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Venus::Test - Test Class


Test Class for Perl 5


package main;

use Venus::Test;

my $test = Venus::Test->new('t/Venus_Test.t');

# $test->for('name');

# $test->for('tagline');

# $test->for('abstract');

# $test->for('synopsis');

# $test->done;


This package aims to provide a standard for documenting Venus derived software projects, a framework writing tests, test automation, and documentation generation.


This package has the following attributes:


file(string $data) (string)

The file attribute is read-write, accepts (string) values, and is required.

Since 3.55

file example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $set_file = $test->file("t/Venus_Test.t");

# "t/Venus_Test.t"
file example 2
# given: synopsis

# given: example-1 file

package main;

my $get_file = $test->file;

# "t/Venus_Test.t"


This package inherits behaviors from:



This package integrates behaviors from:



This package provides the following functions:


test(string $file) (Venus::Test)

The test function is exported automatically and returns a Venus::Test object for the test file given.

Since 0.09

test example 1
package main;

use Venus::Test;

my $test = test 't/Venus_Test.t';

# bless(..., "Venus::Test")


This package provides the following methods:


collect(string $name, any @args) (any)

The collect method dispatches to the collect_data_for_${name} method indictated by the first argument and returns the result. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my ($collect) = $test->collect('name');

# "Venus::Test"
collect example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $collect = $test->collect('name');

# ["Venus::Test"]


collect_data_for_abstract() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_abstract method uses "data" to fetch data for the abstract section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_abstract example 1
# =abstract
# Example Test Documentation
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_abstract = $test->collect_data_for_abstract;

# ["Example Test Documentation"]
collect_data_for_abstract example 2
# =abstract
# Example Test Documentation
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_abstract) = $test->collect_data_for_abstract;

# "Example Test Documentation"


collect_data_for_attribute(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_attribute method uses "data" to fetch data for the attribute $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_attribute example 1
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_attribute = $test->collect_data_for_attribute('name');

# ["The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string."]
collect_data_for_attribute example 2
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_attribute) = $test->collect_data_for_attribute('name');

# "The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string."


collect_data_for_authors() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_authors method uses "data" to fetch data for the authors section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_authors example 1
# =authors
# Awncorp, C<>
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_authors = $test->collect_data_for_authors;

# ["Awncorp, C<>"]
collect_data_for_authors example 2
# =authors
# Awncorp, C<>
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_authors) = $test->collect_data_for_authors;

# "Awncorp, C<>"


collect_data_for_description() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_description method uses "data" to fetch data for the description section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_description example 1
# =description
# This package provides an example class.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_description = $test->collect_data_for_description;

# ["This package provides an example class."]
collect_data_for_description example 2
# =description
# This package provides an example class.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_description) = $test->collect_data_for_description;

# "This package provides an example class."


collect_data_for_encoding() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_encoding method uses "data" to fetch data for the encoding section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_encoding example 1
# =encoding
# utf8
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_encoding = $test->collect_data_for_encoding;

# ["UTF8"]
collect_data_for_encoding example 2
# =encoding
# utf8
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_encoding) = $test->collect_data_for_encoding;

# "UTF8"


collect_data_for_error(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_error method uses "data" to fetch data for the error $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_error example 1
# =error error_on_unknown
# This package may raise an error_on_unknown error.
# =cut
# =example-1 error_on_unknown
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $error = $example->catch('error', {
#     with => 'error_on_unknown',
#   });
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_error = $test->collect_data_for_error('error_on_unknown');

# ["This package may raise an error_on_unknown error."]
collect_data_for_error example 2
# =error error_on_unknown
# This package may raise an error_on_unknown error.
# =cut
# =example-1 error_on_unknown
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $error = $example->catch('error', {
#     with => 'error_on_unknown',
#   });
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_error) = $test->collect_data_for_error('error_on_unknown');

# "This package may raise an error_on_unknown error."


collect_data_for_example(number $numberm string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_example method uses "data" to fetch data for the example-$number $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_example example 1
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_example = $test->collect_data_for_example(1, 'name');

# ['  # given: synopsis', '  my $name = $example->name;', '  # "..."']
collect_data_for_example example 2
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my @collect_data_for_example = $test->collect_data_for_example(1, 'name');

