webtools - Full featured WEB Development Tools (compare with Php language) in Perl syntax


    This package is written in pure Perl and its main purpose is: to help all Web developers. It brings in self many features of modern Web developing:

    -  Grabs best of Php but in Perl syntax.
    -  Embedded Perl into HTML files.
    -  Buffered output.
    -  Easy reading input forms and cookies using global variables.
    -  Flat files database support.
    -  MySQL/MS Access support.
    -  Full Sessions support (via flat files or via DB)
    -  Easy User support (SignIn / SignUp)
    -  Cookies support.
    -  Attached variables.
    -  Html/SQL templates and variables.
    -  Mail functions (plain/html mails/uploads)
    -  Upload/download functions via Perl scripts.
    -  DES III encription/decription in MIME style
    and more...


Follow example show session capabilities, when WebTools is configured with 
Flat file session support(default):

   $sid = session_start();
   %h = read_hash('myhash');
   if($h{'city'} ne "Pleven")
      print "<B>New session started!</B>";
      %h = (city=>"Pleven",country=>"Bulgaria");
      $reg_data = register_var('hash','myhash',%h);
      # $reg_data .= register_var('scalar','scl_name',$cnt);
      # $reg_data .= register_var('array',''arrname',@arr);
      print "Current session is: <B>$sid</B> <BR> and registrated data are:<BR>";
      print "Country: <B>".$h{'country'}."</B><BR>";
      print "City: <B>".$h{'city'}."</B><BR>";
      print "Session Destroyed!";
   Header(type=>'content',val=>'text/html; charset=Windows-1251');
   # SURPRISE: We send header after html data??? (Is Php capable of this? ;-)

Above code can be saved in 'htmls' directory under 'test.whtml' file name and you can
run it in browser location with follow line:

Code below show how easy is to send e-mails with WebTools
(Don't forget to set $debug_mail = 'off' in

   require '';
   $to   = '';
   $from = '';
   $subject = 'Test';
   $body = 'Hello there!';
   $orginal_filename = $uploaded_original_file_names{'myupload'};
   # 'myupload' is name of input field in html form.
   $fn = $uploaded_files{'myupload'};
   print 'Mail sent!';

Above code can be saved in 'htmls' directory under 'mail.whtml' file name and you can
run it in browser location with follow line:
Specifications and examples
Please read HELP.doc and see all examples in docs/examples directory