigouts_delay(sigout => $sigout)

This value allows to delay the output of the signal in order to align waves.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/DIRECT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_sigouts_direct(sigout => $sigout, value => $value)
 get_sigouts_direct(sigout => $sigout)

Enables the direct output path. If enabled the signal will be fed directly from the DAC, reducing delay and noise. However, the range will be fixed and offset is not available any more. amplified_path0 Amplified Path direct_path1 Direct Path

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/FILTER Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_sigouts_filter(sigout => $sigout, value => $value)
 get_sigouts_filter(sigout => $sigout)

Enables a filter stage in the amplified path.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/MAX Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 get_sigouts_max(sigout => $sigout)

Maximum value transmitted to the DAC represented as a 16-bit integer in two's complement format.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/MIN Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 get_sigouts_min(sigout => $sigout)

Minimum value transmitted to the DAC represented as a 16-bit integer in twos complement format.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/OFFSET Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 set_sigouts_offset(sigout => $sigout, value => $value)
 get_sigouts_offset(sigout => $sigout)

Defines the DC voltage that is added to the dynamic part of the output signal.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/ON Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_sigouts_on(sigout => $sigout, value => $value)
 get_sigouts_on(sigout => $sigout)

Enabling/Disabling the Signal Output. Corresponds to the blue LED indicator on the instrument front panel.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/OVER Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_sigouts_over(sigout => $sigout)

Indicates that the signal output is overloaded. /DEV/SIGOUTS/n/PRECOMPENSATION/BOUNCES/m/AMPLITUDE Properties:Read, Write, Setting Type:Double Unit: None Sets the amplitude of the bounce correction filter relative to the signal amplitude.

/DEV/SIGOUTS/n/RANGE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 set_sigouts_range(sigout => $sigout, value => $value)
 get_sigouts_range(sigout => $sigout)

Sets the output voltage range. The instrument selects the next higher available range.

/DEV/SINES/n/AMPLITUDES/m Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: None

 set_sines_amplitudes(sine => $sine, amplitude=> $amplitude, value => $value)
 get_sines_amplitudes(sine => $sine, amplitude=>$amplitude)

Sets the peak amplitude that the sine signal contributes to the signal output. Note that the last index is either 0 or 1 and will map to the pair of outputs given by the first index. (e.g. sines/3/ amplitudes/0 corresponds to wave output 2)

/DEV/SINES/n/ENABLES/m Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_sines_enables(sine => $sine, amplitude=>$amplitude,value => $value)
 get_sines_enables(sine => $sine, amplitude=>$amplitude)

Enables the sine signal to the signal output. Note that the last index is either 0 or 1 and will map to the pair of outputs given by the first index. (e.g. sines/3/amplitudes/0 corresponds to wave output 2)

/DEV/SINES/n/HARMONIC Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_sines_harmonic(sine => $sine, value => $value)
 get_sines_harmonic(sine => $sine)

Multiplies the sine signals reference frequency with the integer factor defined by this field.

/DEV/SINES/n/OSCSELECT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_sines_oscselect(sine => $sine, value => $value)
 get_sines_oscselect(sine => $sine)

Select oscillator for generation of this sine signal.

/DEV/SINES/n/PHASESHIFT Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: deg

 set_sines_phaseshift(sine => $sine, value => $value)
 get_sines_phaseshift(sine => $sine)

Phase shift applied to sine signal.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/BANDWIDTH Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Mbit/s


Command streaming bandwidth usage on the physical network connection between device and data server.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/BYTESRECEIVED Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: B


Number of bytes received on the command stream from the device since session start.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/BYTESSENT Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: B


Number of bytes sent on the command stream from the device since session start.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/PACKETSLOST Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of command packets lost since device start. Command packets contain device settings that are sent to and received from the device.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/PACKETSRECEIVED Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of packets received on the command stream from the device since session start.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/PACKETSSENT Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of packets sent on the command stream to the device since session start.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/PENDING Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of buffers ready for receiving command packets from the device.

