Kaiten::Container - Simples dependency-injection (DI) container, distant relation of IoC.
Version 0.27
This module resolve dependency injection conception in easiest way ever. You are just create some code first and put it on kaiten in named container. Later you take it by name and got yours code result fresh and crispy.
No more humongous multi-level dependency configuration, service provider and etc.
You got what you put on, no more, no less.
Ok, a little bit more - Kaiten::Container run probe sub every time when you want to take something to ensure all working properly.
And another one - KC try to re-use handler return if it requested.
Ah, last but not least - KC MAY resolve deep dependencies, if you need it. Really. A piece of cake!
use Kaiten::Container;
my $config = {
ExampleP => {
handler => sub {
return DBI->connect( "dbi:ExampleP:", "", "", { RaiseError => 1 } ) or die $DBI::errstr;
probe => sub { shift->ping() },
settings => { reusable => 1 }
my $container = Kaiten::Container->new( init => $config );
my $dbh = $container->get_by_name('ExampleP');
All done, now we are have container and may get DB handler on call. Simple!
This method create container with entities as init configuration hash values, also may called without config. Its possible add all entities later, with add
my $config = {
examplep_config => {
handler => sub { { RaiseError => 1 } },
probe => sub { 1 },
settings => { reusable => 1 },
examplep_dbd => {
handler => sub { "dbi:ExampleP:" },
probe => sub { 1 },
settings => { reusable => 1 },
# yap! this is deep dependency example.
ExampleP => {
handler => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $dbd = $c->get_by_name('examplep_dbd');
my $conf = $c->get_by_name('examplep_config');
return DBI->connect( $dbd, "", "", $conf ) or die $DBI::errstr;
probe => sub { shift->ping() },
settings => { reusable => 1 }
test => {
handler => sub { return 'Hello world!' },
probe => sub { return 1 },
my $container = Kaiten::Container->new( init => $config );
Entity have next stucture:
unique name (REQUIRED)
This name used at
method.- -
This sub will be executed on
method, at first argument its got container itself. - -
This sub must return true, as first arguments this sub got handler sub result.
- -
(OPTIONAL)If it setted to true - KC try to use cache. If cached handler DONT pass probe KC try to create new one instance.
- -
NB. New instance always be tested by call probe. If you dont want test handler - just cheat with
probe => sub { 1 }
but its sharp things, handle with care.
Something about deep dependencies
Its here, its worked.
handler => sub {
# any handler sub get container as first arg
my $container = shift;
my $dbd = $container->get_by_name('examplep_dbd');
my $conf = $container->get_by_name('examplep_config');
return DBI->connect( $dbd, "", "", $conf ) or die $DBI::errstr;
Warning! Its been worked predictably only at ONE container scope. Mixing deep dependencies from different containers seems... hm, you know, very strange. And dangerous.
What about circular dependencies? Its cause 'die'. Don`t do that.
Use this method to execute handler sub and get it as result.
my $dbh = $container->get_by_name('ExampleP');
# now $dbh contain normal handler to ExampleP DB
Use this method to add some more entities to container.
my $configutarion_explodable = {
explode => {
handler => sub { return 'ExplodeSQL there!' },
probe => sub { state $a= [ 1, 0, 0 ]; return shift @$a; },
settings => { reusable => 1 }
explode_now => {
handler => sub { return 'ExplodeNowSQL there!' },
probe => sub { 0 },
settings => { reusable => 1 }
$container->add(%$configutarion_explodable); # list, NOT hashref!!!
This method remove some entities from container
$container->remove('explode_now','ExampleP'); # list, NOT arayref!!!
Use this method to view list of available handler in container
my @handler_list = $container->show_list;
# @handler_list == ( 'explode', 'test' )
NB. Entities sorted with perl sort
Use this method to test handlers works correctly. If no handlers name given - will be tested ALL.
my $test_result = $container->test();
Method return 1 if it seems all ok, or die.
Very helpfully for TEST suite, especially if deep dependency used. Using this method at production are may helpfully too, but may couse overhead.
Meettya, <meettya at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-kaiten-container at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Kaiten::Container
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Bread::Board - a Moose-based DI framework
IOC - the ancestor of Bread::Board
Peco::Container - another DI container
IOC::Slinky::Container - an alternative DI container
Copyright 2011 Meettya.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.