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POE::Declare - A POE abstraction layer for conciseness and simplicity


package MyComponent;

use strict;
use POE::Declare {
    foo      => 'Attribute',
    bar      => 'Internal',
    Username => 'Param',
    Password => 'Param',

declare TimeoutError => 'Message';

sub hello : Event {
    print "Hello World!\n";

sub hello_timeout : Timeout(30) {
    print "Alas, I die!\n";

    # Tell our parent as well



POE is a very powerful and flexible system for doing asynchronous programming. But it has the reputation of being difficult to learn, with a somewhat confusing set of abstractions.

In particular, it can be tricky to resolve POE's way of programming with the highly abstracted OO structures that many people are used to, with layer stacked upon layer ad-infinitum to produce a delegation heirachy which allows for powerful and complex systems that are relatively easy to maintain.

This can be particularly noticable as the scale of a POE codebase gets larger. At three levels of abstraction the layering in POE becomes quite difficult, and progess past about the third layer of abstraction becomes extremely difficult.

POE::Declare is an attempt to resolve this problem by locking down part of the traditional flexibility of POE, and by making it easier to split the implementation of each object between an object-oriented heirachy and a collection of POE sessions.

The goal is to retain the ability to build deep and complex heirachies of encapsulated functionality in your application while also allowing you to take advantage of the asynchronous nature of POE code.

General Architecture

At the core of any POE::Declare application is an object-oriented heirachy of components. This heirachy exists whether or not the POE kernel is running, and parts of it can be started and stopped as needed.

When it is spawned, each component will create it's own private POE::Session in which to run its events and store its resources.

Each instance of a class always has one and only one session. This may be a problem if your application will have thousands of spawned components at once (POE recommends against the use of large numbers of sessions) but should not be a problem as long as you keep it down to a few hundred components.

Because the POE session is slaved to the POE::Declare::Object, the component can handle being started and stopped many times without the loss of any state data between the creation and destruction of each slave session.

To allow support for components that have no resources and only act as supervisors, POE::Declare always assigns a POE alias for the session while it is active. The existance of this Alias prevents POE cleaning up the session accidentally, and ensures components have explicit control over when they want to shut down their sessions.

Each POE component contains a set of named resources. Resources may consist of a different underlying POE resource, or may be made up of multiple resources, and additional data stored in the matching object HASH key. To ensure all the various underlying resources will not clash with each other, all resources must be declared and will be strictly checked.

At the end of each class, instead of the usual 1; to allow the package to return true, you put instead a "compile;" statement.

This instructs POE::Declare to inventory the declarations and attributes, combine them with declarations from the parent classes, and then generate the code that will implement the structures.

Once the class has been compiled, the installed functions will be removed from the package to prevent run-time namespace pollution.

Import-Time Declaration

The cluster of "declare" statements at the beginning of a POE::Declare class can look ugly to some people, and may get annoying to step through in the debugger.

To resolve this, you may optionally provide a list of slot declarations to the module at compile time. This should be in the form of a simple HASH reference with the names as keys and the type as values.

use My::Module {
    Foo => 'Param',
    Bar => 'Param',

Event and timeout declarations cannot be provided by this method, and you should continue to use subroutine attributes for these as normal.


The resource model of POE::Declare correctly follows inheritance, similar to the way declarations in Moose are inherited. Resource types in a parent class cannot be overwritten or modified in child classes.

No special syntax is needed for inheritance, as POE::Declare works directly on top of Perl's native inheritance.

# - Object that connects to a service
package My::Parent;

use strict;
use POE::Declare {
    Host           => 'Param',
    Port           => 'Param',
    ConnectSuccess => 'Message',
    ConnectFailure => 'Message',

sub connect : Event {
    # ...


# - Connect to an (optionally) authenticating service
package My::Child;

use strict;
use base 'My::Parent';
use POE::Declare {
    Username     => 'Param',
    Password     => 'Param',
    AuthRequired => 'Message',
    AuthInvalid  => 'Message',



POE::Declare is composed of three main modules, and a tree of slot/attribute classes.


POE::Declare provides the main interface layer and Domain Specific API for declaratively building your POE::Declare classes.


POE::Declare::Object is the abstract base class for all classes created by POE::Declare.


POE::Declare::Meta implements the metadata structures that describe each of your POE::Declare classes. This is superficially similar to something like Moose, but unlike Moose is fast, light weight and can use domain-specific assumptions.




POE::Declare::Meta::Internal is a slot class that won't generate any functionality, but allows you to reserve an attribute for internal use so that they won't be used by any sub-classes.


POE::Declare::Meta::Attribute is a slot class used for readable attributes.


POE::Declare::Meta::Attribute is a slot class for attributes that are provided to the constructor as a parameter.


POE::Declare::Meta::Message is a slot class for declaring messages that the object will emit under various circumstances. Each message is a param to the constructor that takes a callback in a variety of formats (usually pointing up to the parent object).


POE::Declare::Meta::Event is a class for named POE events that can be called or yielded to by other POE messages/events.


POE::Declare::Meta::Timeout is a POE::Declare::Meta::Event sub-class that is designed to trigger from an alarm and generates additional methods to manage the alarms.


For the first few releases, I plan to leave this module undocumented.

That I am releasing this distribution at all is more of a way to mark my progress, and to allow other POE/OO people to look at the implementation and comment.


declare one   => 'Internal';
declare two   => 'Attribute';
declare three => 'Param';
declare four  => 'Message';

The declare function is exported by default. It takes two parameters, a slot name and a slot type.

The slot name can be any legal Perl identifier.

The slot type should be one of Internal, Attribute, Param or Message.

Creates the new slot, throws an exception on error.


The compile function indicates that all attributes and events have been defined and the structure should be finalised and compiled.

Returns true or throws an exception.


Bugs should be always be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at

For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the author.


Adam Kennedy <>




Copyright 2006 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.