SQL::Interp - Interpolate Perl variables into SQL statements
use SQL::Interp ':all';
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'INSERT INTO table', \%item;
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'UPDATE table SET', \%item, 'WHERE y <> ', \2;
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'DELETE FROM table WHERE y = ', \2;
# These two select syntax produce the same result
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE x = ', \$s, 'AND y IN', \@v;
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE', {x => $s, y => \@v};
SQL::Interp converts a list of intermixed SQL fragments and variable references into a conventional SQL string and list of bind values suitable for passing onto DBI. This simple technique creates database calls that are simpler to create and easier to read, while still giving you full access to custom SQL.
SQL::Interp properly binds or escapes variables. This recommended practice safeguards against "SQL injection" attacks. The DBI documentation has several links on the topic.
Besides the simple techniques shown above, The SQL-Interpolate distribution includes the optional DBIx::Interp module, which integrates with DBI:
use DBIx::Interp ':all';
my $rows = $dbx->selectall_arrayref("
SELECT title
FROM threads
WHERE date > ",\$x," AND subject IN ",\@subjects
Since DBIx::Interp still allows you complete access to the DBI API, using it as wrapper is recommended for most applications.
The One Function You Really Need
($sql, @bind) = sql_interp @params;
is the one central function you need to know. sql_interp()
strings together the given list of elements and returns both an SQL string ($sql) with placeholders ("?") and a corresponding list of bind values (@bind) suitable for passing to DBI.
The interpolation list can contain elements of these types:
* SQL - string containing a raw SQL fragment such as 'SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE'.
* variable reference - scalarref, arrayref, hashref, or A sql_type() object referring to data to interpolate between the SQL.
* other interpolation list - an interpolation list can be nested inside another interpolation list. This is possible with the sql() function.
Interpolation Examples
The following variable names will be used in the below examples:
$sref = \3; # scalarref
$aref = [1, 2]; # arrayref
$href = {m => 1, n => undef}; # hashref
$hv = {v => $v, s => $$s}; # hashref containing arrayref
$vv = [$v, $v]; # arrayref of arrayref
$vh = [$h, $h]; # arrayref of hashref
Let $x stand for any of these.
Default scalarref behavior
A scalarref becomes a single bind value.
IN: 'foo', $sref, 'bar'
OUT: 'foo ? bar', $$sref
Default hashref behavior
A hashref becomes a logical AND
IN: 'WHERE', $href
OUT: 'WHERE (m=? AND n IS NULL)', $h->{m},
IN: 'WHERE', $hv
OUT: 'WHERE (v IN (?, ?) AND s = ?)', @$v, $$s
Default arrayref of (hashref or arrayref) behavior
This is not commonly used.
IN: $vv
map {@$_} @$v
IN: $vh
OUT: '(SELECT ? as m, ? as n UNION ALL
SELECT ?, ?)',
$vh->[0]->{m}, $vh->[0]->{n},
$vh->[1]->{m}, $vh->[1]->{n}
# Typical usage:
IN: $x
IN: 'INSERT INTO mytable', $x
IN: 'SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE x IN', $x
Context ('IN', $x)
A scalarref or arrayref can used to form an "IN" clause. As a convenience, a reference to an arrayref is also accepted. This way, you can simply provide a reference to a value which may be a single-valued scalar or a multi-valued arrayref.
IN: 'WHERE x IN', $aref
OUT: 'WHERE x IN (?, ?)', @$aref
IN: 'WHERE x IN', $sref
OUT: 'WHERE x IN (?)', $$sref
IN: 'WHERE x IN', []
OUT: 'WHERE 1=0'
IN: 'WHERE x NOT IN', []
OUT: 'WHERE 1=1'
Context ('INSERT INTO tablename', $x)
IN: 'INSERT INTO mytable', $href
OUT: 'INSERT INTO mytable (m, n) VALUES(?, ?)', $href->{m}, $href->{n}
IN: 'INSERT INTO mytable', $aref
OUT: 'INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?, ?)', @$aref;
IN: 'INSERT INTO mytable', $sref
OUT: 'INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?)', $$sref;
MySQL's "REPLACE INTO" is supported the same way.
