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RPi::RTC::DS3231 - Interface to the DS3231 Real-Time Clock IC over I2C


use RPi::RTC::DS3231;

my $rtc = RPi::RTC::DS3231->new;

# set individual

# ...etc

# set date/time in one swoop

$rtc->date_time('2018-05-28 23:15:17');

# get individual

my $h = $rtc->hour;
my $d = $rtc->mday;
# ...etc

# get date/time as a string in one swoop

my $datetime = $rtc->date_time; # "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"

# get/set 24 or 12 hour clock

my $ch = $rtc->clock_hours;
$rtc->clock_hours(24); # or 12

# get/set AM/PM

my $meridien = $rtc->am_pm;

$rtc->am_pm('AM'); # or 'PM' # only available in 24 hr clock mode

# get temperature

my $c = $rtc->temp;
my $f = $rtc->temp('f');

# get a hash ready for use in DateTime->new()
# must have DateTime installed!

my $dt = DateTime->new($rtc->dt_hash);


XS-based interface to the DS3231 Real-Time Clock Integrated Circuit over I2C. Although packaged under the RPi:: umbrella, the distribution will work on any Linux system with I2C installed and operable.

This distribution *should* work with the DS1307 modules as well, but I do not have one to test with.


Operational Methods


Instantiates and returns a new RPi::RTC::DS3231 object.



Optional, Integer: The I2C address of the RTC module. Defaults to 0x68 for a DS3231 RTC unit.

Return: An RPi::RTC::DS3231 object.


Closes the active I2C (ioctl) file descriptor. Should be called at the end of your script.

Takes no parameters, has no return.

Individual time/date methods


Sets/gets the RTC year.



Optional, Integer: A year between 2000 and 2099. If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: Integer, the year currently stored in the RTC.


Sets/gets the RTC month.



Optional, Integer: A month between 1 and 12. If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: String/Integer, the month currently stored in the RTC, between 1 and 12. Single digits will be left-padded with a zero within a string.


Sets/gets the RTC day of the month.



Optional, Integer: A day between 1 and 31. If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: String/Integer, the day currently stored in the RTC, between 1 and 31. Single digits will be left-padded with a zero within a string.


Sets/gets the RTC weekday.



Optional, Integer: A weekday between 1 and 7 (correlates to Monday to Sunday respectively). If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: String, the weekday currently stored in the RTC, as Monday to Sunday.


Sets/gets the RTC hour.



Optional, Integer: An hour between 0 and 23. If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: String/Integer, the hour currently stored in the RTC, between 0 and 23. Single digits will be left-padded with a zero within a string.

NOTE: If you're in 24-hour clock mode ("clock_hours"), valid values are 0 through 23. If in 12-hour clock mode, valid values are 1 through 12.


Sets/gets the RTC minute.



Optional, Integer: A minute between 0 and 59. If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: String/Integer, the minute currently stored in the RTC, between 0 and 59. Single digits will be left-padded with a zero within a string.


Sets/gets the RTC second.



Optional, Integer: A second between 0 and 59. If set, we'll update the RTC.

Return: String/Integer, the second currently stored in the RTC, between 0 and 59. Single digits will be left-padded with a zero within a string.

Auxillary date/time methods

am_pm ([$meridien])

Sets/gets the time meridien (AM/PM) when in 12-hour clock mode. This method will croak() if called while in 24-hour clock format.



Optional, String: Set by sending in either AM for morning hours, or PM for latter hours.

Return: String: Returns either AM or PM.


Sets/gets the current clock format as either 12-hour or 24-hour format. By default, the RTC is set to 24-hour clock format.



Optional, Integer: Send in 24 for 24-hour (aka. Military) clock format, or 12 for 12-hour clock format.

Return: Integer: The current format as either 24 or 12.


Returns the current hours, minutes and seconds as a string in the following format:


If in 12-hour clock mode, we will append either AM or PM to the string as such:



Sets gets the date/time in one single operation.



Optional, String: The date and time you want to set the RTC to, in the format:


Note that the hours must reflect 24-hour clock format, so for example, if you want to set 11 PM, use 23 for the hours field.

Return: String: The date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.


This is a convenience method that returns the date and time in hash format, ready to be used by DateTime's new() method.

Return: Hash: The format of the hash is as follows:

'minute' => 20,
'hour' => '02',
'year' => 2000,
'second' => '07',
'day' => 18,
'month' => '05'

Example DateTime usage:

my $dt = DateTime->new($rtc->dt_hash);

Miscellaneous methods


The DS3231 has a built-in thermometer which you can leverage to get the current temperature. By default, we return the temperature in celcius. Send in 'f' to get the temperature in farenheit instead.


Steve Bertrand, <steveb at>


Copyright 2018 Steve Bertrand.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: