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Crashplan::Client - Client to the Crashplan PROe server


Version 0.002.0


Crashplan::Client allow you to access an Crashplan PROe server (hopefully) in a easy way.

This version only provides a low level API matching part of the server REST API.

This version (0.2.0) provides the new highlevel API which will add syntaxic sugar and more functional goodies in the near future.

What you can do now :

    use Crashplan::Client;

    my $client = Crashplan::Client->new();
    my @orgs = $client->orgs;

    my $org = shift @orgs;


It's planned to offer (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) something more like :

    use Crashplan::Client;

    my $client = Crashplan::Client->new();
    my $org = $client->orgs->first;


The first lowlevel API is still present

    use Crashplan::Client;

    my $client = Crashplan::Client->new();

    my @orgs = $client->parse_response;

    my $org = shift @orgs;



new ()

Constructor for the Crashplan::Client class

users ()

    Return all the users entity from the server

    Input  : None

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::User

orgs ()

    Return all the orgs entity from the server

    Input  : None

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::Org

computers ()

    Return all the computers entity from the server

    Input  : None

    Output : An array of Crashplan::Client::Computer

user ($id)

    Return the user entity whose id is passed as parameter 

    Input  : None

    Output : A Crashplan::Client::User object

computer ($id)

    Return the computer entity whose id is passed as parameter 

    Input  : None

    Output : A Crashplan::Client::Computer object

org ($id)

    Return the org entity whose id is passed as parameter 

    Input  : None

    Output : A Crashplan::Client::Org object


set_rest_header ($key, $value)

    Set a rest header

    Input  : header, value the name and the value of the header to be set

    Output : None

unset_rest_header ($key)

    Unset a rest header

    Input  : $key the name of the header to be unset

    Output : None

request ($method, $url [,$content, $header_ref])

    Request against the rest API

    Input  :    $method the method to be used (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
                $url the url to be used with the server
                $content (OPTIONAL) content of the request
                $header  (OPTIONAL) hash reference of a header

    Output : None
             Will set internal attributes responseCode and responseContent

responseContent ()

    Get the response content (for the previous request)

    Input  : None

    Output : A string with the response as a JSON structure

responseCode ()

    Get the response code (for the previous request)

    Input  : None

    Output : An integer

default_header ()

    Build a default header based on $self object attribute
    In particular user and password attributes are used to
    build the Basic Authentication credentials.

    Input  : None

    Output : A hash ref

GET ($url [,$header])

    GET request against the REST server

    Input  : $url the url to be requested

    Output : None
             The state of the response is store in the internal 'rest' attribute which is 
             currently an REST::Client object

parse_response ()

    Parse a server response to populate Crashplan objects

    Input  : None (use $self->responseContent) 

    Output : Array or single Crashplan::Client::<entity> object based on the 
             previous request answer

_populate ($entity_name, $hashref)

    Return an array of Crashplan::Client::$entity_name objects from the $hashref.

    Input  : Class name

    Output : Array of object


To enable testing against a Crashplan server, set the following environment variables before running 'make test' .



Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD, <arnaud.assad at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-crashplan-client at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Crashplan::Client

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2011 Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.



For a detailed API description.