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BusyBird::Timeline - a timeline object in BusyBird


use BusyBird::Timeline;
use BusyBird::StatusStorage::SQLite;

my $storage = BusyBird::StatusStorage::SQLite->new(
    path => ':memory:'
my $timeline = BusyBird::Timeline->new(
    name => "sample", storage => $storage

    time_zone => "+0900"

## Add some statuses
    statuses => [{text => "foo"}, {text => "bar"}],
    callback => sub {
        my ($error, $num) = @_;
        if($error) {
            warn("error: $error");
        print "Added $num statuses.\n";

## Ack all statuses
$timeline->ack_statuses(callback => sub {
    my ($error, $num) = @_;
    if($error) {
        warn("error: $error");
    print "Acked $num statuses.\n";

## Change acked statuses into unacked.
    ack_state => 'acked', count => 10,
    callback => sub {
        my ($error, $statuses) = @_;
        if($error) {
            warn("error: $error");
        foreach my $s (@$statuses) {
            $s->{busybird}{acked_at} = undef;
            mode => "update", statuses => $statuses,
            callback => sub {
                my ($error, $num) = @_;
                if($error) {
                    warn("error: $error");
                print "Updated $num statuses.\n";

## Delete all statuses
    ids => undef, callback => sub {
        my ($error, $num) = @_;
        if($error) {
            warn("error: $error");
        print "Delete $num statuses.\n";


BusyBird::Timeline stores and manages a timeline, which is an ordered sequence of statuses. You can add statuses to a timeline, and get statuses from the timeline.

This module uses BusyBird::Log for logging.


You can set status filters to a timeline. A status filter is a subroutine that is called when new statuses are added to the timeline via add_statuses() method.

Using status filters, you can modify or even drop the added statuses before they are actually inserted to the timeline. Status filters are executed in the same order as they are added.

BusyBird comes with some pre-defined status filters. See BusyBird::Filter for detail.

Status Storage

A timeline's statuses are actually saved in a BusyBird::StatusStorage object. When you create a timeline via new() method, you have to specify a BusyBird::StatusStorage object explicitly.

Callback-Style Methods

Some methods of BusyBird::Timeline are callback-style, that is, their results are not returned but given to the callback function you specify.

It depends on the underlying BusyBird::StatusStorage object whether the callback-style methods are synchronous or asynchronous. BusyBird::StatusStorage::SQLite, for example, is synchronous. If the status storage is synchronous, the callback is always called before the method returns. If the status storage is asynchronous, it is possible for the method to return without calling the callback. The callback will be called at a certain point later.

To handle callback-style methods, I recommend future_of() function in BusyBird::Util. future_of() function transforms callback-style methods into Future-style methods.


$timeline = BusyBird::Timeline->new(%args)

Creates a new timeline.

You can also create a timeline via BusyBird::Main's timeline() method.

Fields in %args are as follows.

name => STRING (mandatory)

Specifies the name of the timeline. If it includes Unicode characters, it must be a character string (decoded string), not a binary string (encoded string).

storage => STATUS_STORAGE (mandatory)

Specifies a BusyBird::StatusStorage object. Statuses in $timeline is saved to the storage.


$name = $timeline->name()

Returns the $timeline's name.

$timeline->add($statuses, [$callback])


Adds new statuses to the $timeline.

Note that statuses added by add_statuses() method go through the $timeline's filters. It is the filtered statuses that are actually inserted to the storage.

In addition to filtering, if statuses added to the $timeline lack id or created_at field, it automatically generates and sets these fields. This auto-generation of IDs and timestamps are done after the filtering.

add() method is a short-hand of add_statuses(statuses => $statuses, callback => $callback).

Fields in %args are as follows.

statuses => {STATUS, ARRAYREF_OF_STATUSES} (mandatory)

Specifies a status object or an array-ref of status objects to be added. See BusyBird::Manual::Status about what status objects look like.

callback => CODEREF($error, $added_num) (optional, default: undef)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called when the operation has completed.

In success, callback is called with two arguments ($error and $added_num). $error is undef, and $added_num is the number of statuses actually added to the $timeline.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.


Acknowledges statuses in the $timeline, that is, changing 'unacked' statuses into 'acked'.

Acked status is a status whose $status->{busybird}{acked_at} field evaluates to true. Otherwise, the status is unacked.

Fields in %args are as follows.

ids => {ID, ARRAYREF_OF_IDS} (optional, default: undef)

Specifies the IDs of the statuses to be acked.

If it is a defined scalar, the status with the specified ID is acked. If it is an array-ref of IDs, the statuses with those IDs are acked.

If both max_id and ids are omitted or set to undef, all unacked statuses are acked. If both max_id and ids are specified, both statuses older than or equal to max_id and statuses specifed by ids are acked.

If Status IDs include Unicode characters, they should be character strings (decoded strings), not binary strings (encoded strings).

max_id => ID (optional, default: undef)

Specifies the latest ID of the statuses to be acked.

If specified, unacked statuses with IDs older than or equal to the specified max_id are acked. If there is no unacked status with ID max_id, no status is acked.