Context ('SET', $x)
IN: 'UPDATE mytable SET', $href
OUT: 'UPDATE mytable SET m = ?, n = ?', $href->{m}, $href->{n}
MySQL's "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" is supported the same way.
Context ('FROM | JOIN', $x)
This is not commonly used.
IN: 'SELECT * FROM', $vv
(SELECT ?, ? UNION ALL SELECT ?, ?) as t001',
map {@$_} @$v
IN: 'SELECT * FROM', $vh
(SELECT ? as m, ? as n UNION ALL SELECT ?, ?) as temp001',
$vh->[0]->{m}, $vh->[0]->{n},
$vh->[1]->{m}, $vh->[1]->{n}
IN: 'SELECT * FROM', $vv, 'AS t'
map {@$_} @$v
# Example usage (where $x and $y are table references):
'SELECT * FROM', $x, 'JOIN', $y
Preparing and reusing a statement handle
The following code reuses a statement handle and even reprepares the statement handle if the SQL changes. DBIx::Interp provides a streamlined solution that transparently caches statement handles.
my $sth;
for my $href (@array_of_hashrefs) {
my @list = ('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE', $href);
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp @list;
if (! defined $sth || $sth->{Statement} ne $sql) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
Other Rules
Whitespace is automatically added between parameters:
IN: 'UPDATE', 'mytable SET', {x => 2}, 'WHERE y IN', \@colors;
OUT: 'UPDATE mytable SET x = ? WHERE y in (?, ?)', 2, @colors
Variables must be passed as references; otherwise, they will processed as SQL fragments and interpolated verbatim into the result SQL string, negating the security and performance benefits of binding values.
In contrast, any scalar values inside an arrayref or hashref are by default treated as binding variables, not SQL. The contained elements may be also be sql_type() or sql().
A Couple Helper Functions You Sometimes Need
sql_interp 'INSERT INTO mytable',
{x => $x, y => sql('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')};
sql() is useful if you want insert raw SQL as a value in an arrayref or hashref.
my $sqlvar = sql_type($value_ref, type => $sql_type, %params);
provides a general way to represent a binding variable along with metadata. It is necessary in rare applications which you need to explicity give the bind type of a SQL variable.
$value_ref - variable reference contained
$sql_type - any DBI SQL_DATA_TYPE (e.g. SQL_INTEGER). Optional. Default is undef.
Any other named parameters (%params) passed in will be saved into the object as attributes.
sql_type objects are useful only in special cases where additional information should be tagged onto the variable. For example, DBI allows bind variables to be given an explicit type:
my ($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE',
'x=', \$x, 'AND y=', sql_type(\$y, SQL_VARCHAR), 'AND z IN',
sql_type([1, 2], SQL_INTEGER);
# RESULT: @bind =
# ([$x, sql_type(\$x)], [$y, sql_type(\$y, type => SQL_VARCHAR)],
# [1, sql_type([1, 2], type => SQL_INTEGER)],
# [2, sql_type([1, 2], type => SQL_INTEGER)]);
my $idx = 1;
for my $var (@bind) {
$sth->bind_param($idx++, $var->[0], $var->[1]->{type});
my $ret = $sth->selectall_arrayref();
If the interpolation list contains at least one sql_type object, then all the variable references are transparently converted into sql_type objects, and the elements of @bind take a special form: an arrayref consisting of the bind value and the sql_type object that generated the bind value. Note that a single sql_type holding an aggregate (arrayref or hashref) may generate multiple bind values.
Enabling debugging output
To have the generated SQL and bind variables sent to STDOUT, you can set the environment variable TRACE_SQL
to "1"
TRACE_SQL=1 perl
Alternatively, you can do this:
use SQL::Interp TRACE_SQL => 1;
Here's some example output:
DEBUG:interp[sql=INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?),bind=5]
The query language is SQL. There are other modules, such as SQL::Abstract, that hide SQL behind method calls and/or Perl data structures (hashes and arrays). The former may be undesirable in some cases since it replaces one language with another and hides the full capabilities and expressiveness of your database's native SQL language. The latter may load too much meaning into the syntax of "{, "[" and "\" thereby rendering the meaning less clear:
SQL::Abstract example:
%where = (lname => {like => '%son%'},
age => [-and => {'>=', 10}, {'<=', 20}])
Plain SQL:
"lname LIKE '%son' AND (age >= 10 AND age <= 20)"
In contrast, SQL::Interp does not abstract away your SQL but rather makes it easier to interpolate Perl variables into your SQL. Now, SQL::Interp does load some meaning into "{, "[" and "\", but we try to limit its use to obvious cases. Since your raw SQL is exposed, you can use your particular dialect of SQL.
