FunctionalPerl - functional programming in Perl
use FunctionalPerl;
FunctionalPerl->VERSION # or $FunctionalPerl::VERSION
# The actual modules are in the FP:: namespace hierarchy, like:
use FP::List;
# But you can also import sets of modules from here, e.g.:
use FunctionalPerl qw(:sequences :repl);
Allows Perl programs to be written with fewer side effects.
See the Functional Perl home page.
FunctionalPerl also acts as a convenience re-exporter, offering tags to load sets of modules.
Note that the tags and the sets of modules are very much alpha. If you want to have a better chance of code not breaking, import the modules you want directly.
Tags can be expanded via:
my ($modules, $unused_tags)= FunctionalPerl::expand(qw(:dev :most));
is $$modules{"FP::Failure"}, 2; # number of times used.
use FP::Equal 'is_equal';
is_equal $unused_tags,
[':all', ':ast', ':csv', ':dbi', ':fix', ':git', ':io', ':path', ':pxml', ':rare', ':trampoline', ':transparentlazy'];
This is the list of supported import tags and the modules and other tags that they import:
-> :dev
, :io
, :most
, :rare
-> FP::AST::Perl
-> FP::autobox
-> FP::Char
-> FP::Text::CSV
-> :chars
, :maps
, :numbers
, :sequences
, :sets
, :tries
-> FP::DBI
-> :equal
, :show
, Chj::Backtrace, Chj::pp, Chj::time_this
-> :debug
, :repl
, :test
, Chj::ruse
-> FP::Docstring
-> FP::Equal
-> FP::Failure
-> FP::fix
-> :equal
, :failure
, :show
, FP::Combinators, FP::Combinators2, FP::Currying, FP::Div, FP::Memoizing, FP::Ops, FP::Optional, FP::Predicates, FP::Untainted, FP::Values
-> FP::Git::Repository
-> Chj::tempdir, Chj::xIO, Chj::xhome, Chj::xopen, Chj::xopendir, Chj::xoutpipe, Chj::xperlfunc, Chj::xpipe, Chj::xtmpfile, FP::IOStream
-> :stream
, FP::Lazy, FP::Weak
-> FP::Hash, FP::PureHash
-> :autobox
, :datastructures
, :debug
, :doc
, :equal
, :failure
, :functions
, :lazy
, :show
-> FP::BigInt
-> FP::Path
-> PXML::Serialize, PXML::Util, PXML::XHTML
-> :csv
, :dbi
, :fix
, :git
, :path
, :trampoline
-> FP::Repl, FP::Repl::AutoTrap
-> :stream
, FP::Array, FP::Array_sort, FP::List, FP::MutableArray, FP::PureArray, FP::StrictList
-> FP::HashSet, FP::OrderedCollection
-> FP::Show
-> FP::IOStream, FP::Stream, FP::Weak
-> Chj::TEST
-> FP::Trampoline
-> :stream
, FP::TransparentLazy, FP::Weak
-> FP::Trie
This is alpha software! Read the status section in the package README or on the website.