Template Toolkit - a fast, flexible and extensible template processing system


use Template;

# some useful options (see below for full list)
my $config = {
    INCLUDE_PATH => '/search/path',  # or list ref
    INTERPOLATE  => 1,               # expand "$var" in plain text
    POST_CHOMP   => 1,               # cleanup whitespace 
    PRE_PROCESS  => 'header',        # prefix each template
    EVAL_PERL    => 1,               # evaluate Perl code blocks

# create Template object
my $template = Template->new($config);

# define template variables for replacement
my $vars = {
    var1  => $value,
    var2  => \%hash,
    var3  => \@list,
    var4  => \&code,
    var5  => $object,

# specify input filename, or file handle, text reference, etc.
my $input = 'myfile.html';

# process input template, substituting variables
$template->process($input, $vars)
    || die $template->error();


  GET       - evaluate and print a variable or value
	      [%   GET variable %]    # 'GET' keyword is optional
              [%       variable %]
              [%       hash.key %]
              [%         list.n %]
              [%     code(args) %]
	      [% obj.meth(args) %]
              [%  "value: $var" %]

  CALL      - as above without printing result (e.g. call code)
	      [%  CALL variable %]

  SET       - assign a value to a variable
	      [% SET variable = value %]    # 'SET' also optional
              [%     variable = other_variable
                     variable = 'literal text @ $100'
                     variable = "interpolated text: $var"
                     list     = [ val, val, val, val, ... ]
		     list     = [ val..val ]
                     hash     = { var => val, var => val, ... }

  DEFAULT   - as SET above, if variable(s) not set
              [% DEFAULT variable = value %]

  INSERT    - insert a file without any processing
	      [% INSERT legalese.txt %]

  INCLUDE   - process another template file/block, localising vars
              [% INCLUDE template %]
              [% INCLUDE template  var = val, ... %]

  PROCESS   - as above, without localising variables
              [% PROCESS template %]
              [% PROCESS template  var = val, ... %]

  WRAPPER   - process a template to enclose specified block
	      [% WRAPPER template %]
	      [% END %]

  BLOCK     - define a named template block for INCLUDE, etc.
              [% BLOCK template %]
	      [% END %]

  FOREACH   - repeat block for each value in a list
	      [% FOREACH variable = [ val, val, val ] %]
              [% FOREACH variable = list %]
              [% FOREACH list %]
                 [% variable %]
              [% END %]

  WHILE     - iterate while condition is true
              [% WHILE condition %]
	      [% END %]

	    - process block if condition is true/false.
              [% IF condition %]
  	      [% ELSIF condition %]
	      [% ELSE %]
              [% END %]

              [% UNLESS condition %]
              [% # ELSIF/ELSE as per IF, above %]
              [% END %]

	    - multi-way switch/case statement
	      [% SWITCH variable %]
              [% CASE val1 %]
              [% CASE [ val2, val3 ] %]
              [% CASE %]         # or [% CASE DEFAULT %]
              [% END %]

  MACRO     - create a named macro for some other directive or block
              [% MACRO name <directive> %]
	      [% MACRO name(arg1, arg2) <directive> %]
	      [% name %]
              [% name(val1, val2) %]

  FILTER    - post-process block through a filter
              [% FILTER name %]
              [% FILTER name( params ) %]
              [% FILTER alias = name( params ) %]
              [% END %]

  USE       - load a "plugin" module (or any regular Perl module 
              with LOAD_PERL option)
              [% USE name %]
              [% USE name( params ) %] 
              [% USE var = name( params ) %]
              [% name.method %]
              [% var.method %]

            - evaluate blocks of Perl code (requires EVAL_PERL option)
              [% PERL %]
		 # perl code goes here
		 $stash->set('foo', 10);
		 print "set 'foo' to ", $stash->get('foo'), "\n";
		 print $context->include('footer', { var => $val });
              [% END %]

	      [% RAWPERL %]
                 # raw perl code goes here, no magic but fast.
	         $output .= 'some output';
	      [% END %]

            - exception handling
	      [% TRY %]
                 [% THROW type info %]
	      [% CATCH type %]
		 catch content
                 [% error.type %] [% %]
              [% CATCH %]	# or [% CATCH DEFAULT %]
              [% FINAL %]
                 this block is always processed
              [% END %]

  NEXT      - next item in a FOREACH/WHILE loop
              [% NEXT %]
  BREAK     - break out of FOREACH/WHILE loop
              [% BREAK %]
  RETURN    - stop processing current template
              [% RETURN %]

  STOP      - stop processing all templates and return to caller
              [% STOP %]

  COMMENT   - ignored and deleted
              [% # this is a comment to the end of line
                 foo = 'bar'

              [%# placing the '#' immediately inside the directive
                  tag comments out the entire directive

  TAGS      - define new tag style or characters (default: [% %])
              [% TAGS html %]
              [% TAGS <!-- --> %]


This is version 2.00-beta4 of the Template Toolkit.

Please consult the Changes file for information about visible changes in the Template Toolkit between releases. The TODO file contains details of known bugs, planned enhancements, features, fixes, etc.

The latest version of the Template Toolkit can be downloaded from any CPAN site in the directory:


For a list of CPAN sites, see:

Information regarding interim and development versions is posted to the templates mailing list and available from the Template Toolkit web site:


The Template Toolkit is a collection of modules which implement a fast, flexible, powerful and extensible template processing system. It was originally designed and remains primarily useful for generating dynamic web content, but it can be used equally well for processing any kind of text documents. This POD documentation is all generated using the Template Toolkit batch mode utility ttree, for example.

At the simplest level it provides an easy way to process template files, filling in embedded variable references with their equivalent values.

Dear [% name %],

It has come to our attention that your account is in 
arrears to the sum of [% debt %].

Please settle your account before [% deadline %] or we 
will be forced to revoke your Licence to Thrill.

The Management.

By default, template directives are embedded within the character sequences '[%' ... '%]' but you can changes these and various other options to configure how the Template Toolkit looks, feels and works. You can set the INTERPOLATE option, for example, if you prefer to embed your variables in Perl style:

Dear $name,

It has come to our attention that your account is in 
arrears to the sum of $debt.

The module is the front end to the Template Toolkit, providing access to the full range of functionality through a single module with a simple interface. It loads the other modules as required and instantiates a default set of objects to handle subsequent template processing requests. Configuration parameters may be passed to the constructor, new(), which are then used to configure the underlying objects.

    use Template;

    my $tt = Template->new({
	INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/local/templates',
    }) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";

The Template object implements a process() method for processing template files or text. The name of the input template (or various other sources) is passed as the first argument, followed by a reference to a hash array of variable definitions for substitution in the template.

    my $vars = {
	name     => 'Count Edward van Halen',
	debt     => '3 riffs and a solo',
	deadline => 'the next chorus',

    $template->process('letters/overdrawn', $vars)
	|| die $template->error(), "\n";

The process() method returns true (1) on success and prints the template output to STDOUT, by default. On error, the process() method returns false (undef). The error() method can be called to retrieve details of the error.

A number of special directives are provided, such as INSERT, INCLUDE and PROCESS, which allow content to be built up from smaller template components. This permits a modular approach to building a web site or other content repository, promoting reusability, cross-site consistency, ease of construction and subsequent maintenance. Common elements such as headers, footers, menu bars, tables, and so on, can be created as separate template files which can then be processed into other documents as required. All defined variables are inherited by these templates along with any additional "local" values specified.

[% PROCESS header 
     title = "The Cat Sat on the Mat"

[% PROCESS menu %]

The location of the missing feline has now been established.
Thank you for your assistance.

[% INSERT legal/disclaimer %]

[% PROCESS footer %]

You can also define a template as a BLOCK within the same file and PROCESS it just like any other template file. This can be invaluable for building up repetitive elements such as tables, menus, etc.

[% BLOCK tabrow %]
   <tr><td>[% name %]</td><td>[% email %]</td></tr>
[% END %]

[% PROCESS tabrow name="tom"   email=""    %]
[% PROCESS tabrow name="dick"  email=""  %]
[% PROCESS tabrow name="larry" email="" %]

One of the key features that sets the Template Toolkit apart from other template processors is the ability to bind template variables to any kind of Perl data: scalars, lists, hash arrays, sub-routines and objects.

    my $vars = {
	root   => '',
	menu   => [ 'modules', 'authors', 'scripts' ],
	client => {
	    name => 'Doctor Joseph von Satriani',
	    id   => 'JVSAT',
	checkout => sub { my $total = shift; ...; return $something },
	shopcart => My::Cool::Shopping::Cart->new(),

The Template Toolkit will automatically Do The Right Thing to access the data in an appropriate manner to return some value which can then be output. The dot operator '.' is used to accesses into lists and hashes or to call object methods. The FOREACH directive is provided for iterating through lists, and various logicial tests are available using directives such as IF, UNLESS, ELSIF, ELSE, SWITCH, CASE, etc.

    [% FOREACH section = menu %]
       <a href="[% root %]/[% section %]/index.html">[% section %]</a>
    [% END %]

    <b>Client</a>: [% %] (id: [% %])
    [% IF shopcart.nitems %]
       Your shopping cart contains the following items:
       [% FOREACH item = shopcart.contents %]
	  <li>[% %] : [% item.qty %] @ [% item.price %]
       [% END %]

       [% checkout( %]

    [% ELSE %]
       No items currently in shopping cart.
    [% END %]

The Template Toolkit also provides a number of additional directives for advanced processing and programmatical functionality. It supports output filters (FILTER), allows custom macros to be defined (MACRO), has a fully-featured exception handling system (TRY, THROW, CATCH, FINAL) and supports a plugin architecture (USE) which allows special plugin modules and even regular Perl modules to be loaded and used with the minimum of fuss. The Template Toolkit is "just" a template processor but you can trivially extend it to incorporate the functionality of any Perl module you can get your hands on. Thus, it is also a scalable and extensible template framework, ideally suited for managing the presentation layer for application servers, content management systems and other web applications.

Rather than embedding Perl code or some other scripting language directly into template documents, it encourages you to keep functional components (i.e. Perl code) separate from presentation components (e.g. HTML templates). The template variables provide the interface between the two layers, allowing data to be generated in code and then passed to a template component for displaying (pipeline model) or for sub-routine or object references to be bound to variables which can then be called from the template as and when required (callback model).

The directives that the Template Toolkit provide implement their own mini programming language, but they're not really designed for serious, general purpose programming. Perl is a far more appropriate language for that. If you embed application logic (e.g. Perl or other scripting language fragments) in HTML templates then you risk losing the clear separation of concerns between functionality and presentation. It becomes harder to maintain the two elements in isolation and more difficult, if not impossible, to reuse code or presentation elements by themselves. It is far better to write your application code in separate Perl modules, libraries or scripts and then use templates to control how the resulting data is presented as output. Thus you should think of the Template Toolkit language as a set of layout directives for displaying data, not calculating it.

Having said that, the Template Toolkit doesn't force you into one approach or the other. It attempts to be pragmatic rather than dogmatic in allowing you to do whatever best gets the job done. Thus, if you enable the EVAL_PERL option then you can happily embed real Perl code in your templates within PERL ... END directives.

The Template Toolkit uses a fast YACC-like parser which compiles templates into Perl code for maximum runtime efficiency. It also has an advanced caching mechanism which manages in-memory and on-disk (i.e. persistant) versions of compiled templates. The modules that comprise the toolkit are highly configurable and the architecture around which they're built is designed to be extensible. The Template Toolkit provides a powerful framework around which content creation and delivery systems can be built while also providing a simple interface through the Template front-end module for general use.



The new() constructor method (implemented by the Template::Base base class) instantiates a new Template object. A reference to a hash array of configuration items may be passed as a parameter.

    my $tt = Template->new({
	INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/local/templates',
	EVAL_PERL    => 1,
    }) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n";

A reference to a new Template object is returned, or undef on error. In the latter case, the error message can be retrieved by calling error() as a class method (e.g. Template->error()) or by examining the $ERROR package variable directly (e.g. $Template::ERROR).

my $tt = Template->new(\%config)
    || die Template->error(), "\n";

my $tt = Template->new(\%config)
    || die $Template::ERROR, "\n";

For convenience, configuration items may also be specified as a list of items instead of a hash array reference. These are automatically folded into a hash array by the constructor.

    my $tt = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => '/tmp', POST_CHOMP => 1)
	|| die $Template::ERROR, "\n";

process($template, \%vars, $output)

The process() method is called to process a template. The first parameter indicates the input template as one of: a filename relative to INCLUDE_PATH, if defined; a reference to a text string containing the template text; or a file handle reference (e.g. IO::Handle or sub-class) or GLOB (e.g. \*STDIN), from which the template can be read. A reference to a hash array may be passed as the second parameter, containing definitions of template variables.

$text = "[% INCLUDE header %]\nHello world!\n[% INCLUDE footer %]";

    || die $tt->error(), "\n";

    || die $tt->error(), "\n";

    || die $tt->error(), "\n";

[% INCLUDE header %]
This is a template defined in the __END__ section which is 
accessible via the DATA "file handle".
[% INCLUDE footer %]

By default, the processed template output is printed to STDOUT. The process() method then returns 1 to indicate success. A third parameter may be passed to the process() method to specify a different output location. This value may be one of: a plain string indicating a filename which will be opened (relative to OUTPUT_PATH, if defined) and the output written to; a file GLOB opened ready for output; a reference to a scalar (e.g. a text string) to which output/error is appended; a reference to a subroutine which is called, passing the output as a parameter; or any object reference which implements a 'print' method (e.g. IO::Handle, Apache::Request, etc.) which will be called, passing the generated output as a parameter.


    $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, 'welcome.html')
        || die $tt->error(), "\n";

    $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, 
		 sub { my $output = shift; print $output })
        || die $tt->error(), "\n";

    my $output = '';
    $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, \$output)
        || die $tt->error(), "\n";
    print "output: $output\n";

In an Apache/mod_perl handler:

    sub handler {
	my $r    = shift;
	my $file = $r->path_info();

        my $tt   = Template->new();
	my $vars = { ... }

	# direct output to Apache::Request via $r->print($output)
	$tt->process($file, $vars, $r) || do {
	    return SERVER_ERROR;

	return OK;

The OUTPUT configuration item can be used to specify a default output location other than \*STDOUT. The OUTPUT_PATH specifies a directory which should be prefixed to all output locations specified as filenames.

    my $tt = Template->new({
	OUTPUT      => sub { ... },       # default
	OUTPUT_PATH => '/tmp',
    }) || die Template->error(), "\n";

    # use default OUTPUT (sub is called)
    $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars)
        || die $tt->error(), "\n";

    # write file to '/tmp/welcome.html'
    $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, 'welcome.html')
        || die $tt->error(), "\n";

The process() method returns 1 on success or undef on error. The error message generated in the latter case can be retrieved by calling the error() method. See also "CONFIGURATION OPTIONS" which describes how error handling may be further customised.


