Mustache::Simple - A simple Mustach Renderer
This document describes Mustache::Simple version 1.2.3
A typical Mustache template:
my $template = <<EOT;
Hello {{name}}
You have just won ${{value}}!
Well, ${{taxed_value}}, after taxes.
Given the following hashref:
my $context = {
name => "Chris",
value => 10000,
taxed_value => 10000 - (10000 * 0.4),
in_ca => 1
Will produce the following:
Hello Chris
You have just won $10000!
Well, $6000, after taxes.
using the following code:
my $tache = new Mustache::Simple(
throw => 1
my $output = $tache->render($template, $context);
Mustache can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.
There are no if statements, else clauses, or for loops. Instead there are only tags. Some tags are replaced with a value, some nothing, and others a series of values.
This is a simple perl implementation of the Mustache rendering. It has a single class method, new() to obtain an object and a single instance method render() to convert the template and the hashref into the final output.
As of version 1.2.0, it has support for nested contexts, for the dot notation and for the implicit iterator.
I wanted a simple rendering tool for Mustache that did not require any subclassing.
Creating a new Mustache::Simple object
- new
my $tache = new Mustache::Simple(%options)
- path
The path from which to load templates and partials. This may be a string or a reference to an array of strings. If it is a reference, each string will be searched in order.
Default: '.'
- extension
The extension to add to filenames when reading them off disk. The '.' should not be included as this will be added automatically.
Default: 'mustache'
- throw
If set to a true value, Mustache::Simple will croak when there is no key in the context hash for a given tag.
Default: undef
- partial
This may be set to a subroutine to be called to generate the filename or the template for a partial. If it is not set, partials will be loaded using the same parameters as render().
Default: undef
Configuration Methods
The configuration methods match the %options array thay may be passed to new().
Each option may be called with a non-false value to set the option and will return the new value. If called without a value, it will return the current value.
- path()
$tache->path('/some/new/template/path'); or $tache->path([ qw{/some/new/template/path .} ]); my $path = $tache->path; # defaults to '.'
- extension()
$tache->extension('html'); my $extension = $tache->extension; # defaults to 'mustache'
- throw()
$tache->throw(1); my $throwing = $tache->throw; # defaults to undef
- partial()
$tache->partial(\&resolve_partials) my $partial = $tache->partial # defaults to undef
Instance methods
- read_file()
my $template = read_file('templatefile');
You will not usually need to call this directly as it's called by "render" to load the file. If it is passed a string that looks like a template (i.e. has {{ in it) it simply returns it. Similarly, if, after prepending the path and adding the suffix, it cannot load the file, it simply returns the original string.
- render()
my $context = { "name" => "Chris", "value" => 10000, "taxed_value" => 10000 - (10000 * 0.4), "in_ca" => true } my $html = $tache->render('templatefile', $context);
This is the main entry-point for rendering templates. It can be passed either a full template or path to a template file. See "read_file" for details of how the file is loaded. It must also be passed a hashref containing the main context.
In callbacks (sections like
with a subroutine in the context), you may call render on the passed string and the current context will be remembered. For example:{ name => "Willy", wrapped => sub { my $text = shift; chomp $text; return "<b>" . $tache->render($text) . "</b>\n"; } }
Alternatively, you may pass in an entirely new context when calling render() from a callback.
The original standard for Mustache was defined at the Mustache Manual and this version of Mustache::Simple was designed to comply with just that. Since then, the standard for Mustache seems to be defined by the Mustache Spec.
The test suite on this version skips a number of tests in the Spec, all of which relate to Decimals or White Space. It passes all the other tests. The YAML from the Spec is built into the test suite.
- White Space
Much of the more esoteric white-space handling specified in The Mustache Spec is not strictly adhered to in this version. Most of this will be addressed in a future version.
Because of this, the following tests from the Mustache Spec are skipped:
Indented Inline
Indented Inline Sections
Internal Whitespace
Standalone Indentation
Standalone Indented Lines
Standalone Line Endings
Standalone Without Newline
Standalone Without Previous Line
- Decimal Interpolation
The spec implies that the template
"{{power}} jiggawatts!"
when passed{ power: "1.210" }
should return"1.21 jiggawatts!"
. I believe this to be wrong and simply a mistake in the YAML of the relevant tests or possibly in YAML::XS. I am far from being a YAML expert.Clearly
{ power : 1.210 }
would have the desired effect.Because of this, all tests matching
have been skipped. We can just assume that Perl will do the right thing.
Template::Mustache - a much more complex module that is designed to be subclassed for each template.
Cliff Stanford <>
The source is maintained at a public Github repository at Feel free to fork it and to help me fix some of the above issues. Please leave any bugs or issues on the Issues page and I will be notified.
Copyright © 2014, Cliff Stanford <>
. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.