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Log::LogMethods - Writes your logging code for you!


package test_moo;

use Moo;
BEGIN { with qw(Log::LogMethods) }
sub test_always : BENCHMARK_ALWAYS { ...  }

my $logger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__);
my $class=new test_moo(logger=>$logger);

Log4Perl Sugested PatternLayout

To get everything you were expecting from classes that extend this one, use the following PatternLayout:

%H %P %d %p %f %k %S [%h] %s %b %j %B%n

The above format will produce logs like this:

d00nappu0019 108201 2017/03/13 18:36:45 INFO t/Log-LogMethods.t 292 test_header::res_info [HEADER TEST] Starting 1
d00nappu0019 108201 2017/03/13 18:36:45 ERROR t/Log-LogMethods.t 292 test_header::res_info [HEADER TEST] error message 1 
d00nappu0019 108201 2017/03/13 18:36:45 INFO t/Log-LogMethods.t 292 test_header::res_info [HEADER TEST] Finished 1 elapsed 0.000362

Log4Perl Custom PatternLayouts

Since log4perl can get pertty confused with what the (package::method and line) number should be from Log::LogMethods, the following Custom PatternLayout have been added:

| Layout | Replaces | Description                      |
| %f     |   %F     | File the alert came from         |
| %s     |   %m     | actual Message                   |
| %k     |   %L     | Line Number ( if any )           |
| %S     |          | fully qualified package::method  |
| %v     |   %C     | package                          |

Special case PatternLayouts

| %h     | Log Header value ( if any )            |
| %b     | Benchmark recursion_level              |
| %B     | Benchmaked time in microseconds        |
| %j     | set to "elapsed" for benchmark methods |


This library provides a common logging interfcaes that expects: Log::Log4perl::Logger or something that extends those features.

Get and set log levels

If you want to manualy get/set log levels

use Log::Log4perl::Level;

if($self->level!=$WARN) { $self->level($WARN) }

OO Methods provided

This class adds the following arguments and accessors to any class that loads using 'with';

logger:  DOES(Log::Log4perl::Logger)

When the object DOES Log::Log4perl::Logger, the correct Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__) call will be done. If you wish to modify the logger method, use an around declaration. This will keep the trigger $self->_trigger_logger($logger|undef) in tact.


around logger=>sub {
  my ($code,$self,$logger)=@_;

  if(defined($logger)) {

    # Do something here
    return $org->($self,$logger);
  } else {
    return $org->($self);

If you wish to just disable the trigger globally, you just disable it using the following flag.

  • $self->log_error("Some error");

    This is a lazy man's wrapper function for

    my $log=$self->logger;
    $log->log_error("Some error") if $log; 
  • $log->log_die("Log this and die");

    Logs the given message then dies.

  • $self->log_always("Some msg");

    This is a lazy man's wrapper function for

    my $log=$self->logger;
    $log->log_always("Some msg") if $log; 
  • my $string=$self->log_header;

    This is a stub function that allows a quick addin for logging, the string returned will be inserted after the log_level in the log file if this function is created.

  • $self->log_warn("Some msg");

    This is a lazy man's wrapper function for:

    my $log=$self->logger;
    $log->log_warn("Some msg") if $log; 
  • $self->log_info("Some msg");

    This is a lazy man's wrapper function for:

    my $log=$self->logger;
    $log->log_info("Some msg") if $log; 
  • $self->log_debug("Some msg");

    This is a lazy man's wrapper function for:

    my $log=$self->logger;
    $log->log_debug("Some msg") if $log; 


Logging attributes can be set for a given function. All logging wrappers autmatically log failed Data::Result objects as log_level ERROR.


These attributes provide the baseic Starting and Ending log entries for a given function.

  • sub some_method : RESULT_ALWAYS { ... }

    Will always produce a start and end log entry

  • sub some_method : RESULT_ERROR { ... }

    Will always produce a starting and ending log entry at log level ERROR.