When called as a class method, it returns the value of the $ERROR package variable. Thus, the following are equivalent.

my $tt = Template->new()
    || die Template->error(), "\n";

my $tt = Template->new()
    || die $Template::ERROR, "\n";

When called as an object method, it returns the value of the internal _ERROR variable, as set by an error condition in a previous call to process().

    || die $tt->error(), "\n";

Errors are represented in the Template Toolkit by objects of the Template::Exception class. The error() object method will generally return an object of this class although there may be a few cases where strings are returned (these should soon be "fixed" to also return exception objects). The type() and info() methods can be used to retrieve the error type and information string, respectively. The as_string() method can be called to return a string of the form "$type - $info". This method is also overloaded onto the stringification operator allowing the object reference itself to be printed to return the formatted error string.

    $tt->process('somefile') || do {
	my $error = $tt->error();
	print "error type: ", $error->type(), "\n";
	print "error info: ", $error->info(), "\n";
	print $error, "\n";


The Template module delegates most of the effort of processing templates to an underlying Template::Service object. This method returns a reference to that object.


The Template::Service module uses a core Template::Context object for runtime processing of templates. This method returns a reference to that object and is equivalent to $template->service->context();


By default, template directives are embedded within the character sequences '[%' and '%]'. e.g.

  [% PROCESS header %]

  <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  <a href="[% %]"><img src="[% %].gif"></a>

  [% PROCESS footer %]

You can change the tag characters using the START_TAG, END_TAG and TAG_STYLE configuration options. You can also use the TAGS directive to define a new tag style for the current template file.

Directives may be embedded anywhere in a line of text and can be split across several lines. Insignificant whitespace is generally ignored within the directive.

  [% INCLUDE header		   
     title = 'Hello World' 
     bgcol = '#ffffff' 

  [%INCLUDE menu align='right'%]

  Name: [% name %]  ([%id%])

You can also set the INTERPOLATE option to allow simple variable references to be embedded directly in templates, prefixed by a '$'.

<td>[% name %]</td>  <td>[% email %]</td>

<td>$name</td>  <td>$email</td>

The '#' character is used to indicate comments within a directive. When placed immediately inside the opening directive tag, it causes the entire directive to be ignored.

[%# this entire directive is ignored no
    matter how many lines it wraps onto

In any other position, it causes the remainder of the current line to be treated as a comment.

[% # this is a comment
   theta = 20      # so is this
   rho   = 30      # <aol>me too!</aol>

You can add '-' or '+' to the immediate start or end of a directive tag to control the whitespace chomping options. See the PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP options for further details.

[% BLOCK foo -%]		# remove trailing newline
This is block foo
[%- END %]			# remove leading newline

The simplest directives are GET and SET which retrieve and update variable values respectively. The GET and SET keywords are actually optional as the parser is smart enough to see them for what they really are. Thus, you'll generally see:

[% SET foo = 10 %]
[% GET foo %]

written as:

[% foo = 10 %]
[% foo %]

You can also express simple logical statements as implicit GET directives:

[% title or template.title or 'Default Title' %]

[% mode == 'graphics' ? "Graphics Mode Enabled" : "Text Mode" %]

All other directives should start with a keyword specified in UPPER CASE (but see the ANYCASE option). All directives keywords are in UPPER CASE to make them visually distinctive and to distinguish them from variables of the same name but different case. It is perfectly valid, for example, to define a variable called 'stop' which is entirely separate from the STOP directive.

[% stop = 'Clackett Lane Bus Depot' %]

The bus will next stop at [% stop %]    # variable

[% STOP %]                              # directive

Directives such as FOREACH, WHILE, BLOCK, FILTER, etc., mark the start of a block which may contain text or other directives up to the appropriate END directive. Blocks may be nested indefinately. The IF, UNLESS, ELSIF and ELSE directives also define blocks and may be grouped together in the usual manner.

    [% FOREACH item = [ 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' ] %]
       * Item: [% item %]
    [% END %]
    [% BLOCK footer %]
       Copyright 2000 [% me %]
       [% INCLUDE company/logo %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF foo %]
       [% FOREACH thing = foo.things %]
	  [% thing %]
       [% END %]
    [% ELSIF bar %]
       [% INCLUDE barinfo %]
    [% ELSE %]
       do nothing...
    [% END %]

Block directives can also be used in a convenient side-effect notation.

[% INCLUDE userinfo FOREACH user = userlist %]

[% INCLUDE debugtxt msg="file: $" 
     IF debugging %] 

[% "Danger Will Robinson" IF atrisk %]


[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   [% INCLUDE userinfo %]
[% END %]

[% IF debugging %]
   [% INCLUDE debugtxt msg="file: $" %]
[% END %]

[% IF atrisk %]
Danger Will Robinson
[% END %]

Multiple FILTER directives can be chained together in sequence. They are called in the order defined, piping the output of one into the input of the next.

[% PROCESS somefile FILTER truncate(100) FILTER html %]

The pipe character, '|', can also be used as an alias for FILTER.

[% PROCESS somefile | truncate(100) | html %]

The output of a directive can be captured by simply assigning the directive to a variable.

[% headtext = PROCESS header title="Hello World" %]

[% people = PROCESS userinfo FOREACH user = userlist %]

Multiple directives can be included within a single tag when delimited by semi-colons, ';'. Note however that the TAGS directive must always be specified in a tag by itself.

    [% IF title; 
          INCLUDE header; 
	  INCLUDE other/header  title="Some Other Title";


[% IF title %]
   [% INCLUDE header %]
[% ELSE %]
   [% INCLUDE other/header  title="Some Other Title" %]
[% END %]


A reference to a hash array may be passed as the second argument to the process() method, containing definitions of template variables. The VARIABLES (a.k.a. PRE_DEFINE) option can also be used to pre-define variables for all templates processed by the object.

    my $tt = Template->new({
	    version => 3.14,
	    release => 'Sahara',

    my $vars = {
	serial_no => 271828,

    $tt->process('myfile', $vars);


This is version [% version %] ([% release %]).
Serial number: [% serial_no %]


This is version 3.14 (Sahara)
Serial number: 271828

Variable names may contain any alphanumeric characters or underscores. They may be lower, upper or mixed case although the usual convention is to use lower case. The case is significant however, and 'foo', 'Foo' and 'FOO' are all different variables. Upper case variable names are permitted, but not recommended due to a possible conflict with an existing or future reserved word. As of version 2.00, these are:


The variable values may be of virtually any Perl type, including simple scalars, references to lists, hash arrays, subroutines or objects. The Template Toolkit will automatically apply the correct procedure to accessing these values as they are used in the template.


    my $vars = {
	article => 'The Third Shoe',
	person  => { 
	    id    => 314, 
	    name  => 'Mr. Blue',
	    email => '',
	primes  => [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ],
	wizard  => sub { return join(' ', 'Abracadabra!', @_) },
	cgi     => CGI->new('mode=submit&debug=1'),


[% article %]

[% %]: [% %] <[% %]>

[% primes.first %] - [% primes.last %], including [% primes.3 %]
[% primes.size %] prime numbers: [% primes.join(', ') %]

[% wizard %]
[% wizard('Hocus Pocus!') %]

[% cgi.param('mode') %]


The Third Shoe

314: Mr. Blue <>

2 - 13, including 7
6 prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13

Abracadabra! Hocus Pocus!


Scalar Values

Regular scalar variables are accessed by simply specifying their name. As these are just entries in the top-level variable hash they can be considered special cases of hash array referencing as described below, with the main namespace hash automatically implied.

[% article %]

Hash Array References

Members of hash arrays are accessed by specifying the hash reference and key separated by the dot '.' operator.

  my $vars = {
	'home' => '',
	'page' => {
	    'this' => 'mypage.html',
	    'next' => 'nextpage.html',
	    'prev' => 'prevpage.html',


<a href="[% home %]">Home</a>
<a href="[% page.prev %]">Previous Page</a>
<a href="[% %]">Next Page</a>


<a href="">Home</a>
<a href="prevpage.html">Previous Page</a>
<a href="nextpage.html">Next Page</a>

Any key in a hash which starts with a '_' or '.' character will be considered private and cannot be evaluated or updated from within a template. The undefined value will be returned for any such variable accessed which the Template Toolkit will silently ignore (unless the DEBUG option is enabled).

    my $vars = {
	message => 'Hello World!',
	_secret => "On the Internet, no-one knows you're a dog",
	thing   => {
	     public  => 123,
	    _private => 456,
	   '.hidden' => 789,


[% message %]		# outputs "Hello World!"
[% _secret %]               # no output
[% thing.public %]          # outputs "123"
[% thing._private %]        # no output
[% thing..hidden %]         # ERROR: unexpected token (..)

To access a hash entry using a key stored in another variable, prefix the key variable with '$' to have it interpolated before use (see "Variable Interpolation").

[% pagename = 'next' %]
[% page.$pagename %]       # same as [% %]

When you assign to a variable that contains multiple namespace elements (i.e. it has one or more '.' characters in the name), any hashes required to represent intermediate namespaces will be created automatically. In this following example, the 'product' variable automatically springs into life as a hash array unless otherwise defined.

 [%    = 'XYZ-2000' 
    product.desc  = 'Bogon Generator'
    product.price = 666 

 The [% %] [% product.desc %] 
 costs $[% product.price %].00


The XYZ-2000 Bogon Generator 
costs $666.00

You can use Perl's familiar '{' ... '}' construct to explicitly create a hash and assign it to a variable. Note that commas are optional between key/value pairs and '=' can be used in place of '=>'.

  [% product = {
	 id    => 'XYZ-2000',
	 desc  => 'Bogon Generator',
	 price => 666,

List References

Items in lists are also accessed by use of the dot operator.

  my $vars = {
	'people' => [ 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Larry' ],


[% people.0 %]			# Tom
[% people.1 %]			# Dick
[% people.2 %]			# Larry

The FOREACH directive can be used to iterate through items in a list.

[% FOREACH person = people %]
Hello [% person %]
[% END %]


Hello Tom
Hello Dick
Hello Larry

Lists can be constructed in-situ using the regular anonymous list '[' ... ']' construct. Commas between items are optional.

[% cols = [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ] %]

[% FOREACH c = cols %]


[% FOREACH c = [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ] %]

You can also create simple numerical sequences using the familiar '..' operator:

[% n = [ 1 .. 4 ] %]    # n is [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 

[% x = 4
   y = 8
   z = [x..y]           # z is [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]


Template variables can contain references to Perl subroutines. When the variable is used, the Template Toolkit will automatically call the subroutine, passing any additional arguments specified. The return value from the subroutine is used as the variable value and inserted into the document output.

    my $vars = {
	wizard  => sub { return join(' ', 'Abracadabra!', @_) },


[% wizard %]			# Abracadabra!
[% wizard('Hocus Pocus!') %]	# Abracadabra! Hocus Pocus!


Template variables can also contain references to Perl objects. Methods are called using the dot operator to specify the method against the object variable. Additional arguments can be specified as with subroutines.

    use CGI;


    my $vars = {
	# hard coded CGI params for purpose of example
	cgi  => CGI->new('mode=submit&debug=1'),


[% FOREACH p = cgi.param %]		# returns list of param keys
[% p %] => [% cgi.param(p) %]	# fetch each param value
[% END %]


mode => submit
debug => 1

Object methods can also be called as lvalues. That is, they can appear on the left side of an assignment. The method will be called passing the assigning value as an argument.

[% myobj.method = 10 %]

equivalent to:

[% myobj.method(10) %]

Parameters and Return Values

Subroutines and methods will be passed any arguments specified in the template. Any template variables in the argument list will first be evaluated and their resultant values passed to the code.

    my $vars = {
	mycode => sub { return 'received ' . join(', ', @_) },


[% foo = 10 %]
[% mycode(foo, 20) %]		# received 10, 20

Named parameters may also be specified. These are automatically collected into a single hash array which is passed by reference as the last parameter to the sub-routine. Named parameters can be specified using either '=>' or '=' and can appear anywhere in the argument list.

    my $vars = {
	myjoin => \&myjoin,

    sub myjoin {
	# look for hash ref as last argument
	my $params = ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? pop : { };
	return join($params->{ joint } || ' + ', @_);


[% myjoin(10, 20, 30) %]
[% myjoin(10, 20, 30, joint = ' - ' %]
[% myjoin(joint => ' * ', 10, 20, 30 %]


10 + 20 + 30
10 - 20 - 30
10 * 20 * 30

Parenthesised parameters may be added to any element of a variable, not just those that are bound to code or object methods. At present, parameters will be ignored if the variable isn't "callable" but are supported for future extensions. Think of them as "hints" to that variable, rather than just arguments passed to a function.

[% r = 'Romeo' %]
[% r(100, 99, s, t, v) %]		# outputs "Romeo"

User code should return a value for the variable it represents. This can be any of the Perl data types described above: a scalar, or reference to a list, hash, subroutine or object. Where code returns a list of multiple values the items will automatically be folded into a list reference which can be accessed as per normal.

    my $vars = {
	# either is OK, first is recommended
	items1 => sub { return [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] },
	items2 => sub { return ( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ) },


[% FOREACH i = items1 %]
[% END %]

[% FOREACH i = items2 %]
[% END %]

Error Handling

Errors can be reported from user code by calling die(). Errors raised in this way are caught by the Template Toolkit and converted to structured exceptions which can be handled from within the template. A reference to the exception object is then available as the 'error' variable.

    my $vars = {
	barf => sub { 
	    die "a sick error has occured\n";


[% TRY %]
   [% barf %]	    # calls sub which throws error via die()
[% CATCH %]
   [% %]	    # outputs "a sick error has occured\n"
[% END %]

Error messages thrown via die() are converted to exceptions of type 'undef'. Exceptions of user-defined types can be thrown by calling die() with a reference to a Template::Exception object.

    use Template::Exception;

    my $vars = {
	login => sub { 
	    die Template::Exception->new('badpwd',
					 'password too silly');


[% TRY %]
   [% login %]
[% CATCH badpwd %]
   Bad password: [% %]
[% CATCH %]
   Some other '[% error.type %]' error: [% %]
[% END %]

The exception types 'stop' and 'return' are used to implement the STOP and RETURN directives. Throwing an exception as:

die Template::Exception->new('stop');

has the same effect as the directive:

[% STOP %]

Subroutines and methods can also raise errors by returning a list or reference to a list containing the undefined value (undef) followed by an exception object or error message. This is supported for backwards compatability with version 1 but may be deprecated in some future version.

    my $vars = {
	# currently equivalent
	barf => sub {
	    die "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that";
	yack => sub {
	    return (undef, "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that");

Virtual Variable Methods

The Template Toolkit provides virtual methods for manipulating variable values. The following methods can be called against any scalar value:


Returns true if the value is defined.