/DEV/STATS/CMDSTREAM/PROCESSING Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of buffers being processed for command packets. Small values indicate proper performance. For a TCP/IP interface, command packets are sent using the TCP protocol.

/DEV/STATS/DATASTREAM/BANDWIDTH Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Mbit/s


Data streaming bandwidth usage on the physical network connection between device and data server.

/DEV/STATS/DATASTREAM/BYTESRECEIVED Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: B


Number of bytes received on the data stream from the device since session start.

/DEV/STATS/DATASTREAM/PACKETSLOST Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of data packets lost since device start. Data packets contain measurement data.

/DEV/STATS/DATASTREAM/PACKETSRECEIVED Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of packets received on the data stream from the device since session start.

/DEV/STATS/DATASTREAM/PENDING Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of buffers ready for receiving data packets from the device.

/DEV/STATS/DATASTREAM/PROCESSING Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Number of buffers being processed for data packets. Small values indicate proper performance. For a TCP/IP interface, data packets are sent using the UDP protocol.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/FPGA/AUX Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: V


Supply voltage of the FPGA.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/FPGA/CORE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: V


Core voltage of the FPGA.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/FPGA/TEMP Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Celsius


Internal temperature of the FPGA.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/OVERTEMPERATURE Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


This flag is set to 1 if the temperature of the FPGA exceeds 85 Celsius. It will be reset to 0 after a restart of the device.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/POWER/CURRENTS/n Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: A

 get_stats_physical_power_currents(current => $current)

Currents of the main power supply.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/POWER/TEMPERATURES/n Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Celsius

 get_stats_physical_power_temperatures(temperature =>$temperature)

Temperatures of the main power supply.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/POWER/VOLTAGES/n Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 get_stats_physical_power_voltages(voltage => $voltage)

Voltages of the main power supply.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/SLAVEFPGAS/n/AUX Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 get_stats_physical_slavefpgas_aux(slavefpga => $slavefpga)

Supply voltage of the FPGA.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/SLAVEFPGAS/n/CORE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 get_stats_physical_slavefpgas_core(slavefpga => $slavefpga)

Core voltage of the FPGA.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/SLAVEFPGAS/n/TEMP Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Celsius

 get_stats_physical_slavefpgas_temp(slavefpga => $slavefpga)

Internal temperature of the FPGA.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/TEMPERATURES/n Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Celsius

 get_stats_physical_temperatures(temperature => $temperature)

Internal temperature measurements.

/DEV/STATS/PHYSICAL/VOLTAGES/n Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 get_stats_physical_voltages(voltage => $voltage)

Internal voltage measurements.

/DEV/STATUS/ADC0MAX Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


The maximum value on Signal Input 1 (ADC0) during 100 ms.

/DEV/STATUS/ADC0MIN Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


The minimum value on Signal Input 1 (ADC0) during 100 ms

/DEV/STATUS/ADC1MAX Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


The maximum value on Signal Input 2 (ADC1) during 100 ms.

/DEV/STATUS/ADC1MIN Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


The minimum value on Signal Input 2 (ADC1) during 100 ms

/DEV/STATUS/FIFOLEVEL Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None


USB FIFO level: Indicates the USB FIFO fill level inside the device. When 100%, data is lost

/DEV/STATUS/FLAGS/BINARY Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


A set of binary flags giving an indication of the state of various parts of the device. Bit 11: Sample Loss.

/DEV/STATUS/FLAGS/PACKETLOSSTCP Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Flag indicating if tcp packages have been lost.

/DEV/STATUS/FLAGS/PACKETLOSSUDP Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Flag indicating if udp packages have been lost.

/DEV/STATUS/TIME Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


The current timestamp.

/DEV/SYSTEM/ACTIVEINTERFACE Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Currently active interface of the device.