  • sub some_method : RESULT_WARN { ... }

    Will always produce a starting and ending log entry at log level WARN.

  • sub some_method : RESULT_INFO { ... }

    Will always produce a starting and ending log entry at log level INFO.

  • sub some_method : RESULT_DEBUG { ... }

    Will always produce a starting and ending log entry at log level DEBUG.


Functions can be declared with a given benchmark method.


    Declares Start and End log entries for the given function, along with a benchmark timestamp. Benchmark time differences are in microseconds.

  • sub method : BENCHMARK_ALWAYS { ... }

    Always benchmark this method.

  • sub method : BENCHMARK_ERROR { ... }

    Only benchmark this function if log level is >= ERROR

  • sub method : BENCHMARK_WARN { ... }

    Only benchmark this function if log level is >= WARN

  • sub method : BENCHMARK_INFO { ... }

    Only benchmark this function if log level is >= INFO

  • sub method : BENCHMARK_DEBUG { ... }

    Only benchmark this function if log level is >= DEBUG


This section documents internal methods.

  • $self->MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES($code,$att)

    Method that generates the wrapper funcitons.


    code: glob to overwrite
    att:  The Attribute being overwritten
  • $self->_attribute_result_common( $stack,$level,$code );

    Compile time code, generates basic Startin Finsihed log messages for a given "LEVEL" and also creates ERROR Log entries if the object returned DOES('Data::Result') and is in an error state.


    stack: stack hashref
    code:  code ref to replcae
  • $self->_attribute_benchmark_common( $stack,$level,$code);

    Compile time code, generates Benchmarking log for a given function: Startin Finsihed log messages for a given "LEVEL" and also creates ERROR Log entries if the object returned DOES('Data::Result') and is in an error state.


    stack: stack hashref
    code:  code ref to replcae
  • $self->log_to_log4perl($level,$stack,@args)

    Low level Automatic logger selection.


    level: Log level (ALWAYS|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG)
    stack: number or hashref $trace
    args:  argument list for logging
  • $self->data_result_auto_log_error($stack,$result);

    Creates a required log entry for a false Data::Result object


    stack:  level or $trace
    result: Object, if DOES('Data::Result') and !$result->is_true a log entry is created
  • my $strace=$self->strack_trace_to_level($number)

    Given the number, trturns the currect $trace


    sub:      Name of the function
    filename: source file
    package:  Package name
    line:     Line number
  • if($self->log_to_log4perl($level,$trace,@args)) { ... }

    Low Level check and log to log4perl logger object


    level: Log Level (ALWAYS|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG) 
    trace: level number or $trace
    args:  list of strings to log

Method Generation

This section documents the code generation methods

  • $self->_create_is_check($name,$level)

    Generates the "is_xxx" method based on $name and $level.


    name:  Human readable word such as: DEBUG
    level: Levels come from Log::Log4perl::Level
  • $self->_create_logging_methods($name,$level)

    Generates the logging methods based on $name and $level.


    name:  Human readable word such as: DEBUG
    level: Levels come from Log::Log4perl::Level

log level checks

The logging and is_xxx methods are auto generated based on the key/value pairs in %Log::LogMethods::LEVEL_MAP.

  • if($self->is_always) { ... }

  • if($self->is_error) { ... }

  • if($self->is_warning) { ... }

  • if($self->is_info) { ... }

  • if($self->is_debug) { ... }

  • if($self->is_default_debug) { ... }

  • if($self->is_trace) { ... }

Logging methods

The following methods are autogenerated based on the key/value pairs in %Log::LogMethods::LEVEL_MAP.

  • $self->always("Some log entry")

  • $self->error("Some log entry")

  • $self->warning("Some log entry")

  • $self->info("Some log entry")

  • $self->debug("Some log entry")

  • $self->default_debug("Some log entry")

  • $self->trace("Some log entry")