Yancy - The Best Web Framework Deserves the Best CMS
version 1.066
# Mojolicious
$self->plugin( Yancy => backend => 'postgresql://postgres@/mydb' );
# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin Yancy => backend => 'postgresql://postgres@/mydb'; # mysql, sqlite, dbic...
# Secure access to the admin UI with Basic authentication
my $under = $app->routes->under( '/yancy', sub( $c ) {
return 1 if $c->req->url->to_abs->userinfo eq 'Bender:rocks';
$c->render(text => 'Authentication required!', status => 401);
return undef;
$self->plugin( Yancy => backend => 'postgresql://postgres@/mydb', route => $under );
# ... then load the editor at
Yancy is a content management system (CMS) for Mojolicious. It includes an admin application to edit content and tools to quickly build an application.
Admin App
Yancy provides an application to edit content at the path /yancy
on your website. Yancy can manage data in multiple databases using different backend modules. You can provide a URL string to tell Yancy how to connect to your database, or you can provide your database object. Yancy supports the following databases:
PostgreSQL is supported through the Mojo::Pg module.
# PostgreSQL: A Mojo::Pg connection string
plugin Yancy => backend => 'postgresql://postgres@/test';
# PostgreSQL: A Mojo::Pg object
plugin Yancy => backend => Mojo::Pg->new( 'postgresql://postgres@/test' );
MySQL is supported through the Mojo::mysql module.
# MySQL: A Mojo::mysql connection string
plugin Yancy => backend => 'mysql://user@/test';
# MySQL: A Mojo::mysql object
plugin Yancy => backend => Mojo::mysql->strict_mode( 'mysql://user@/test' );
SQLite is supported through the Mojo::SQLite module. This is a good option if you want to try Yancy out.
# SQLite: A Mojo::SQLite connection string
plugin Yancy => backend => 'sqlite:test.db';
# SQLite: A Mojo::SQLite object
plugin Yancy => backend => Mojo::SQLite->new( 'sqlite::temp:' );
If you have a DBIx::Class schema, Yancy can use it to edit the content.
# DBIx::Class: A connection string
plugin Yancy => backend => 'dbic://My::Schema/dbi:SQLite:test.db';
# DBIx::Class: A DBIx::Class::Schema object
plugin Yancy => backend => My::Schema->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:test.db' );
Content Tools
Schema Information and Validation
Yancy scans your database to determine what kind of data is inside, but Yancy also accepts a JSON Schema to add more information about your data. You can add descriptions, examples, and other documentation that will appear in the admin application. You can also add type, format, and other validation information, which Yancy will use to validate input from users. See "Schema" in Yancy::Help::Config for how to define your schema.
plugin Yancy => backend => 'postgres://postgres@/test',
schema => {
employees => {
title => 'Employees',
description => 'Our crack team of loyal dregs.',
properties => {
address => {
description => 'Where to notify next-of-kin.',
# Regexp to validate this field
pattern => '^\d+ \S+',
email => {
# Use the browser's native e-mail input
format => 'email',
Data Helpers
Mojolicious::Plugin::Yancy provides helpers to work with your database content. These use the validations provided in the schema to validate user input. These helpers can be used in your route handlers to quickly add basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) functionality. See "HELPERS" in Mojolicious::Plugin::Yancy for a list of provided helpers.
# View a list of blog entries
get '/' => sub( $c ) {
my @blog_entries = $c->yancy->list(
blog_entries =>
{ published => 1 },
{ order_by => { -desc => 'published_date' } },
items => \@blog_entries,
# View a single blog entry
get '/blog/:blog_entry_id' => sub( $c ) {
my $blog_entry = $c->yancy->get(
blog_entries => $c->param( 'blog_entry_id' ),
item => $blog_entry,
The Yancy::Plugin::Form plugin can generate input fields or entire forms based on your schema information. The annotations in your schema appear in the forms to help users fill them out. Additionally, with the Yancy::Plugin::Form::Bootstrap4 module, Yancy can create forms using Twitter Bootstrap components.
# Load the form plugin
app->yancy->plugin( 'Form::Bootstrap4' );
# Edit a blog entry
any [ 'GET', 'POST' ], '/edit/:blog_entry_id' => sub( $c ) {
if ( $c->req->method eq 'GET' ) {
my $blog_entry = $c->yancy->get(
blog_entries => $c->param( 'blog_entry_id' ),
return $c->render(
item => $blog_entry,
my $id = $c->param( 'blog_entry_id' );
my $item = $c->req->params->to_hash;
delete $item->{csrf_token}; # See
$c->yancy->set( blog_entries => $id, $c->req->params->to_hash );
$c->redirect_to( '/blog/' . $id );
@@ blog_form.html.ep
%= $c->yancy->form->form_for( 'blog_entries', item => stash 'item' )
Yancy can add basic CRUD operations without writing the code yourself. The Yancy::Controller::Yancy module uses the schema information to show, search, edit, create, and delete database items.
# A rewrite of the routes above to use Yancy::Controller::Yancy
# View a list of blog entries
get '/' => {
controller => 'yancy',
action => 'list',
schema => 'blog_entries',
filter => { published => 1 },
order_by => { -desc => 'published_date' },
} => 'blog.list';
# View a single blog entry
get '/blog/:blog_entry_id' => {
controller => 'yancy',
action => 'get',
schema => 'blog_entries',
} => 'blog.get';
# Load the form plugin
app->yancy->plugin( 'Form::Bootstrap4' );
# Edit a blog entry
any [ 'GET', 'POST' ], '/edit/:blog_entry_id' => {
controller => 'yancy',
action => 'set',
schema => 'blog_entries',
template => 'blog_form',
redirect_to => 'blog.get',
} => 'blog.edit';
@@ blog_form.html.ep
%= $c->yancy->form->form_for( 'blog_entries' )
Yancy also has plugins for...
User authentication: Yancy::Plugin::Auth
File management: Yancy::Plugin::File
More development will be happening here soon!
For in-depth documentation on Yancy, see the following guides:
Yancy::Help::Config - How to configure Yancy
Yancy::Help::Cookbook - How to cook various apps with Yancy
Yancy::Help::Auth - How to authenticate and authorize users
Yancy::Help::Standalone - How to use Yancy without a Mojolicious app
Yancy::Help::Upgrading - How to upgrade from previous versions
Example Applications
The Yancy Git repository on Github includes some example applications you can use to help build your own websites. View the example application directory.
This project bundles some other projects with the following licenses:
jQuery (version 3.2.1) Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors (MIT License)
Bootstrap (version 4.3.1) Copyright 2011-2019 the Bootstrap Authors and Twitter, Inc. (MIT License)
Popper.js (version 1.13.0) Copyright 2017 Federico Zivolo (MIT License)
FontAwesome (version 4.7.0) Copyright Dave Gandy (SIL OFL 1.1 and MIT License)
Vue.js (version 2.5.3) Copyright 2013-2018, Yuxi (Evan) You (MIT License)
marked (version 0.3.12) Copyright 2011-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License)
The bundled versions of these modules may change. If you rely on these in your own app, be sure to watch the changelog for version updates.
Doug Bell <>
Boris Däppen <>
Ed J <>
Erik Johansen <>
Josh Rabinowitz <>
Mohammad S Anwar <>
Pavel Serikov <>
Rajesh Mallah <>
William Lindley <>
Wojtek Bażant <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Doug Bell.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.