/DEV/SYSTEM/AWG/CHANNELGROUPING Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_awg_channelgrouping(value => $value)

Sets the channel grouping mode of the device. groups_of_20 Use the outputs in groups of 2. One sequencer program controls 2 outputs (use /dev/awgs/0..4/). groups_of_41 Use the outputs in groups of 4. One sequencer program controls 4 outputs (use /dev/awgs/0/ and /dev/awgs/2/) 2groups_of_8 Use the outputs in groups of 8. One sequencer program controls 8 outputs (use /dev/awgs/0/). Requires 8 channel device.

/DEV/SYSTEM/AWG/OSCILLATORCONTROL Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_awg_oscillatorcontrol(value => $value)

Sets the oscillator control mode. api0 Oscillators are controlled by the UI/API. awg_sequencer1 Oscillators are controlled by the AWG sequencer.

/DEV/SYSTEM/BOARDREVISIONS/n Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Hardware revision of the FPGA base board

/DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/REFERENCECLOCK/FREQ Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: Hz


Indicates the frequency of the reference clock.

/DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/REFERENCECLOCK/SOURCE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_clocks_referenceclock_source(value => $value)

Reference clock source. internal0 The internal clock is used as the frequency and time base reference. external1 An external clock is intended to be used as the frequency and time base reference. Provide a clean and stable 10MHz or 100MHz reference to the appropriate back panel connector. 2zsync A ZSync clock is intended to be used as the frequency and time base reference.

/DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/REFERENCECLOCK/STATUS Properties: Read Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None


Status of the reference clock. 0Reference clock has been locked on. 1There was an error locking onto the reference clock signal. After an error the source is automatically switched back to internal reference clock. 2The device is busy trying to lock onto the reference clock signal.

/DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/SAMPLECLOCK/FREQ Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: Hz

 set_system_clocks_sampleclock_freq(value => $value)

Indicates the frequency of the sample clock. Changing the sample clock temporarily interrupts the AWG sequencers.

/DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/SAMPLECLOCK/OUTPUTENABLE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_clocks_sampleclock_outputenable(value => $value)

Enable the sampleclock output. on0 Sample clock output is disabled. off1 Sample clock output is enabled.

/DEV/SYSTEM/CLOCKS/SAMPLECLOCK/STATUS Properties: Read Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None


Status of the sample clock. 0Sample clock signal is valid and has been locked on. 1There was an error adjusting the sample clock. 2The device is busy trying to adjust the sample clock.

/DEV/SYSTEM/FPGAREVISION Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


HDL firmware revision.

/DEV/SYSTEM/FWLOGENABLE Properties: Read Write Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_fwlogenable(value => $value)

Enables logging to the fwlog node.

/DEV/SYSTEM/FWREVISION Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Revision of the device-internal controller software.

/DEV/SYSTEM/FX3REVISION Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


USB firmware revision.

/DEV/SYSTEM/IDENTIFY Properties: Read Write Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_identify(value => $value)

Setting this node to 1 will cause the device to blink the power led for a few seconds.

/DEV/SYSTEM/INTERFACESPEED Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Speed of the currently active interface (USB only).

/DEV/SYSTEM/KERNELTYPE Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Returns the type of the data server kernel (mdk or hpk).

/DEV/SYSTEM/OWNER Properties: Read Type: String(B) Unit: None


Returns the current owner of the device (IP).

/DEV/SYSTEM/POWERCONFIGDATE Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Contains the date of power configuration (format is: (year << 16) | (month << 8) | day)

/DEV/SYSTEM/PRESET/BUSY Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Indicates if presets are currently loaded.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PRESET/ERROR Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Indicates if the last operation was illegal. Successful: 0, Error: 1.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PRESET/LOAD Properties: Read Write Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_preset_load(value => $value)

Load the selected preset.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PROPERTIES/FREQRESOLUTION Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


The number of bits used to represent a frequency.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PROPERTIES/FREQSCALING Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None


The scale factor to use to convert a frequency represented as a freqresolution-bit integer to a floating point value.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PROPERTIES/MAXFREQ Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None


The maximum oscillator frequency that can be set.



The maximum demodulator time constant that can be set. Only relevant for lock-in amplifiers.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PROPERTIES/MINFREQ Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: None


The minimum oscillator frequency that can be set.