[% user = get_user(uid) IF uid.defined %]

Returns the length of the string representation of the item:

[% IF password.length < 8 %]
   Password too short, dumbass!
[% END %]

Calls Perl's split() function to split a string into a list of strings.

[% FOREACH dir = mypath.split(':') %]
   [% dir %]
[% END %]

The following can be called against hash references.

keys, values, each

The regular hash operators returning lists of keys, values or both. Note how we use a '$' prefix on the 'key' variable in this example to have it interpolated (i.e. replaced with its value) before use.

[% FOREACH key = product.keys %]
   [% key %] => [% product.$key %]
[% END %]

The import method can be called on a hash array to import the contents of another hash array.

    [% hash1 = {
	   foo => 'Foo',
           bar => 'Bar',
       hash2 = {
           wiz => 'Wiz',
           woz => 'Woz',

    [% hash1.import(hash2) %]
    [% hash1.wiz %]			# Wiz

You can also call the import() method by itself to import a hash array into the current namespace hash.

[% user = { id => 'lwall', name => 'Larry Wall' } %]
[% import(user) %]
[% id %]: [% name %]		# lwall: Larry Wall

The following virtual methods are provided for lists:

first, last

Returns the first/last item in the list.

[% results.first %] to [% results.last %]
size, max

Returns the size of a list (number of elements) and the maximum index number (size - 1), respectively.

[% results.size %] search results matched your query

Returns the items of the list in reverse order.

[% FOREACH s = scores.reverse %]
[% END %]

Joins the items in the list into a single string, using Perl's join function.

[% items.join(', ') %]
sort, nsort

Returns the items in alpha (sort) or numerical (nsort) order.

[% library = books.sort %]

Where the list contains hash array references, a hash key can be passed as an argument to specify the sort field.

[% library = books.sort('author') %]

You can also define your own virtual methods for scalars, lists and hash arrays. The Template::Stash package variables $SCALAR_OPS, $LIST_OPS and $HASH_OPS are references to hash arrays that define these virtual methods. HASH_OPS and LIST_OPS methods are subroutines that accept a hash/list reference as the first item. SCALAR_OPS are subroutines that accept a scalar value as the first item. Any other arguments specified when the method is called will be passed to the subroutine.

    # define list method to return new list of odd numbers only
    $Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ odd } = sub {
	my $list = shift;
	return [ grep { $_ % 2 } @$list ];


[% primes = [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 %] %]
[% primes.odd.join(', ') %]		# 3, 5, 7, 9

See also the examples in the t/vmeth.t test script.

Compound Variables

Compound 'dotted' variables may contain any number of separate elements. Each element may evaluate to any of the permitted variable types and the processor will then correctly use this value to evaluate the rest of the variable. Arguments may be passed to any of the intermediate elements.

[% myorg.people.sort('surname').first.fullname %]

Intermediate variables may be used and will behave entirely as expected.

[% sorted = myorg.people.sort('surname') %]
[% sorted.first.fullname %]

This simplified dotted notation has the benefit of hiding the implementation details of your data. For example, you could implement a data structure as a hash array one day and then change it to an object the next without requiring any change to the templates.

Variable Interpolation

The Template Toolkit uses '$' consistently to indicate that a variable should be interpolated in position. Most frequently, you see this in double-quoted strings:

[% fullname = "$honorific $firstname $surname" %]

Or embedded in plain text when the INTERPOLATE option is set:

Dear $honorific $firstname $surname,

The same rules apply within directives. If a variable is prefixed with a '$' then it is replaced with its value before being used. The most common use is to retrieve an element from a hash where the key is stored in a variable.

[% uid = 'abw' %]
[% userlist.$uid %]		    # same as 'userlist.abw'

Curly braces can be used to delimit interpolated variable names where necessary.

[% userlist.${}.name %]    

Directives such as INCLUDE, PROCESS, etc., that accept a template name as the first argument, will automatically quote it for convenience.

[% INCLUDE foo/bar.txt %]

equivalent to:

[% INCLUDE "foo/bar.txt" %]

To INCLUDE a template whose name is stored in a variable, simply prefix the variable name with '$' to have it interpolated.

[% myfile = 'header' %]
[% INCLUDE $myfile %]

equivalent to:

[% INCLUDE header %]

Note also that a variable containing a reference to a Template::Document object can also be processed in this way.

    my $vars = {
	header => Template::Document->new({ ... }),


[% INCLUDE $header %]

Local and Global Variables

Any simple variables that you create, or any changes you make to existing variables, will only persist while the template is being processed. The top-level variable hash is copied before processing begins and any changes to variables are made in this copy, leaving the original intact. The same thing happens when you INCLUDE another template. The current namespace hash is cloned to prevent any variable changes made in the included template from interfering with existing variables. The PROCESS option bypasses the localisation step altogether making it slightly faster, but requiring greater attention to the possibility of side effects caused by creating or changing any variables within the PROCESSed template.

[% BLOCK change_name %]
   [% name = 'bar' %]
[% END %]

[% name = 'foo' %] 
[% INCLUDE change_name %]
[% name %]			    # foo
[% PROCESS change_name %]
[% name %]			    # bar

Dotted compound variables behave slightly differently because the localisation process is only skin deep. The current variable namespace hash is copied, but no attempt is made to perform a deep-copy of other structures within it (hashes, arrays, objects, etc). A variable referencing a hash, for example, will be copied to create a new reference but which points to the same hash. Thus, the general rule is that simple variables (undotted variables) are localised, but existing complex structures (dotted variables) are not.

[% BLOCK all_change %]
   [% x = 20 %]		    # changes copy
   [% y.z = 'zulu' %]	    # changes original
[% END %]

[% x = 10
   y = { z => 'zebra' }
[% INCLUDE all_change %]
[% x %]			    # still '10'
[% y.z %]			    # now 'zulu'

If you create a complex structure such as a hash or list reference within a local template context then it will cease to exist when the template is finished processing.

[% BLOCK new_stuff %]
   [% # define a new 'y' hash array in local context
      y = { z => 'zulu' }
[% END %]

[% x = 10 %]
[% INCLUDE new_stuff %]
[% x %]			    # outputs '10'
[% y %]			    # nothing, y is undefined

Similarly, if you update an element of a complex variable which doesn't already exists then a hash will be created automatically and deleted again at the end of the block.

[% BLOCK new_stuff %]
   [% y.z = 'zulu' %]
[% END %]

However, if the hash does already exist then you will modify the original with permanent effect. To avoid potential confusion, it is recommended that you don't update elements of complex variables from within blocks or templates included by another.

If you want to create or update truly global variables then you can use the 'global' namespace. This is a hash array automatically created in the top-level namespace which all templates, localised or otherwise see the same reference to. Changes made to variables within this hash are visible across all templates.

[% global.version = 123 %]

Special Variables

A number of special variables are automatically defined by the Template Toolkit.


The 'template' variable contains a reference to the main template being processed, in the form of a Template::Document object. This variable is correctly defined within PRE_PROCESS, PROCESS and POST_PROCESS templates, allowing standard headers, footers, etc., to access metadata items from the main template. The 'name' and 'modtime' metadata items are automatically provided, giving the template name and modification time in seconds since the epoch.

Note that the 'template' variable always references the top-level template, even when processing other template components via INCLUDE, PROCESS, etc.


The 'component' variable is like 'template' but always contains a reference to the current, innermost template component being processed. In the main template, the 'template' and 'component' variable will reference the same Template::Document object. In any other template component called from the main template, the 'template' variable will remain unchanged, but 'component' will contain a new reference to the current component.

This example should demonstrate the difference:

	|| die $template->error(), "\n";


[% %]		    # foo
[% %]	    # foo
[% PROCESS footer %]


[% %]		    # foo
[% %]            # footer

Within a CATCH block, the 'error' variable contains a reference to the Template::Exception object thrown from within the TRY block. The 'type' and 'info' methods can be called or the variable itself can be printed for automatic stringification into a message of the form "$type error - $info". See Template::Exception for further details.

[% TRY %]
[% CATCH %]
   [% error %]
[% END %]


Accessing and Updating Template Variables


The GET directive retrieves and outputs the value of the named variable.

[% GET foo %]

The GET keyword is optional. A variable can be specified in a directive tag by itself.

[% foo %]

The variable may take any of the forms described above:

[% foo %]
[% bar.baz %]
[% biz.baz(10) %]

You can also specify expressions using the logical (and, or, not, ?:) and mathematic operators (+ - * / % mod div).

[% template.title or default.title %]

[% score * 100 %]

[% order.nitems ? checkout( : 'no items' %]

The 'div' operator returns the integer result of division. Both '%' and 'mod' return the modulus (i.e. remainder) of division. 'mod' is provided as an alias for '%' for backwards compatability with version 1.

[% 15 / 6 %]	    # 2.5
[% 15 div 6 %]	    # 2
[% 15 mod 6 %]	    # 3

The CALL directive is similar to GET in evaluating the variable named, but doesn't print the result returned. This can be useful when a variable is bound to a sub-routine or object method which you want to call but aren't interested in the value returned.

[% CALL dbi.disconnect %]

[% CALL inc_page_counter(page_count) %]

The SET directive allows you to assign new values to existing variables or create new temporary variables.

[% SET title = 'Hello World' %]

The SET keyword is also optional.

[% title = 'Hello World' %]

Variables may be assigned the values of other variables, unquoted numbers (digits), literal text ('single quotes') or quoted text ("double quotes"). In the latter case, any variable references within the text will be interpolated when the string is evaluated. Variables should be prefixed by '$', using curly braces to explicitly scope the variable name where necessary.

[% foo  = 'Foo'  %]               # literal value 'Foo'
[% bar  =  foo   %]               # value of variable 'foo'
[% cost = '$100' %]               # literal value '$100'
[% item = "$bar: ${cost}.00" %]   # value "Foo: $100.00"

Multiple variables may be assigned in the same directive and are evaluated in the order specified. Thus, the above could have been written:

[% foo  = 'Foo'
   bar  = foo
   cost = '$100'
   item = "$bar: ${cost}.00"

Simple expressions can also be used, as per GET.

[% ten    = 10 
   twenty = 20
   thirty = twenty + ten
   forty  = 2 * twenty 
   fifty  = 100 div 2
   six    = twenty mod 7

The DEFAULT directive is similar to SET but only updates variables that are currently undefined or have no "true" value (in the Perl sense).

   name = 'John Doe'
   id   = 'jdoe'

This can be particularly useful in common template components to ensure that some sensible default are provided for otherwise undefined variables.

   title = 'Hello World'
   bgcol = '#ffffff'
<title>[% title %]</title>

<body bgcolor="[% bgcol %]">

Processing Other Template Files and Blocks


The INSERT directive is used to insert the contents of an external file at the current position.

[% INSERT myfile %]

No attempt to parse or process the file is made. The contents, possibly including any embedded template directives, are inserted intact.

The filename specified should be relative to one of the INCLUDE_PATH directories. Absolute (i.e. starting with /) and relative (i.e. starting with .) filenames may be used if the ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE options are set, respectively. Both these options are disabled by default.

    my $template = Template->new({
	INCLUDE_PATH => '/here:/there',



[% INSERT foo %]		# looks for /here/foo then /there/foo
[% INSERT /etc/passwd %]	# file error: ABSOLUTE not set
[% INSERT ../secret %]	# file error: RELATIVE not set

For convenience, the filename does not need to be quoted as long as it contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, dots or forward slashes. Names containing any other characters should be quoted.

[% INSERT misc/legalese.txt            %]
[% INSERT 'dos98/Program Files/stupid' %]

To evaluate a variable to specify a filename, you should explicitly prefix it with a '$' or use double-quoted string interpolation.

[% language = 'en'
   legalese = 'misc/legalese.txt' 

[% INSERT $legalese %]		# 'misc/legalese.txt'
[% INSERT "$language/$legalese" %]  # 'en/misc/legalese.txt'

The INCLUDE directive is used to process and include the output of another template file or block.

[% INCLUDE header %]

If a BLOCK of the specified name is defined in the same file, or in a file from which the current template has been called (i.e. a parent template) then it will be used in preference to any file of the same name.

[% INCLUDE table %]		    # uses BLOCK defined below

[% BLOCK table %]
[% END %]

If a BLOCK definition is not currently visible then the template name should be a file relative to one of the INCLUDE_PATH directories, or an absolute or relative file name if the ABSOLUTE/RELATIVE options are appropriately enabled. The INCLUDE directive automatically quotes the filename specified, as per INSERT described above. When a variable contains the name of the template for the INCLUDE directive, it should be explicitly prefixed by '$'.

[% myheader = 'my/misc/header' %]
[% INCLUDE  myheader %]              # 'myheader'
[% INCLUDE $myheader %]		 # 'my/misc/header'

Any template directives embedded within the file will be processed accordingly. All variables currently defined will be visible and accessible from within the included template.

[% title = 'Hello World' %]
[% INCLUDE header %]

'header': <html> <title>[% title %]</title>

output: <html> <title>Hello World</title> <body> ...

Local variable definitions may be specified after the template name, temporarily masking any existing variables. Insignificant whitespace is ignore within directives so you can add variable definitions on the same line, the next line or split across several line with comments interspersed, if you prefer.

    [% INCLUDE table %]

    [% INCLUDE table title="Active Projects" %]

    [% INCLUDE table 
	 title   = "Active Projects" 
         bgcolor = "#ffffff"	# white
	 border  = 2

The INCLUDE directive localises (i.e. copies) all variables before processing the template. Any changes made within the included template will not affect variables in the including template.

[% foo = 10 %]

foo is originally [% foo %]
[% INCLUDE bar %]
foo is still [% foo %]

[% BLOCK bar %]
   foo was [% foo %]
   [% foo = 20 %]
   foo is now [% foo %]
[% END %]

output: foo is originally 10 foo was 10 foo is now 20 foo is still 10

Technical Note: the localisation of the stash (that is, the process by which variables are copied before an INCLUDE to prevent being overwritten) is only skin deep. The top-level variable namespace (hash) is copied, but no attempt is made to perform a deep-copy of other structures (hashes, arrays, objects, etc.) Therefore, a 'foo' variable referencing a hash will be copied to create a new 'foo' variable but which points to the same hash array. Thus, if you update compound variables (e.g. then you will change the original copy, regardless of any stash localisation. If you're not worried about preserving variable values, or you trust the templates you're including then you might prefer to use the PROCESS directive which is faster by virtue of not performing any localisation.


