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Forward::Routes - restful routes for web framework builders


Instead of letting a web server like Apache decide which files to serve based on the provided URL, the whole work can be done by your framework using the Forward::Routes module.

Think of routes as kind of simplified regular expressions!

Each route represents a certain URL path pattern and holds a set of default values.

# create a routes root object
my $routes = Forward::Routes->new;

# add a route with a :city placeholder and controller and action defaults
# the :city placeholder matches everything except slashes
  ->defaults(controller => 'world', action => 'cities');

After all routes have been defined, you just pass a specific path to search all routes, and if there is a match, the search ends and an array ref of Forward::Routes::Match objects is returned with the necessary parameters needed for further action.

# get request path and the request method (in this case from a
# Plack::Request object)
my $path   = $req->path_info;
my $method = $req->method;

# search routes
my $match = $routes->match($method => $path);

Unless you use advanced techniques such as bridges, only one match object ($match->[0]) is returned.

The match object contains two kinds of parameters:

- default values as defined with the route

- placeholder values extracted from the URL for further use

# $matches is undef, as there is no matching route
# your framework might render 404 not found
my $matches = $routes->match(get => '/hello_world');

# $matches is an array ref of Forward::Routes::Match objects
my $matches = $routes->match(get => '/towns/paris');

# $controller is "world" (default)
my $controller = $match->[0]->params->{controller};

# $action is "cities" (default)
my $action = $match->[0]->params->{action};

# $city is "paris" (placeholder value of :city)
my $city = $match->[0]->params->{city};

Now, your framework can use the controller and action parameters to create a controller instance and execute the action on this instance. You should also make sure that placeholder parameters can be accessed from your controller action for further use (e.g. to query a database using the name of a city).


Basic Routes

$r = Forward::Routes->new;

my $m = $r->match(get => 'foo/bar');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {};

my $m = $r->match(get => 'foo/hello');
is $m, undef;


$r = Forward::Routes->new;

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/there');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {foo => 'hello', bar => 'there'};

Format Constraints and Detection

$r = Forward::Routes->new->format('html','xml');

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/there.html');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {foo => 'hello', bar => 'there', format => 'html'};

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/there.xml');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {foo => 'hello', bar => 'there', format => 'xml'};

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/there.jpeg');
is $m, undef;

Nested Routes

$r = Forward::Routes->new;
$nested = $r->add_route(':foo');

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/there');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {foo => 'hello', bar => 'there'};


$r = Forward::Routes->new;
my $bridge = $r->bridge('admin')->to('check#authentication');

$m = $r->match(get => 'admin/foo');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params, {controller => 'check', action => 'authentication'};
is_deeply $m->[1]->params, {controller => 'my', action => 'stuff'};

Defaults for action and controller params

$r = Forward::Routes->new;

$m = $r->match(get => 'articles');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'};


$r = Forward::Routes->new;
$r->add_route('articles/:id')->constraints(id => qr/\d+/);

$m = $r->match(get => 'articles/abc');
ok not defined $m;

$m = $r->match(get => 'articles/123');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {id => 123};


$r = Forward::Routes->new;

$m = $r->match(get => 'world/us-new_york');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {country => 'us', cities => 'new_york'};

Path Building

# build path
is $r->build_path('hello', country => 'us', cities => 'new_york')->{path},

Optional Placeholders

$r = Forward::Routes->new;

$m = $r->match(get => '2009');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {year => 2009};

$m = $r->match(get => '2009/12');
ok !defined $m;

$m = $r->match(get => '2009/12/10');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {year => 2009, month => 12, day => 10};

$r = Forward::Routes->new;

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/world');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {};

$m = $r->match(get => 'hello/world-paris');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {city => 'paris'};   

Optional Placeholders and Defaults

$r = Forward::Routes->new;
$r->add_route(':year(/:month)?/:day')->defaults(month => 1);

$m = $r->match(get => '2009');
ok not defined $m;

$m = $r->match(get => '2009/12');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {year => 2009, month => 1, day => 12};

$m = $r->match(get => '2009/2/3');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {year => 2009, month => 2, day => 3};

Method Matching

$r = Forward::Routes->new;
ok $r->match(get => 'logout');
ok !$r->match(post => 'logout');


$r = Forward::Routes->new;
my $articles = $r->add_route('articles/:id')
  ->defaults(first_name => 'foo', last_name => 'bar')
  ->constraints(id => qr/\d+/)


$r = Forward::Routes->new;

$m = $r->match(get => 'photos');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {controller => 'photos', action => 'index'};

$m = $r->match(get => 'photos/1');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {controller => 'photos', action => 'show', id => 1};

$m = $r->match(put => 'photos/1');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params => {controller => 'photos', action => 'update', id => 1};

Path Building and Resources

$r = Forward::Routes->new;

is $r->build_path('photos_update', id => 987)->{path} => 'photos/987';

Nested Resources

$r = Forward::Routes->new;
my $magazines = $r->add_resources('magazines');

$m = $r->match(get => 'magazines/1/ads/4');
is_deeply $m->[0]->params =>
  {controller => 'ads', action => 'show', magazines_id => 1, ads_id => 4};



Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2011, ForwardEver

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


Path matching and path building inspired by Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi's Router module

Concept of nested routes and bridges inspired by Sebastian Riedel's Mojolicious::Routes module

Concept of restful resources inspired by Ruby on Rails