# ('  # given: synopsis', '  my $name = $example->name;', '  # "..."')


collect_data_for_feature(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_feature method uses "data" to fetch data for the feature $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_feature example 1
# =feature noop
# This package is no particularly useful features.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_feature = $test->collect_data_for_feature('noop');

# ["This package is no particularly useful features."]
collect_data_for_feature example 2
# =feature noop
# This package is no particularly useful features.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_feature) = $test->collect_data_for_feature('noop');

# "This package is no particularly useful features."


collect_data_for_function(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_function method uses "data" to fetch data for the function $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_function example 1
# =function eg
# The eg function returns a new instance of Example.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $example = eg();
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_function = $test->collect_data_for_function('eg');

# ["The eg function returns a new instance of Example."]
collect_data_for_function example 2
# =function eg
# The eg function returns a new instance of Example.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $example = eg();
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_function) = $test->collect_data_for_function('eg');

# "The eg function returns a new instance of Example."


collect_data_for_includes() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_includes method uses "data" to fetch data for the includes section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_includes example 1
# =includes
# function: eg
# method: prepare
# method: execute
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_includes = $test->collect_data_for_includes;

# ["function: eg", "method: prepare", "method: execute"]
collect_data_for_includes example 2
# =includes
# function: eg
# method: prepare
# method: execute
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my @collect_data_for_includes = $test->collect_data_for_includes;

# ("function: eg", "method: prepare", "method: execute")


collect_data_for_inherits() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_inherits method uses "data" to fetch data for the inherits section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_inherits example 1
# =inherits
# Venus::Core::Class
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_inherits = $test->collect_data_for_inherits;

# ["Venus::Core::Class"]
collect_data_for_inherits example 2
# =inherits
# Venus::Core::Class
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_inherits) = $test->collect_data_for_inherits;

# "Venus::Core::Class"


collect_data_for_integrates() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_integrates method uses "data" to fetch data for the integrates section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_integrates example 1
# =integrates
# Venus::Role::Catchable
# Venus::Role::Throwable
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_integrates = $test->collect_data_for_integrates;

# ["Venus::Role::Catchable\nVenus::Role::Throwable"]
collect_data_for_integrates example 2
# =integrates
# Venus::Role::Catchable
# Venus::Role::Throwable
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_integrates) = $test->collect_data_for_integrates;

# "Venus::Role::Catchable\nVenus::Role::Throwable"


collect_data_for_layout() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_layout method uses "data" to fetch data for the layout section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_layout example 1
# =layout
# encoding
# name
# synopsis
# description
# attributes: attribute
# authors
# license
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_layout = $test->collect_data_for_layout;

# ["encoding\nname\nsynopsis\ndescription\nattributes: attribute\nauthors\nlicense"]
collect_data_for_layout example 2
# =layout
# encoding
# name
# synopsis
# description
# attributes: attribute
# authors
# license
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_layout) = $test->collect_data_for_layout;

# "encoding\nname\nsynopsis\ndescription\nattributes: attribute\nauthors\nlicense"


collect_data_for_libraries() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_libraries method uses "data" to fetch data for the libraries section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_libraries example 1
# =libraries
# Venus::Check
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_libraries = $test->collect_data_for_libraries;

# ["Venus::Check"]
collect_data_for_libraries example 2
# =libraries
# Venus::Check
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_libraries) = $test->collect_data_for_libraries;

# "Venus::Check"


collect_data_for_license() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_license method uses "data" to fetch data for the license section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_license example 1
# =license
# No license granted.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_license = $test->collect_data_for_license;

# ["No license granted."]
collect_data_for_license example 2
# =license
# No license granted.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_license) = $test->collect_data_for_license;

# "No license granted."


collect_data_for_message(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_message method uses "data" to fetch data for the message $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_message example 1
# =message accept
# The accept message represents acceptance.
# =cut
# =example-1 accept
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $accept = $example->accept;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_message = $test->collect_data_for_message('accept');

# ["The accept message represents acceptance."]
collect_data_for_message example 2
# =message accept
# The accept message represents acceptance.
# =cut
# =example-1 accept
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $accept = $example->accept;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_message) = $test->collect_data_for_message('accept');