The PROCESS directive is similar to INCLUDE but does not perform any localisation of variables before processing the template. Any changes made to variables within the included template will be visible in the including template.

[% foo = 10 %]

foo is [% foo %]
[% PROCESS bar %]
foo is [% foo %]

[% BLOCK bar %]
   [% foo = 20 %]
   changed foo to [% foo %]
[% END %]


foo is 10
   changed foo to 20
foo is 20

[% INCLUDE table %]

Parameters may be specified in the PROCESS directive, but these too will become visible changes to current variable values.

[% foo = 10 %]
foo is [% foo %]
[% PROCESS bar
   foo = 20 
foo is [% foo %]

[% BLOCK bar %]
   this is bar, foo is [% foo %]
[% END %]


foo is 10
   this is bar, foo is [% 20 %]
foo is 20

The PROCESS directive is slightly faster than INCLUDE because it avoids the need to localise (i.e. copy) the variable stash before processing the template. As with INSERT and INCLUDE, the first parameter does not need to be quoted as long as it contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods or forward slashes. A '$' prefix can be used to explicitly indicate a variable which should be interpolated to provide the template name:

[% myheader = 'my/misc/header' %]
[% PROCESS  myheader %]              # 'myheader'
[% PROCESS $myheader %]		 # 'my/misc/header'

It's not unusual to find yourself adding common headers and footers to pages or sub-sections within a page. Something like this:

[% INCLUDE section/header
   title = 'Quantum Mechanics'
   Quantum mechanics is a very interesting subject wish 
   should prove easy for the layman to fully comprehend.
[% INCLUDE section/footer %]

[% INCLUDE section/header
   title = 'Desktop Nuclear Fusion for under $50'
   This describes a simple device which generates significant 
   sustainable electrical power from common tap water by process 
   of nuclear fusion.
[% INCLUDE section/footer %]

The individual template components being included might look like these:

section/header: <p> <h2>[% title %]</h2>

section/footer: </p>

The WRAPPER directive provides a way of simplifying this a little. It encloses a block up to a matching END directive, which is first processed to generate some output. This is then passed to the named template file or BLOCK as the 'content' variable.

[% WRAPPER section
   title = 'Quantum Mechanics'
   Quantum mechanics is a very interesting subject wish 
   should prove easy for the layman to fully comprehend.
[% END %]

[% WRAPPER section
   title = 'Desktop Nuclear Fusion for under $50'
   This describes a simple device which generates significant 
   sustainable electrical power from common tap water by process 
   of nuclear fusion.
[% END %]

The single 'section' template can then be defined as:

<h2>[% title %]</h2>
[% content %]

Like other block directives, it can be used in side-effect notation:

[% INSERT legalese.txt WRAPPER big_bold_table %]

The BLOCK ... END construct can be used to define template component blocks which can be processed with the INCLUDE, PROCESS and WRAPPER directives.

  [% BLOCK tabrow %]
  <tr><td>[% name %]<td><td>[% email %]</td></tr>
  [% END %]

  [% PROCESS tabrow  name='Fred'  email='' %]
  [% PROCESS tabrow  name='Alan'  email='' %]

A BLOCK definition can be used before it is defined, as long as the definition resides in the same file. The block definition itself does not generate any output.

[% PROCESS tmpblk %]

[% BLOCK tmpblk %] This is OK [% END %]

Anonymous BLOCKs can be used to define block macros. The enclosing block is processed each time the macro is called.

[% MACRO whereabouts BLOCK %]
   The [% animal %] sat on the [% place %].
[% END %]

[% foo(animal='cat', place='mat') %]    # The cat sat on the mat
[% foo(animal='dog', place='log') %]    # The dog sat on the log

You can also use anonymous BLOCK to capture the output of a template fragment, should you need to:

[% mytext = BLOCK %]
   This is part of the block
   [% INCLUDE this ; INCLUDE that %]
   More block.
[% END %]

The BLOCK content is processed once and the output assigned to the variable.

Conditional Processing


The IF and UNLESS directives can be used to process or ignore a block based on some run-time condition.

[% IF frames %]
   [% INCLUDE frameset %]
[% END %]

[% UNLESS text_mode %]
   [% INCLUDE biglogo %]
[% END %]

Multiple conditions may be joined with ELSIF and/or ELSE blocks.

[% IF age < 10 %]
   Hello [% name %], does your mother know you're 
   using her AOL account?
[% ELSIF age < 18 %]
   Sorry, you're not old enough to enter 
   (and too dumb to lie about your age)
[% ELSE %]
   Welcome [% name %].
[% END %]

The following conditional and boolean operators may be used:

== != < <= > >= ! && || and or not

Conditions may be arbitrarily complex and are evaluated with the same precedence as in Perl. Parenthesis may be used to explicitly determine evaluation order.

# ridiculously contrived complex example
[% IF (name == 'admin' || uid <= 0) && mode == 'debug' %]
   I'm confused.
[% ELSIF more > less %]
   That's more or less correct.
[% END %]

The SWITCH / CASE construct can be used to perform a multi-way conditional test. The SWITCH directive expects an expression which is first evaluated and then compared against each CASE statement in turn. Each CASE directive should contain a single value or a list of values which should match. CASE may also be left blank or written as [% CASE default %] to specify a default match. Only one CASE matches, there is no drop-through between CASE statements.

[% SWITCH myvar %]
[% CASE value1 %]
[% CASE [ value2 value3 ] %]   # multiple values
[% CASE myhash.keys %]         # ditto
[% CASE %]                     # default
[% END %]

Loop Processing


The FOREACH directive will iterate through the items in a list, processing the enclosed block for each one.

    my $vars = {
	foo   => 'Foo',
  	items => [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ],


  [% FOREACH thing = [ foo 'Bar' "$foo Baz" ] %]
     * [% thing %]
  [% END %]

  [% FOREACH i = items %]
     * [% i %]
  [% END %]

  [% stuff = [ foo "$foo Bar" ] %]
  [% FOREACH s = stuff %]
     * [% s %]
  [% END %]


    * Foo
    * Bar
    * Foo Baz

    * one
    * two
    * three

    * Foo
    * Foo Bar

When the FOREACH directive is used without specifying a target variable, any iterated values which are hash references will be automatically imported.

    [% userlist = [
	  { id => 'tom',   name => 'Thomas'  },
	  { id => 'dick',  name => 'Richard'  },
	  { id => 'larry', name => 'Lawrence' },

    [% FOREACH user = userlist %]
       [% %] [% %]
    [% END %]

short form:

[% FOREACH userlist %]
   [% id %] [% name %]
[% END %]

Note that this particular usage creates a localised variable context to prevent the imported hash keys from overwriting any existing variables. The imported definitions and any other variables defined in such a FOREACH loop will be lost at the end of the loop, when the previous context and variable values are restored.

The FOREACH directive can also be used to iterate through the entries in a hash array. Each entry in the hash is returned in sorted order (based on the key) as a hash array containing 'key' and 'value' items.

    [% users = {
	 tom   => 'Thomas',
	 dick  => 'Richard',
         larry => 'Lawrence',

    [% FOREACH u = users %]
       * [% u.key %] : [% u.value %]
    [% END %]


* dick : Richard
* larry : Lawrence
* tom : Thomas      

The NEXT directive starts the next iteration in the FOREACH loop.

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   [% NEXT IF user.isguest %]
   Name: [% %]    Email: [% %]
[% END %]

The BREAK directive can be used to prematurely exit the loop..

[% FOREACH match = results.nsort('score').reverse %]
   [% BREAK IF match.score < 50 %]
   [% match.score %] : [% match.url %]
[% END %]

The FOREACH directive is implemented using the Template::Iterator module. A reference to the iterator object for a FOREACH directive is implicitly available in the 'loop' variable. This can be used to call methods on the iterator object to return the list size, maximum index (size - 1), current index (0..size-1), current iteration number (1..size), boolean values to indicate if the loop is in the first/last iteration, and so on. See Template::Iterator for further details.

[% FOREACH item = itemlist %]
   [% "<ul>\n" IF loop.first %]
   <li>[% loop.number %]/[% loop.size %] : [% item %]
   [% "</ul>\n" IF loop.last %]
[% END %]

The 'iterator' plugin can also be used to explicitly create an iterator object. See Template::Plugin::Iterator for further details.

[% USE stuff = iterator(['a', 'b', 'c']) %]

[% FOREACH item = stuff %]
*  [% stuff.index %] : [% item %]
[% END %]


*  0 : a
*  1 : b
*  2 : c

The WHILE directive can be used to repeatedly process a template block while a conditional expression evaluates true. The expression may be arbitrarily complex as per IF / UNLESS.

[% WHILE total < 100 %]
   [% total = calculate_new_total %]
[% END %]

An assignment can be enclosed in parenthesis to evaluate the assigned value.

[% WHILE (user = get_next_user_record) %]
   [% %]
[% END %]

The NEXT directive can be used to start the next iteration of a WHILE loop and BREAK can be used to exit the loop, both as per FOREACH.

The Template Toolkit uses a failsafe counter to prevent runaway WHILE loops which would otherwise never terminate. If the loop exceeds 1000 iterations then an 'undef' exception will be thrown, reporting the error:

WHILE loop terminated (> 1000 iterations)

The $Template::Directive::WHILE_MAX variable controls this behaviour and can be set to a higher value if necessary.

Filters, Plugins, Macros and Perl


The FILTER directive can be used to post-process the output of a block. A number of standard filters are provided with the Template Toolkit or you can define your own via the FILTERS configuration option.

The 'html' filter, for example, escapes the '<', '>' and '&' characters to prevent them from being interpreted as HTML tags or entity reference.

[% FILTER html %]
   HTML text may have < and > characters embedded
   which you want converted to the correct HTML entities.
[% END %]


HTML text may have &lt; and &gt; characters embedded
which you want converted to the correct HTML entities.

The FILTER directive can also follow various other non-block directives. For example:

[% INCLUDE mytext FILTER html %]

The '|' character can also be used as an alias for 'FILTER'.

[% INCLUDE mytext | html %]

Multiple filters can be called in sequence.

[% INCLUDE mytext FILTER html FILTER html_para %]


[% INCLUDE mytext | html | html_para %]

See "TEMPLATE TOOLKIT FILTERS" for a complete list of available filters, their descriptions and examples of use.


The USE directive can be used to load and initialise "plugin" extension modules.

[% USE myplugin %]

A plugin is a regular Perl module that conforms to a particular object-oriented interface, allowing it to be loaded into and used automatically by the Template Toolkit. For details of this interface and information on writing plugins, consult Template::Plugin.

The plugin name is case-sensitive and will be appended to the PLUGIN_BASE value (default: 'Template::Plugin') to construct a full module name. Any periods, '.', in the name will be converted to '::'.

[% USE MyPlugin %]     #  => Template::Plugin::MyPlugin
[% USE Foo.Bar  %]     #  => Template::Plugin::Foo::Bar

Various standard plugins are included with the Template Toolkit (see below and "TEMPLATE TOOLKIT PLUGINS"). These can be specified in lower case and are mapped to the appropriate name.

[% USE cgi   %]        # => Template::Plugin::CGI
[% USE table %]        # => Template::Plugin::Table

Any additional parameters supplied in parenthesis after the plugin name will be also be passed to the new() constructor. A reference to the current Template::Context object is always passed as the first parameter.

[% USE MyPlugin('foo', 123) %]

equivalent to:

Template::Plugin::MyPlugin->new($context, 'foo', 123);

Named parameters may also be specified. These are collated into a hash which is passed by reference as the last parameter to the constructor, as per the general code calling interface.

[% USE url('/cgi-bin/foo', mode='submit', debug=1) %]

equivalent to:

    Template::Plugin::URL->new($context, '/cgi-bin/foo'
			       { mode => 'submit', debug => 1 });

The plugin may represent any data type; a simple variable, hash, list or code reference, but in the general case it will be an object reference. Methods can be called on the object (or the relevant members of the specific data type) in the usual way:

    [% USE table(mydata, rows=3) %]

    [% FOREACH row = table.rows %]
       [% FOREACH item = row %]
	  <td>[% item %]</td>
       [% END %]
    [% END %]

An alternative name may be provided for the plugin by which it can be referenced:

[% USE scores = table(myscores, cols=5) %]

[% FOREACH row = scores.rows %]
[% END %]

You can use this approach to create multiple plugin objects with different configurations. This example shows how the 'format' plugin is used to create sub-routines bound to variables for formatting text as per printf().

[% USE bold = format('<b>%s</b>') %]
[% USE ital = format('<i>%s</i>') %]

[% bold('This is bold')   %]
[% ital('This is italic') %]


<b>This is bold</b>
<i>This is italic</i>

The URL plugin allows you to build dynamic URLs from a base part and optional query parameters.

[% USE mycgi = URL('/cgi-bin/', debug=1) %]
<a href="[% mycgi %]">...
<a href="[% mycgi(mode='submit') %]"...


<a href="/cgi-bin/">...
<a href="/cgi-bin/">...

The CGI plugin is an example of one which delegates to another Perl module. In this this case, it is to Lincoln Stein's module. All of the methods provided by are available via the plugin.

[% USE CGI %]

[% CGI.start_form %]

[% CGI.checkbox_group(name   =>   'colours', 
                      values => [ 'red' 'green' 'blue' ])

[% CGI.popup_menu(name   =>   'items', 
                  values => [ 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' ])

[% CGI.end_form %]

Simon Matthews has written a DBI plugin which provides an interface to Tim Bunce's DBI module (both available from CPAN). Here's a short example:

[% USE DBI('DBI:mSQL:mydbname') %]

[% FOREACH user = DBI.query('SELECT * FROM users') %]
   [% %] [% %] [% user.etc.etc %]
[% END %]

See "TEMPLATE TOOLKIT PLUGINS" for more information on the plugins distributed with the toolkit or available from CPAN.

The LOAD_PERL option (disabled by default) provides a further way by which external Perl modules may be loaded. If a regular Perl module (i.e. not a Template::Plugin::* or other module relative to some PLUGIN_BASE) supports an object-oriented interface and a new() constructor then it can be loaded and instantiated automatically. The following trivial example shows how the IO::File module might be used.

[% USE file = IO.File('/tmp/mydata') %]

[% WHILE (line = file.getline) %]
   <!-- [% line %] -->
[% END %]

The MACRO directive allows you to define a directive or directive block which is then evaluated each time the macro is called.

