Persistence::Meta::XML - Persistence meta object xml injection
use Persistence::Meta::XML;
my $meta = Persistence::Meta::XML->new(persistence_dir => 'meta/');
my $entity_manager = $meta->inject('my_persistence.xml');
# $meta->inject('my_persistence.xml');
# my $entity_manager = Persistence::Entity::Manager->manager('manager_name');
Loads xml files that containt meta persistence definition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence name="test" connection_name="test" >
<entity_file file="emp.xml" />
<entity_file file="dept.xml" />
<orm_file file="Employee.xml" />
<orm_file file="Department.xml" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entity name="emp" alias="e">
<column name="empno" />
<column name="ename" unique="1" />
<column name="sal" />
<column name="job" />
<column name="deptno" />
<subquery_column name="dname" entity="dept" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entity name="dept" alias="d">
<column name="deptno" />
<column name="dname" unique="1" />
<column name="loc" />
<relationship target_entity="emp" order_by="deptno, empno">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orm entity="emp" class="Employee" >
<column name="empno" attribute="id" />
<column name="ename" attribute="name" />
<column name="job" attribute="job" />
<column name="dname" attribute="dept_name" />
<to_one_relationship name="dept" attribute="dept" fetch_method="EAGER" cascade="ALL"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orm entity="dept" class="Department" >
<column name="deptno" attribute="id" />
<column name="dname" attribute="name" />
<column name="loc" attribute="location" />
<one_to_many_relationship name="emp" attribute="employees" fetch_method="EAGER" cascade="ALL"/>
package Employee;
use Abstract::Meta::Class ':all';
has '$.id';
has '$.name';
has '$.job';
has '$.dept_name';
has '$.dept' => (associated_class => 'Department');
package Department;
use Abstract::Meta::Class ':all';
has '$.id';
has '$.name';
has '$.location';
has '@.employees' => (associated_class => 'Employee');
my $meta = Persistence::Meta::XML->new(persistence_dir => $dir);
my $entity_manager = $meta->inject('persistence.xml');
my ($dept) = $entity_manager->find(dept => 'Department', name => 'dept3');
my $enp = Employee->new(id => 88, name => 'emp88');
$enp->set_dept(Department->new(id => 99, name => 'd99'));
- entities
- _entities_subquery_columns
- _entities_to_many_relationship
- _entities_to_one_relationship
- cache_dir
Containts cache directory.
- use_cache
Flag that indicates if use cache.
- persistence_dir
Contains directory of xml files that contain persistence object definition.
- inject
Injects persistence xml definition. Takes xml file definition
my $meta = Persistence::Meta::XML->new(persistence_dir => $dir); my $entity_manager = $meta->inject('persistence.xml');
- persistence_xml_handler
Retunds xml handlers that will transform the persistence xml into objects. Persistence node is mapped to the Persistence::Entity::Manager;
<!ELEMENT persistence (entities+,mapping_rules*)> <!ATTLIST persistence name #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST persistence connection_name #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT entities (entity_file+)> <!ELEMENT entity_file (filter_condition_value+ .dml_filter_value) > <!ATTLIST entity_file file id order_index> <!ELEMENT mapping_rules (orm_file+)> <!ATTLIST mapping_rules file> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <persistence name="test" connection_name="test" > <entities> <entity_file file="emp.xml" /> <entity_file file="dept.xml" /> </entities> <mapping_rules> <orm_file file="Employee" /> </mapping_rules> </persistence>
- add_xml_persistence_handlers
Adds persistence xml handlers/ Takes Simple::SAX::Serializer object as parameter.
- load_persistence_object
Loads persistence object. Takes entity manager object, array ref of the entity files, array ref of the ORM files.
