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Couch::DB::Database - One database connection


my $db = Couch::DB->db('my-db');


One node (server) contains multiple databases. Databases do not contain "collections", like MongoDB; each document is a direct child of a database. Per database, you get multiple files to store that data, for views, replication, and so on. Per database, you need to set permissions.

Clustering, sharing, and replication activities on a database are provided by the Couch::DB::Cluster package.



 batch   false
 couch   <required>
 name    <required>
batch => BOOLEAN

When set, all write actions (which support this) to this database will not wait for the actual update of the database. This gives a higher performance, but not all error may be reported.

couch => Couch::DB-object
name => STRING

The name of a database must match ^[a-z][a-z0-9_$()+/-]*$.



Database information

All CouchDB API calls documented below, support %options like _delay and on_error. See "Using the CouchDB API" in Couch::DB.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_changes", TODO]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_changes", TODO]

Feed of changes made on this database.

[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_compact"]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_compact/{ddoc}", UNTESTED]

Instruct the database files to be compacted. By default, the data gets compacted.

 ddoc    undef
ddoc => $ddoc

Compact all indexes related to this design document, instead.

[CouchDB API "PUT /{db}"]

Create a new database. The result object will have code HTTP_CREATED when the database is successfully created. When the database already exists, it returns HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED and an error in the body.

Options: partitioned (bool), q (shards, default 8), and n (replicas, default 3).

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}"]
[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_partition/{partition}", UNTESTED]

Collect information from the database, for instance about its clustering.

-Option   --Default
 partition  undef
partition => $partition
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_ensure_full_commit", deprecated 3.0.0]

Support for old replicators.


Returns a boolean, whether the database exists already. This will call ping() and wait for an anwser.

[CouchDB API "HEAD /{db}"]

Check whether the database exists. You may get some useful response headers, but nothing more: the response body is empty.

$obj->purgeDocuments(\%plan, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_purge", UNTESTED]

Remove selected document revisions from the database.

A deleted document is only marked as being deleted, but exists until purge. There must be sufficient time between deletion and purging, to give replication a chance to distribute the fact of deletion.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_purged_infos_limit", UNTESTED]

Returns the soft maximum number of records kept about deleting records.

$obj->purgeRecordsLimitSet($limit, %options)
[CouchDB API "PUT /{db}/_purged_infos_limit", UNTESTED]

Set a new soft limit. The default is 1000.

[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_view_cleanup", UNTESTED]

Removes view files that are not used by any design document.

[CouchDB API "DELETE /{db}"]

Remove the database.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_revs_limit", UNTESTED]

Returns the soft maximum number of records kept about deleting records.

$obj->revisionLimitSet($limit, %options)
[CouchDB API "PUT /{db}/_revs_limit", UNTESTED]

Set a new soft limit. The default is 1000.

$obj->revisionsDiff(\%plan, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_revs_diff", UNTESTED]

With given a list of document revisions, returns the document revisions that do not exist in the database.

$obj->revisionsMissing(\%plan, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_missing_revs", UNTESTED]

With given a list of document revisions, returns the document revisions that do not exist in the database.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_security"]

Returns the users who have access to the database, including their roles (permissions).

Usually, it is better to simply attempt to take an action, and handle the errors: having a role does not mean that the action will be error-less anyway.

[CouchDB API "PUT /{db}/_security", UNTESTED]

Returns the users who have access to the database, including their roles (permissions).

-Option --Default
 admin    [ ]
 members  [ ]
admin => ARRAY
members => ARRAY

Designs and Indexes

$obj->createIndex(\%filter, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_index", UNTESTED]
Create/confirm an index on the database.  By default, the index C<name>
and the name for the design document C<ddoc> are generated.  You can
also call C<Couch::DB::Design::createIndex()>.

 design  undef
design => $design|$ddocid

When no design document is specified, then one will be created.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_design_docs", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_design_docs", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_design_docs/queries", UNTESTED]

Get some design documents. The search query looks very much like a generic view search, but a few parameters are added and missing.

If there are searches, then GET is used, otherwise the POST version. The returned structure depends on the searches and the number of searches.

 search  [ +{} ]
search => \%query|ARRAY

One or more search queries to be run. The default returns all designs.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_index", UNTESTED]

Collect all indexes for the database.

Handling documents

$obj->doc(ID, %options)

Returns a Couch::DB::Document for this ID. Be aware that this does not have any interaction with the CouchDB server. Only when you call actions, like Couch::DB::Document::exists(), on that object, you can see the status and content of the document.

The %options are passed to Couch::DB::Database::new(). Of course, you do not need to pass the database object explicitly.

$obj->find( [\%search, %options] )
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_find"]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_partition/{partition_id}/_find", UNTESTED]

Search the database for matching documents. The documents are always included in the reply, including attachment information. Attachement data is not included.

The default search will select everything (uses a blank HASH as required selector). By default, the number of results has a limit of 25.

-Option   --Default
 partition  undef
partition => $partition

example: of find() with a single query

my $result = $couch->find or die;
my $docs   = $result->values->{docs};  # Couch::DB::Documents
foreach my $doc (@$docs) { ... }

example: of find() more than one query:

my $result = $couch->find(search => [ \%q0, \%q1 ]) or die;
my $docs   = $result->values->{results}[1]{docs};
foreach my $doc (@$docs) { ... }
$obj->findExplain(\%search, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_explain", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_partition/{partition_id}/_explain", UNTESTED]

Explain how the a search will be executed.

-Option   --Default
 partition  undef
partition => $partition
$obj->inspectDocuments(\@docs, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_bulk_get", UNTESTED]

Return information on multiple documents at the same time.

 revs    false
revs => BOOLEAN

Include the revision history of each document.

[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_all_docs", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_all_docs", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_all_docs/queries", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_local_docs", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_local_docs", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_local_docs/queries", UNTESTED]
[CouchDB API "GET /{db}/_partition/{partition}/_all_docs", UNTESTED]

Get the documents, optionally limited by a view. If there are searches, then POST is used, otherwise the GET version. The returned structure depends on the searches and the number of searches.

The usual way to use this method with a view, is by calling Couch::DB::Design::viewFind().

-Option   --Default
 design     undef
 local      false
 partition  undef
 search     []
 view       undef
design => $ddoc|$ddoc_id
local => BOOLEAN

Search only in local (non-replicated) documents. This does not support a combination with partition or view.

partition => $name

Restrict the search to the specific partition.

search => \%view|ARRAY
view => $name

Restrict the search to the named view. Requires the design document.

$obj->updateDocuments(\@docs, %options)
[CouchDB API "POST /{db}/_bulk_docs", UNTESTED]

Insert, update, and delete multiple documents in one go. This is more efficient than saving them one by one.

Pass the documents which need to be save/updated in an ARRAY as first argument.

-Option   --Default
 delete     [ ]
 new_edits  true
 on_error   undef
delete => $doc|\@docs

List of documents to remove. You should not call the delete() method on them yourself!

new_edits => BOOLEAN

When false, than the docs will replace the existing revisions.

on_error => CODE

By default, errors are ignored. When a CODE is specified, it will be called with the result object, the failing document, and named parameters error details. The %details contain the error type, the error reason, and the optional deleting boolean boolean.

example: for error handling

sub handle($result, $doc, %details) { ... }
$db->updateDocuments(@save, on_error => \&handle);


This module is part of Couch-DB distribution version 0.002, built on May 31, 2024. Website:


Copyrights 2024 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See