[% MACRO header INCLUDE header %]

Calling the macro as:

[% header %]

is then equivalent to:

[% INCLUDE header %]

Macros can be passed named parameters when called. These values remain local to the macro.

[% header(title='Hello World') %]  

equivlant to:

[% INCLUDE header title='Hello World' %]

A MACRO definition may include parameter names. Values passed to the macros are then mapped to these local variables. Other named parameters may follow these.

[% MACRO header(title) INCLUDE header %]

[% header('Hello World') %]
[% header('Hello World', bgcol='#123456') %]

equivalent to:

[% INCLUDE header title='Hello World' %]
[% INCLUDE header title='Hello World' bgcol='#123456# %]

A MACRO may preceed any directive and must conform to the structure of the directive.

[% MACRO header IF frames %]
   [% INCLUDE frames/header %]
[% ELSE %]
   [% INCLUDE header %]
[% END %]

[% header %]

A MACRO may also be defined as an anonymous BLOCK. The block will be evaluated each time the macro is called.

[% MACRO header BLOCK %]
[% END %]

[% header %]

The PERL directive is used to mark the start of a block which contains Perl code for evaluation. The EVAL_PERL option must be enabled for Perl code to be evaluated or a 'perl' exception will be thrown with the message 'EVAL_PERL not set'.

Perl code is evaluated in the Template::Perl package. The $context package variable contains a reference to the current Template::Context object. This can be used to access the functionality of the Template Toolkit to process other templates, load plugins, filters, etc. See Template::Context for further details.

[% PERL %]
   print $context->include('myfile');
[% END %]

The $stash variable contains a reference to the top-level stash object which manages template variables. Through this, variable values can be retrieved and updated. See Template::Stash for further details.

[% PERL %]
   $stash->set(foo => 'bar');
   print "foo value: ", $stash->get('foo');
[% END %]

Output foo value: bar

Output is generated from the PERL block by calling print(). Note that the Template::Perl::PERLOUT handle is selected (tied to an output buffer) instead of STDOUT.

[% PERL %]
   print "foo\n";	                        # OK
   print PERLOUT "bar\n";                   # OK, same as above
   print Template::Perl::PERLOUT "baz\n";   # OK, same as above
   print STDOUT "qux\n";			# WRONG!
[% END %]

The PERL block may contain other template directives. These are processed before the Perl code is evaluated.

[% name = 'Fred Smith' %]

[% PERL %]
   print "[% name %]\n";
[% END %]

Thus, the Perl code in the above example is evaluated as:

print "Fred Smith\n";

Exceptions may be thrown from within PERL blocks via die() and will be correctly caught by enclosing TRY blocks.

[% TRY %]
   [% PERL %]
      die "nothing to live for\n";
   [% END %]
[% CATCH %]
   error: [% %]
[% END %]

output: error: nothing to live for


The Template Toolkit parser reads a source template and generates the text of a Perl subroutine as output. It then uses eval() to evaluate it into a subroutine reference. This subroutine is then called to process the template, passing a reference to the current Template::Context object through which the functionality of the Template Toolkit can be accessed. The subroutine reference can be cached, allowing the template to be processed repeatedly without requiring any further parsing.

For example, a template such as:

[% PROCESS header %]
The [% animal %] sat on the [% location %]
[% PROCESS footer %]

is converted into the following Perl subroutine definition:

sub {
	my $context = shift;
	my $stash   = $context->stash;
	my $output  = '';
	my $error;
	eval { BLOCK: {
	    $output .=  $context->process('header');
	    $output .=  "The ";
	    $output .=  $stash->get('animal');
	    $output .=  " sat on the ";
	    $output .=  $stash->get('location');
	    $output .=  $context->process('footer');
	    $output .=  "\n";
	} };
	if ($@) {
	    $error = $context->catch($@, \$output);
	    die $error unless $error->type eq 'return';

	return $output;

To examine the Perl code generated, such as in the above example, set the $Template::Parser::DEBUG package variable to any true value. You can also set the $Template::Directive::PRETTY variable true to have the code formatted in a readable manner for human consumption. The source code for each generated template subroutine will be printed to STDERR on compilation (i.e. the first time a template is used).

    $Template::Parser::DEBUG = 1;
    $Template::Directive::PRETTY = 1;


    $template->process($file, $vars)
	|| die $template->error(), "\n";

The PERL ... END construct allows Perl code to be embedded into a template (when the EVAL_PERL option is set), but it is evaluated at "runtime" using eval() each time the template subroutine is called. This is inherently flexible, but not as efficient as it could be, especially in a persistant server environment where a template may be processed many times.

The RAWPERL directive allows you to write Perl code that is integrated directly into the generated Perl subroutine text. It is evaluated once at compile time and is stored in cached form as part of the compiled template subroutine. This makes RAWPERL blocks more efficient than PERL blocks.

The downside is that you must code much closer to the metal. Within PERL blocks, you can call print() to generate some output. RAWPERL blocks don't afford such luxury. The code is inserted directly into the generated subroutine text and should conform to the convention of appending to the '$output' variable.

[% PROCESS  header %]

   $output .= "Some output\n";
   $output .= "Some more output\n";
[% END %]

The critical section of the generated subroutine for this example would then look something like:

    eval { BLOCK: {
	$output .=  $context->process('header');
        $output .=  "\n";
        $output .= "Some output\n";
        $output .= "Some more output\n";
        $output .=  "\n";
    } };

As with PERL blocks, the $context and $stash references are pre-defined and available for use within RAWPERL code.

Exception Handling and Flow Control


The Template Toolkit supports fully functional, nested exception handling. The TRY directive introduces an exception handling scope which continues until the matching END directive. Any errors that occur within that block will be caught and can be handled by one of the CATCH blocks defined.

[% TRY %]
   [% CALL somecode %]
   [% INCLUDE someblock %]
   ...and so on...
[% CATCH %]
   An error occurred!
[% END %]

Errors are raised as exceptions (objects of the Template::Exception class) and contain two fields, 'type' and 'info'. The exception 'type' can be any string containing letters, numbers, '_' or '.', and is used to indicate the kind of error that occurred. The 'info' field contains an error message indicating what actually went wrong. Within a catch block, the exception object is aliased to the 'error' variable. You can access the 'type' and 'info' fields directly.

[% mydsn = 'dbi:MySQL:foobar' %]

[% TRY %]
   [% USE DBI(mydsn) %]
[% CATCH %]
   ERROR! Type: [% error.type %]
          Info: [% %]
[% END %]

output (assuming a non-existant database called 'foobar'):

        Info: Unknown database "foobar"

The 'error' variable can also be specified by itself and will return a string of the form "$type error - $info".

[% CATCH %]
ERROR: [% error %]
[% END %]


ERROR: DBI error - Unknown database "foobar"

Each CATCH block may be specified with a particular exception type denoting the kind of error that it should catch. Multiple CATCH blocks can be provided to handle different types of exception that may be thrown in the TRY block. A CATCH block specified without any type, as in the previous example, is a default handler which will catch any otherwise uncaught exceptions. This can also be specified as [% CATCH DEFAULT %].

[% TRY %]
   [% INCLUDE myfile %]
   [% USE DBI(mydsn) %]
   [% CALL somecode %]
[% CATCH file %]
   File Error! [% %]
   [% INCLUDE database/error.html %]
[% CATCH %]
   [% error %]
[% END %]

Remember that you can specify multiple directives within a single tag, each delimited by ';'. Thus, you might prefer to write your simple CATCH blocks more succinctly as:

[% TRY %]
[% CATCH file; "File Error! $" %]
[% CATCH DBI;  INCLUDE database/error.html %]
[% CATCH; error %]
[% END %]

or even:

    [% TRY %]
    [% CATCH file ;
           "File Error! $" ;
       CATCH DBI ;
	   INCLUDE database/error.html ;
       CATCH ;
	   error ;

The DBI plugin, as you should by now have realised, throws exceptions of the 'DBI' type. The other specific exception caught here is of the 'file' type.

A 'file' error is automatically thrown by the Template Toolkit when it can't find a file, or fails to load, parse or process a file that has been requested by an INCLUDE, PROCESS, INSERT or WRAPPER directive. If 'myfile' can't be found in the example above, the [% INCLUDE myfile %] directive will raise a 'file' exception which is then caught by the [% CATCH file %] block, generating the output:

File Error! myfile: not found

Note that the DEFAULT option (disabled by default) allows you to specify a default file to be used any time a template file can't be found. This will prevent file exceptions from ever being raised when a non-existant file is requested (unless, of course, the DEFAULT file doesn't exist). Errors encountered once the file has been found (i.e. read error, parse error) will be raised as file exceptions as per usual.

Uncaught exceptions (i.e. the TRY block doesn't have a type specific or default CATCH handler) may be caught by enclosing TRY blocks which can be nested indefinately across multiple templates. If the error isn't caught at any level then processing will stop and the Template process() method will return a false value to the caller. The relevant Template::Exception object can be retrieved by calling the error() method.

    [% TRY %]
       [% TRY %]
          [% INCLUDE $user.header %]
       [% CATCH file %]
	  [% INCLUDE header %]
       [% END %]
    [% CATCH DBI %]
       [% INCLUDE database/error.html %]
    [% END %]

In this example, the inner TRY block is used to ensure that the first INCLUDE directive works as expected. We're using a variable to provide the name of the template we want to include, user.header, and it's possible this contains the name of a non-existant template, or perhaps one containing invalid template directives. If the INCLUDE fails with a 'file' error then we CATCH it in the inner block and INCLUDE the default 'header' file instead. Any DBI errors that occur within the scope of the outer TRY block will be caught in the relevant CATCH block, causing the 'database/error.html' template to be processed. Note that included templates inherit all currently defined template variable so these errors file can quite happily access the 'error' variable to retrieve information about the currently caught exception. e.g.


<h2>Database Error</h2>
A database error has occurred: [% %]

You can also specify a FINAL block. This is always processed regardless of the outcome of the TRY and/or CATCH block. If an exception is uncaught then the FINAL block is processed before jumping to the enclosing block or returning to the caller.

[% TRY %]
[% CATCH this %] 
[% CATCH that %] 
[% FINAL %]
   All done!
[% END %]

The output from the TRY block is left intact up to the point where an exception occurs. For example, this template:

[% TRY %]
   This gets printed 
   [% THROW food 'carrots' %]
   This doesn't
[% CATCH food %]
   culinary delights: [% %]
[% END %]    

generates the following output:

This gets printed
culinary delights: carrots

The CLEAR directive can be used in a CATCH or FINAL block to clear any output created in the TRY block.

[% TRY %]
   This gets printed 
   [% THROW food 'carrots' %]
   This doesn't
[% CATCH food %]
   [% CLEAR %]
   culinary delights: [% %]
[% END %]    


culinary delights: carrots

Exception types are hierarchical, with each level being separated by the familiar dot. A 'DBI.connect' exception is a more specific kind of 'DBI' error. Similarly, a 'myown.error.barf' is a more specific kind of 'myown.error' type which itself is also a 'myown' error. A CATCH handler that specifies a general exception type (such as 'DBI' or 'myown.error') will also catch more specific types that have the same prefix as long as a more specific handler isn't defined. Note that the order that CATCH handlers are defined in is irrelevant; a more specific handler which always catch an exception in preference to a more generic or default one.

[% TRY %]
     INCLUDE database/error.html ;
   CATCH DBI.connect ;
     INCLUDE database/connect.html ;
   CATCH ; 
     INCLUDE error.html ;

In this example, a 'DBI.connect' error has it's own handler, a more general 'DBI' block is used for all other DBI or DBI.* errors and a default handler catches everything else.

Exceptions can be raised in a template using the THROW directive. The first parameter is the exception type which doesn't need to be quoted (but can be, it's the same as INCLUDE) followed by the relevant error message which can be any regular value such as a quoted string, variable, etc.

[% THROW food "Missing ingredients: $recipe.error" %]

[% THROW user.login 'no user id: please login' %]

[% THROW $myerror.type "My Error: $" %]

Exceptions can also be thrown from Perl code which you've bound to template variables, or defined as a plugin or other extension. To raise an exception, call die() passing a reference to a Template::Exception object as the argument. This will then be caught by any enclosing TRY blocks from where the code was called.

    use Template::Exception;

    my $vars = {
	foo => sub {
	    # ... do something ...
	    die Template::Exception->new('myerr.naughty',
					 'Bad, bad error');


[% TRY %]
   [% foo %]
[% CATCH myerr ;
     "Error: $error" ;


Error: myerr.naughty error - Bad, bad error

You can also call die() with a single string, as is common in much existing Perl code. This will automatically be converted to an exception of the 'undef' type (that's the literal string 'undef', not the undefined value). If the string isn't terminated with a newline then Perl will append the familiar " at $file line $line" message.

    sub foo {
	# ... do something ...
	die "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that\n";

If you're writing a plugin, or some extension code that has the current Template::Context in scope (you can safely skip this section if this means nothing to you) then you can also raise an exception by calling the context throw() method. You can pass it an Template::Exception object reference, a pair of ($type, $info) parameters or just an $info string to create an exception of 'undef' type.

$context->throw($e);	    # exception object
$context->throw('Denied');	    # 'undef' type
$context->throw('user.passwd', 'Bad Password');

The NEXT directive can be used to start the next iteration of a FOREACH or WHILE loop.

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   [% NEXT IF user.isguest %]
   Name: [% %]    Email: [% %]
[% END %]

The BREAK directive can be used to prematurely exit a FOREACH or WHILE loop.

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   Name: [% %]    Email: [% %]
   [% BREAK IF some.condition %]
[% END %]

The RETURN directive can be used to stop processing the current template and return to the template from which it was called, resuming processing at the point immediately after the INCLUDE, PROCESS or WRAPPER directive. If there is no enclosing template then the Template process() method will return to the calling code with a true value.

  [% INCLUDE half_wit %]

  [% BLOCK half_wit %]
  This is just half...
  [% RETURN %]
  ...a complete block
  [% END %]


This is just half...

The STOP directive can be used to indicate that the processor should stop gracefully without processing any more of the template document. This is a planned stop and the Template process() method will return a true value to the caller. This indicates that the template was processed successfully according to the directives within it.

[% IF something.terrible.happened %]
   [% INCLUDE fatal/error.html %]
   [% STOP %]
[% END %]

[% TRY %]
   [% USE DBI(mydsn) %]
[% CATCH DBI.connect %]
   <p>Cannot connect to the database: [% %]</p>
   We apologise for the inconvenience.  The cleaning lady 
   has removed the server power to plug in her vacuum cleaner.
   Please try again later.
   [% INCLUDE footer %]
   [% STOP %]
[% END %]

The CLEAR directive can be used to clear the output buffer for the current enclosing block. It is most commonly used to clear the output generated from a TRY block up to the point where the error occurred.

