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Zonemaster::Engine::Profile - A simple system for configuring Zonemaster Engine


This module has two parts:

  • a profile representation class

  • a global profile object (the effective profile) that configures Zonemaster Engine

A profile consists of a collection of named properties.

The properties determine the configurable behaviors of Zonemaster Engine with regard to what tests are to be performed, how they are to be performed, and how the results are to be analyzed. For details on available properties see the "PROFILE PROPERTIES" section.

Here is an example for updating the effective profile with values from a given file and setting all properties not mentioned in the file to default values. For details on the file format see the "REPRESENTATIONS" section.

use Zonemaster::Engine::Profile;

my $json    = read_file( "/path/to/foo.profile" );
my $foo     = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->from_json( $json );
my $profile = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->default;
$profile->merge( $foo );
Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->effective->merge( $profile );

Here is an example for serializing the default profile to JSON.

my $string = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->default->to_json;

For any given profile:

  • At any moment, each property is either set or unset.

  • At any moment, every set property has a valid value.

  • It is possible to set the value of each unset property.

  • It is possible to update the value of each set property.

  • It is NOT possible to unset the value of any set property.



A Zonemaster::Engine::Profile. This is the effective profile. It serves as the global runtime configuration for Zonemaster Engine. Update it to change the configuration.

The effective profile is initialized with the default values declared in the "PROFILE PROPERTIES" section.

All properties in the effective profile are always set (to valid values).



A constructor that returns a new profile with all properties unset.

my $profile = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->new;


A constructor that returns a new profile with the default property values declared in the "PROFILE PROPERTIES" section.

my $default = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->default;


A constructor that returns a new profile with values parsed from a JSON string.

my $profile = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->from_json( '{ "no_network": true }' );

The returned profile has set values for all properties specified in the given string. The remaining properties are unset.

Dies if the given string is illegal according to the "JSON REPRESENTATION" section or if the property values are illegal according to the "PROFILE PROPERTIES" section.


A constructor that returns a new profile with values parsed from a YAML string.

my $profile = Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->from_yaml( <<EOF
no_network: true

The returned profile has set values for all properties specified in the given string. The remaining properties are unset.

Dies if the given string is illegal according to the "YAML REPRESENTATION" section or if the property values are illegal according to the "PROFILE PROPERTIES" section.



Get the value of a property.

my $value = $profile1->get( 'net.ipv6' );

Returns value of the given property, or undef if the property is unset. For boolean properties the returned value is either 1 for true or 0 for false. For properties with complex types, the returned value is a deep copy.

Dies if the given property name is invalid.


Set the value of a property.

$profile1->set( 'net.ipv6', 0 );

Takes a property name and value and updates the property accordingly. For boolean properties any truthy value is interpreted as true and any falsy value except undef is interpreted as false.

Dies if the given property name is invalid.

Dies if the value is undef or otherwise invalid for the given property.


Merge the profile data of another profile into this one.

$profile1->merge( $other );

Properties from the other profile take precedence when the same property name exists in both profiles. The other profile object remains unmodified.


Serialize the profile to the "JSON REPRESENTATION" format.

my $string = $profile->to_json();

Returns a string.


Serialize the profile to the "JSON REPRESENTATION" format.

my $string = $profile->to_yaml();

Returns a string.



Internal method used to get all the paths of a nested hashes-of-hashes. It creates a hash where keys are dotted keys of the nested hashes-of-hashes that exist in %profile_properties_details.

_get_profile_paths(\%paths, $internal);


Internal method used to get a value in a nested hashes-of-hashes.

_get_value_from_nested_hash( $hash_ref, @path );

Where $hash_ref is the hash to explore and @path are the labels of the property to get.

@path = split /\./,  q{resolver.defaults.usevc};


Internal method used to set a value in a nested hashes-of-hashes.

_set_value_from_nested_hash( $hash_ref, $value, @path );

Where $hash_ref is the hash to explore and @path are the labels of the property to set.

@path = split /\./,  q{resolver.defaults.usevc};


Each property has a name and is either set or unset. If it is set it has a value that is valid for that specific property. Here is a listing of all the properties and their respective sets of valid values.


A boolean. If true, only use TCP. Default false.


An integer between 1 and 255 inclusive. The number of seconds between retries. Default 3.


A boolean. If true, sets the RD flag in queries. Default false.

This should almost certainly be kept false.


An integer between 1 and 255 inclusive. The number of times a query is sent before we give up. Default 2.


A boolean. If false, UDP queries that get responses with the TC flag set will be automatically resent over TCP. Default false.


A boolean. If true, UDP queries that get responses with the TC flag set will be automatically resent over TCP or using EDNS. Default true.

In ldns-1.7.0 (NLnet Labs), in case of truncated answer when UDP is used, the same query is resent with EDNS0 and TCP (if needed). If you want the original answer (with TC bit set) and avoid this kind of replay, set this flag to false.


A string representation of an IPv4 address or the empty string. The source address all resolver objects should use when sending queries over IPv4.

If set to "" (empty string), the OS default IPv4 address is used.

Default: "" (empty string).


A string representation of an IPv6 address or the empty string. The source address all resolver objects should use when sending queries over IPv6.

If set to "" (empty string), the OS default IPv6 address is used.

Default: "" (empty string).


A boolean. If true, resolver objects are allowed to send queries over IPv4. Default true.


A boolean. If true, resolver objects are allowed to send queries over IPv6. Default true.


A boolean. If true, network traffic is forbidden. Default false.

Use when you want to be sure that any data is only taken from a preloaded cache.

asnroots (DEPRECATED)

An arrayref of domain names. Default [""].

