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Word::Rhymes - Takes a word and fetches rhyming matches from

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Provides the ability to fetch words that rhyme with a word, while allowing for context if desired (eg. find all words that rhyme with baseball that relate to breakfast).

Ability to change sort order, minimum rhyme match score, maximum number of words returned etc.


We've conveniently installed a pre-written program that uses this library to get you up and running right away.

See rhyme


use Word::Rhymes;

my $wr = Word::Rhymes->new;

# Simply display the output


# Print all matching rhyming words that have three syllables

my $rhyming_words = $wr->fetch('disdain');
print "$_\n" for @{ $rhyming_words->{3} };

# With context (rhymes with 'disdain', but only words relating to 'farm')

$rhyming_words = $wr->fetch('disdain', 'farm');



Instantiates and returns a new Word::Rhymes object.


All parameters are passed in within a hash, and are every one of them optional.

The parameters have an associated setter/getter method, so to see details for each parameter, follow through to the relevant method documentation.

file => $filename

Used mainly for testing. Allows you to re-use existing, saved data. See "file".

max_results => $integer

Sets the maximum number of rhyming words that'll be fetched over the Internet. See "max_results".

min_score => $integer

We ignore rhyming words with a score less than what you set here. See "min_score".

min_syllables => $integer

Ignore rhyming words with less than the set number of syllables. See "min_syllables".

multi_word => $bool

By default, we ignore rhyming "words" that have more than one word (ie. a phrase). You can use this parameter to include them. See "multi_word".

return_raw => $bool

Set to true to get returned via "fetch" the data prior to all filtering and manipulation taking place. Used primarily for development and testing. See "return_raw".

sort_by => $string

Sort by score_desc (default), score_asc, alpha_asc or alpha_desc. See "sort_by".

Returns: Word::Rhymes object.


Performs the fetching of the rhyming words.



Mandatory, String: The word that'll be used to find rhyming matches to.


Optional, String: This word is used to surround the rhyming words with context. For example, if $word is animal and $context is zoo, we'll fetch words that rhyme with animal but that are only related to a zoo somehow.

Returns: A hash reference where the keys are the number of syllables in the rhyming words, and the values are array reference with the ordered data structure containing the word, the number of syllables and the score.

See "EXAMPLE OUTPUT (fetch())" for a real world example.


This method will display to the screen instead of returning results which is what "fetch" is used for.



Mandatory, String: The word that'll be used to find rhyming matches to.


Optional, String: This word is used to surround the rhyming words with context. For example, if $word is animal and $context is zoo, we'll fetch words that rhyme with animal but that are only related to a zoo somehow.

Returns: 0 upon success.

See "EXAMPLE OUTPUT (print())" for a real world example.


Used primarily for development and testing, allows you to skip fetching results from the Internet, and instead fetches the data from a pre-saved file.



Optional, String: The name of a pre-existing file.

Default: Empty string.

Returns: The name of the file if set, empty string otherwise.


Sets the maximum number of rhyming words to return/display under each number of syllables section. This filtering takes place after all other sorting has occurred.



The maximum number of rhyming words to return per each syllable count section.

Valid values: 1-1000

Default: 1000

Returns: The currently set value.


Sets the maximum number of rhyming words to fetch over the Internet.



Optional, Integer: An integer in the range of 1-1000.

Default: 1000

Returns: Integer, the currently set value.


We will only return rhyming words with a score higher than the number set here.



Optional, Integer: An integer in the range of 0-1000000.

Default: 0

Returns: Integer, the currently set value.


We will only return rhyming words with a syllable count equal to or higher than the number set here.



Optional, Integer: An integer in the range of 1-100 (yeah, I haven't heard of a word with 100 syllables either, but I digress).

Default: 1

Returns: Integer, the currently set value.


Some rhyming words are actually multi-word phrases. By default, we skip over these. Set this to a true value to have the multi worded rhyming words included in the results.



Optional, Bool: Set to true to include multi-words, and false to skip over them.

Default: 0 (false)

Returns: Bool, the currently set value.


Used primarily for development and testing. Set to true to have "fetch" return the results as they were received, prior to any other processing.



Optional, Bool: Set to true to have the results returned before any processing occurs.

Default: 0 (false)

Returns: Bool, the currently set value.


This method allows you to modify the sorting of the rhyming words prior to them being returned.



Optional, String: The values for the parameter are as such:


The rhyming words will be sorted according to score, in a descending order (ie. highest to lowest). This is the default.


Return the rhyming words in ascending score order (ie. lowest to highest).


Return the rhyming words in alphabetical descending order (ie. a-z).


Return the rhyming words in alphabetical ascending order (ie. z-a).

Default: score_desc (0x00).

Returns: Integer, the currently set value:

score_desc:     0x00
score_asc:      0x01
ascii_desc:     0x02
ascii_asc:      0x03



Handles the processing of parameters sent into "new". See that documentation for details on the various valid parameters.


Called by "fetch", processes the data retrieved from


Generates and returns the appropriate URL for the REST API.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Data::Dumper;
use Words::Rhyme;

my $wr->new;

print Dumper $wr->fetch('organize');

# Several entries snipped for brevity

$VAR1 = {
    '5' => [
            'score' => 778,
            'word' => 'materialize',
            'numSyllables' => 5
            'numSyllables' => 5,
            'score' => 399,
            'word' => 'compartmentalize'
    '2' => [
            'numSyllables' => 2,
            'word' => 'arise',
            'score' => 36368
            'numSyllables' => 2,
            'score' => 3444,
            'word' => 'advise'
    '7' => [
            'numSyllables' => 7,
            'word' => 'deinstitutionalize',
            'score' => 81
    '3' => [
            'score' => 3888,
            'word' => 'analyze',
            'numSyllables' => 3
    '4' => [
            'score' => 1547,
            'word' => 'apologize',
            'numSyllables' => 4
    '1' => [
            'score' => 3483,
            'word' => 'rise',
            'numSyllables' => 1


use warnings;
use strict;

use Word::Rhymes;

my $wr = Word::Rhymes->new;

print $wr->print('organize');

# Below output significantly reduced for brevity

Rhymes with 'organize'

Syllables: 7


Syllables: 6

    editorialize      undercapitalize

Syllables: 5

    materialize        compartmentalize   memorialize        sensationalize
    decriminalize      overemphasize      demilitarize       denationalize

Syllables: 4

    apologize        proselytize      prioritize       capitalize
    marginalize      antagonize       metastasize      hypothesize

Syllables: 3

    analyze        compromise     exercise       enterprise     otherwise
    emphasize      galvanize      improvise      utilize        scrutinize

Syllables: 2

    arise        advise       comprise     demise       surmise
    franchise    surprise     disguise     reprise      revise

Syllables: 1

    rise     mize     wise     eyes     size     prize    guise    flies


Steve Bertrand, <steveb at>


Copyright 2021 Steve Bertrand.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: