Badger::Changes - Summary of changes in the Badger toolkit
Version 0.03
Added delegate loaders to Badger. This provides some semantic sugar for loading a bunch of different Badger::*
modules in one go.
use Badger
Filesystem => 'FS $Bin',
Codecs => 'storable base64',
Debug => {
modules => 'My::Module',
Added different() to Badger::Test::Manager.
Added textlike() to Badger::Utils
Added the overload as_text and is_true import hooks and related method to Badger::Class. These delegate to the overload
Added the print method to Badger::Filesystem::File.
Added support for dynamic root directories to Badger::Filesystem::Virtual.
Added the defaults and aliases hooks to Badger::Class, implemented by Badger::Class::Defaults and Badger::Class::Aliases, respectively. There are still experimental.
Fixed up some stat handling in Badger::Filesystem to help with subclassing in Badger::Filesystem::Virtual
Mr T pities the fool that attempts to builds a production system based on Badger version 0.03 without first evaluating it carefully and reading the documentation.
Version 0.02
Badger::Class got the vars method and hook for declaring and defining variables.
Badger::Utils gained the ability to load and export functions from Scalar::Util, List::Util, List::MoreUtils, Hash::Util and Digest::MD5.
Various documentation updates.
Mr T admires the tenacity of anyone attempting to build a production system based on Badger v0.02 and hopes they have a thorough test suite.
Version 0.01
This was the first release version.
Mr T pities the fool who builds a production system based on Badger v0.01.
Andy Wardley <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.