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Persistence::Database::SQL - Object Persistence in SQL Databases.


use Persistence::Database::SQL;

my $db = new Persistence::Database::SQL
  ( Engine => 'Postgres',
    Database => $database_name, 
    Table => $table_name,
    Template => $template_hashref );

my (@objects) = $db->search
  ( Key => $key,
    Regex => $regex );

for $obj (@objects) {

my $dbhandle = $db->handle();

my $query = "SELECT oid,* FROM $table_name WHERE $field=$value";
my $result = $dbhandle->exec ($query);
while (@row = $result->fetchrow()) {
  my $obj = new Persistence::Object::Postgres
    ( __Dope => $self,
      __Oid => $row[0] );


This module provides a store of persistent objects using various DBMS engines. It works in association with a lower level persistent object implementation, such as Persistence::Object::Postgres.

Using a template mapping object properties to PostgreSQL class fields, it is possible to automatically generate DBMS fields out of the object data, which allows you to use SQL indexing and querying facilities on your database of persistent objects.



Creates a new Database Object.

my $database = new Persistence::Database::SQL
  ( Engine => 'Postgres',
    Database => $database_name, 
    Table => $table_name,
    Template => $template_hashref );

Takes a hash argument with following possible keys:


The name of the underlying DBMS engine, for which there must be a Persistence::Object::Engine class available. Currently, the only available engine is 'Postgres'. This attribute is required.


The name of the database. A database by this name must exist previously within the DBMS system in use with sufficient priveleges for the user. This attribute is required.


The table within the database to use for object storage. This attribute is required, and can be later changed with the table() method.


A hashref that maps persistent object key names to database field names. Only key names that are mapped in the template will be extracted and stored in separate database fields. The whole object will always be stored.

In the degenerate case where you provide an empty template for the mapping template, only the complete object dump is stored. This attribute is required, and can be later changed with the template() method.


The name or IP address of the database server. A default value is provided by the DBMS-specific object class if this attribute is omitted.


The port on which the database server can be accessed. A default value is provided by the DBMS-specific object class if this attribute is omitted.


The username to use to acccess the database server. A default value, usually the username of the user running the program, is provided by the DBMS-specific object class if this attribute is omitted.


The password for the user. A default value may be provided by the DBMS-specific object class if this attribute is omitted, though it would probably be an empty string.



Searches the database for objects whose field values match the regular expression specified.

  ( Key => $key,
    Regex => $regex ); 

Returns the handle to the database connection. You could use this to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the database.

$handle = $database->dbhandle()


  • Error checking needs work.


Persistence::Object::Postgres(3), Data::Dumper(3), Persistence::Object::Simple(3), perlobj(1), perlbot(1), perltoot(1).


Persistence::Database::SQL is Copyright (c) 2000 Ashish Gulhati <>. All Rights Reserved.


Thanks to Barkha for inspiration, laughs and all 'round good times; to Vipul for Persistence::Object::Simple, the constant use and abuse of which resulted in the writing of this module; and of-course, to Larry Wall, Richard Stallman, and Linus Torvalds.


This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

It would be nice if you would mail your patches to me, and I would love to hear about projects that make use of this module.


This is free software. If it breaks, you own both parts.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 202:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 210:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'