Changes for version 0.04
- Updated to Module::Install::DSL 1.04
- Updated to match changes in FBP::Perl 0.73
- Auto-detect $VERSION from the project the .fbp file is in
- Added support for previewing frames without crashing
- Removed the use of Mouse as it causes reloading problems
- When in Padre mode use the new Wx::FOO style constants
- Do not use not-so-"Smart" internationalisation for Padre as full strings with punctuation are easier to translate
- Support for generating several files at once into editors
- Generate the year instead of hard-coding it to 2011
Generate Perl for dialogs created in wxFormBuilder
wxFormBuilder to Padre dialog code generator
in lib/Padre/Plugin/FormBuilder/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/FormBuilder/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/FormBuilder/