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SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable - [[StatisticalVariable]] represents any type of statistical metric that can be measured at a place and time
version v22.0.0
SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable represents any type of statistical metric that can be measured at a place and time. The usage pattern for SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable is typically expressed using SemanticWeb::Schema::Observation with an explicit [[populationType]], which is a type, typically drawn from Schema.org. Each SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable is marked as a SemanticWeb::Schema::ConstraintNode, meaning that some properties (those listed using [[constraintProperty]]) serve in this setting solely to define the statistical variable rather than literally describe a specific person, place or thing. For example, a SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable MedianHeightPerson_Female representing the median height of women, could be written as follows: the population type is SemanticWeb::Schema::Person; the measuredProperty [[height]]; the [[statType]] [[median]]; the [[gender]] SemanticWeb::Schema::Female. It is important to note that there are many kinds of scientific quantitative observation which are not fully, perfectly or unambiguously described following this pattern, or with solely Schema.org terminology. The approach taken here is designed to allow partial, incremental or minimal description of SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariables, and the use of detailed sets of entity and property IDs from external repositories. The [[measurementMethod]], [[unitCode]] and [[unitText]] properties can also be used to clarify the specific nature and notation of an observed measurement.
The measuredProperty of an SemanticWeb::Schema::Observation, typically via its SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable. There are various kinds of applicable SemanticWeb::Schema::Property: a schema.org property, a property from other RDF-compatible systems, e.g. W3C RDF Data Cube, Data Commons, Wikidata, or schema.org extensions such as GS1's.
A measured_property should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "measured_property" attribute.
Identifies the denominator variable when an observation represents a ratio or percentage.
A measurement_denominator should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "measurement_denominator" attribute.
A subproperty of [[measurementTechnique]] that can be used for specifying specific methods, in particular via SemanticWeb::Schema::MeasurementMethodEnum.
A measurement_method should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "measurement_method" attribute.
Provides additional qualification to an observation. For example, a GDP observation measures the Nominal value.
A measurement_qualifier should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "measurement_qualifier" attribute.
A technique, method or technology used in an SemanticWeb::Schema::Observation, SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable or SemanticWeb::Schema::Dataset (or SemanticWeb::Schema::DataDownload, SemanticWeb::Schema::DataCatalog), corresponding to the method used for measuring the corresponding variable(s) (for datasets, described using [[variableMeasured]]; for SemanticWeb::Schema::Observation, a SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable). Often but not necessarily each [[variableMeasured]] will have an explicit representation as (or mapping to) an property such as those defined in Schema.org, or other RDF vocabularies and "knowledge graphs". In that case the subproperty of [[variableMeasured]] called [[measuredProperty]] is applicable.
The [[measurementTechnique]] property helps when extra clarification is needed about how a [[measuredProperty]] was measured. This is oriented towards scientific and scholarly dataset publication but may have broader applicability; it is not intended as a full representation of measurement, but can often serve as a high level summary for dataset discovery.
For example, if [[variableMeasured]] is: molecule concentration, [[measurementTechnique]] could be: "mass spectrometry" or "nmr spectroscopy" or "colorimetry" or "immunofluorescence". If the [[variableMeasured]] is "depression rating", the [[measurementTechnique]] could be "Zung Scale" or "HAM-D" or "Beck Depression Inventory".
If there are several [[variableMeasured]] properties recorded for some given data object, use a SemanticWeb::Schema::PropertyValue for each [[variableMeasured]] and attach the corresponding [[measurementTechnique]]. The value can also be from an enumeration, organized as a SemanticWeb::Schema::MeasurementMetholdEnumeration.
A measurement_technique should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "measurement_technique" attribute.
Indicates the populationType common to all members of a SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalPopulation or all cases within the scope of a SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable.
A population_type should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "population_type" attribute.
Indicates the kind of statistic represented by a SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable, e.g. mean, count etc. The value of statType is a property, either from within Schema.org (e.g. [[count]], [[median]], [[marginOfError]], [[maxValue]], [[minValue]]) or from other compatible (e.g. RDF) systems such as DataCommons.org or Wikidata.org.
A stat_type should be one of the following types:
A predicate for the "stat_type" attribute.
The development version is on github at https://github.com/robrwo/SemanticWeb-Schema and may be cloned from git://github.com/robrwo/SemanticWeb-Schema.git
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website https://github.com/robrwo/SemanticWeb-Schema/issues
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
Robert Rothenberg <rrwo@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2018-2023 by Robert Rothenberg.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)