# "The accept message represents acceptance."


collect_data_for_metadata(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_metadata method uses "data" to fetch data for the metadata $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_metadata example 1
# =method prepare
# The prepare method prepares for execution.
# =cut
# =metadata prepare
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 prepare
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $prepare = $example->prepare;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_metadata = $test->collect_data_for_metadata('prepare');

# ["{since => 1.2.3}"]
collect_data_for_metadata example 2
# =method prepare
# The prepare method prepares for execution.
# =cut
# =metadata prepare
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 prepare
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $prepare = $example->prepare;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_metadata) = $test->collect_data_for_metadata('prepare');

# "{since => 1.2.3}"


collect_data_for_method(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_method method uses "data" to fetch data for the method $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_method example 1
# =method execute
# The execute method executes the logic.
# =cut
# =metadata execute
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 execute
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_method = $test->collect_data_for_method('execute');

# ["The execute method executes the logic."]
collect_data_for_method example 2
# =method execute
# The execute method executes the logic.
# =cut
# =metadata execute
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 execute
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_method) = $test->collect_data_for_method('execute');

# "The execute method executes the logic."


collect_data_for_name() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_name method uses "data" to fetch data for the name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_name example 1
# =name

# Example

# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_name = $test->collect_data_for_name;

# ["Example"]
collect_data_for_name example 2
# =name

# Example

# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_name) = $test->collect_data_for_name;

# "Example"


collect_data_for_operator(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_operator method uses "data" to fetch data for the operator $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_operator example 1
# =operator ("")
# This package overloads the C<""> operator.
# =cut
# =example-1 ("")
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $string = "$example";
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_operator = $test->collect_data_for_operator('("")');

# ['This package overloads the C<""> operator.']
collect_data_for_operator example 2
# =operator ("")
# This package overloads the C<""> operator.
# =cut
# =example-1 ("")
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $string = "$example";
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_operator) = $test->collect_data_for_operator('("")');

# 'This package overloads the C<""> operator.'


collect_data_for_partials() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_partials method uses "data" to fetch data for the partials section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_partials example 1
# =partials
# t/path/to/other.t: present: authors
# t/path/to/other.t: present: license
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_partials = $test->collect_data_for_partials;

# ["t/path/to/other.t: present: authors\nt/path/to/other.t: present: license"]
collect_data_for_partials example 2
# =partials
# t/path/to/other.t: present: authors
# t/path/to/other.t: present: license
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_partials) = $test->collect_data_for_partials;

# "t/path/to/other.t: present: authors\nt/path/to/other.t: present: license"


collect_data_for_project() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_project method uses "data" to fetch data for the project section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_project example 1
# =project
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_project = $test->collect_data_for_project;

# [""]
collect_data_for_project example 2
# =project
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_project) = $test->collect_data_for_project;

# ""


collect_data_for_signature(string $name) (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_signature method uses "data" to fetch data for the signature $name section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_signature example 1
# =method execute
# The execute method executes the logic.
# =cut
# =signature execute
#   execute() (boolean)
# =cut
# =metadata execute
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 execute
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_signature = $test->collect_data_for_signature('execute');

# ["  execute() (boolean)"]
collect_data_for_signature example 2
# =method execute
# The execute method executes the logic.
# =cut
# =signature execute
#   execute() (boolean)
# =cut
# =metadata execute
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 execute
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_signature) = $test->collect_data_for_signature('execute');

# "  execute() (boolean)"


collect_data_for_synopsis() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_synopsis method uses "data" to fetch data for the synopsis section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_synopsis example 1
# =synopsis
#   use Example;
#   my $example = Example->new;
#   # bless(..., "Example")
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_synopsis = $test->collect_data_for_synopsis;

# ['  use Example;', '  my $example = Example->new;', '  # bless(..., "Example")']
collect_data_for_synopsis example 2
# =synopsis
#   use Example;
#   my $example = Example->new;
#   # bless(..., "Example")
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my @collect_data_for_synopsis = $test->collect_data_for_synopsis;

