NAME Radius log file extracter

DESCRIPTION This module will extract any supported event included in a given radius log file. All events will then be written (converted) into XML sessions afterwards. At this time, supported events are the following:

-Start -Interim-Update -Stop

Events will be stored on different hash tables with SessionID as a unique key. The Start and Interims set of event will be stored on File in order to get easily retrieved afterwards (e.g. once all the files has been fully parsed).

For each Stop event, this module will retrieve the respective Start and Interim events based on Session ID key.

[OPTIONAL] Each found Start / Interim event will be removed from hash, and final hash will be stored. [OPTIONAL] Only the newest Start / Interim events will be kept. Oldest ones will be considered as orphan events and will be dropped

Final XML will get the following structure:

<sessions> <session sessionId=$sessionId> <start></start> <interims> <interim id1></interim> ... </interims> <stop></stop> </session> ... </sessions>




	my $parser = RADIUS::XMLParser->new([%params]);


		Enable Debug on this module (default off).
		Regarding the amount of lines in a given Radius log file, debug is split into several levels (1,5,10,15)
		Array reference of any label that will be written on XML. 

		For instance:
		my @labels = qw(

		Will result on the following XML

		If LABELS not supplied, all the found Key / Values will be written.
		If LABELS supplied, only these supplied labels will be written
		Gettings few LABELS is significantly faster.. Think of it when dealing with large files !

		Boolean (0 by default) that will purge stored hash reference (Start + Interim) before being used for Event lookup.
		Newest events will be kept, oldest will be dropped.
		Threshold is defined by below parameter DAYSFORORPHAN

		Number of days we would like to keep the orphan Start + Interim events.
		Default is 1 day, meanining that at startup, any event older than 1 day will be dropped.
		In order to be taken into account, above parameter AUTOPURGE must be set to true (i.e. 1)

		Output directory where XML file will be created
		Default is '/tmp'
		Boolean (0 by default) that will allow user to convert every found events (Start / Stop / Interim).
		If 1, then all events will be written, including Start, Interim and Stop "orphan" records. Orphan hash should be empty after processing.
		If 0, then only the events Stop will be written together with the respective Start / Interims for the same session ID. Orphan hash should not be empty after processing.

		Default UTF-8, this can be changed to us-ascii
		Only utf-8 and us-ascii are supported 
		Default directory for orphan hash tables stored structure
		Default is '/tmp'
		Boolean (0 by default) that will print out any hash table in order to control data structure
		These data structure will be written on files, under ORPHANDIR directory

	A radius parser handler (hash reference)



	my $return = $parser->group(\@logs);


	All the radius log file that will be parsed. 
	Actually it might save some precious time to parse several logs instead of one by one as the hash of orphan events will be loaded only once.


	For each parsed log, an XML will be generated. See above parameters of new constructor for XML options.


	The number of found errors


my @logs = qw(../etc/radius.log); my @labels = qw(Event-Timestamp User-Name File);

my $radius = RADIUS::XMLParser->new( DEBUG=>1, DAYSFORORPHAN=>1, AUTOPURGE=>0, ALLEVENTS=>1, XMLENCODING=>"us-ascii", OUTPUTDIR=>'/tmp/radius', LABELS=>\@labels);

my $result = $radius->group(\@logs);

The generated XML will look like the following:

<session sessionId="d537cca0d43c95dc"> <start> <Event-Timestamp>1334560899</Event-Timestamp> <User-Name>41794077013</User-Name> <File>radius.log</File> </start> <interims> <interim id="1"> <Event-Timestamp>1334561024</Event-Timestamp> <User-Name>41794077013</User-Name> <File>radius.log</File> </interim> <interim id="2"> <Event-Timestamp>1334561087</Event-Timestamp> <User-Name>41794077013</User-Name> <File>radius.log</File> </interim> </interims> <stop> <Event-Timestamp>1334561314</Event-Timestamp> <User-Name>41794077013</User-Name> <File>radius.log</File> </stop> </session>


Antoine Amend <>