[% TRY %]
   blah blah blah            # this is normally left intact
   [% THROW some 'error' %]  # up to the point of error
[% CATCH %]
   [% CLEAR %]               # clear the TRY output
   [% error %]               # print error string
[% END %]



The META directive allows simple metadata items to be defined within a template. These are evaluated when the template is parsed and as such may only contain simple values (e.g. it's not possible to interpolate other variables values into META variables).

   title   = 'The Cat in the Hat'
   author  = 'Dr. Seuss'
   version = 1.23 

The 'template' variable contains a reference to the main template being processed. These metadata items may be retrieved as attributes of the template.

<h1>[% template.title %]</h1>
<h2>[% %]</h2>

The 'name' and 'modtime' metadata items are automatically defined for each template to contain its name and modification time in seconds since the epoch.

[% USE date %]		# use Date plugin to format time
[% %] last modified
at [% date.format(template.modtime) %]

The PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS options allow common headers and footers to be added to all templates. The 'template' reference is correctly defined when these templates are processed, allowing headers and footers to reference metadata items from the main template.

    $template = Template->new({
	PRE_PROCESS  => 'header',
	POST_PROCESS => 'footer',


header: <html> <head> <title>[% template.title %]</title> </head> <body>

catinhat: [% META title = 'The Cat in the Hat' author = 'Dr. Seuss' version = 1.23 year = 2000 %]

The cat in the hat sat on the mat.

footer: <hr> &copy; [% template.year %] [% %] </body> </html>

The output generated from the above example is:

<title>The Cat in the Hat</title>

The cat in the hat sat on the mat.

&copy; 2000 Dr. Seuss
</html> template.modtime


The TAGS directive can be used to set the START_TAG and END_TAG values on a per-template file basis.

[% TAGS <+ +> %]

<+ INCLUDE header +>

The TAGS directive may also be used to set a named TAG_STYLE

[% TAGS html %]
<!-- INCLUDE header -->

See the TAGS and TAG_STYLE configuration options for further details.




The Template module accepts configuration items destined for any other Template::* module that it may create and will forward them appropriately. The following list summarises the various options under several broad categories.

Template Style and Parsing Options


The START_TAG and END_TAG options are used to specify character sequences or regular expressions that mark the start and end of a template directive. The default values for START_TAG and END_TAG are '[%' and '%]' respectively, giving us the familiar directive style:

[% example %]

Any Perl regex characters can be used and therefore should be escaped (or use the Perl quotemeta function) if they are intended to represent literal characters.

  my $template = Template->new({ 
	START_TAG => quotemeta('<+'),
	END_TAG   => quotemeta('+>'),


<+ INCLUDE foobar +>

The TAGS directive can also be used to set the START_TAG and END_TAG values on a per-template file basis.

[% TAGS <+ +> %]

The TAG_STYLE option can be used to set both START_TAG and END_TAG according to pre-defined tag styles.

  my $template = Template->new({ 
	TAG_STYLE => 'php',

Available styles are:

template    [% ... %]               (default)
template1   [% ... %] or %% ... %%  (Template version 1)
metatext    %% ... %%               (Text::MetaText)
php         <? ... ?>               (PHP)
asp         <% ... %>               (ASP)
mason       <% ...  >               (HTML::Mason)
html        <!-- ... -->            (HTML comments)

Any values specified for START_TAG and/or END_TAG will over-ride those defined by a TAG_STYLE.

The TAGS directive may also be used to set a TAG_STYLE

[% TAGS html %]
<!-- INCLUDE header -->

Anything outside a directive tag is considered plain text and is generally passed through unaltered (but see the INTERPOLATE option). This includes all whitespace and newlines characters surrounding directive tags. Any directives that don't generate any output will leave gaps in the output document.


[% a = 10 %]




The PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP options can help to clean up some of this extraneous whitespace. Both are disabled by default.

    my $template = Template->new({
	PRE_CHOMP  => 1,

With PRE_CHOMP set true, the newline and whitespace preceeding a directive at the start of a line will be deleted. This has the effect of concatenating a line that starts with a directive onto the end of the previous line.

	Foo <----------.
   `-- [% a = 10 %] --.
   `-> Bar

With POST_CHOMP set true, any whitespace after a directive up to and including the newline will be deleted. This has the effect of joining a line that ends with a directive onto the start of the next line.

PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP can be activated for individual directives by placing a '-' immediately at the start and/or end of the directive.

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   [%- user -%]
[% END %]

The '-' characters activate both PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP for the one directive '[%- name -%]'. Thus, the template will be processed as if written:

[% FOREACH user = userlist %][% user %][% END %]

Similarly, '+' characters can be used to disable PRE_CHOMP or POST_CHOMP (i.e. leave the whitespace/newline intact) options on a per-directive basis.

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
User: [% user +%]
[% END %]

With POST_CHOMP set on, the above example would be parsed as if written:

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]User: [% user %]
[% END %]

The TRIM option can be set to have any leading and trailing whitespace automatically removed from the output of all template files and BLOCKs.

By example, the following BLOCK definition

[% BLOCK foo %]
Line 1 of foo
[% END %]

will be processed is as "\nLine 1 of foo\n". When INCLUDEd, the surrounding newlines will also be introduced.

[% INCLUDE foo %]

output: before

Line 1 of foo


With the TRIM option set to any true value, the leading and trailing newlines (which count as whitespace) will be removed from the output of the BLOCK.

Line 1 of foo

The TRIM option is disabled (0) by default.


The INTERPOLATE flag, when set to any true value will cause variable references in plain text (i.e. not surrounded by START_TAG and END_TAG) to be recognised and interpolated accordingly.

  my $template = Template->new({ 

Variables should be prefixed by a '$' to identify them. Curly braces can be used in the familiar Perl/shell style to explicitly scope the variable name where required.

  <a href="http://[% server %]/[% help %]">
  <img src="[% images %]/help.gif"></a>
  [% %]

  <a href="http://$server/$help">
  <img src="$images/help.gif"></a>

  # explicit scoping with {  }
  <img src="$images/${}.gif">

By default, directive keywords should be expressed in UPPER CASE. The ANYCASE option can be set to allow directive keywords to be specified in any case.

# ANYCASE => 0 (default)
[% INCLUDE foobar %]	# OK
[% include foobar %]        # ERROR
[% include = 10   %]        # OK, 'include' is a variable

# ANYCASE => 1
[% INCLUDE foobar %]	# OK
[% include foobar %]	# OK
[% include = 10   %]        # ERROR, 'include' is reserved word

One side-effect of enabling ANYCASE is that you cannot use a variable of the same name as a reserved word, regardless of case. The reserved words are currently:


The only lower case reserved words that cannot be used for variables, regardless of the ANYCASE option, are the operators:

and or not mod div

Template Files and Blocks


The INCLUDE_PATH is used to specify one or more directories in which template files are located. When a template is requested that isn't defined locally as a BLOCK, each of the INCLUDE_PATH directories is searched in turn to locate the template file. Multiple directories can be specified as a reference to a list or as a single string where each directory is delimited by ':'. The DELIMITER option can be set to redefine the delimiter value.

  my $template = Template->new({
      INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/local/templates',

  my $template = Template->new({
      INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/local/templates:/tmp/my/templates',

  my $template = Template->new({
      INCLUDE_PATH => [ '/usr/local/templates', 
                        '/tmp/my/templates' ],

Used to provide an alternative delimiter character sequence for separating paths specified in the INCLUDE_PATH. May be useful for operating systems that permit the use of ':' in file names.

    # tolerate Silly Billy's file system conventions
    my $template = Template->new({
	DELIMITER    => ' ',

    # better solution: install Linux!  :-)

The ABSOLUTE flag is used to indicate if templates specified with absolute filenames (e.g. '/foo/bar') should be processed. It is disabled by default and any attempt to load a template by such a name will cause a 'file' exception to be raised.

    my $template = Template->new({

    # this is why it's disabled by default
    [% INSERT /etc/passwd %]

The RELATIVE flag is used to indicate if templates specified with filenames relative to the current directory (e.g. './foo/bar' or '../../some/where/else') should be loaded. It is also disabled by default, and will raise a 'file' error if such template names are encountered.

    my $template = Template->new({

    [% INCLUDE ../logs/error.log %]

The DEFAULT option can be used to specify a default template which should be used whenever a specified template can't be found in the INCLUDE_PATH.

    my $template = Template->new({
	DEFAULT => 'notfound.html',

If a non-existant template is requested through the Template process() method, or by an INCLUDE, PROCESS or WRAPPER directive, then the DEFAULT template will instead be processed, if defined. Note that the DEFAULT template is not used when templates are specified with absolute or relative filenames, or as a reference to a input file handle or text string.


The BLOCKS option can be used to pre-define a default set of template blocks. These should be specified as a reference to a hash array mapping template names to template text, subroutines or Template::Document objects.

    my $template = Template->new({
	BLOCKS => {
	    header  => 'The Header.  [% title %]',
	    footer  => sub { return $some_output_text },
	    another => Template::Document->new({ ... }),

The AUTO_RESET option is set by default and causes the local BLOCKS cache for the Template::Context object to be reset on each call to the Template process() method. This ensures that any BLOCKs defined within a template will only persist until that template is finished processing. This prevents BLOCKs defined in one processing request from interfering with other independant requests subsequently processed by the same context object.

The BLOCKS item may be used to specify a default set of block definitions for the Template::Context object. Subsequent BLOCK definitions in templates will over-ride these but they will be reinstated on each reset if AUTO_RESET is enabled (default), or if the Template::Context reset() method is called.


The template processor will raise a file exception if it detects direct or indirect recursion into a template. Setting this option to any true value will allow templates to include each other recursively.

Template Variables


The VARIABLES option (or PRE_DEFINE - they're equivalent) can be used to specify a hash array of template variables that should be used to pre-initialise the stash when it is created. These items are ignored if the STASH item is defined.

    my $template = Template->new({
	    title   => 'A Demo Page',
	    author  => 'Joe Random Hacker',
	    version => 3.14,


    my $template = Template->new({
	    title   => 'A Demo Page',
	    author  => 'Joe Random Hacker',
	    version => 3.14,

Runtime Processing Options


This flag is used to indicate if PERL and/or RAWPERL blocks should be evaluated. By default, it is disabled and any PERL or RAWPERL blocks encountered will be ignored. Note however that any RAWPERL blocks should always contain valid Perl code, regardless of the EVAL_PERL flag. The parser will fail to compile templates that contain invalid Perl code in RAWPERL blocks and will throw a 'file' exception.


These values may be set to contain the name(s) of template files (relative to INCLUDE_PATH) which should be processed immediately before and/or after each template. These do not get added to templates processed into a document via directives such as INCLUDE, PROCESS, WRAPPER etc.

    my $template = Template->new({
	PRE_PROCESS  => 'header',
	POST_PROCESS => 'footer',

Multiple templates may be specified as a reference to a list. Each is processed in the order defined.

    my $template = Template->new({
	PRE_PROCESS  => [ 'config', 'header' ],
	POST_PROCESS => 'footer',

The PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS templates are evaluated in the same variable context as the main document and may define or update variables for subseqent use.

config: [% # set some site-wide variables bgcolor = '#ffffff' version = 2.718 %]

header: [% DEFAULT title = 'My Funky Web Site' %] <html> <head> <title>[% title %]</title> </head> <body bgcolor="[% bgcolor %]">

footer: <hr> Version [% version %] </body> </html>

The Template::Document object representing the main template being processed is available within PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS templates as the 'template' variable. Metadata items defined via the META directive may be accessed accordingly.

$template->process('mydoc.html', $vars);

mydoc.html: [% META title = 'My Document Title' %] blah blah blah ...

header: <html> <head> <title>[% template.title %]</title></head> <body bgcolor="[% bgcolor %]">


The PROCESS option may be set to contain the name(s) of template files (relative to INCLUDE_PATH) which should be processed instead of the main template passed to the Template process() method. This can be used to apply consistent wrappers around all templates, similar to the use of PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS templates.

    my $template = Template->new({
	PROCESS  => 'content',

    # processes 'content' instead of 'foo.html'

A reference to the original template is available in the 'template' variable. Metadata items can be inspected and the template can be processed by specifying it as a variable reference (i.e. prefixed by '$') to an INCLUDE, PROCESS or WRAPPER directive.

content: <html> <head> <title>[% template.title %]</title> </head>

[% PROCESS $template %]
&copy; Copyright [% template.copyright %]

foo.html: [% META title = 'The Foo Page' author = 'Fred Foo' copyright = '2000 Fred Foo' %] <h1>[% template.title %]</h1> Welcome to the Foo Page, blah blah blah



The ERROR (or ERRORS if you prefer) configuration item can be used to name a single template or specify a hash array mapping exception types to template names, to be used for error handling. If an uncaught exception is raised from within a template then the appropriate error template will instead be processed.

If specified as a single value then that template will be processed for all uncaught exceptions.

    my $template = Template->new({
	ERROR => 'error.html'

If the ERROR item is a hash reference the keys are assumed to be exception types and the relevant template for a given exception will be selected. A 'default' template may be provided for the general case. Note that 'ERROR' can be pluralised to 'ERRORS' if you find it more appropriate in this case.

    my $template = Template->new({
	ERRORS => {
	    user     => 'user/index.html',
	    dbi      => 'error/database',
	    default  => 'error/default',

In this example, any 'user' exceptions thrown will cause the 'user/index.html' template to be processed, 'dbi' errors are handled by 'error/database' and all others by the 'error/default' template. Any PRE_PROCESS and/or POST_PROCESS templates will also be applied to these error templates.

Note that exception types are hierarchical and a 'foo' handler will catch all 'foo.*' errors (e.g., if a more specific handler isn't defined. Be sure to quote any exception types that contain periods to prevent Perl concatenating them into a single string (i.e. user.passwd is parsed as 'user'.'passwd').

    my $template = Template->new({
	ERROR => {
	    'user.login'  => 'user/login.html',
	    'user.passwd' => 'user/badpasswd.html',
	    'user'        => 'user/index.html',
	    'default'     => 'error/default',

In this example, any template processed by the $template object, or other templates or code called from within, can raise a 'user.login' exception and have the service redirect to the 'user/login.html' template. Similarly, a 'user.passwd' exception has a specific handling template, 'user/badpasswd.html', while all other 'user' or 'user.*' exceptions cause a redirection to the 'user/index.html' page. All other exception types are handled by 'error/default'.

