clio - Command Line Input/Output with sockets and HTTP


version 0.01


$ cpanm Clio                    # install
$ vim ~/clio.conf               # configure
$ CLIO_CONFIG=~/clio.conf clio  # run


Clio will allow you to connect to your command line utilities over network socket and HTTP.


    User nobody
    Group nobody

    PidFile /var/run/


    # Echo chamber
    Exec "cat -"

    # or watch you log files
    # Exec "tail -f /var/log/{maillog,messages,secure}"

    # or run top in batch mode
    # Exec "top -b"

    # or shell backdoor
    # Exec "sh -s"

    StartCommands          0
    MinSpareCommands       0
    MaxSpareCommands       0
    MaxCommands            20
    MaxClientsPerCommand   10

    InputFilter  LineEnd
    OutputFilter  +MyClio::OutputFilter

# HTTP server with WebSocket clients
    Listen 0:12345

    Class HTTP

    # HTTP server Plack app wrapper 
    Builder /var/www/clio/plack.psgi

        Class WebSocket

        InputFilter  +MyClio::InputFilter::Uppercase
        OutputFilter LineEnd

    Class Log4perl
        log4perl.logger=Error, Log


There are folowing main configuration blocks:


If <Daemon> is present then clio process will daemonize itself.

  • User

  • Group

    Specify user and group under which the server will answer requests.

  • PidFile

    Path to pid file.


Configuration block of command to be executed.

  • Exec

    Command to be executed.

  • StartCommands

    Number of command processes created at startup.

  • MinSpareCommands

    Minimum number of idle command processes.

  • MaxSpareCommands

    Maximum number of idle command processes.

  • MaxCommands

    Maximum number of running command processes.

  • MaxClientsPerCommand

    Maximum number of connected client processes per command.

  • InputFilter

  • OutputFilter

    Optional name of the packages used to filter command's input and output.

    If name does not start with + then Clio::Process prefix will be used to load specified filter, eg Clio::ProcessInputFilter::LineEnd.


  • Listen

    IP address and port that the server listens to.

  • Class

    Name of the package acting as server.

    If name does not start with + then Clio::Server:: prefix will be used to load specified filter, eg Clio::Server::HTTP.

    Servers may specify additional parameters, eg. Clio::Server::HTTP allows Builder option.

  • Builder

    Optional path to file returning Plack application - object with to_app() method or simply PSGI applicationcode reference, see examples/ dir.

    Note: option used by Clio::Server::HTTP only.

  • Client

    Inner block defining Server's Client options.

    • Class

      Name of the package acting as client.

      If name does not start with + then resolved Server's Class prefix + ::Client:: will be used to load specified filter, eg Clio::Server::HTTP::Client::WebSocket.

    • InputFilter

    • OutputFilter

      Optional name of the packages used to filter client's input and output.


Log configuration block.

  • Class

    Name of the package acting as logger.

    If name does not start with + then Clio::Log:: prefix will be used to load specified filter, eg Clio::Log::Log4perl.

  • Config

    Class specific configuration.


Alex J. G. Burzyński <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Alex J. G. Burzyński <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.