get_sequence_type - Given an assembly find the MLST sequence type.
version 2.1.1630714
Given Fasta files and a Species regex, lookup the relevant MLST database and output the sequence type to a file. It requires NBCI Blast+ to be available in your PATH.
# Basic usage, sequence type result written to
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" my_assembly.fa
# Multiple fasta files
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" myfasta.fa anotherfasta.fa yetanother.fa
# or
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" *.fa
# Split into 8 parallel processes (much faster), default is 2
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" -d 8 *.fa
# output a fasta file with the concatenated alleles and unknown sequences
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" -c my_assembly.fa
# output a phylip file with the concatenated alleles and unknown sequences
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" -y my_assembly.fa
# Specify an output directory
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium difficile" -o /path/to/results my_assembly.fa
# Match against multiple MLST databases
get_sequence_type -s "Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium difficile" my_assembly.fa
# Match against all MLST databases
get_sequence_type my_assembly.fa
# list all available MLST databases
get_sequence_type -a
# This help message
get_sequence_type -h
# print version
get_sequence_type -v
Andrew J. Page <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007