Exceptions can be raised in a template using the THROW directive,

[% THROW user.login 'no user id: please login' %]

or by calling the throw() method on the current Template::Context object,

$context->throw('user.passwd', 'Incorrect Password');
$context->throw('Incorrect Password');    # type 'undef'

or from Perl code by calling die() with a Template::Exception object,

die Template::Exception->new('user.denied', 'Invalid User ID');

or by simply calling die() with an error string. This is automagically caught and converted to an exception of 'undef' type which can then be handled in the usual way.

die "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that";

Default output location or handler. This may be specified as one of: a file name (relative to OUTPUT_PATH, if defined, or the current working directory if not specified absolutely); a file handle (e.g. GLOB or IO::Handle) opened for writing; a reference to a text string to which the output is appended (the string isn't cleared); a reference to a subroutine which is called, passing the output text as an argument; or as a reference to any object that supports the print() method. This latter option includes the Apache::Request object which is passed as the argument to Apache/mod_perl handlers.

example 1 (file name):

    my $template = Template->new({
	OUTPUT => "/tmp/foo",

example 2 (text string):

    my $output = '';

    my $template = Template->new({
	OUTPUT => \$output,

example 3 (file handle):

    open (TOUT, "> $file") || die "$file: $!\n";

    my $template = Template->new({

example 4 (subroutine):

    sub output { my $out = shift; print "OUTPUT: $out" }

    my $template = Template->new({
	OUTPUT => \&output,

example 5 (Apache/mod_perl handler):

    sub handler {
	my $r = shift;

	my $t = Template->new({
	    OUTPUT => $r,


The default OUTPUT location be overridden by passing a third parameter to the Template process() method. This can be specified as any of the above argument types.

$t->process($file1, $vars, "/tmp/foo");
$t->process($file2, $vars, "bar");
$t->process($file3, $vars, \*MYGLOB);
$t->process($file4, $vars, $r);  # Apache::Request

The OUTPUT_PATH allows a directory to be specified into which output files should be written. An output file can be specified by the OUTPUT option, or passed by name as the third paramater to the Template process() method.

    my $template = Template->new({
	INPUT_PATH  => "/tmp/src",
	OUTPUT_PATH => "/tmp/dest",

    my $vars = {

    foreach my $file ('foo.html', 'bar.html') {
	$template->process($file, $vars, $file)
	    || die $template->error();	

This example will read the input files '/tmp/src/foo.html' and '/tmp/src/bar.html' and write the processed output to '/tmp/dest/foo.html' and '/tmp/dest/bar.html', respectively.

Caching and Compiling Options


The Template::Provider module caches compiled templates to avoid the need to re-parse template files or blocks each time they are used. The CACHE_SIZE option is used to limit the number of compiled templates that the module should cache.

By default, the CACHE_SIZE is undefined and all compiled templates are cached. When set to any positive value, the cache will be limited to storing that many compiled templates. When a new template is loaded and compiled and the cache is full (i.e. the number of entries == CACHE_SIZE), the least recently used compiled template is discarded to make room for the new one.

The CACHE_SIZE can be set to 0 to disable caching altogether.

    my $template = Template->new({
	CACHE_SIZE => 64,   # only cache 64 compiled templates

    my $template = Template->new({
	CACHE_SIZE => 0,   # don't cache any compiled templates

From version 2 onwards, the Template Toolkit has the ability to compile templates to Perl code and save them to disk for subsequent use (e.g. cache persistance). The COMPILE_EXT option may be provided to specify a filename extension for compiled template files. It is undefined by default and no attempt will be made to read or write any compiled template file.

    my $template = Template->new({
	COMPILE_EXT => '.ttc',

If COMPILE_EXT is defined (and COMPILE_DIR isn't, see below) then compiled template files with the COMPILE_EXT extension will be written to the same directory from which the source template files were loaded.

Compiling and subsequent reuse of templates happens automatically whenever the COMPILE_EXT or COMPILE_DIR options are set. The Template Toolkit will automatically reload and reuse compiled files when it finds them on disk. If the corresponding source file has been modified since the compiled version as written, then it will load and re-compile the source and write a new compiled version to disk.

This form of cache persistance offers significant benefits in terms of time and resources required to reload templates. Compiled templates can be reloaded by a simple call to Perl's require(), leaving Perl to handle all the parsing and compilation. This is a Good Thing.


The COMPILE_DIR option is used to specify an alternate directory root under which compiled template files should be saved.

    my $template = Template->new({
	COMPILE_DIR => '/tmp/ttc',

The COMPILE_EXT option may also be specified to have a consistent file extension added to these files.

    my $template1 = Template->new({
	COMPILE_DIR => '/tmp/ttc',
	COMPILE_EXT => '.ttc1',

    my $template2 = Template->new({
	COMPILE_DIR => '/tmp/ttc',
	COMPILE_EXT => '.ttc2',

When COMPILE_EXT is undefined, the compiled template files have the same name as the original template files, but reside in a different directory tree.

Each directory in the INCLUDE_PATH is replicated in full beneath the COMPILE_DIR directory. This example:

    my $template = Template->new({
	COMPILE_DIR  => '/tmp/ttc',
	INCLUDE_PATH => '/home/abw/templates:/usr/share/templates',

would create the following directory structure:


Files loaded from different INCLUDE_PATH directories will have their compiled forms save in the relevant COMPILE_DIR directory.

Plugins and Filters


The PLUGINS options can be used to provide a reference to a hash array that maps plugin names to Perl module names. A number of standard plugins are defined (e.g. 'table', 'cgi', 'dbi', etc.) which map to their corresponding Template::Plugin::* couterpart. These can be redefined by values in the PLUGINS hash.

    my $template = Template->new({
	    cgi => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugin::CGI',
    	    foo => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugin::Foo',
	    bar => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugin::Bar',

The USE directive is used to create plugin objects and does so by calling the plugin() method on the current Template::Context object. If the plugin name is defined in the PLUGINS hash then the corresponding Perl module is loaded via require(). The context then calls the load() class method which should return the class name (default and general case) or a prototype object against which the new() method can be called to instantiate individual plugin objects.

If the plugin name is not defined in the PLUGINS hash then the PLUGIN_BASE and/or LOAD_PERL options come into effect.


If a plugin is not defined in the PLUGINS hash then the PLUGIN_BASE is used to attempt to construct a correct Perl module name which can be successfully loaded.

The PLUGIN_BASE can be specified as a single value or as a reference to an array of multiple values. The default PLUGIN_BASE value, 'Template::Plugin', is always added the the end of the PLUGIN_BASE list (a single value is first converted to a list). Each value should contain a Perl package name to which the requested plugin name is appended.

example 1:

    my $template = Template->new({
	PLUGIN_BASE => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugin',

    [% USE Foo %]    # => MyOrg::Template::Plugin::Foo
                       or        Template::Plugin::Foo 

example 2:

    my $template = Template->new({
	PLUGIN_BASE => [   'MyOrg::Template::Plugin',
			 'YourOrg::Template::Plugin'  ],

    [% USE Foo %]    # =>   MyOrg::Template::Plugin::Foo
                       or YourOrg::Template::Plugin::Foo 
                       or          Template::Plugin::Foo

If a plugin cannot be loaded using the PLUGINS or PLUGIN_BASE approaches then the provider can make a final attempt to load the module without prepending any prefix to the module path. This allows regular Perl modules (i.e. those that don't reside in the Template::Plugin or some other such namespace) to be loaded and used as plugins.

By default, the LOAD_PERL option is set to 0 and no attempt will be made to load any Perl modules that aren't named explicitly in the PLUGINS hash or reside in a package as named by one of the PLUGIN_BASE components.

Plugins loaded using the PLUGINS or PLUGIN_BASE receive a reference to the current context object as the first argument to the new() constructor. Modules loaded using LOAD_PERL are assumed to not conform to the plugin interface. They must provide a new() class method for instantiating objects but it will not receive a reference to the context as the first argument. Plugin modules should provide a load() class method (or inherit the default one from the Template::Plugin base class) which is called the first time the plugin is loaded. Regular Perl modules need not. In all other respects, regular Perl objects and Template Toolkit plugins are identical.

If a particular Perl module does not conform to the common, but not unilateral, new() constructor convention then a simple plugin wrapper can be written to interface to it.


The FILTERS option can be used to specify additional filters which can then be used with the FILTER directive. These are added to the standard filters which are available by default. Filters specified via this option will mask standard filters of the same name.

The FILTERS should be specified as a reference to a hash array with each key representing the name of a filter. The corresponding value should contain a reference to an array containing a subroutine reference and a flag which indicates if the filter is static (0) or dynamic (1). A filter may also be specified as a subroutine reference by itself and is assumed to be static.

  $template = Template->new({
	    'sfilt1' =>   \&static_filter,      # static
          'sfilt2' => [ \&static_filter, 0 ], # same as above
	    'dfilt1' => [ \&dyanamic_filter_factory, 1 ],

Static filters are those where a single subroutine reference is used for all invocations of a particular filter. Filters that don't accept any configuration parameters (e.g. 'html') can be implemented statically. The subroutine reference is simply returned when that particular filter is requested. The subroutine is called to filter the output of a template block which is passed as the only argument. The subroutine should return the modified text.

    sub static_filter {
  	my $text = shift;
	# do something to modify $text...
  	return $text;

The following template fragment:

[% FILTER sfilt1 %]
Blah blah blah.
[% END %]

is approximately equivalent to:

&static_filter("\nBlah blah blah.\n");

Filters that can accept parameters (e.g. 'truncate') should be implemented dynamically. In this case, the subroutine is taken to be a filter 'factory' that is called to create a unique filter subroutine each time one is requested. A reference to the current Template::Context object is passed as the first parameter, followed by any additional parameters specified. The subroutine should return another subroutine reference (usually a closure) which implements the filter.

    sub dynamic_filter_factory {
	my ($context, @args) = @_;

  	return sub {
  	    my $text = shift;
	    # do something to modify $text...
	    return $text;	    

The following template fragment:

[% FILTER dfilt1(123, 456) %] 
Blah blah blah
[% END %]              

is approximately equivalent to:

my $filter = &dynamic_filter_factory($context, 123, 456);
&$filter("\nBlah blah blah.\n");

Compatibility, Customisation and Extension


In version 1 of the Template Toolkit, an optional leading '$' could be placed on any template variable and would be silently ignored.

[% $foo %]       ===  [% foo %]
[% $hash.$key %] ===  [% hash.key %]

To interpolate a variable value the '${' ... '}' construct was used. Typically, one would do this to index into a hash array when the key value was stored in a variable.


    my $vars = {
	users => {
	    aba => { name => 'Alan Aardvark', ... },
	    abw => { name => 'Andy Wardley', ... },
	uid => 'aba',

    $template->process('user/home.html', $vars)
	|| die $template->error(), "\n";


[% user = users.${uid} %]     # users.aba
Name: [% %]         # Alan Aardvark

This was inconsistent with double quoted strings and also the INTERPOLATE mode, where a leading '$' in text was enough to indicate a variable for interpolation, and the additional curly braces were used to delimit variable names where necessary. Note that this use is consistent with UNIX and Perl conventions, among others.

# double quoted string interpolation
[% name = "$title ${}" %]

<img src="$images/help.gif"></a>
<img src="$images/${}.gif">

For version 2, these inconsistencies have been removed and the syntax clarified. A leading '$' on a variable is now used exclusively to indicate that the variable name should be interpolated (e.g. subsituted for its value) before being used. The earlier example from version 1:

[% user = users.${uid} %]
Name: [% %]

can now be simplified in version 2 as:

[% user = users.$uid %]
Name: [% %]

The leading dollar is no longer ignored and has the same effect of interpolation as '${' ... '}' in version 1. The curly braces may still be used to explicitly scope the interpolated variable name where necessary.


[% user = users.${} %]
Name: [% %]

The rule applies for all variables, both within directives and in plain text if processed with the INTERPOLATE option. This means that you should no longer (if you ever did) add a leading '$' to a variable inside a directive, unless you explicitly want it to be interpolated.

One obvious side-effect is that any version 1 templates with variables using a leading '$' will no longer be processed as expected. Given the following variable definitions,

[% foo = 'bar'
   bar = 'baz'

version 1 would interpret the following as:

[% $foo %] => [% GET foo %] => bar

whereas version 2 interprets it as:

[% $foo %] => [% GET $foo %] => [% GET bar %] => baz

In version 1, the '$' is ignored and the value for the variable 'foo' is retrieved and printed. In version 2, the variable '$foo' is first interpolated to give the variable name 'bar' whose value is then retrieved and printed.

The use of the optional '$' has never been strongly recommended, but to assist in backwards compatibility with any version 1 templates that may rely on this "feature", the V1DOLLAR option can be set to 1 (default: 0) to revert the behaviour and have leading '$' characters ignored.

    my $template = Template->new({
	V1DOLLAR => 1,

The LOAD_TEMPLATE option can be used to provide a reference to a list of Template::Provider objects or sub-classes thereof which will take responsibility for loading and compiling templates.

    my $template = Template->new({
    	    MyOrg::Template::Provider->new({ ... }),
    	    Template::Provider->new({ ... }),

When a PROCESS, INCLUDE or WRAPPER directive is encountered, the named template may refer to a locally defined BLOCK or a file relative to the INCLUDE_PATH (or an absolute or relative path if the appropriate ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE options are set). If a BLOCK definition can't be found (see the Template::Context template() method for a discussion of BLOCK locality) then each of the LOAD_TEMPLATES provider objects is queried in turn via the fetch() method to see if it can supply the required template. Each provider can return a compiled template, an error, or decline to service the request in which case the responsiblity is passed to the next provider. If none of the providers can service the request then a 'not found' error is returned. The same basic provider mechanism is also used for the INSERT directive but it bypasses any BLOCK definitions and doesn't attempt is to parse or process the contents of the template file.

This is an implementation of the 'Chain of Responsiblity' design pattern as described in "Design Patterns", Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides), Addision-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63361-2, page 223.

If LOAD_TEMPLATES is undefined, a single default provider will be instantiated using the current configuration parameters. For example, the Template::Provider INCLUDE_PATH option can be specified in the Template configuration and will be correctly passed to the provider's constructor method.

    my $template = Template->new({
	INCLUDE_PATH => '/here:/there',

The LOAD_PLUGINS options can be used to specify a list of provider objects (i.e. they implement the fetch() method) which are responsible for loading and instantiating template plugin objects. The plugin() method queries each provider in turn in a "Chain of Responsibility" as per the template() and filter() methods.

    my $template = Template->new({
    	    MyOrg::Template::Plugins->new({ ... }),
    	    Template::Plugins->new({ ... }),

By default, a single Template::Plugins object is created using the current configuration hash. Configuration items destined for the Template::Plugins constructor may be added to the Template constructor.

    my $template = Template->new({
	PLUGIN_BASE => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugins',
	LOAD_PERL   => 1,

The LOAD_FILTERS option can be used to specify a list of provider objects (i.e. they implement the fetch() method) which are responsible for returning and/or creating filter subroutines. The filter() method queries each provider in turn in a "Chain of Responsibility" as per the template() and plugin() methods.

    my $template = Template->new({

By default, a single Template::Filters object is created for the LOAD_FILTERS list.