If both max_id and ids are omitted or set to undef, all unacked statuses are acked. If both max_id and ids are specified, both statuses older than or equal to max_id and statuses specifed by ids are acked.

If the Status ID includes Unicode characters, it should be a character string (decoded string), not a binary string (encoded string).

callback => CODEREF($error, $acked_num) (optional, default: undef)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called when the operation completes.

In success, the callback is called with two arguments ($error and $acked_num). $error is undef, and $acked_num is the number of acked statuses.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.


Fetches statuses from the $timeline. The fetched statuses are given to the callback function.

Fields in %args are as follows.

callback => CODEREF($error, $arrayref_of_statuses) (mandatory)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called upon completion of fetching statuses.

In success, callback is called with two arguments ($error and $arrayref_of_statuses). $error is undef, and $arrayref_of_statuses is an array-ref of fetched status objects. The array-ref can be empty.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.

ack_state => {'any', 'unacked', 'acked'} (optional, default: 'any')

Specifies the acked/unacked state of the statuses to be fetched.

By setting it to 'unacked', this method returns only unacked statuses from the storage. By setting it to 'acked', it returns only acked statuses. By setting it to 'any', it returns both acked and unacked statuses.

max_id => STATUS_ID (optional, default: undef)

Specifies the latest ID of the statuses to be fetched. It fetches statuses with IDs older than or equal to the specified max_id.

If there is no such status that has the ID equal to max_id in specified ack_state, the result is an empty array-ref.

If this option is omitted or set to undef, statuses starting from the latest status are fetched.

If the Status ID includes Unicode characters, it should be a character string (decoded string), not a binary string (encoded string).

count => {'all', NUMBER} (optional)

Specifies the maximum number of statuses to be fetched.

If 'all' is specified, all statuses starting from max_id in specified ack_state are fetched.

The default value of this option is up to implementation of the status storage the $timeline uses.


Inserts statuses to the $timeline or updates statuses in the $timeline.

Usually you should use add_statuses() method to add new statuses to the $timeline, because statuses inserted by put_statuses() bypasses the $timeline's filters.

Fields in %args are as follows.

mode => {'insert', 'update', 'upsert'} (mandatory)

Specifies the mode of operation.

If mode is "insert", the statuses are inserted (added) to the $timeline. If mode is "update", the statuses in the $timeline are updated to the given statuses. If mode is "upsert", statuses already in the $timeline are updated while statuses not in the $timeline are inserted.

The statuses are identified by $status->{id} field. The $status->{id} field must be unique in the $timeline. So if mode is "insert", statuses whose ID is already in the $timeline are ignored and not inserted.

If $status->{id} includes Unicode characters, it should be a character string (decoded string), not a binary string (encoded string).

statuses => {STATUS, ARRAYREF_OF_STATUSES} (mandatory)

The statuses to be saved in the $timeline. It is either a status object or an array-ref of status objects.

See BusyBird::Manual::Status for specification of status objects.

callback => CODEREF($error, $put_num) (optional, default: undef)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called when the operation completes.

In success, callback is called with two arguments ($error and $put_num). $error is undef, and $put_num is the number of statuses inserted or updated.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.


Deletes statuses from the $timeline.

Fields in %args are as follows.

ids => {undef, ID, ARRAYREF_OF_IDS} (mandatory)

Specifies the IDs (value of $status->{id} field) of the statuses to be deleted.

If it is a defined scalar, the status with the specified ID is deleted. If it is an array-ref of IDs, the statuses with those IDs are deleted. If it is explicitly set to undef, all statuses in the $timeline are deleted.

If Status IDs include Unicode characters, they should be character strings (decoded strings), not binary strings (encoded strings).

callback => CODEREF($error, $deleted_num) (optional, default: undef)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called when the operation completes.

In success, the callback is called with two arguments ($error and $deleted_num). $error is undef, and $deleted_num is the number of deleted statuses.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.


Fetches numbers of unacked statuses in the $timeline.

Fields in %args are as follows.

callback => CODEREF($error, $unacked_counts) (mandatory)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called when the operation completes.

In success, the callback is called with two arguments ($error and $unacked_counts). $error is undef, and $unacked_counts is a hash-ref describing numbers of unacked statuses in each level.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.

Fields in %$unacked_counts are as follows.


LEVEL is an integer key that represents the status level. The value is the number of unacked statuses in the level.

A status's level is the $status->{busybird}{level} field. See BusyBird::Manual::Status for detail.

LEVEL key-value pair is present for each level in which there are some unacked statuses.


The key "total" represents the total number of unacked statuses in the $timeline.

For example, $unacked_counts is structured like:

$unacked_counts = {
    total => 3,
    0     => 1,
    1     => 2,

This means there are 3 unacked statuses in total, one of which is in level 0, and the rest is in level 2.


Checks if the given statuses (or IDs) are contained in the $timeline.

Fields in %args are as follows.

query => {STATUS, ID, ARRAYREF_OF_STATUSES_OR_IDS} (mandatory)

Specifies the statuses or IDs to be checked.