# ('  use Example;', '  my $example = Example->new;', '  # bless(..., "Example")')


collect_data_for_tagline() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_tagline method uses "data" to fetch data for the tagline section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_tagline example 1
# =tagline
# Example Class
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_tagline = $test->collect_data_for_tagline;

# ["Example Class"]
collect_data_for_tagline example 2
# =tagline
# Example Class
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_tagline) = $test->collect_data_for_tagline;

# "Example Class"


collect_data_for_version() (arrayref)

The collect_data_for_version method uses "data" to fetch data for the version section and returns the data. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

collect_data_for_version example 1
# =version
# 1.2.3
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $collect_data_for_version = $test->collect_data_for_version;

# ["1.2.3"]
collect_data_for_version example 2
# =version
# 1.2.3
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my ($collect_data_for_version) = $test->collect_data_for_version;

# "1.2.3"


data() (Venus::Data)

The data method returns a Venus::Data object using "file" for parsing the test specification.

Since 3.55

data example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $data = $test->data;

# bless(..., "Venus::Data")


done() (any)

The done method dispatches to the "done_testing" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

done example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $done = $test->done;

# true


execute(string $name, any @args) (boolean)

The execute method dispatches to the execute_data_for_${name} method indictated by the first argument and returns the result. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

execute example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $execute = $test->execute('name');

# true
execute example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $execute = $test->execute('name', sub {
  my ($data) = @_;

  my $result = $data->[0] eq 'Venus::Test' ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, 'name set as Venus::Test');

  return $result;

# true


execute_test_for_abstract() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_abstract method tests a documentation block for the abstract section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_abstract example 1
# =abstract
# Example Test Documentation
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_abstract = $test->execute_test_for_abstract;

# true


execute_test_for_attribute(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_attribute method tests a documentation block for the attribute $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_attribute example 1
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_attribute = $test->execute_test_for_attribute('name');

# true


execute_test_for_authors() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_authors method tests a documentation block for the authors section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_authors example 1
# =authors
# Awncorp, C<>
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_authors = $test->execute_test_for_authors;

# true


execute_test_for_description() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_description method tests a documentation block for the description section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_description example 1
# =description
# This package provides an example class.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_description = $test->execute_test_for_description;

# true


execute_test_for_encoding() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_encoding method tests a documentation block for the encoding section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_encoding example 1
# =encoding
# utf8
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_encoding = $test->execute_test_for_encoding;

# true


execute_test_for_error(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_error method tests a documentation block for the error $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_error example 1
# =error error_on_unknown
# This package may raise an error_on_unknown error.
# =cut
# =example-1 error_on_unknown
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $error = $example->catch('error', {
#     with => 'error_on_unknown',
#   });
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_error = $test->execute_test_for_error('error_on_unknown');

# true


execute_test_for_example(number $numberm string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_example method tests a documentation block for the example-$number $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_example example 1
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_example = $test->execute_test_for_example(1, 'name');

# true


execute_test_for_feature(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_feature method tests a documentation block for the feature $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_feature example 1
# =feature noop
# This package is no particularly useful features.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_feature = $test->execute_test_for_feature('noop');

# true


execute_test_for_function(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_function method tests a documentation block for the function $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_function example 1
# =function eg
# The eg function returns a new instance of Example.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $example = eg();
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_function = $test->execute_test_for_function('eg');

# true


execute_test_for_includes() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_includes method tests a documentation block for the includes section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_includes example 1
# =includes
# function: eg
# method: prepare
# method: execute
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_includes = $test->execute_test_for_includes;

# true


execute_test_for_inherits() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_inherits method tests a documentation block for the inherits section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_inherits example 1
# =inherits
# Venus::Core::Class
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_inherits = $test->execute_test_for_inherits;

# true


execute_test_for_integrates() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_integrates method tests a documentation block for the integrates section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_integrates example 1
# =integrates
# Venus::Role::Catchable
# Venus::Role::Throwable
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_integrates = $test->execute_test_for_integrates;

# true


execute_test_for_layout() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_layout method tests a documentation block for the layout section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_layout example 1
# =layout
# encoding
# name
# synopsis
# description
# attributes: attribute
# authors
# license
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_layout = $test->execute_test_for_layout;

# true


execute_test_for_libraries() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_libraries method tests a documentation block for the libraries section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_libraries example 1
# =libraries
# Venus::Check
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_libraries = $test->execute_test_for_libraries;

