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Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic - fast and complete protocol buffer implementation


version 0.23


$dynamic = Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic->new;
$dynamic->load_string("person.proto", <<'EOT');
syntax = "proto2";

package humans;

message Person {
  required string name = 1;
  required int32 id = 2;
  optional string email = 3;

$dynamic->map({ package => 'humans', prefix => 'Humans' });

# encoding/decoding
$person = Humans::Person->decode("\x0a\x03foo\x10\x1f");
$person = Humans::Person->decode_json('{"id":31,"name":"John Doe"}');
$bytes = Humans::Person->encode($person);
$bytes = Humans::Person->encode_json($person);

# field accessors
$person = Humans::Person->new;
$id = $person->get_id;

See also protoc-gen-perl-gpd for ahead-of-time generation.


This module uses Google C++ Protocol Buffers parser and the uPB serialization/deserialization library to provide a fast and complete mapping of Protocol Buffers for Perl.

There is builtin support for creating gRPC clients for RPC services, using Grpc::XS as transport.

Protocol Buffers objects are normal blessed hashes, with auto-generated accessors for message fields. Accessing the hash directly is possible but not recommended (it will skip validation, it won't respect the default value option of fields, it won't respect oneof semantics, ...).


The following section outlines how Protocol Buffer sematics are mapped to Perl; it also doubles as an API reference for generated message classes.


In general, there is no direct correspondence between Protocol Buffer packages and Perl packages (each Protocol Buffer message can be mapped independently to an arbitrary Perl package).

That being said, it is simpler to map each Protocol Buffer package to a Perl package prefix, and use the automated package mapping (when pb_test is mapped to Perl::Test, pb_test.Message becomes Perl::Test::Message, pb_test.Message.SomeEnum becomes Perl::Test::Message::SomeEnum, ...).


Each Protocol Buffer message is mapped to a generated Perl class.

Message classes don't have a parent class (but expose the methods documented in Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic::Message, so you can think of them as interface implementations, if you want), and provide the field accessors documented below.

Message classes should not be subclassed: if you thread carefully you might be able to get away with it, but in general they won't work correctly (for example, overridden constructors/accessors won't be called during serialization/deserialization).

Unless explicitly mapped, nested messages will be mapped as nested packages (e.g. if package.Foo is mapped to MyPack::Foo, package.Foo.Bar will be mapped to MyPack::Foo::Bar.


Each field is mapped to a set of accessors (documented below).

For each field, a constant with the field number is exposed to Perl. For example the field optional string foo = 7 will result in a constant equivalent to use constant FOO_FIELD_NUMBER => 7.

On Perls with 32-bit integers, int64/uint64 fields with values outside the representable range will be returned as Math::BigInt objects and can be set the same way. On Perls with 64-bit integers, Math::BigInt objects are accepted by setters but not returned by getters (unless "use_bigints" is used).

Scalar fields

For a field named foo the message class will have a getter ($msg->get_foo), a setter ($msg->set_foo($value)) a clear method ($msg->clear_foo) and an existence check ($msg->has_foo).

The getter returns the default value for the field (0 for numeric fields, '' for string fields, undef for message fields) if the field is not set/has been cleared.

The setter performs coercion and type checks; for example setting an integer field to a floating point value will truncate the decimal part.

Setting a message field will take ownership of the passed-in hash/object.

The setters for enum fields check that the passed-in value is one of the valid enum values, unless "check_enum_values" is false.

Repeated fields

For a field named foo the message class will have an item getter ($msg->get_foo($index)), an item setter ($msg->set_foo($index, $value)) and appender ($msg->add_foo($value)).

$msg->foo_size returns the number of elements in the list, $msg->get_foo_list and $msg->set_foo_list act as getter/setter for the whole list, taking/returning an array reference.

Map fields

For a field named foo the message class will have an item getter ($msg->get_foo($key)) and an item setter ($msg->set_foo($key, $value)).

