Localizer::Lexicon - Default lexicon class


use Localizer::Resource;
use Localizer::Style::Gettext;
use Localizer::Lexicon

my $es = Localizer::Resource->new(
    dictionary => Localizer::Lexicon->new( 'Hi, %1.' => 'Hola %1.' ),
    format     => Localizer::Style::Gettext->new(),

say $es->maketext("Hi, %1.", "John"); # => Hola, John.


Localizer::Lexicon is just the default lexicon that is built internally when you provide a hashref as your dictionary.

You can implement your own class to replace this one as your Localizer dictionary, for instance, to get your translations from a database or API. Just pass your object which implements msgids() and msgstr() like this one as your dictionary.


  • Localizer::Lexicon->new(%args | \%args)

    Constructor. It will initialize the lexicon from a list or hashref


    my $de = Localizer::Lexicon->new(
        'Hello, World!' => 'Hello, Welt!'
    dictionary: Hash Reference

    Dictionary data to localize.

  • $localizer->msgids();

    Returns a list of msgeid's which are the keys of the dictionary.

  • $localizer->msgstr($msgid);

    Return the message to translate given $msgid (dictionary data with key). If you give nonexistent key to this method, it returns undef.


Locale::Maketext, Locale::Maketext::Lexicon


Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.