If it is a scalar, that value is treated as a status ID. If it is a hash-ref, that object is treated as a status object. If it is an array-ref, elements in the array-ref are treated as status objects or IDs. Status objects and IDs can be mixed in a single array-ref.

If some statuses in query don't have their id field, those statuses are always treated as "not contained" in the $timeline.

If Status IDs include Unicode characters, they should be character strings (decoded strings), not binary strings (encoded strings).

callback => CODEREF($error, $contained, $not_contained) (mandatory)

Specifies a subroutine reference that is called when the check has completed.

In success, callback is called with three arguments ($error, $contained, $not_contained). $error is undef. $contained is an array-ref of given statuses or IDs that are contained in the $timeline. $not_contained is an array-ref of given statuses or IDs that are NOT contained in the $timeline.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error.

$timeline->add_filter($filter, [$is_async])

Add a status filter to the $timeline.

$filter is a subroutine reference that is called upon added statuses. $is_async specifies whether the $filter is synchronous or asynchronous.

BusyBird::Filter may help you create common status filters.

Synchronous Filter

If $is_async is false, $filter is a synchronous filter. It is called like

$result_arrayref = $filter->($arrayref_of_statuses);

where $arrayref_of_statuses is an array-ref of statuses that is injected to the filter.

$filter must return an array-ref of statuses ($result_arrayref), which is going to be passed to the next filter (or the status storage if there is no next filter). $result_arrayref may be either $arrayref_of_statuses or a new array-ref. If $filter returns anything other than an array-ref, a warning is logged and $arrayref_of_statuses is passed to the next.

Asynchronous Filter

If $is_async is true, $filter is a asynchronous filter. It is called like

$filter->($arrayref_of_statuses, $done);

where $done is a subroutine reference that $filter is supposed to call when it completes its task. $filter must pass the result array-ref of statuses to the $done callback.



## Synchronous filter
$timeline->add_filter(sub {
    my ($statuses) = @_;
    return [ grep { some_predicate($_) } @$statuses ];

## Asynchronous filter
$timeline->add_filter(sub {
    my ($statuses, $done) = @_;
        statuses => $statuses,
        callback => sub {
            my ($results) = @_;
}, 1);


Add an asynchronous status filter. This is equivalent to $timeline->add_filter($filter, 1).

$timeline->set_config($key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2, ...)

Sets config parameters to the $timeline.

$key1, $key2, ... are the keys for the config parameters, and $value1, $value2, ... are the values for them.

See BusyBird::Manual::Config for the list of config parameters.

$value = $timeline->get_config($key)

Returns the value of config parameter whose key is $key.

If there is no config parameter associated with $key, it returns undef.

$watcher = $timeline->watch_unacked_counts(%args)

Watch updates of unacked counts in the $timeline.

Fields in %args are as follows.

assumed => HASHREF (mandatory)

Specifies the unacked counts that the caller assumes.

callback => CODEREF ($error, $w, $unacked_counts) (mandatory)

Specifies the callback function that is called when the unacked counts given in assumed argument are different from the current unacked counts.

In assumed argument, caller must describe numbers of unacked statuses (i.e. unacked counts) for each status level and/or in total. If the assumed unacked counts is different from the current unacked counts in $timeline, callback subroutine reference is called with the current unacked counts ($unacked_counts). If the assumed unacked counts is the same as the current unacked counts, execution of callback is delayed until there is some difference between them.

Format of assumed argument and %$unacked_counts is the same as %$unacked_counts returned by get_unacked_counts() method. See also the following example.

In success, the callback is called with three arguments ($error, $w, $unacked_counts). $error is undef. $w is an BusyBird::Watcher object representing this watch. $unacked_counts is a hash-ref describing the current unacked counts of the $timeline.

In failure, $error is a truthy value describing the error. $w is an inactive BusyBird::Watcher.

For example,

use Data::Dumper;

my $watcher = $timeline->watch_unacked_counts(
    assumed => { total => 4, 1 => 2 },
    callback => sub {
        my ($error, $w, $unacked_counts) = @_;
        print Dumper $unacked_counts;

In the above example, the caller assumes that the $timeline has 4 unacked statuses in total, and 2 of them are in level 1.

The callback is called when the assumption breaks. The $unacked_counts describes the current unacked counts.

$unacked_counts = {
    total => 4,
    -1 => 1,
    0 => 2,
    1 => 1,

In the above, the counts in 'total' is the same as the assumption (4), but the unacked count for level 1 is 1 instead of 2. So the callback is executed.

The return value of this method ($watcher) is an BusyBird::Watcher object. It is the same instance as $w given in the callback function. You can call $watcher->cancel() or $w->cancel() to cancel the watcher, like we did in the above example. Otherwise, the callback function is called repeatedly.

Caller does not have to specify the complete set of unacked counts in assumed argument. Updates are checked only for levels (or 'total') that are explicitly specified in assumed. Therefore, if some updates happen in levels that are not in assumed, callback is never called.

If assumed is an empty hash-ref, callback is always called immediately.

Never apply future_of() function from BusyBird::Util to this method. This is because this method can execute the callback more than once.


Toshio Ito <toshioito [at]>