The TOLERANT flag is used by the various Template Toolkit provider modules (Template::Provider, Template::Plugins, Template::Filters) to control their behaviour when errors are encountered. By default, any errors are reported as such, with the request for the particular resource (template, plugin, filter) being denied and an exception raised. When the TOLERANT flag is set to any true values, errors will be silently ignored and the provider will instead return STATUS_DECLINED. This allows a subsequent provider to take responsibility for providing the resource, rather than failing the request outright. If all providers decline to service the request, either through tolerated failure or a genuine disinclination to comply, then a '<resource> not found' exception is raised.


A reference to a Template::Service object, or sub-class thereof, to which the Template module should delegate. If unspecified, a Template::Service object is automatically created using the current configuration hash.

    my $template = Template->new({
	SERVICE => MyOrg::Template::Service->new({ ... }),

A reference to a Template::Context object which is used to define a specific environment in which template are processed. A Template::Context object is passed as the only parameter to the Perl subroutines that represent "compiled" template documents. Template subroutines make callbacks into the context object to access Template Toolkit functionality, for example, to to INCLUDE or PROCESS another template (include() and process() methods, respectively), to USE a plugin (plugin()) or instantiate a filter (filter()) or to access the stash (stash()) which manages variable definitions via the get() and set() methods.

    my $template = Template->new({
	CONTEXT => MyOrg::Template::Context->new({ ... }),

A reference to a Template::Stash object or sub-class which will take responsibility for managing template variables.

    my $stash = MyOrg::Template::Stash->new({ ... });
    my $template = Template->new({
	STASH => $stash,

If unspecified, a default stash object is created using the VARIABLES configuration item to initialise the stash variables. These may also be specified as the PRE_DEFINE option for backwards compatibility with version 1.

    my $template = Template->new({
	    id    => 'abw',
	    name  => 'Andy Wardley',

The Template::Parser module implements a parser object for compiling templates into Perl code which can then be executed. A default object of this class is created automatically and then used by the Template::Provider whenever a template is loaded and requires compilation. The PARSER option can be used to provide a reference to an alternate parser object.

    my $template = Template->new({
	PARSER => MyOrg::Template::Parser->new({ ... }),

The GRAMMAR configuration item can be used to specify an alternate grammar for the parser. This allows a modified or entirely new template langauge to be constructed and used by the Template Toolkit.

Source templates are compiled to Perl code by the Template::Parser using the Template::Grammar (by default) to define the language structure and semantics. Compiled templates are thus inherently "compatible" with each other and there is nothing to prevent any number of different template languages being compiled and used within the same Template Toolkit processing environment (other than the usual time and memory constraints).

The Template::Grammar file is constructed from a YACC like grammar (using Parse::YAPP) and a skeleton module template. These files are provided, along with a small script to rebuild the grammar, in the 'parser' sub-directory of the distribution. You don't have to know or worry about these unless you want to hack on the template language or define your own variant. There is a README file in the same directory which provides some small guidance but it is assumed that you know what you're doing if you venture herein. If you grok LALR parsers, then you should find it comfortably familiar.

By default, an instance of the default Template::Grammar will be created and used automatically if a GRAMMAR item isn't specified.

use MyOrg::Template::Grammar;

my $template = Template->new({ 
   	GRAMMAR = MyOrg::Template::Grammar->new();


The following standard filters are distributed with the Template Toolkit.


Converts the characters '<', '>' and '&' to '&lt;', '&gt;' and '&amp', respectively, protecting them from being interpreted as representing HTML tags or entities.

[% FILTER html %]
Binary "<=>" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on...
[% END %]


Binary "&lt;=&gt;" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on...

This filter formats a block of text into HTML paragraphs. A sequence of two or more newlines is used as the delimiter for paragraphs which are then wrapped in HTML <p>...</p> tags.

[% FILTER html_para %]
The cat sat on the mat.

Mary had a little lamb.
[% END %]


The cat sat on the mat.

Mary had a little lamb.

Similar to the html_para filter described above, but uses the HTML tag sequence <br><br> to join paragraphs.

[% FILTER html_para %]
The cat sat on the mat.

Mary had a little lamb.
[% END %]


The cat sat on the mat.
Mary had a little lamb.

The 'format' filter takes a format string as a parameter (as per printf()) and formats each line of text accordingly.

[% FILTER format('<!-- %-40s -->') %]
This is a block of text filtered 
through the above format.
[% END %]


<!-- This is a block of text filtered        -->
<!-- through the above format.               -->

Truncates the text block to the length specified, or a default length of 32. Truncated text will be terminated with '...' (i.e. the '...' falls inside the required length, rather than appending to it).

[% FILTER truncate(21) %]
I have much to say on this matter that has previously 
been said on more than one occassion.
[% END %]


I have much to say...

Repeats the text block for as many iterations as are specified (default: 1).

[% FILTER repeat(3) %]
Am I repeating myself?
[% END %]


Am I repeating myself?
Am I repeating myself?
Am I repeating myself?

Searches the input text for any occurences of the specified string and removes them. A Perl regular expression may be specified as the search string.

[% "The  cat  sat  on  the  mat" FILTER remove('\s+') %]



The '|' character is an alias for FILTER, allowing the previous example to be written as:

[% "The  cat  sat  on  the  mat" | remove('\s+') %]
replace(search, replace)

Similar to the remove filter described above, but taking a second parameter which is used as a replacement string for instances of the search string.

[% "The  cat  sat  on  the  mat" | replace('\s+', '_') %]



The 'redirect' filter redirects the output of the block into a separate file, specified relative to the OUTPUT_PATH configuration item.

[% FOREACH user = myorg.userlist %]
   [% FILTER redirect("users/${}.html") %]
      [% INCLUDE userinfo %]
   [% END %]
[% END %]

A 'file' exception will be thrown if the OUTPUT_PATH option is undefined.


The 'eval' filter evaluates the block as template text, processing any directives embedded within it. This allows template variables to contain template fragments, or for some method to be provided for returning template fragments from an external source such as a database, which can then be processed in the template as required.

    my $replace  = {
	fragment => "The cat sat on the [% place %]",
    $template->process($file, $replace);

The following example:

[% fragment | eval %]

is therefore equivalent to

The cat sat on the [% place %]

The 'evalperl' filter evaluates the block as Perl code. The EVAL_PERL option must be set to a true value or a 'perl' exception will be thrown.

[% my_perl_code | evalperl %]

In most cases, the [% PERL %] ... [% END %] block should suffice for evaluating Perl code, given that template directives are processed before being evaluate as Perl. Thus, the previous example could have been written in the more verbose form:

[% PERL %]
[% my_perl_code %]
[% END %]

as well as

[% FILTER evalperl %]
[% my_perl_code %]
[% END %]

It is an unfortunate circumstance that this filter cannot simply be called 'perl'. This is due to the clash with the reserved word of that name (i.e. PERL blocks).


The following plugin modules are distributed with the Template Toolkit.


The Date plugin provides an easy way to generate formatted time and date strings by delegating to the POSIX strftime() routine. See Template::Plugin::Date for further details.

[% USE date %]
[% date.format %]		# current time/date

File last modified: [% date.format(template.modtime) %]

The Format plugin provides a simple way to format text according to a printf()-like format. See Template::Plugin::Format for further details.

[% USE bold = format('<b>%s</b>') %]
[% bold('Hello') %]

The URL plugin provides a simple way of contructing URLs from a base part and a variable set of parameters. See Template::Plugin::URL for further details.

[% USE mycgi = url('/cgi-bin/', debug=1) %]

[% mycgi %]
   # ==> /cgi/bin/

[% mycgi(mode='submit') %]
   # ==> /cgi/bin/

The Table plugin allows you to format a list of data items into a virtual table by specifying a fixed number of rows or columns, with an optional overlap. See Template::Plugin::Table for further details.

[% USE table(list, rows=10, overlap=1) %]

[% FOREACH item = table.col(3) %]
   [% item %]
[% END %]

The CGI plugin is a wrapper around Lincoln Stein's <> module. The plugin is distributed with the Template Toolkit (see Template::Plugin::CGI) and the CGI module itself is distributed with recent versions Perl, or is available from CPAN.


Provides an interface to data stored in a plain text file in a simple delimited format. The first line in the file specifies field names and subsequent lines contain data, delimited by the same non-word character as the fields in the first line. Blank lines and comments (lines starting '#' are ignored). See Template::Plugin::Datafile for further details.


# define names for each field
id : email : name : tel
# here's the data
fred : : Fred Smith : 555-1234
bill : : Bill White : 555-5678


[% USE userlist = datafile('/tmp/mydata') %]

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   [% %] ([% %])
[% END %]

The XML::DOM plugin gives access to the XML Document Object Module via Clark Cooper <> and Enno Derksen's <> XML::DOM module. The plugin is distributed with the Template Toolkit (see Template::Plugin::XML::DOM) and requires the XML::DOM module, available from CPAN:

The XML::RSS plugin is a simple interface to Jonathan Eisenzopf's <> XML::RSS module. An RSS (Rich Site Summary) file is typically used to store short news 'headlines' describing different links within a site. This plugin allows you to parse RSS files and format the contents accordingly using templates. The plugin is distributed with the Template Toolkit (see Template::Plugin::XML::RSS) and requires the XML::RSS module, also available from CPAN:

The following module is distributed separately from the Template Toolkit.


Simon Matthews <> has developed a DBI plugin for the Template Toolkit which brings the full power of Tim Bunce's <> database interface module (DBI) to your templates. The DBI plugin and the DBI modules themselves are available from CPAN at:


The Template Toolkit web site contains the latest information, news and other resources.

A mailing list exists for up-to-date information on the Template Toolkit and for following and contributing to the development process. To subscribe, send an email to

with the message 'subscribe' in the body. You can also use the web interface to subscribe or browse the archives:

The tpage and ttree scripts are distributed and installed along with the Template Toolkit. The tpage script simply processes named files or STDIN if unspecified, using a default Template object. The ttree script can be used to process entire directory trees of templates, allowing large content systems such as web sites to be rebuilt from a single command or configuration file.

perldoc tpage
perldoc ttree

The Template::Tutorial document provides an introduction to the Template Toolkit and shows some typical examples of usage.

perldoc Template::Tutorial

You may also like to consult the paper 'Building and Managing Web Systems with the Template Toolkit' and accompanying slides from the presentation at the 4th Perl Conference. These are available from the Template Toolkit web site:

The following modules comprise the Template Toolkit. Consult the individual documentation for further details.


The Template::Service module handles the template processing lifecycle, adding PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS templates, handling redirection through any defined PROCESS template, and dispatching any ERROR templates to handle uncaught exceptions. The actual processing of these templates is handled by an underlying Template::Context object.


The Template::Context module defines a class of objects which each represent a unique run-time environment in which templates are processed. The context maintains references to the stash of variables currently defined (Template::Stash) and to provider objects for templates (Template::Provider), filters (Template::Filters) and plugins (Template::Plugins).


The Template::Stash module defines an object class which is used for storing, retrieving and evaluating variables and their values.


The Template::Provider module defines an object class which is used to find, load, parse, compile and then cache template documents. The cache implements a simple fetch($template) method which will accept a wide range of inputs (filename, text ref, GLOB, IO::Handle, etc) and attempt to read the template and call on a Template::Parser to parse and compile it to a Template::Document which is then cached.


Template::Document objects are thin wrappers around the Perl subroutines which have been compiled from source templates by the Template::Parser. These objects also maintain any metadata values for the template and have references to any BLOCKs defined within the the template.


The Template::Parser module defines an object class which implements the template parser and compiler. The template text is first scanned by a Perl regex which extracts the embedded directives and lexes the tokens contained within. A DFA (Deterministic Finite-state Automaton) then iterates through the tokens using the rules and states defined in Template::Grammar and generates a compiled template document as a Perl subroutine.


The Template::Grammar module defines the rules and state tables for the Template::Parser DFA. These are generated by the Parse::Yapp module. The Template-Toolkit distribution contains a parser directory which contains further files and information concerning the grammar and compilation thereof.


This module implements a number of factory methods which are used by the Template::Parser to generate Perl code from source templates.


This module implements the various FILTER subroutines and provides a simple interface through which filter subs can be retrieved.


This module provides access to the standard Template Toolkit or user defined plugin modules.


Base class for Template::Plugin::* modules.


The Template::Exception module defines an exception type for representing error conditions within the Template Toolkit.


The Template::Iterator module defines a data iterator which is used by the FOREACH directive. This may be sub-classed to create more specialised iterators for traversing data sets.


Defines various constants used in the Template Toolkit.


Implements a number of factory methods through which other Template::* modules can be automatically loaded and instantiated.


A common base class for many Template::* modules.


Module for testing the Template Toolkit, primarily used by the test scripts in the 't' distribution sub-directory.


Andy Wardley <>


Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


The Template Toolkit was derived in part from ideas and techniques developed in the Text::MetaText module. This itself was the public manifestation of an earlier template processing system I developed while working at Peritas Ltd. (

In later years, the Template Toolkit was developed Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd. ( as part of a general research theme into Web-related publishing and dynamic content generation.

Many people have contributed ideas, inspiration, fixes and features to the Template Toolkit. Their efforts continue to be very much appreciated. Please let me know if you think anyone is missing from this list.

Chuck Adams               <>
Thierry-Michel Barral     <>
Neil Bowers               <>
Leon Brocard              <>  
Chris Dean                <>  
Francois Desarmenien      <>
Horst Dumcke              <> 
Michael Fowler            <>    
Perrin Harkins            <>
Rafael Kitover            <>
Hans von Lengerke         <>
Jonas Liljegren           <>
Simon Matthews            <>
Craig McLane              <>     
Leslie Michael Orchard    <>
Eugene Miretskiy          <>
Martin Portman            <>
Randal L. Schwartz        <>
Paul Sharpe               <>
Doug Steinwand            <>
Drew Taylor               <>   
Swen Thuemmler            <>   
Jim Vaughan               <> 
Chris Winters             <>

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 3096:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 4941:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'