OpenResty::Handler::Shell - Example Shell API for OpenResty custom handlers


# list all executables in PATH
GET /=/shell

# get the path of the "ls" program
GET /=/shell/ls

# call the "ls" program
GET /=/shell/ls/~/~

# call "ls -a"
GET /=/shell/ls/~/~?a=""

# call perl oneliner: perl -e 'hello,world'
GET /=/shell/perl/e/print("hello,world")
    # server returns "hello,world"

# or use POST to feed stdin: echo "print 'hello, world'"|perl -w
POST /=/shell/perl/~/~?w=""
"print 'hello, world'"


This handler is merely served as a simple and also funny sample custom handler for users who want to write their own handlers.

It's not meant to be used in the real world.

To use this Shell handler in your OpenResty setup, set the frontend.handlers to Shell in your site_openresty.conf file:


To simplify things here, this Shell handler bypasses the OpenResty ACL mechansim, just like the Version and Login handler. So take care ;) For handlers requiring login, change the following line

sub requires_acl { undef }


sub requires_acl { 1 }

or just comment it out.

Note that this handler does not require a PostgreSQL database to function. You can use the Empty backend to run this handler. For example, in your site_openresty.conf file:


Because OpenResty's Role API replies on a working Pg backend, you cannot use Empty backend if you turns ACL on by returning true in your requires_acl sub.

Custom handler names must be under the OpenResty::Handler:: namespace, e.g., OpenResty::Handler::Shell. It's not required to be included in the OpenResty source tree, just ensure it's installed into the same perl that OpenResty uses.


Agent Zhang (agentzh) <>