
A generic API for stellar catalogues
Input/Output in ARK Cluster format
JCMT catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog
Simple Input/Output format
Standard Tab Separated Table format I/O
VOTable Input/Output format
Base class for Astro::Catalog query objects
A query request to the 2MASS Catalog
A query request to the Carlsberg Meridian Catalog
A query request to the GSC Catalog
A query request to the SIMBAD database
Object name resolution via SIMBAD
Generate SkyCat catalogue query clients
A query request to the SuperCOSMOS catalogue
A query request to the USNO-A2.0 Catalog
A query request to the Vizier catalogs
A generic star object in a stellar catalogue.
A base class for REST query modules
A base class for WebService querys