Some types of interpolation are context-sensitive and involve examination of your SQL fragments. The examination could fail on obscure syntax, but it is generally robust. Look at the examples to see the types of interpolation that are accepted, and if doubt, examine the SQL output yourself with the TRACE_SQL option. If needed, you can disable context sensitivity by inserting a null-string before a variable.
"SET", "", \$x
A few things are just not possible with the ('WHERE', \%hashref) syntax, so in such case, use a more direct syntax:
# ok--direct syntax
sql_interp '...WHERE', {x => $x, y => $y}, 'AND y = z';
# bad--trying to impose a hashref but keys must be scalars and be unique
sql_interp '...WHERE',
{sql_type(\$x) => sql('x'), y => $y, y => sql('z')};
In the cases where this module parses or generates SQL fragments, this module should work for many databases, but its been tested mostly on MySQL and PostgreSQL. Please inform the author of any incompatibilities.
David Manura ( (author). Mark Stosberg ( created and maintains the SQL::Interp fork. Also thanks to: Mark Tiefenbruck (syntax), Wojciech Pietron (Oracle compat), Jim Chromie (DBIx::Interp idea), Juerd Waalboer, Terrence Brannon (early feedback), and others.
Bug Reporting
Use for bug reports.
Copyright (c) 2003-2005, David Manura. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. See
See Also
This module was forked from SQL::Interpolate, around version 0.40. The core functionality remains unchanged, but the following incompatible changes have been made:
The optional source filtering feature was removed.
The optional "macro" feature was removed.
A legacy, deprecated function "sql_literal" was removed.
The docs were overhauled to be simpler and clearer.
So if you want those removed features, you should use SQL::Interpolate. I used it for years without those optional features and never missed them.
Other modules in this distribution
DBIx::Interp allows DBI methods to accept an sql_interp()
-like interpolation list rather than the traditional ($statement, \%attr, @bind_values) parameter list.
Related modules
SQL::Abstract shares with SQL::Interp
the purpose of making SQL generation easier. SQL::Abstract differs in that it expresses queries in terms of OO method calls. It's syntax may impair readability because it uses the subtle difference between a brace and bracket to denote the difference between AND and OR in a query (the user can change whether a bracket implies "AND" or "OR"). Some complex where clauses are difficult or impossible with SQL::Abstract. SQL::Interp gives the author more direct access to the underlying SQL. This permits using the full expressivity of the database query language.
DBIx::Simple strives to simplify SQL generation as well as the data structures returned from DBI. DBIx::Simple
currently can use SQL::Interp to help generate SQL.
Class::DBI is a popular "complete" solution for abstract database access through an OO interface. It currently has a plugin called Class::DBI::AbstractSearch that allows it to use SQL::Abstract
to generate SQL. It's possible that SQL::Interp
could be integrated with it as well.
SQL::Preproc provides an "embedded SQL" approach where the Perl and SQL languages are extended (via source filtering) to support interwoven Perl and SQL. The syntax supports interpolating Perl variables into SQL and passing query results back into Perl variables. In contrast, SQL::Interp extends neither SQL nor Perl, and it deals only with interpolating Perl variables into queries, whereas returning variables from queries is the job of something like DBI, DBIx::Interp, or DBIx::Simple.
SQL::String shares a number of similiarities to SQL::Interp but it is more rudimentary. Both let you combine "chunks" of SQL that have their parameters attached to them and then transform it into an SQL string and list of bind parameters suitable for passing to DBI.
SQL::KeywordSearch helps generate SQL for a keyword search. It can return the result in a format compatible with SQL::Interp to become part of a larger query.