Net::SAJAX - Interact with remote applications that use SAJAX.
This documentation refers to Net::SAJAX version 0.001
# Construct a SAJAX interaction object
my $sajax = Net::SAJAX->new(
url => URI->new('https:/'),
# Make a SAJAX call
my $product_name = $sajax->call(
function => 'GetProductName',
arguments => [67632],
print "The product $product_name is out of stock\n";
# Make a SAJAX call using POST (usually for big or sensitive data)
my $result = $sajax->call(
function => 'SetPassword',
method => 'POST',
arguments => ['My4w3s0m3p4sSwOrD'],
if ($result->{result} == 1) {
print "Your password was successfully changed\n";
else {
printf "An error occurred when setting your password: %s\n",
Provides a way to interact with applications that utilize the SAJAX library found at
This is fully object-oriented, and as such before any method can be used, the constructor needs to be called to create an object to work with.
This will construct a new object.
- new(%attributes)
is a HASH where the keys are attributes (specified in the "ATTRIBUTES" section). - new($attributes)
is a HASHREF where the keys are attributes (specified in the "ATTRIBUTES" section).
This is a JE object that is used to evaluate the JavaScript data recieved. Since this is a custom engine in Perl, the JavaScript executed should not have any security affects. This defaults to JE->new(max_ops => 1000)
This is a Boolean of if to send a random key with the request. This is part of the SAJAX library and is provided for use. The default for the SAJAX library is to send the random key, but that is an unnecessary method to get around caching issues, and so is it off by default.
# Enable sending of a random key
# Toggle the setting
This is a string that specified the target element ID that the response would normally be added to. This is completely unnecessary in this library, but since it is send with the request, it is possible this could affect the data that is returned. This defaults to nothing and no target ID is sent with the request.
# Change the target ID
# Clear the target ID (restroing default behavour)
Using "has_target_id", it can be determined if a target ID is currently set on the object. Using "clear_target_id" the target ID will be cleared from the object, restroing default behavour.
This is a URI object of the URL of the SAJAX application.
This is the LWP::UserAgent object to use when making requests. This is provided to handle custom user agents. The default value is LWP::UserAgent constructed with no arguments.
# Set a low timeout value
This method will preform a call to a remote function using SAJAX. This will return a JE type. These types can be used just like normal Perl data values. Please see JE::Types for a description of the public API for the data types. The return value of this function is subject to change to plain Perl data types in the future; version 0.100. This method takes a HASH with the following keys:
- arguments
This is an ARRAYREF that specifies what arguments to send with the function call. This must not contain any references (essentially only strings and numbers). If not specified, then no arguments are sent.
- function
This is a string with the function name to call.
- method
This is a string that is either
. If not supplied, then the method is assumed to be"GET"
, as this is the most common SAJAX method.
This module has a version number in the format of \d+\.\d{3}
. When the digit to the left of the decimal point is incremented, this means that this module was changed in such a way that it will very likely break code that uses it. Please see Net::SAJAX::VersionGuarantee.
JE 0.033
LWP::UserAgent 5.819
Moose 0.77
MooseX::Types::URI 0.02
URI 1.22
namespace::clean 0.04
Douglas Christopher Wilson, <doug at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-sajax at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
I highly encourage the submission of bugs and enhancements to my modules.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::SAJAX
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Copyright 2009 Douglas Christopher Wilson.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or
the Artistic License version 2.0.