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MooX::Role::HTTP::Tiny - HTTP::Tiny as a role for clients that use HTTP
package My::Client;
use Moo;
with qw< MooX::Role::HTTP::Tiny >;
use JSON qw< encode_json >;
# implent a call to the API of a webservice
sub call {
my $self = shift;
my ($method, $path, $args) = @_;
my $uri = $self->base_uri->clone;
$uri->path($uri->path =~ m{ / $}x ? $uri->path . $path : $path)
if $path;
my @params = $args ? ({ content => encode_json($args) }) : ();
if (uc($method) eq 'GET') {
my $query = $self->www_form_urlencode($args);
printf STDERR ">>>>> %s => %s (%s) <<<<<\n", uc($method), $uri, "@params";
my $response = $self->request(uc($method), $uri, @params);
if (not $response->{success}) {
die sprintf "ERROR: %s: %s\n", $response->{reason}, $response->{content};
return $response;
package My::API;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw< InstanceOf >;
has client => (
is => 'ro',
isa => InstanceOf(['My::Client']),
handles => [qw< call >],
required => 1,
sub fetch_stuff {
my $self = shift;
return $self->call(@_);
package main;
use My::Client;
use My::API;
my $client = My::Client->new(
base_uri => ' https://fastapi.metacpan.org/v1/release/_search'
my $api = My::API->new(client => $client);
my $response = $api->fetch_stuff(get => '', {q => 'MooX-Role-HTTP-Tiny'});
print $response->{content};
- base_uri [REQUIRED] The base-uri to the webservice
The provided uri will be coerced into a URI instance.
- ua A (lazy build) instance of HTTP::Tiny
When none is provided, Moo will instantiate a HTTP::Tiny with the extra options provided in the
attribute whenever it is first needed.The
methods will be handled for the role. - ua_options passed through to the constructor of HTTP::Tiny on lazy-build
These options can only be passed to constructor of HTTP::Tiny, so won't have impact when an already instantiated
attribute is provided.
The class that consumes this role needs to implement the method call()
as a wrapper around HTTP::Tiny::request
to suit the remote API one is writing the client for.
This role provides a basic HTTP useragent (based on HTTP::Tiny) for classes that want to implement a client to any webservice that uses the HTTP(S) transport protocol.
Some best known protocols are XMLRPC, JSONRPC and REST, and can be implemented through the required call()
© MMXXI - Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.