# true


execute_test_for_license() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_license method tests a documentation block for the license section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_license example 1
# =license
# No license granted.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_license = $test->execute_test_for_license;

# true


execute_test_for_message(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_message method tests a documentation block for the message $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_message example 1
# =message accept
# The accept message represents acceptance.
# =cut
# =example-1 accept
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $accept = $example->accept;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_message = $test->execute_test_for_message('accept');

# true


execute_test_for_metadata(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_metadata method tests a documentation block for the metadata $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_metadata example 1
# =method prepare
# The prepare method prepares for execution.
# =cut
# =metadata prepare
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 prepare
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $prepare = $example->prepare;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_metadata = $test->execute_test_for_metadata('prepare');

# true


execute_test_for_method(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_method method tests a documentation block for the method $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_method example 1
# =method execute
# The execute method executes the logic.
# =cut
# =metadata execute
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 execute
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_method = $test->execute_test_for_method('execute');

# true


execute_test_for_name() (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_name method tests a documentation block for the name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_name example 1
# =name

# Example

# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_name = $test->execute_test_for_name;

# true


execute_test_for_operator(string $name) (arrayref)

The execute_test_for_operator method tests a documentation block for the operator $name section and returns the result.

Since 3.55

execute_test_for_operator example 1
# =operator ("")
# This package overloads the C<""> operator.
# =cut
# =example-1 ("")
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $string = "$example";
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $execute_test_for_operator = $test->execute_test_for_operator('("")');

# true


explain(any @args) (any)

The explain method dispatches to the "explain" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

explain example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $explain = $test->explain(123.456);

# "123.456"


fail(any $data, string $description) (any)

The fail method dispatches to the "ok" in Test::More operation expecting the first argument to be falsy and returns the result.

Since 3.55

fail example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $fail = $test->fail(0, 'example-1 fail passed');

# true


for(any @args) (Venus::Test)

The for method dispatches to the "execute" method using the arguments provided within a subtest and returns the invocant.

Since 3.55

for example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $for = $test->for('name');

# bless(..., "Venus::Test")
for example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $for = $test->for('synopsis');

# bless(..., "Venus::Test")
for example 3
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $for = $test->for('synopsis', sub{
  my ($tryable) = @_;
  return $tryable->result;

# bless(..., "Venus::Test")
for example 4
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $for = $test->for('example', 1, 'test', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;
  return $tryable->result;

# bless(..., "Venus::Test")


like(string $data, string | Venus::Regexp $match, string $description) (any)

The like method dispatches to the "like" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

like example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $like = $test->like('hello world', 'world', 'example-1 like passed');

# true
like example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $like = $test->like('hello world', qr/world/, 'example-1 like passed');

# true


more(any @args) (Venus::Test)

The more method dispatches to the Test::More method specified by the first argument and returns its result.

Since 3.55

more example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $more = $test->more('ok', true);

# true


okay(any $data, string $description) (any)

The okay method dispatches to the "ok" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

okay example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $okay = $test->okay(1, 'example-1 okay passed');

# true
okay example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $okay = $test->okay(!0, 'example-1 okay passed');

# true


okay_can(string $name, string @args) (any)

The okay_can method dispatches to the "can_ok" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

okay_can example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $okay_can = $test->okay_can('Venus::Test', 'diag');

# true


okay_isa(string $name, string $base) (any)

The okay_isa method dispatches to the "isa_ok" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

okay_isa example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $okay_isa = $test->okay_isa('Venus::Test', 'Venus::Kind');

# true


pass(any $data, string $description) (any)

The pass method dispatches to the "ok" in Test::More operation expecting the first argument to be truthy and returns the result.

