Net::API::CPAN::Distribution - Meta CPAN API Distribution Class


use Net::API::CPAN::Distribution;
my $obj = Net::API::CPAN::Distribution->new( {
  bugs => {
    github => {
      active => 5,
      closed => 10,
      open => 3,
      source => "",
    rt => {
      active => 2,
      closed => 18,
      new => 0,
      open => 2,
      patched => 0,
      rejected => 0,
      resolved => 18,
      source => "",
      stalled => 0,
  external_package => {
    cygwin => "perl-Folkore-Japan",
    debian => "folklore-japan-perl",
    fedora => "perl-Folkore-Japan",
  name => "Folklore-Japan",
  river => {
    bucket => 2,
    bus_factor => 1,
    immediate => 15,
    total => 19,
} ) || die( Net::API::CPAN::Distribution->error );

my $this = $obj->bugs;
my $github_obj = $obj->bugs->github;
my $rt_obj = $obj->bugs->rt;
my $this = $obj->external_package;
my $scalar = $obj->external_package->cygwin;
my $scalar = $obj->external_package->debian;
my $scalar = $obj->external_package->fedora;
my $this = $obj->github;
my $uri = $obj->metacpan_url;
my $string = $obj->name;
my $str = $obj->object;
my $this = $obj->river;
my $integer = $obj->river->bucket;
my $integer = $obj->river->bus_factor;
my $integer = $obj->river->immediate;
my $integer = $obj->river->total;
my $this = $obj->rt;




This class serves to retrieve and manipulate distributions.

It inherits from Net::API::CPAN::Generic



Provided with an hash or hash reference of parameters, and this instantiates a new Net::API::CPAN::Distribution object.

The parameters that can be provided bear the same name and supports the same values as the methods below.



$obj->bugs( {
  github => {
    active => 5,
    closed => 10,
    open => 3,
    source => "",
  rt => {
    active => 2,
    closed => 18,
    new => 0,
    open => 2,
    patched => 0,
    rejected => 0,
    resolved => 18,
    source => "",
    stalled => 0,
} );
my $this = $obj->bugs;
$obj->bugs->github( {
  active => 5,
  closed => 10,
  open => 3,
  source => "",
} );
my $github_obj = $obj->bugs->github;
$obj->bugs->rt( {
  active => 2,
  closed => 18,
  new => 0,
  open => 2,
  patched => 0,
  rejected => 0,
  resolved => 18,
  source => "",
  stalled => 0,
} );
my $rt_obj = $obj->bugs->rt;

Sets or gets a dynamic class object with class name Net::API::CPAN::Distribution::Bugs and having the folowing properties also accessible as methods, and returns an object from such class, or undef if no value was provided.


$obj->external_package( {
  cygwin => "perl-Folkore-Japan",
  debian => "folklore-japan-perl",
  fedora => "perl-Folkore-Japan",
} );
my $this = $obj->external_package;
$obj->external_package->cygwin( "perl-Folkore-Japan" );
my $scalar = $obj->external_package->cygwin;
$obj->external_package->debian( "folklore-japan-perl" );
my $scalar = $obj->external_package->debian;
$obj->external_package->fedora( "perl-Folkore-Japan" );
my $scalar = $obj->external_package->fedora;

Sets or gets a dynamic class object with class name Net::API::CPAN::Distribution::ExternalPackage and having the folowing properties also accessible as methods, and returns an object from such class, or undef if no value was provided.

  • cygwin scalar_as_object

  • debian scalar_as_object

  • fedora scalar_as_object


Returns the object for the dynamic class Net::API::CPAN::Bugs::Github, which provides access to a few methods.

See "bugs" for more information.

It returns undef if no value is set.


Returns a link, as an URI object, to the distribution's page on MetaCPAN, or undef if no distribution name is currently set.


$obj->name( "Folklore-Japan" );
my $string = $obj->name;

Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.


Returns the object type for this class, which is distribution


$obj->river( {
  bucket => 2,
  bus_factor => 1,
  immediate => 15,
  total => 19,
} );
my $this = $obj->river;
$obj->river->bucket( 2 );
my $integer = $obj->river->bucket;
$obj->river->bus_factor( 1 );
my $integer = $obj->river->bus_factor;
$obj->river->immediate( 15 );
my $integer = $obj->river->immediate;
$obj->river->total( 19 );
my $integer = $obj->river->total;

Sets or gets a dynamic class object with class name Net::API::CPAN::Distribution::River and having the folowing properties also accessible as methods, and returns an object from such class, or undef if no value was provided.


Returns the object for the dynamic class Net::API::CPAN::Bugs::Rt, which provides access to a few methods.

See "bugs" for more information.

It returns undef if no value is set.


   "bugs" : {
      "github" : {
         "active" : 5,
         "closed" : 10,
         "open" : 3,
         "source" : ""
      "rt" : {
         "active" : "2",
         "closed" : "18",
         "new" : 0,
         "open" : 2,
         "patched" : 0,
         "rejected" : 0,
         "resolved" : 18,
         "source" : "",
         "stalled" : 0
   "external_package" : {
      "cygwin" : "perl-Folkore-Japan",
      "debian" : "folklore-japan-perl",
      "fedora" : "perl-Folkore-Japan"
   "name" : "Folklore-Japan",
   "river" : {
      "bucket" : 2,
      "bus_factor" : 1,
      "immediate" : 15,
      "total" : 19


Jacques Deguest <>


Net::API::CPAN, Net::API::CPAN::Activity, Net::API::CPAN::Author, Net::API::CPAN::Changes, Net::API::CPAN::Changes::Release, Net::API::CPAN::Contributor, Net::API::CPAN::Cover, Net::API::CPAN::Diff, Net::API::CPAN::Distribution, Net::API::CPAN::DownloadUrl, Net::API::CPAN::Favorite, Net::API::CPAN::File, Net::API::CPAN::Module, Net::API::CPAN::Package, Net::API::CPAN::Permission, Net::API::CPAN::Rating, Net::API::CPAN::Release

MetaCPAN::API, MetaCPAN::Client


Copyright(c) 2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.