The domains will be assumed to be Cymru-style AS lookup zones. Only the first name in the list will be used.

A string that is either "Cymru" or "RIPE". Defines which method will be used for AS lookup zones. Default "Cymru".


An arrayref of domain names when is set to "Cymru" or whois servers when is set to "RIPE". Only the first item in the list will be used. Default "".


A hash of hashes. The currently supported keys are "redis".

See more information in cache.redis.

Undefined by default.

cache.redis (EXPERIMENTAL)

A hashref. The currently supported keys are "server" and "expire".

Specifies the address of the Redis server used to perform global caching (cache.redis.server) and an optional expire time (cache.redis.expire).

cache.redis.server must be a string in the form host:port. cache.redis.expire must be a non-negative integer and defines a time in seconds. Default 5 seconds.


A complex data structure. Default {}.

Specifies the severity level of each tag emitted by a specific module. The intended use is to remove known erroneous results. E.g. if you know that a certain name server is recursive and for some reason should be, you can use this functionality to lower the severity of the complaint about it to a lower level than normal. The test_levels item also specifies tag severity level, but with coarser granularity and lower precedence.

The data under the logfilter key should be structured like this:

      Array of exceptions
             Hash with conditions
             Severity level to set if all conditions match

The hash with conditions should have keys matching the attributes of the log entry that's being filtered (check the translation files to see what they are). The values for the keys should be either a single value that the attribute should be, or an array of values any one of which the attribute should be.

A complete logfilter structure might look like this:

  "A_MODULE": {
    "SOME_TAG": [
        "when": {
          "count": 1,
          "type": [
        "set": "INFO"
        "when": {
          "count": 128,
          "type": [
        "set": "INFO"
    "OTHER_TAG": [
        "when": {
          "bananas": 0
        "set": "WARNING"

This would set the severity level to INFO for any A_MODULE:SOME_TAG messages that had a count attribute set to 1 and a type attribute set to either this or or. This also would set the level to INFO for any A_MODULE:SOME_TAG messages that had a count attribute set to 128 and a type attribute set to that. And this would set the level to WARNING for any ANOTHER_MODULE:OTHER_TAG messages that had a bananas attribute set to 0.


A complex data structure.

Specifies the severity level of each tag emitted by a specific module. The logfilter item also specifies tag severity level, but with finer granularity and higher precedence.

At the top level of this data structure are two levels of nested hashrefs. The keys of the top level hash are names of test implementation modules (without the Zonemaster::Engine::Test:: prefix). The keys of the second level hashes are tags that the respective modules emit. The values of the second level hashes are mapped to severity levels.

The various test case specifications define the default severity level for some of the messages. These specifications are the only authoritative documents on the default severity level for the various messages. For messages not defined in any of these specifications you can use the following command to query the default severity level directly from the actual default profile.

```sh perl -MZonemaster::Engine::Test -E 'say Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->default->to_json' | jq -S .test_levels ```

For messages neither defined in test specifications, nor listed in the default profile, the default severity level is DEBUG.

Note: Sometimes multiple test cases within the same test module define messages for the same tag. When they do, it is imperative that all test cases define the same severity level for the tag.


An arrayref of names of implemented test cases (in all lower-case) as listed in the test case specifications. Default is an arrayref listing all the test cases.

Specifies which test cases can be run by the testing suite.


A positive integer value. Recommended lower bound for signatures' remaining validity time (in seconds) in test case DNSSEC04. Related to the REMAINING_SHORT message tag from this test case. Default 43200 (12 hours in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended upper bound for signatures' remaining validity time (in seconds) in test case DNSSEC04. Related to the REMAINING_LONG message tag from this test case. Default 15552000 (180 days in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended upper bound for signatures' lifetime (in seconds) in the test case DNSSEC04. Related to the DURATION_LONG message tag from this test case. Default 15552000 (180 days in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended lower bound for SOA refresh values (in seconds) in test case ZONE02. Related to the REFRESH_MINIMUM_VALUE_LOWER message tag from this test case. Default 14400 (4 hours in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended lower bound for SOA retry values (in seconds) in test case ZONE04. Related to the RETRY_MINIMUM_VALUE_LOWER message tag from this test case. Default 3600 (1 hour in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended lower bound for SOA expire values (in seconds) in test case ZONE05. Related to the EXPIRE_MINIMUM_VALUE_LOWER message tag from this test case. Default 604800 (1 week in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended lower bound for SOA minimum values (in seconds) in test case ZONE06. Related to the SOA_DEFAULT_TTL_MAXIMUM_VALUE_LOWER message tag from this test case. Default 300 (5 minutes in seconds).


A positive integer value. Recommended upper bound for SOA minimum values (in seconds) in test case ZONE06. Related to the SOA_DEFAULT_TTL_MAXIMUM_VALUE_HIGHER message tag from this test case. Default 86400 (1 day in seconds).



Property names in "PROFILE PROPERTIES" section correspond to paths in a datastructure of nested JSON objects. Property values are stored at their respective paths. Paths are formed from property names by splitting them at dot characters (U+002E). The left-most path component corresponds to a key in the top-most JSON object. Properties with unset values are omitted in the JSON representation.

For a complete example, refer to the file located by dist_file( "Zonemaster-Engine", "default.profile" ). A profile with the only two properties set, net.ipv4 = true and net.ipv6 = true has this JSON representation:

    "net": {
        "ipv4": true,
        "ipv6": true


Similar to the "JSON REPRESENTATION" but uses a YAML format.