Since 3.55

pass example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $fail = $test->pass(1, 'example-1 pass passed');

# true


perform(string $name, any @args) (boolean)

The perform method dispatches to the perform_data_for_${name} method indictated by the first argument and returns the result. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

perform example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $data = $test->collect('name');

my $perform = $test->perform('name', $data);

# true


perform_test_for_abstract(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_abstract method performs an overridable test for the abstract section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_abstract example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_abstract {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=abstract content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_abstract;

my $perform_test_for_abstract = $test->perform_test_for_abstract(

# true


perform_test_for_attribute(string $name, arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_attribute method performs an overridable test for the attribute $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_attribute example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_attribute {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=attribute $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_attribute('name');

my $perform_test_for_attribute = $test->perform_test_for_attribute(
  'name', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_authors(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_authors method performs an overridable test for the authors section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_authors example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_authors {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=authors content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_authors;

my $perform_test_for_authors = $test->perform_test_for_authors(

# true


perform_test_for_description(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_description method performs an overridable test for the description section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_description example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_description {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=description content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_description;

my $perform_test_for_description = $test->perform_test_for_description(

# true


perform_test_for_encoding(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_encoding method performs an overridable test for the encoding section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_encoding example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_encoding {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=encoding content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_encoding;

my $perform_test_for_encoding = $test->perform_test_for_encoding(

# true


perform_test_for_error(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_error method performs an overridable test for the error $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_error example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_error {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=error $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_error('error_on_unknown');

my $perform_test_for_error = $test->perform_test_for_error(
  'error_on_unknown', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_example(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_example method performs an overridable test for the example-$number $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_example example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_example {
  my ($self, $number, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=example-$number $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_example(1, 'execute');

my $perform_test_for_example = $test->perform_test_for_example(
  1, 'execute', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_feature(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_feature method performs an overridable test for the feature $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_feature example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_feature {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=feature $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_feature('noop');

my $perform_test_for_feature = $test->perform_test_for_feature(
  'noop', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_function(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_function method performs an overridable test for the function $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_function example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_function {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=function $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_function('eg');

my $perform_test_for_function = $test->perform_test_for_function(
  'eg', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_includes(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_includes method performs an overridable test for the includes section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_includes example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_includes {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=includes content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_includes;

my $perform_test_for_includes = $test->perform_test_for_includes(

# true


perform_test_for_inherits(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_inherits method performs an overridable test for the inherits section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_inherits example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_inherits {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=inherits content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_inherits;

my $perform_test_for_inherits = $test->perform_test_for_inherits(

# true


perform_test_for_integrates(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_integrates method performs an overridable test for the integrates section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_integrates example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_integrates {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=integrates content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_integrates;

my $perform_test_for_integrates = $test->perform_test_for_integrates(

# true


perform_test_for_layout(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_layout method performs an overridable test for the layout section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_layout example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_layout {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=layout content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_layout;

my $perform_test_for_layout = $test->perform_test_for_layout(

# true


perform_test_for_libraries(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_libraries method performs an overridable test for the libraries section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_libraries example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_libraries {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=libraries content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_libraries;

my $perform_test_for_libraries = $test->perform_test_for_libraries(

# true


perform_test_for_license(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_license method performs an overridable test for the license section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_license example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_license {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=license content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_license;

my $perform_test_for_license = $test->perform_test_for_license(

# true


perform_test_for_message(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_message method performs an overridable test for the message $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_message example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_message {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=message $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_message('accept');

my $perform_test_for_message = $test->perform_test_for_message(
  'accept', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_metadata(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_metadata method performs an overridable test for the metadata $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_metadata example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_metadata {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=metadata $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_metadata('execute');

my $perform_test_for_metadata = $test->perform_test_for_metadata(
  'execute', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_method(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_method method performs an overridable test for the method $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_method example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_method {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=method $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_method('execute');

my $perform_test_for_method = $test->perform_test_for_method(
  'execute', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_name(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_name method performs an overridable test for the name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_name example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_name {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_name;

my $perform_test_for_name = $test->perform_test_for_name(

# true


perform_test_for_operator(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_operator method performs an overridable test for the operator $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_operator example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_operator {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=operator $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_operator('("")');

my $perform_test_for_operator = $test->perform_test_for_operator(
  '("")', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_partials(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_partials method performs an overridable test for the partials section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_partials example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_partials {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=partials content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_partials;

my $perform_test_for_partials = $test->perform_test_for_partials(

# true


perform_test_for_project(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_project method performs an overridable test for the project section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_project example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_project {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=project content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_project;

my $perform_test_for_project = $test->perform_test_for_project(

# true


perform_test_for_signature(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_signature method performs an overridable test for the signature $name section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_signature example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_signature {
  my ($self, $name, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=signature $name content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_signature('execute');

my $perform_test_for_signature = $test->perform_test_for_signature(
  'execute', $data,

