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Crashplan::Client - Client to the Crashplan PROe server


Version 0.003.0


Crashplan::Client allow you to access an Crashplan PROe server (hopefully) in a easy way.

This version only provides a low level API matching part of the server REST API.

This version (0.3.0) extends the new highlevel API which add syntaxic sugar.

What you can do now :

    use Crashplan::Client;

    my $client = Crashplan::Client->new();
    # Get all Orgs entity
    my @orgs = $client->orgs;
    my $org = shift @orgs;

    # Get all Orgs active entity entity
    my @orgs = $client->orgs(status => 'Active');
    my $org = shift @orgs;

    # Modify an org and update the server 
    $org->name('My Org');

    # Create an org and modify it
    use Crashplan::Client::Org;
    my $neworg = Crashplan::Client::Org->new(name => 'New Org', parentId => 3);
    $neworg->name('No longer new Org');

It's planned to offer (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) something more like :

    use Crashplan::Client;

    my $client = Crashplan::Client->new();
    my $org = $client->orgs->first;


The first lowlevel API is still present

    use Crashplan::Client;

    my $client = Crashplan::Client->new();
    my @orgs = $client->parse_response;
    my $org = shift @orgs;



new ()

Constructor for the Crashplan::Client class


Create an entity entry in the database

users ([$property => $value])

    Return all the users entity from the server

    Input  : $property the property to be used to filter the result list
             (currently this can be : id, email, status, username, firstName, lastName, orgId)
             $value only the entity matching $property = $value will be returned

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::User

orgs ([$property => $value])

    Return all the orgs entity from the server

    Input  : $property the property to be used to filter the result list
             (currently this can be : id, name, status, parentId)
             $value only the entity matching $property = $value will be returned

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::Org

computers ()

    Return all the computers entity from the server

    Input  : $property the property to be used to filter the result list
             (currently this can be : id, name, status, guid, $userid)
             $value only the entity matching $property = $value will be returned

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::Computer

serverstatistics ()

    Return all the serverStatistics entity from the server

    Input  : None

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::Computer

user ($id)

    Return the user entity whose id is passed as parameter 

    Input  : None

    Output : A Crashplan::Client::User object

computer ($id)

    Return the computer entity whose id is passed as parameter 

    Input  : None

    Output : A Crashplan::Client::Computer object

org ($id)

    Return the org entity whose id is passed as parameter 

    Input  : None

    Output : A Crashplan::Client::Org object


get_full_header ()

    Get the REST header use by the inner REST::Client

    Input  : None

    Output : A hashref to the current REST header 

set_header ($key, $value)

    Set a rest header

    Input  : header, value the name and the value of the header to be set

    Output : None

unset_header ($key)

    Unset a rest header

    Input  : $key the name of the header to be unset

    Output : None

request ($method, $url [,$content, $header_ref])

    Request against the rest API

    Input  :    $method the method to be used (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
                $url the url to be used with the server
                $content (OPTIONAL) content of the request
                $header  (OPTIONAL) hash reference of a header

    Output : None
             Will set internal attributes responseCode and responseContent

responseContent ()

    Get the response content (for the previous request)

    Input  : None

    Output : A string with the response as a JSON structure

responseCode ()

    Get the response code (for the previous request)

    Input  : None

    Output : An integer

default_header ()

    Build a default header based on $self object attribute
    In particular user and password attributes are used to
    build the Basic Authentication credentials.

    Input  : None

    Output : A hash ref

GET ($url [,$header])

    GET request against the REST server

    Input  : $url the url to be requested

    Output : None
             The state of the response is store in the internal 'rest' attribute which is 
             currently an REST::Client object

POST ($url [, $body [,$header]])

    POST request against the REST server

    Input  : $url the url to be requested, $body the content in JSON format

    Output : None
             The state of the response is store in the internal 'rest' attribute which is 
             currently an REST::Client object

PUT ($url, [$body [,$header]])

    PUT request against the REST server

    Input  : $url the url to be requested, $body the content in JSON format

    Output : None
             The state of the response is store in the internal 'rest' attribute which is 
             currently an REST::Client object

DELETE ($url)

    DELETE request against the REST server

    Input  : $url the url to be requested

    Output : None
             The state of the response is store in the internal 'rest' attribute which is 
             currently an REST::Client object

parse_response ()

    Parse a server response to populate Crashplan objects

    Input  : None (use $self->responseContent) 

    Output : Array or single Crashplan::Client::<entity> object based on the 
             previous request answer

_populate ($entity_name, $hashref, $crashplanclien)

    Return an array of Crashplan::Client::$entity_name objects from the $hashref.

    Input  :    $entity_name = The class name
                $hashref = The hash ref used by the constructor
                $crashplanclient = the Crashplan::Client reference

    Output : Array of object


To enable testing against a Crashplan server, set the following environment variables before running 'make test' .



Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD, <arnaud.assad at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-crashplan-client at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Crashplan::Client

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2011 Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


For a detailed API description, see