Catalyst::Authentication::Store::FromSub - A storage class for Catalyst Authentication using one Catalyst Model class
version 0.01
use Catalyst qw/Authentication/;
__PACKAGE__->config->{authentication} = {
default_realm => 'members',
realms => {
members => {
credential => {
class => 'Password',
password_field => 'password',
password_type => 'clear'
store => {
class => 'FromSub', # or 'Object'
user_type => 'Hash',
model_class => 'UserAuth',
id_field => 'user_id',
} };
# Log a user in:
sub login : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->authenticate( {
username => $c->req->params->username,
password => $c->req->params->password,
} );
package MyApp::Model::UserAuth; # map with model_class in config above
use base qw/Catalyst::Model/;
use strict;
sub auth { # sub name needs to be 'auth'
my ($self, $c, $userinfo) = @_;
my $where;
if (exists $userinfo->{user_id}) { # restore from session (id_field => 'user_id')
$where = { user_id => $userinfo->{user_id} };
} elsif (exists $userinfo->{username}) { # from authenticate
$where = { username => $userinfo->{username} };
} else { return; }
# deal with cache
# if (my $val = $c->cache->get($key) {
# return $val;
# } else {
my $user = $c->model('TestApp')->resultset('User')->search( $where )->first;
$user = $user->{_column_data}; # hash
# $c->cache->set($key, $user);
# }
return $user;
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::FromSub class provides access to authentication information by using a Catalyst Model sub auth.
In sub auth of the Catalyst model, we can use cache there (or do some complicated code). it would avoid the hit of db every request.
The FromSub authentication store is activated by setting the store config class element to 'FromSub'. See the Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication documentation for more details on configuring the store.
The FromSub storage module has several configuration options
__PACKAGE__->config->{authentication} = {
default_realm => 'members',
realms => {
members => {
credential => {
# ...
store => {
class => 'FromSub',
user_type => 'Object',
model_class => 'UserAuth',
id_field => 'user_id',
default_realm: 'members'
class: 'Password'
class: 'FromSub'
user_type: 'Object'
model_class: "UserAuth"
- class
Class is part of the core Catalyst::Authentication::Plugin module, it contains the class name of the store to be used. it must be 'FromSub' here.
- user_type
'Hash' or 'Object', depends on the return value in sub auth, REQUIRED.
- model_class
Contains the class name (as passed to $c->model()) of Catalyst. This config item is REQUIRED.
- id_field
For restore from session, we pass { $id_field => $c->session->{__user}->{$id_field} } to sub auth, so be sure you deal with this $userinfo in sub auth like
sub auth { # sub name needs to be 'auth' my ($self, $c, $userinfo) = @_; my $where; if (exists $userinfo->{user_id}) { # restore from session (id_field => 'user_id') $where = { user_id => $userinfo->{user_id} }; } elsif (exists $userinfo->{username}) { # from authenticate $where = { username => $userinfo->{username} }; } else { return; }
It is a primary key return by sub auth. Default as 'id'
The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::FromSub storage module is not called directly from application code. You interface with it through the $c->authenticate() call.
# for login
sub login : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->authenticate( {
username => $c->req->params->username,
password => $c->req->params->password,
status => [ 'active', 'registered' ],
} );
sub is_admin : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
# use Set::Object in C::P::A::Roles
eval {
if ( $c->assert_user_roles( qw/admin/ ) ) {
$c->res->body( 'ok' );
if ($@) {
$c->res->body( 'failed' );
package MyApp::Model::UserAuth; # map with model_class in config above
use base qw/Catalyst::Model/;
use strict;
sub auth {
my ($self, $c, $userinfo) = @_;
my ($where, $cache_key);
if (exists $userinfo->{user_id}) {
$where = { user_id => $userinfo->{user_id} };
$cache_key = 'global|user|user_id=' . $userinfo->{user_id};
} elsif (exists $userinfo->{username}) {
$where = { username => $userinfo->{username} };
$cache_key = 'global|user|username=' . $userinfo->{username};
} else { return; }
my $user;
if (my $val = $c->cache->get($cache_key) {
$user = $val;
} else {
$user = $c->model('TestApp')->resultset('User')->search( $where )->first;
$user = $user->{_column_data}; # hash to cache
# get user roles
my $role_rs = $c->model('TestApp')->resultset('UserRole')->search( {
user => $user->{id}
} );
while (my $r = $role_rs->next) {
my $role = $c->model('TestApp')->resultset('Role')->find( {
id => $r->roleid
} );
push @{$user->{roles}}, $role->role;
# $user = {
# 'roles' => [
# 'admin',
# 'user'
# ],
# 'status' => 'active',
# 'session_data' => undef,
# 'username' => 'jayk',
# 'email' => '',
# 'password' => 'letmein',
# 'id' => '3'
$c->cache->set($cache_key, $user);
# validate status
if ( exists $userinfo->{status} and ref $userinfo->{status} eq 'ARRAY') {
unless (grep { $_ eq $user->{status} } @{$userinfo->{status}}) {
return $user;
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals, Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles
Fayland Lam <>
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Fayland Lam.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.