$msg->get_foo_map and $msg->set_foo_map act as getter/setter for the whole map, taking/returning an hash reference.

The map<key, value> syntax is only available for proto3, see see "implicit_maps" to emulate map support when using proto2.


Enumeration values are passed around as integers.

As a convenience, each enumeration value is mapped to a Perl constant; for example:

enum Foo {
    BAR = 1;
    BAZ = 2;

will result in constants equivalent to

use constant {
    BAR => 1,
    BAZ => 2,

If "check_enum_values" is true (the default), trying to encode a message containing an invalid enum value will result in an error, trying to decode it will ignore the invalid value. If "check_enum_values" is false, invalid enum values are passed through unchanged.


Oneof fields don't generate any specific accessors, however calling the setter for one of the contained fields will clear the other fields that are members of the same oneof.


Extension fields are treated like other scalar/repeated fields, except that accessor names are generated using the fully-qualified name of the extension.

For example

package test;

// ...

extend Message1 {
    optional int32 value = 102;

message Message2 {
    extend Message1 {
        optional Message2 extension2 = 101;
    optional int32 value = 1;

will create (scalar, in this case) accessors for fields named test_value and test_message2_extension2.

In addition to per-field accessors, there is a set of generic extension accessors (documented in "EXTENSION METHODS" in Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic::Message).


Each service is mapped to a generated Perl class, with each method mapped to a Perl method.

Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic does not provide an RPC implementation, but supports generating a gRPC client using Grpc::XS (other implementations might be provided in the future).

In addition, there is a noop service mapping mode that exposes introspection information to simplify the mapping of external RPC implementation on top of Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic.

The exact interface of mapped methods depends on the underlying RPC implementation (for example, for Grpc::XS, the return value is a subclass of Grpc::Client::AbstractCall) and whether the method uses client/server streaming.


All mapped entities provide access to an introspection object that describes the Protocol Buffers object definition.

Each mapped message has a message_descriptor class method returning a MessageDef object.

Each mapped enum has an enum_descriptor class method returning an EnumDef object.

Each mapped service has a service_descriptor class method returning a ServiceDef object.


This section describes methods used to load/map Protocol Buffer messages, see above for the API of mapped messages.

The normal usage pattern is:

create a new Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic instance
call "load_string"/"load_file" one or more times
call "map" to map Protocol Buffer types to Perl packages

"map" is a wrapper around the various map_* methods and "resolve_references", so there should be no reason for using those directly.


$dynamic = Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic->new;
$dynamic = Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic->new($search_path);



Loads the specified file, searching for it in the path passed to the constructor.



Parses message definitions from a string.



Parses message definitions from serialized descriptor data in the format produced by protoc --descriptor_set_out option.


# the 'options' key is optional
    # uses map_package_prefix
    { pb_prefix => $pb_prefix,prefix => $perl_prefix, options => $options },
    # uses map_package
    { package => $pb_package, prefix => $perl_prefix, options => $options },
    # uses map_message
    { message => $pb_message, to    => $perl_package, options => $options },
    # uses map_service
    { service => $pb_enum,    to    => $perl_package,
      options => {
          client_services => $mapping_mode,
          # other options

Applies the mappings in order and then calls "resolve_references".

Order is important because package mappings skip types already mapped by previous mappings, but message/enum mappings throw an error if the type has already been mapped.

For example, given:

package test;

message Foo { }
message Bar { }

the following mapping:

    { message => 'test.Foo', to     => 'SomePackage::Foo' },
    { package => 'test'      prefix => 'OtherPackage' },

maps test.Foo to SomePackage::Foo and test.Bar to OtherPackage::Bar whereas

    { package => 'test'      prefix => 'OtherPackage' },
    { message => 'test.Foo', to     => 'SomePackage::Foo' },

throws an error because test.Foo has already been mapped (to OtherPackage::Foo) by the first mapping.


