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HTTP::MultiGet::Role - Role for building blocking/non-blocking AnyEvent friendly REST Clients


package My::Rest::Class;

use Modern::Perl;
use Moo;
BEGIN { with 'HTTP::MultiGet::Role' }

sub que_some_request {
  my ($self,$cb)=@_;
  my $request=HTTP::Request->new(GET=>'https://some_json_endpoint');
  return $self->queue_request($request,$cb);

Blocking Example

# blocking context
use My::Rest::Class;

my $self=new My::Rest::Class;
my $result=$self->some_request;
die $result unless $result;

NonBlocking Example

# non blocking
use AnyEvent::Loop;
use My::Rest::Class;

my $self=new My::Rest::Class;
my $id=$self->some_request(sub {
  my ($self,$id,$result,$request,$response)=@_;



In the real world we are often confronted with a situation of needing and or wanting blocking and non-blocking code, but we normally only have time to develop one or the other. This class provided an AnyEvent friendly framework that solves some of the issues involved in creating both with 1 code base.

The solution presented by this module is to simply develop the non blocking interface and dynamically AUTOLOAD the blocking interface as needed. One of the major advantages of this model of coding is it becomes possible to create asyncronous calls in what looks like syncronous code.

More documentation comming soon.. time permitting.

OO Declarations

This section documents the Object Declarations. ALl of these arguments are optional and autogenerated on demand if not passed into the constructor.

agnet: AnyEvent::HTTP::MultiGet object
json: JSON object

Run Time State Settings ( modify at your own risk!! )

is_blocking: Boolean ( denotes if we are in a blocking context or not )
block_for_more: array ref of additoinal ids to block for in a blocking context
pending: hash ref that outbound request objects
result_map: hash ref that contains the inbound result objects
false_id: int( -1 by default ) used to create job ids for non blocking results
jobs: anonymous hash, used to keep our results that never hit IO

OO Methods

  • my $result=$self->new_true({qw( some data )});

    Returns a new true Data::Result object.

  • my $result=$self->new_false("why this failed")

    Returns a new false Data::Result object

  • my $code=$self->cb;

    Internal object used to construct the global callback used for all http responses. You may need to overload this method in your own class.

  • my $result=$self->parse_response($request,$response);

    Returns a Data::Result object, if true it contains the parsed result object, if false it contains why it failed. If you are doing anything other than parsing json on a 200 response you will need to overload this method.

  • my $id=$self->queue_request($request,$cb|undef);

    Returns an Id for the qued request. If $cb is undef then the default internal blocking callback is used.

  • my $id=$self->queue_result($cb,$result);

    Alows for result objects to be placed in a result set without ever being executed.

  • my $results=$self->block_on_ids(@ids);

    Scalar context returns an array ref.

  • my @results=$self->block_on_ids(@ids);

    Returns a list of array refrences.

    Each List refrence contains the follwing

    0: Data::Result 
    1: HTTP::Request
    2: HTTP::Result


    my @results=$self->block_on_ids(@ids);
    foreach my $set (@results) {
      my ($result,$request,$response)=@{$set};
      } else {
  • $self->add_ids_for_blocking(@ids);

    This method solves the chicken and the egg senerio when a calback generates other callbacks. In a non blocking context this is fine, but in a blocking context there are 2 things to keep in mind: 1. The jobs created by running the inital request didn't exist when the id was created. 2. The outter most callback id must always be used when processing the final callback or things get wierd.

    The example here is a litteral copy paste from Net::AppDynamics::REST

    sub que_walk_all {
      my ($self,$cb)=@_;
      my $state=1;
      my $data={};
      my $total=0;
      my @ids;
      my $app_cb=sub {
        my ($self,$id,$result,$request,$response)=@_;
        if($result) {
          foreach my $obj (@{$result->get_data}) {
            $data->{applications}->{$obj->{name}}=[] unless exists $data->{applications}->{$obj->{name}};
            push @{$data->{applications}->{$obj->{name}}},$obj->{id};
            foreach my $method (qw(que_list_nodes que_list_tiers que_list_business_transactions)) {
              my $code=sub {
                my ($self,undef,$result,$request,$response)=@_;
                return unless $state;
                return ($cb->($self,$id,$result,$request,$response,$method,$obj),$state=0) unless $result;
                foreach my $sub_obj (@{$result->get_data}) {
                  my $target=$method;
                  $target=~ s/^que_list_//;
                  foreach my $field (qw(name machineName)) {
                    next unless exists $sub_obj->{$field};
                    my $name=uc($sub_obj->{$field});
                    $data->{$target}->{$name}=[] unless exists $data->{$target}->{$name};
                    push @{$data->{$target}->{$name}},$sub_obj->{id};
                if($total==0) {
                  return ($cb->($self,$id,$self->new_true($data),$request,$response,'que_walk_all',$obj),$state=0)
              push @ids,$self->$method($code,$obj->{id});
        } else {
          return $cb->($self,$id,$result,$request,$response,'que_list_applications',undef);
      return $self->que_list_applications($app_cb);
  • my $code=$self->block_cb($id,$result,$request,$response);

    For internal use Default callback method used for all que_ methods.

  • my $cb=$self->get_block_cb

    For Internal use, Returns the default blocking callback: \&block_cbblock_cb

Non-Blocking Interfaces

Every Non-Blocking method has a contrasting blocking method that does not accept a code refrence. All of the blocking interfaces are auto generated using AUTOLOAD. This section documents the non blocking interfaces.

All Non Blocking methods provide the following arguments to the callback.

my $code=sub {
  my ($self,$id,$result,$request,$response)=@_;
  if($result) {
    print Dumper($result->get_data);
  } else {
   warn $result;


The code refrence $code will be calld when the HTTP::Response has been recived.

Callback variables

  This Net::AppDynamics::REST Object
  The Job ID ( used internally )
  A Data::Result Object, when true it contains the results, when false it contains why things failed
  HTTP::Requst Object that was sent to SolarWinds to make this request
  HTTP::Result Object that represents the response from SolarWinds

Blocking Interfaces

All Blocking interfaces are generated with the AUTOLOAD method. Each method that begins with que_xxx can be calld in a blocking method.


# my $id=$self->que_list_applications(sub {});

# can called as a blocking method will simply return the Data::Result object
my $result=$self->list_applications;

See Also



Michael Shipper mailto:AKALINUX@CPAN.ORG