DBIx::Class::Schema - composable schemas


package Library::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;

# load Library::Schema::CD, Library::Schema::Book, Library::Schema::DVD
__PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw/CD Book DVD/);

package Library::Schema::CD;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/); # for example

# Elsewhere in your code:
my $schema1 = Library::Schema->connect(
  { AutoCommit => 0 },

my $schema2 = Library::Schema->connect($coderef_returning_dbh);

# fetch objects using Library::Schema::DVD
my $resultset = $schema1->resultset('DVD')->search( ... );
my @dvd_objects = $schema2->resultset('DVD')->search( ... );


Creates database classes based on a schema. This is the recommended way to use DBIx::Class and allows you to use more than one concurrent connection with your classes.

NB: If you're used to Class::DBI it's worth reading the "SYNOPSIS" carefully, as DBIx::Class does things a little differently. Note in particular which module inherits off which.



Arguments: $moniker, $component_class

Registers a class which isa DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy. Equivalent to calling:

$schema->register_source($moniker, $component_class->result_source_instance);


Arguments: $moniker, $result_source

Registers the DBIx::Class::ResultSource in the schema with the given moniker.


Arguments: $moniker
Return Value: $classname

Retrieves the result class name for the given moniker. For example:

my $class = $schema->class('CD');


Arguments: $moniker
Return Value: $result_source
my $source = $schema->source('Book');

Returns the DBIx::Class::ResultSource object for the registered moniker.


Return Value: @source_monikers

Returns the source monikers of all source registrations on this schema. For example:

my @source_monikers = $schema->sources;


Arguments: $moniker
Return Value: $result_set
my $rs = $schema->resultset('DVD');

Returns the DBIx::Class::ResultSet object for the registered moniker.


Arguments: @classes?, { $namespace => [ @classes ] }+

With no arguments, this method uses Module::Find to find all classes under the schema's namespace. Otherwise, this method loads the classes you specify (using use), and registers them (using "register_class").

It is possible to comment out classes with a leading #, but note that perl will think it's a mistake (trying to use a comment in a qw list), so you'll need to add no warnings 'qw'; before your load_classes call.


My::Schema->load_classes(); # loads My::Schema::CD, My::Schema::Artist,
                            # etc. (anything under the My::Schema namespace)

# loads My::Schema::CD, My::Schema::Artist, Other::Namespace::Producer but
# not Other::Namespace::LinerNotes nor My::Schema::Track
My::Schema->load_classes(qw/ CD Artist #Track /, {
  Other::Namespace => [qw/ Producer #LinerNotes /],


Arguments: $target_namespace, @db_info
Return Value: $new_schema

Calls "compose_namespace" in DBIx::Class::Schema to the target namespace, calls "connection" in DBIx::Class::Schema with @db_info on the new schema, then injects the DBix::Class::ResultSetProxy component and a resultset_instance classdata entry on all the new classes, in order to support $target_namespaces::$class->search(...) method calls.

This is primarily useful when you have a specific need for class method access to a connection. In normal usage it is preferred to call "connect" in DBIx::Class::Schema and use the resulting schema object to operate on DBIx::Class::ResultSet objects with "resultset" in DBIx::Class::Schema for more information.


Arguments: $target_namespace, $additional_base_class?
Return Value: $new_schema

For each DBIx::Class::ResultSource in the schema, this method creates a class in the target namespace (e.g. $target_namespace::CD, $target_namespace::Artist) that inherits from the corresponding classes attached to the current schema.

It also attaches a corresponding DBIx::Class::ResultSource object to the new $schema object. If $additional_base_class is given, the new composed classes will inherit from first the corresponding classe from the current schema then the base class.

For example, for a schema with My::Schema::CD and My::Schema::Artist classes,

$schema->compose_namespace('My::DB', 'Base::Class');
print join (', ', @My::DB::CD::ISA) . "\n";
print join (', ', @My::DB::Artist::ISA) ."\n";

will produce the output

My::Schema::CD, Base::Class
My::Schema::Artist, Base::Class


Arguments: $target, @info

Sets up a database connection class to inject between the schema and the subclasses that the schema creates.


Arguments: @args
Return Value: $new_schema

Instantiates a new Storage object of type "storage_type" in DBIx::Class::Schema and passes the arguments to $storage->connect_info. Sets the connection in-place on the schema. See "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.


Arguments: @info
Return Value: $new_schema

This is a convenience method. It is equivalent to calling $schema->clone->connection(@info). See "connection" and "clone" for more information.


Begins a transaction (does nothing if AutoCommit is off). Equivalent to calling $schema->storage->txn_begin. See "txn_begin" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.


Commits the current transaction. Equivalent to calling $schema->storage->txn_commit. See "txn_commit" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.


Rolls back the current transaction. Equivalent to calling $schema->storage->txn_rollback. See "txn_rollback" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.


Arguments: $coderef, @coderef_args?
Return Value: The return value of $coderef

Executes $coderef with (optional) arguments @coderef_args atomically, returning its result (if any). If an exception is caught, a rollback is issued and the exception is rethrown. If the rollback fails, (i.e. throws an exception) an exception is thrown that includes a "Rollback failed" message.

For example,

my $author_rs = $schema->resultset('Author')->find(1);
my @titles = qw/Night Day It/;

my $coderef = sub {
  # If any one of these fails, the entire transaction fails
  $author_rs->create_related('books', {
    title => $_
  }) foreach (@titles);

  return $author->books;

my $rs;
eval {
  $rs = $schema->txn_do($coderef);

if ($@) {                                  # Transaction failed
  die "something terrible has happened!"   #
    if ($@ =~ /Rollback failed/);          # Rollback failed


In a nested transaction (calling txn_do() from within a txn_do() coderef) only the outermost transaction will issue a "txn_commit" in DBIx::Class::Schema on the Schema's storage, and txn_do() can be called in void, scalar and list context and it will behave as expected.


Return Value: $new_schema

Clones the schema and its associated result_source objects and returns the copy.


Arguments: $moniker, \@data;

Populates the source registered with the given moniker with the supplied data. @data should be a list of listrefs -- the first containing column names, the second matching values.


$schema->populate('Artist', [
  [ qw/artistid name/ ],
  [ 1, 'Popular Band' ],
  [ 2, 'Indie Band' ],


Arguments: $message

Throws an exception. Defaults to using Carp::Clan to report errors from user's perspective.


Arguments: $sqlt_args

Attempts to deploy the schema to the current storage using SQL::Translator.

Note that this feature is currently EXPERIMENTAL and may not work correctly across all databases, or fully handle complex relationships.

create_ddl_dir (EXPERIMENTAL)

Arguments: \@databases, $version, $directory, $sqlt_args

Creates an SQL file based on the Schema, for each of the specified database types, in the given directory.

Note that this feature is currently EXPERIMENTAL and may not work correctly across all databases, or fully handle complex relationships.


Matt S. Trout <>


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.