$dynamic->map_package_prefix($pb_prefix, $perl_prefix);
$dynamic->map_package_prefix($pb_prefix, $perl_prefix, $options);

Finds all types contained in ProtocolBuffers packages having the given prefix and (recursively) maps them under the specified Perl package prefix. It silently skips any already mapped types.


$dynamic->map_package($pb_package, $perl_prefix);
$dynamic->map_package($pb_package, $perl_prefix, $options);

Finds all types contained in the specified package and (recursively) maps them under the specified Perl package prefix. It silently skips any already mapped types.


$dynamic->map_message($pb_message, $perl_package);
$dynamic->map_message($pb_message, $perl_package, $options);

Maps the specified message to the specified Perl package and (recursively) all contained types to inner packages. It throws an error if the specified message has already been mapped but silently skips any already mapped inner types.


$dynamic->map_enum($pb_enum, $perl_package);
$dynamic->map_enum($pb_enum, $perl_package, $options);

Maps the specified enumeration to the specified Perl package. It throws an error if the enumeration has already been mapped.


$dynamic->map_service($pb_service, $perl_package, options => {
    client_services => $mapping_mode,
    # other options

Maps the specified service to the specified Perl package. It throws an error if the service has already been mapped.



Called implicitly by "map", must be called when using the lower-level mapping functions. Resolves any message cross-references (e.g. fields with message or enumeration types).


Can be passed to the various mapping methods.


proto3 provides a special map<key, value> syntax to define map fields:

map<key-type, value-type> field = 1;

which is equivalent to the following proto2 definition

message FieldEntry {
    optional key-type key = 1;
    optional value-type value = 2;
repeated FieldEntry field = 1;

Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic can detect when a map-like structure has been defined using the proto2 syntax above and provide the same semantics as a proto3 map (i.e. it will accept a Perl hash when encoding and produce a Perl hash when decoding).

When implicit_maps is enabled, messages with the following properties:

message name ends in Entry
it has an optional field named key with tag 1
it has an optional field named value with tag 2
it has exactly two fields, and no oneof field
key is not a message or enum field

will be marked as map entries. Those rules do not check all the restrictions that are in place for a proto3 map, and they might be made stricter in the future.


Enabled by default on Perls with 32-bit integers, disabled by default on Perls with 64-bit integers.

When enabled, values that don't fit in a 32-bit integer are returned as Math::BigInt objects.


Enabled by default.

When enabled, checks that all required fields are present (for both encoding and decoding).


Disabled by default, it can't be enabled for proto3.

When disabled, if the value of a field is equal to its default, the field is not emitted during serialization, whether the value was explicitly set or not.

When enabled, and a value was explicitly set for the field, the field is always emitted.


Disabled by default.

When enabled, explicitly sets all missing scalar fields (but not oneof members) to their default value when decoding.


Enabled by default.

When enabled, invalid enum values throw an error in getters/setters/encoding and are replaced with the default value for that enum when decoding.


Enabled by default.

Controls the generation of generic extension methods. Only disable when there is a field named extension.


Defaults to get_and_set.

It controls the naming and interface of getters/setters created for message fields. Accepted values are:


Getter is prefixed with get_, setter with set_.


Getter does not have any prefix, setter with set_.


Generates a single method without a prefix that acts as a setter when a value is passed, as a getter otherwise.


Defaults to disable.


Silently ignore all service definitions.


Only provide introspection information for services (see "INTROSPECTION").


Generate a client implementation using Grpc::XS.


When a field has the incorrect value, sometimes serialization performs a coercion, sometimes it throws an error, but it should always be an error.

Unknown fields are discarded on deserialization.

Proto3 support is only partial (support for well-known types, such as Any and Duration is missing).

See also the TODO



Google Protocol Buffers page

uPB serialization/deserialization library


Mattia Barbon <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015-2016 by Mattia Barbon.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.