# true


perform_test_for_synopsis(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_synopsis method performs an overridable test for the synopsis section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_synopsis example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_synopsis {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=synopsis content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_synopsis;

my $perform_test_for_synopsis = $test->perform_test_for_synopsis(

# true


perform_test_for_tagline(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_tagline method performs an overridable test for the tagline section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_tagline example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_tagline {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=tagline content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_tagline;

my $perform_test_for_tagline = $test->perform_test_for_tagline(

# true


perform_test_for_version(arrayref $data) (boolean)

The perform_data_for_version method performs an overridable test for the version section and returns truthy or falsy.

Since 3.55

perform_test_for_version example 1
package Example::Test;

use Venus::Class 'base';

base 'Venus::Test';

sub perform_test_for_version {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;

  my $result = length(join "\n", @{$data}) ? true : false;

  $self->pass($result, "=version content");

  return $result;

package main;

my $test = Example::Test->new('t/path/pod/example');

my $data = $test->collect_data_for_version;

my $perform_test_for_version = $test->perform_test_for_version(

# true


present(string $name, any @args) (string)

The present method dispatches to the present_data_for_${name} method indictated by the first argument and returns the result. Returns an arrayref in scalar context, and a list in list context.

Since 3.55

present example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $present = $test->present('name');

# =head1 NAME
# Venus::Test - Test Class
# =cut


present_data_for_abstract() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_abstract method builds a documentation block for the abstract section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_abstract example 1
# =abstract
# Example Test Documentation
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_abstract = $test->present_data_for_abstract;

# =head1 ABSTRACT
# Example Test Documentation
# =cut


present_data_for_attribute(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_attribute method builds a documentation block for the attribute $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_attribute example 1
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_attribute = $test->present_data_for_attribute('name');

# =head2 name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =over 4
# =item name example 1
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =back
# =cut


present_data_for_authors() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_authors method builds a documentation block for the authors section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_authors example 1
# =authors
# Awncorp, C<>
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_authors = $test->present_data_for_authors;

# =head1 AUTHORS
# Awncorp, C<>
# =cut


present_data_for_description() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_description method builds a documentation block for the description section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_description example 1
# =description
# This package provides an example class.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_description = $test->present_data_for_description;

# This package provides an example class.
# =cut


present_data_for_encoding() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_encoding method builds a documentation block for the encoding section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_encoding example 1
# =encoding
# utf8
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_encoding = $test->present_data_for_encoding;

# =encoding UTF8
# =cut


present_data_for_error(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_error method builds a documentation block for the error $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_error example 1
# =error error_on_unknown
# This package may raise an error_on_unknown error.
# =cut
# =example-1 error_on_unknown
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $error = $example->catch('error', {
#     with => 'error_on_unknown',
#   });
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_error = $test->present_data_for_error('error_on_unknown');

# =over 4
# =item error: C<error_on_unknown>
# This package may raise an error_on_unknown error.
# B<example 1>
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $error = $example->catch('error', {
#     with => 'error_on_unknown',
#   });
#   # "..."
# =back


present_data_for_example(number $numberm string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_example method builds a documentation block for the example-$number $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_example example 1
# =attribute name
# The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_example = $test->present_data_for_example(1, 'name');

# =over 4
# =item name example 1
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $name = $example->name;
#   # "..."
# =back


present_data_for_feature(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_feature method builds a documentation block for the feature $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_feature example 1
# =feature noop
# This package is no particularly useful features.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_feature = $test->present_data_for_feature('noop');

# =over 4
# =item noop
# This package is no particularly useful features.
# =back


present_data_for_function(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_function method builds a documentation block for the function $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_function example 1
# =function eg
# The eg function returns a new instance of Example.
# =cut
# =example-1 name
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $example = eg();
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_function = $test->present_data_for_function('eg');

# =head2 eg
# The eg function returns a new instance of Example.
# =cut


present_data_for_includes() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_includes method builds a documentation block for the includes section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_includes example 1
# =includes
# function: eg
# method: prepare
# method: execute
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_includes = $test->present_data_for_includes;

