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AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC - Implements XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat


my $con = AnyEvent::XMPP::Connection->new (...);
$con->add_extension (my $disco = AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Disco->new);
$con->add_extension (my $muc = AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC->new (disco => $disco));


This module handles multi user chats and provides new events to catch multi user chat messages. It intercepts messages from the connection so they don't interfere with your other callbacks on the connection.

This extension requires the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Disco extension for service discovery.



This is the constructor for a MUC extension object. It takes no further arguments.

is_conference ($con, $jid, $cb)


is_room ($con, $jid, $cb)

This method sends a information discovery to the $jid, via the connection $con. $cb is called when the information arrives or with an error after the usual IQ timeout.

When the $jid was a room $cb is called with the first argument being a AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::RoomInfo object. If the destination wasn't reachable, the room doesn't exist or some other error happened the first argument will be undefined and the second a AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::IQ object.

join_room ($con, $jid, $nick, %args)

This method joins a room.

$con should be the AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Connection object that is to be used to send the necessary stanzas. $jid should be the bare JID of the room. $nick should be your desired nickname in the room.

When you successfully entered the room a enter event is emitted. In case you created the room, and it is locked, a locked event is emitted. Please look in the EVENTS section below for more details about how to handle locked rooms. (You won't have to care about locked rooms if you didn't disable the create_instant flag in %args).

If an error occurred and we couldn't join the room, the first two arguments are undef and the third is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::MUC object signalling the error.

%args hash can contain one of the following keys:

timeout => $timeout_in_secs

This is the timeout for joining the room. The default timeout is 60 seconds if the timeout is not specified.

history => {}

Manage MUC-history from XEP-0045 (7.1.16) Hash can contain of the following keys: chars, stanzas, seconds


history => {chars => 0} # don't load history
history => {stanzas => 3} # load last 3 history elements
history => {seconds => 300, chars => 500}
	# load history in last 5 minutes, but max 500 characters

TODO: add since attributes

create_instant => $bool

If you set $bool to a true value we try to establish an instant room on joining if it doesn't already exist.


The default for this flag is true! So if you want to create an reserved room with custom creation in the beginning you have to pass a false value as $bool.

PLEASE NOTE: If you set $bool to a false value you have to check the did_create_room status flag on your own instance of AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User (provided as the second argument to the callback) to see whether you need to finish room creation! If you don't do this the room may stay LOCKED for ever.

See also the make_instant and request_configuration methods of AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC.

password => $password

The password for the room.

nickcollision_cb => $cb

If the join to the room results in a nickname collision the $cb will be called with the nickname that collided and the return value will be used as alternate nickname and the join is retried.

This function is called everytime the nickname collides on join, so you should take care of possible endless retries.

get_room ($con, $jid)

This returns the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Room object for the bare part of the $jid if we are joining or have joined such a room.

If we are not joined undef is returned.

get_rooms ($con)

Returns a list of AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Room objects for the connection $con.


These are the events that are issued by this MUC extension:

$room is the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Room object which the event belongs to.

message => $room, $msg, $is_echo

This event is emitted when a message was received from the room. $msg is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Message object and $is_echo is true if the message is an echo.

NOTE: Please note that some conferences send messages already before you have finished joining a room. That means that you might already get a message event for a room that you haven't got an enter for event yet. That means that methods like get_me might return undef.

subject_change => $room, $msg, $is_echo

This event is emitted when a user changes the room subject. $msg is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Message object and $is_echo is true if the message is an echo.

The room subject is the subject of that $msg.

subject_change_error => $room, $error

If you weren't allowed to change the subject or some other error occurred you will receive this event. $error is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::MUC object.

error => $room, $error

This event is emitted when any error occurred. $error is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::MUC object.

join_error => $room, $error

This event is emitted when a error occurred when joining a room. $error is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::MUC object.

locked => $room

This event is emitted when you disabled the 'create_instant' flag when calling join_room. It means that you just created a new room, which is locked. You need to configure it before it is unlocked and others can enter.

Please consult the methods make_instant, request_configuration and send_configuration of AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Room for more information about how to configure a room.

NOTE: You won't get another event when you finished configuring the room, so you maybe want to call this on the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC object when you finished configuring the room successfully:

$muc->event (enter => $room, $room->get_me);

That could be helpful if you want to place some generic stuff in your enter event handlers.

NOTE2: If you didn't disable the create_instant flag of join_room you won't have to care about a locked event, as everything will be internally handled for you and you will get an enter event if the room is finally setted up.

enter => $room, $user

This event is emitted when we successfully joined the room. $user is a AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User object which is the user handle for ourself.

join => $room, $user

This event is emitted when a new user joins the room. $user is the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User object of that user.

nick_change => $room, $user, $oldnick, $newnick

This event is emitted when a user changed his nickname. $user is the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User object of that user. $oldnick is the old nickname and $newnick is the new nickname.

presence => $room, $user

This event is emitted when a user changes it's presence status (eg. affiliation or role, or away status). $user is the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User object of that user.

part => $room, $user

This event is emitted when a user leaves the channel. $user is the AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User of that user, but please note that you shouldn't send any messages to this user anymore.

leave => $room, $user

This event is emitted when we leave the room. $user is your AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User handle.


Robin Redeker, <elmex at>, JID: <elmex at>


Copyright 2007, 2008 Robin Redeker, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.