The minimum demodulator time constant that can be set. Only relevant for lock-in amplifiers.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PROPERTIES/NEGATIVEFREQ Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


Indicates whether negative frequencies are supported.

/DEV/SYSTEM/PROPERTIES/TIMEBASE Properties: Read Type: Double(D) Unit: s


Minimal time difference between two timestamps. The value is equal to 1/(maximum sampling rate).

/DEV/SYSTEM/SAVEPORTS Properties: Read Write Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_system_saveports(value => $value)

Flag indicating that the TCP and UDP ports should be saved.

/DEV/SYSTEM/SLAVEREVISION Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None


HDL firmware revision of the slave FPGA.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/IN/n/IMP50 Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_triggers_in_imp50(in => $in, value => $value)
 get_triggers_in_imp50(in => $in)

Trigger input impedance: When on, the trigger input impedance is 50 Ohm, when off 1 k Ohm.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/IN/n/LEVEL Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: V

 set_triggers_in_level(in => $in, value => $value)
 get_triggers_in_level(in => $in)

Trigger voltage level at which the trigger input toggles between low and high. Use 50% amplitude for digital input and consider the trigger hysteresis.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/IN/n/VALUE Properties: Read Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 get_triggers_in_value(in => $in)

Shows the trigger input. The value integrated over some time. Values are 1: low, 2: high, 3: was low and high in the period.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/OUT/n/DELAY Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: s

 set_triggers_out_delay(out => $out, value => $value)
 get_triggers_out_delay(out => $out)

Trigger delay, controls the fine delay of the trigger output. The resolution is 78 ps.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/OUT/n/SOURCE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (enumerated)(I) Unit: None

 set_triggers_out_source(out => $out, value => $value)
 get_triggers_out_source(out => $out)

Assign a signal to a marker. awg_trigger00 Trigger output is assigned to AWG Trigger 1, controlled by AWG sequencer commands. awg_trigger11 Trigger output is assigned to AWG Trigger 2, controlled by AWG sequencer commands. awg_trigger22 Trigger output is assigned to AWG Trigger 3, controlled by AWG sequencer commands. awg_trigger33 Trigger output is assigned to AWG Trigger 4, controlled by AWG sequencer commands. output0_marker04 Output is assigned to Output 1 Marker 1. output0_marker15 Output is assigned to Output 1 Marker 2. 6output1_marker0 Output is assigned to Output 2 Marker 1. output1_marker17 Output is assigned to Output 2 Marker 2. trigin0, trigger_input0 8 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 1. trigin1, trigger_input1 9 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 2. trigin2, trigger_input2 10 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 3. trigin3, trigger_input3 11 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 4. trigin4, trigger_input4 12 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 5. trigin5, trigger_input5 13 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 6. trigin6, trigger_input6 14 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 7. trigin7, trigger_input7 15 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 8. high17 Output is set to high. low18 Output is set to low.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/STREAMS/n/ENABLE Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_triggers_streams_enable(stream => $stream, value => $value)
 get_triggers_streams_enable(stream => $stream)

Enables trigger streaming.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/STREAMS/n/HOLDOFFTIME Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Double(D) Unit: s

 set_triggers_streams_holdofftime(stream => $stream, value => $value)
 get_triggers_streams_holdofftime(stream => $stream)

Sets the holdoff time of the trigger unit.

/DEV/TRIGGERS/STREAMS/n/MASK Properties: Read Write Setting Type: Integer (64 bit)(I) Unit: None

 set_triggers_streams_mask(stream => $stream, value => $value)
 get_triggers_streams_mask(stream => $stream)

Masks triggers for the current stream. The mask is bit encoded where bit 0..7 are the input triggers and bit 8..11 are AWG triggers.


This software is copyright (c) 2024 by the Lab::Measurement team; in detail:

  Copyright 2023       Andreas K. Huettel, Erik Fabrizzi

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.