Net::RDAP::Server - an RDAP server framework.


version 0.01


use Net::RDAP::Server;

my $server = Net::RDAP::Server->new;

# Set request handlers for the types we want to support.
$server->set_handler('GET',  'help',   \&get_help);
$server->set_handler('HEAD', 'help',   \&head_help);
$server->set_handler('GET',  'domain', \&get_domain);
$server->set_handler('HEAD', 'domain', \&head_domain);

# Run the server (on localhost:8080 by default).

# Minimal HEAD handler. All responses are 404 by default so the ok() method
# must be used to send a 200 response.
sub head_help { shift->ok }

# help request handler
sub get_help {
    my $response = shift;

    # Set the HTTP status to 200.

    # Pass a Perl data structure to be encoded to JSON.
        rdapConformance => [q{rdap_level_0}],
        notices => [
                title => 'More Information',
                description => [ 'For more information, see '.ABOUT_URL.'.'],
                links => [
                        rel => 'related',
                        href => ABOUT_URL,
                        value => ABOUT_URL,

# Minimal HEAD handler as above.
sub head_domain { shift->ok }

# Generate a domain lookup response.
sub get_domain {
    my $response = shift;


        objectClassName => q{domain},
        ldhName => $response->request->object,
        # Add more properties here!


Net::RDAP::Server implements a simple framework for creating RDAP servers. RDAP is the Registration Data Access Protocol, which is specified in IETF STD 95.


Net::RDAP::Server inherits from HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI so all the options and methods of that module are available. In addition, the following methods are provided.

set_handler($method, $type, $callback)

This method specifies a callback to be executed when a $method (either GET or HEAD) request for a $type RDAP resource (e.g domain, ip, etc) is requested. At minimum RDAP servers should provide answer help requests plus one or more object types.

$type must be one of:

  • help

  • domain

  • nameserver

  • entity

  • ip

  • autnum

  • domains

  • nameservers

  • entities

The callback will be passed a Net::RDAP::Server::Response that it must then manipulate in order to produce the desired response.


Gavin Brown <>


This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Gavin Brown.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.