Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::PPI - Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects.


Provides classification of PPI::Elements.


This is considered to be a public module. Any changes to its interface will go through a deprecation cycle.


dscanf( $format_string, {options=1} )>
'a' -
'b' -
'c' -
'd' - Specify an integer in an arbitrary base.
      If you want integers in a base other than decimal, add a modifier:
      'bd' - Binary integer
      'od' - Octal integer
      'xd' - Hexadecimal integer
'e' -
'f' - Specify a floating-point number.
      If you want floating-point numbers in exponential notation, add
      a modifier:
      'ef' - Exponential number
'g' -
'h' -
'i' -
'j' -
'k' -
'l' -
'm' -
'n' -
'o' -
'p' -
'q' -
'r' - Specify a regular expression.
      Note that this will match C</foo/>, C<s/foo/bar/>, C<y/a-m/n-z/>.
      If you want to match a specific regex type, then preface 'r' with:
      'mr' - Matching regular expression
      'sr' - Substitution regular expression
      'tr' - Transliterating regular expression
's' - Specify a quoted string.
      This will match both C<'foo'> and C<qq qfooq> by default.
      If you want to match a specific string type, then preface 's' with:
      'ds' - Double-quoted string
      'ls' - Literal string type
      'ss' - Single-quoted string
      'is' - Interpolated string
't' -
'u' -
'v' - Specify a Perl variable.
      If you want a specific type of variable, add one of these modifiers:
      'av' - Array variable
      'gv' - GLOB variable
      'hv' - Hash variable
      'sv' - Scalar variable
'w' -
'x' -
'y' -
'z' -

'A' -
'B' -
'C' -
'D' -
'E' -
'F' -
'G' -
'H' -
'I' -
'J' -
'K' -
'L' - A list.
'M' -
'N' -
'O' -
'P' - An explicit L<PPI> node type, C<'%P{Token::Word}'> for instance.
      You can prefix this with C<'PPI::'> but it's considered redundant.
'Q' -
'R' -
'S' -
'T' -
'U' -
'V' -
'W' -
'X' -
'Y' -
'Z' -
is_ppi_expression_or_generic_statement( $element )

Answers whether the parameter is an expression or an undifferentiated statement. I.e. the parameter either is a PPI::Statement::Expression or the class of the parameter is PPI::Statement and not one of its subclasses other than Expression.

is_ppi_generic_statement( $element )

Answers whether the parameter is an undifferentiated statement, i.e. the parameter is a PPI::Statement but not one of its subclasses.

is_ppi_statement_subclass( $element )

Answers whether the parameter is a specialized statement, i.e. the parameter is a PPI::Statement but the class of the parameter is not PPI::Statement.

is_ppi_simple_statement( $element )

Answers whether the parameter represents a simple statement, i.e. whether the parameter is a PPI::Statement, PPI::Statement::Break, PPI::Statement::Include, PPI::Statement::Null, PPI::Statement::Package, or PPI::Statement::Variable.


Jeffrey Goff <>


Elliot Shank <>


Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Elliot Shank.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.