Changes for version 0.24 - 2014-12-07
- feature: added support for the "benchmark" testing mode enabled by the TEST_NGINX_BENCHMARK environment variable.
- feature: added support for the TEST_NGINX_BENCHMARK_WARMUP environment to specify the number of warm-up requests before the actual benchmark testing.
- feature: added support for the "--- curl" section that generates a "curl" command line for the corresponding test request.
- feature: added new section "--- server_name" to control the value of the server_name nginx config directive used for the default server {}.
- feature: added new section "--- error_log_file".
- feature: automatically print out warnings for [emerg] messages in nginx's error.log to stderr if it is not mentioned in "--- error_log" nor "--- no_error_log".
- feature: Test::Nginx::Socket: "--- request" now supports leading comment lines prefixed by "#".
- feature: the "--- user_files" section supports raw Perl data structures for specifying the user files.
- feature: the "--- more_headers" section now supports perl array-ref typed values for pipelined requests.
- feature: exported the "add_response_body_check" and "is_str" utility functions.
- feature: the "--- udp_reply" section now accepts a Perl subroutine as its value which can be used to generate dynamic replies based on the actual query. thanks blablacio for the original patch.
- feature: Test::Nginx::Socket: exported new Perl utility functions "add_cleanup_handler", "add_block_preprocessor", and "bail_out".
- feature: made the special $LIBxxx_PATH variable more general in the "--- stap" section.
- feature: the "--- no_error_log" section now tries to find all the matched lines in error logs instead of stopping on the first hit.
- feature: added new section "--- tcp_shutdown" for shutting down read, write, or both parts of the connection in the embedded TCP server immedately after the connection is established.
- feature: the value of "--- tcp_query_len" now defaults to the lenghth of the value of "--- tcp_query" (if any).
- feature: added new section "--- must_die" for testing the cases that nginx fail to start (like invalid nginx configurations and etc). thanks Markus Linnala for the patch.
- bugfix: when user specifies "Host" and "Connection" in "--- more_headers", then we should not add our own Host request headers.
- bugfix: made the default value of the "Connection" request header to be "close" instead of "Close".
- bugfix: the "check leak" testing mode might send a bogus request header via ab or weighttp.
- bugfix: we should also wait for the time specified by the "--- abort" section before checking error logs for the repeated requests that are not the last one.
- optimize disabled accept_mutex by default in the auto-generated nginx.conf.
- bugfix: "--- skip_nginx" and "--- skip_nginx2" did not skip tests related to the mocked TCP and UDP servers.
- bugfix: we did not automatically remove the .stp and .stp-out temp files created by the "--- stap" sections in the systemtap testing mode.
- bugfix: "--- request" did not provide the guilty request line that it failed to parse.
- bugfix: Test::Nginx::Socket: "--- error_code" might take bad values.
- bugfix: we incorrectly discarded all the query data read in the mocked TCP server when timeout errors happen (due to the actual query is shorter than the expected data specified "--- tcp_query", for example).
- bugfix: the "check leak" testing mode could not parse raw HTTP requests using LF instead of CRLF for line terminators.
- doc: documented the section "--- init".
- doc: added info for the openresty and openresty-en mailing lists for discussions.
- doc: spelling fixes from Markus Linnala.
Data-driven test scaffold for Nginx C module and OpenResty Lua library development
LWP-backed test scaffold for the Nginx C modules
Socket-backed test scaffold for the Nginx C modules
Socket-backed test scaffold for tests related to ngx_lua
in lib/Test/Nginx/