HTML::Element::Replacer - simplify the HTML::Element clone() - push_content() ritual
use HTML::Element::Replacer;
my $replacer = HTML::Element::Replacer->new(tree => $tree, look_down => [ scla => 'mid' ]);
for my $data (@data) {
$replacer->push_clone->defmap(attr_name => $data); # clone and push onto @temp_list
# by default Replacer replaces... so it removes the element you were push_clone()ing
Let's say you have this HTML:
<tr scla="top"/>
<tr scla="mid">
<td kmap="brand"> blah </td>
<td kmap="age"> blah </td>
<tr scla="bot"/>
Now let's say you have 5 data rows that you wish to display using the middle tr
as your sample. The pure HTML::Tree way to do this would be:
my $sample_tr = $tree->look_down(scla => 'mid');
my @c;
for my $data (@data) {
my $c = $sample_tr->clone;
$c->defmap(kmap => $data);
push @c, $c;
We did cheat a bit by using defmap()
from HTML::Element::Library. Now, with this class, we can do this:
my $replacer = HTML::Element::Replacer->new(look_down => [ scla => 'mid' ]);
for my $data (@data) {
my $clone = $replacer->push_clone->defmap(kmap => $data); # clone and push onto @temp_list
} # replacer goes out of scope and then replaces sample_tr
Maintained by Mike Accardo since 2014.
Orignally written by Terrence Brannon, <tbone at>
Many thanks to Dave Rolsky in #moose on
Copyright 2009 Terrence Brannon, Copyright 2014 by Mike Accardo, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.