SNMP::Class - A convenience class around the NetSNMP perl modules.


This module aims to enable snmp-related tasks to be carried out with the best possible ease and expressiveness while at the same time allowing advanced features like subclassing to be used without hassle.

	use SNMP::Class;
	#create a session to a managed device -- 
	#community will default to public, version will be autoselected from 2,1
	my $s = SNMP::Class->new({DestHost => 'myhost'});    
	#modus operandi #1
	#walk the entire table
	my $ifTable = $s->walk("ifTable");
	#-more compact- 
	my $ifTable = $s->ifTable;
	#get the ifDescr.3
	my $if_descr_3 = $ifTable->object("ifDescr")->instance("3");
	#more compact
	my $if_descr_3 = $ifTable->object(ifDescr).3;
	#get the speed of the instance for which ifDescr is en0
	my $en0_speed = $ifTable->find("ifDescr","en0")->object("ifSpeed")->get_value;  
	#modus operandi #2 - list context
	while($s->ifDescr) {
		print $_->get_value;



This method creates a new session with a managed device. At this point Version can only be 1 or 2. If Version is not present, the library will try to probe by querying sysName.0 from the device using version 2 and then version 1, whichever succeeds first. This method croaks if a session cannot be created. If the managed node cannot return the sysName.0 object, the method will also croak.


Returns the SNMP version of the session object.


A generalized walk method. Takes 1 argument, which is the object to walk. Depending on whether the session object is version 1 or 2, it will respectively try to use either SNMP GETNEXT's or GETBULK. On all cases, an SNMP::Class::ResultSet is returned. If something goes wrong, the method will croak.

One should probably also take a look at SNMP::Class::ResultSet pod to see what's possible.


Using a method call that coincides with an SNMP OBJECT-TYPE name is equivalent to issuing a walk with that name as argument. This is provided as a shortcut which can result to more easy to read programs. Also, if such a method is used in a list context, it won't return an SNMP::ResultSet object, but rather a list with the ResultSet's contents. This is pretty convenient for iterating through SNMP results using few lines of code.


Athanasios Douitsis, <aduitsis at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-snmp-class at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc SNMP::Class

You can also look for information at:


This module obviously needs the perl libraries from the excellent Net-SNMP package. Many thanks go to the people that make that package available.


Copyright 2007 Athanasios Douitsis, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.