- orm_xml_handler
<!ELEMENT orm (column+, lob+, to_one_relationship*, one_to_many_relationship*, many_to_many_relationship*) <!ATTRLIST orm class entity mop_attribute_adapter> <!ELEMENT column> <!ATTRLIST column name attribute> <!ELEMENT lob name attribute fetch_method> <!ELEMENT to_one_relationship> <!ATTRLIST to_one_relationship name attribute #REQUIRED> <!ATTRLIST to_one_relationship fetch_method (LAZY|EAGER) "LAZY"> <!ATTRLIST to_one_relationship cascade (NONE|ALL|ON_INSERT|ON_UPDATE|ON_DELETE) "NONE"> <orm entity="emp" class="Employee" > <column name="empno" attribute="id" /> <column name="ename" attribute="name" /> <column name="job" attribute="job" /> <to_one_relationship name="dept" attribute="depts" fetch_method="LAZY" cascade="ALL"> </orm> many_to_many 'project' => ( attribute => has('%.projects' => (associated_class => 'Project'), index_by => 'name'), join_entity_name => 'emp_project', fetch_method => LAZY, cascade => ALL, );
- orm_xml_handler
Retunds xml handlers that will transform the orm xml into Persistence::ORM object
- add_orm_xml_handlers
Adds orm xml handler to Simple::SAX::Serializer object.
- create_orm_mapping
Creates orm mappings. Takes
- _add_one_to_many_relationship
- _add_to_many_to_many_relationship
- _add_to_one_relationship
- _add_relationship_parameters
- entity_xml_handler
Retunds xml handlers that will transform the enity xml into Persistence::Entity
<!ELEMENT entity (primary_key*, indexes?, columns?, lobs?, subquery_columns?, filter_condition_value+ .dml_filter_value+, to_one_relationships? to_many_relationships?, value_generators*)> <!ATTLIST entity id name alias unique_expression query_from schema order_index> <!ELEMENT primary_key (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT indexes (index+)> <!ELEMENT index (index_columns+)> <!ATTLIST index name hint> <!ELEMENT index_columns (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT columns (column+) > <!ELEMENT lobs (lob+) > <!ELEMENT subquery_columns (subquery_column+)> <!ELEMENT subquery_column> <!ATTLIST subquery_column entity name> <!ELEMENT column> <!ATTLIST column id name unique expression case_sensitive queryable insertable updatable> <!ELEMENT lob> <!ATTLIST lob id name siz_column> <!ELEMENT filter_condition_values (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST filter_condition_values name #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT dml_filter_values (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dml_filter_values name #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT to_one_relationships (relationship+)> <!ELEMENT to_many_relationships (relationship+)> <!ELEMENT relationship (join_columns*, condition?)> <!ATTLIST relationship name target_entity order_by> <!ELEMENT join_columns (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT condition (condition+) > <!ATTLIST condition operand1 operator operand2 relation> <!ELEMENT value_generators (#PCDATA)> For instnace. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <entity name="emp" alias="e"> <primary_key>empno</primary_key> <indexes> <index name="emp_idx_empno" hint="INDEX_ASC(e emp_idx_empno)"> <index_column>ename</index_column> </index> <index name="emp_idx_ename"> <index_column>empno</index_column> </index> </indexes> <columns> <column name="empno" /> <column name="ename" /> </columns> <lobs> <lob name="blob_content" size_column="doc_size" /> </lobs> <subquery_columns> <subquery_column name="dname" entity_id="dept" /> </subquery_columns> <to_one_relationships> <relationship target_entity="dept"> <join_column>deptno</join_column> </relationship> </to_one_relationships> </entity>
- add_entity_xml_handlers
Adds entity xml handler to the Simple::SAX::Serializer object.
- _initialise_subquery_columns
Initialise subquery columns
- _initialise_to_one_relationship
Initialise to one relationships
- _initialise_to_many_relationship
Initialise to manye relationships
- _initialise_relationships
Initialises relationshsips Takes relationship type as parameters. Allowed value: 'to_one_relationships', 'to_many_relationships'
- _relationship
Returns the relationship object. Takes hash_ref, that will be transformed to the new object parameters.
- _parse_condition
Parses condition object to replacase ant occurence of <entity>.<column> to column object.
- has_column
- entity_column
Returns entity column
Add caching of xml.
The Persistence::Meta::Xml module is free software. You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Adrian Witas,