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Replication::Recall::DBServer - Database replication server.


use Replication::Recall::DBServer;
my $port = 8500;

my $server = new Replication::Recall::DBServer 
  ( Replicas    => ["$port","$port","$port"], 
    DSN         => 'DBI:mysql:database=replica1;host=localhost;port=',
    StopServer  => sub { system ("mysqladmin shutdown") },
    StartServer => sub { system ("start-stop-daemon --start -b -x /usr/bin/safe_mysqld") },
    SyncPath    => '/var/lib/mysql/replica1/', 
    SyncCmd     => 'ssh -l mysql',
    Debug       => 1

unless (fork) { $server->run() }



This module interfaces to Recall, a data replication library written by Eric Newton, to enable the setup of replicated database servers.

Recall is based on a data replication algorithm developed at DEC's SRC for the Echo filesystem. It implements a fast protocol with low network overhead and guranteed fault tolerance as long as n of 2n+1 replica nodes are up.

The Replication::Recall::DBServer module provides the functionality needed to set up replication servers to be accessed through the DBD::Recall module.

You'll probably need root access, or at least access to restart your database server, to make this work properly. You probably don't want to use the same database server to host databases other than the replicated one because Replication::Recall::DBServer will stop and restart the server during replica recovery.

Further - if you want to use Replication::Recall::DBServer with PostgreSQL, you'll definitely have to dedicate an entire PostgreSQL "database system" to the replicated database. This is necessary because PostgreSQL maintains unique object identifiers across an entire database system, which can't be kept consistent across replicas otherwise.

It's a good idea to never access or update replicas without going through the replication system, or you may end up with lost or inconsistent data, unless you really know what you're doing.

I've only tried Replication::Recall::DBServer with MySQL so far on Debian GNU/Linux. If you get it to work with another database engine or on another operating system, please email me about your experiences so I can include information about your platform in future releases.


new ()

Creates a new replication server object. Takes a hash argument list with the following keys:


A reference to an array of all the replica servers in this replica set, in hostname:port format.


The DBI format DSN (Data Source Name) for the actual underlying database to be used by this replica. This is what you'd pass to DBI's connect() method if you were using a plain old DBD driver to access this replica of the database.


A code reference to a routine that will stop the database server during the final stage of bringing this replica up to date with the others in the set.


A code reference to a routine that will start the database server after the final stage of bringing this replica up to date with the others in the set. It's probably wise to arrange for this code to completely dissociate the new database server processes from your script's program group, so that they don't die if the perl process does.


The path to the directory that should be rsynced during replica recovery. This filesystem-based method of syncing replicas is a hack, admittedly, but it's the most generally applicable method I could think of. It might not work with database systems that don't keep all their database information in one neat directory tree. If you come up against a limitation of this sync method, I'd like to hear about it.


The command to use to establish a connection to the master replica while rsyncing. This must establish an 8-bit clean link suitable for rsync to work across, and should be totally non-interactive, so you need to set up your ssh keys or (if you don't give a damn about security) .rhosts access accordingly.


Set true to see a whole bunch of debugging information.



Run the server. Doesn't return if all goes well.


  • There must be loads. Let me know if you find some.


DBD::Recall is Copyright (c) 2000 Ashish Gulhati <>. All Rights Reserved.


Thanks to Barkha for inspiration, laughs and all 'round good times; and to Eric Newton, Gurusamy Sarathy, Larry Wall, Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds for all the great software.


This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This is free software. If it breaks, you own both parts.