# undef


present_data_for_inherits() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_inherits method builds a documentation block for the inherits section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_inherits example 1
# =inherits
# Venus::Core::Class
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_inherits = $test->present_data_for_inherits;

# =head1 INHERITS
# This package inherits behaviors from:
# L<Venus::Core::Class>
# =cut


present_data_for_integrates() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_integrates method builds a documentation block for the integrates section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_integrates example 1
# =integrates
# Venus::Role::Catchable
# Venus::Role::Throwable
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_integrates = $test->present_data_for_integrates;

# This package integrates behaviors from:
# L<Venus::Role::Catchable>
# L<Venus::Role::Throwable>
# =cut


present_data_for_layout() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_layout method builds a documentation block for the layout section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_layout example 1
# =layout
# encoding
# name
# synopsis
# description
# attributes: attribute
# authors
# license
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_layout = $test->present_data_for_layout;

# undef


present_data_for_libraries() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_libraries method builds a documentation block for the libraries section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_libraries example 1
# =libraries
# Venus::Check
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_libraries = $test->present_data_for_libraries;

# =head1 LIBRARIES
# This package uses type constraints from:
# L<Venus::Check>
# =cut


present_data_for_license() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_license method builds a documentation block for the license section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_license example 1
# =license
# No license granted.
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_license = $test->present_data_for_license;

# =head1 LICENSE
# No license granted.
# =cut


present_data_for_message(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_message method builds a documentation block for the message $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_message example 1
# =message accept
# The accept message represents acceptance.
# =cut
# =example-1 accept
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $accept = $example->accept;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_message = $test->present_data_for_message('accept');

# =over 4
# =item accept
# The accept message represents acceptance.
# B<example 1>
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $accept = $example->accept;
#   # "..."
# =back


present_data_for_metadata(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_metadata method builds a documentation block for the metadata $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_metadata example 1
# =method prepare
# The prepare method prepares for execution.
# =cut
# =metadata prepare
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 prepare
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $prepare = $example->prepare;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_metadata = $test->present_data_for_metadata('prepare');

# undef


present_data_for_method(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_method method builds a documentation block for the method $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_method example 1
# =method execute
# The execute method executes the logic.
# =cut
# =metadata execute
# {since => 1.2.3}
# =cut
# =example-1 execute
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_method = $test->present_data_for_method('execute');

# =head2 execute
#   execute() (boolean)
# The execute method executes the logic.
# I<Since C<1.2.3>>
# =over 4
# =item execute example 1
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $execute = $example->execute;
#   # "..."
# =back
# =cut


present_data_for_name() (arrayref)

The present_data_for_name method builds a documentation block for the name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_name example 1
# =name

# Example

# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_name = $test->present_data_for_name;

# =head1 NAME
# Example - Example Class
# =cut


present_data_for_operator(string $name) (arrayref)

The present_data_for_operator method builds a documentation block for the operator $name section and returns it as a string.

Since 3.55

present_data_for_operator example 1
# =operator ("")
# This package overloads the C<""> operator.
# =cut
# =example-1 ("")
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $string = "$example";
#   # "..."
# =cut

package main;

use Venus::Test 'test';

my $test = test 't/path/pod/example';

my $present_data_for_operator = $test->present_data_for_operator('("")');

# =over 4
# =item operation: C<("")>
# This package overloads the C<""> operator.
# B<example 1>
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $string = "$example";
#   # "..."
# =back


render(string $file) (Venus::Path)

The render method reads the test specification and generates perlpod documentation and returns a Venus::Path object for the filename provided.

Since 3.55

render example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $path = $test->render('t/path/pod/test');

# bless(..., "Venus::Path")


same(any $data1, any $data2, string $description) (any)

The same method dispatches to the "is_deeply" in Test::More operation and returns the result.

Since 3.55

same example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $same = $test->same({1..4}, {1..4}, 'example-1 same passed');

# true


skip(string $description, boolean | coderef $value) (any)

The skip method dispatches to the "skip" in Test::More operation with the plan_all option and returns the result.

Since 3.55

skip example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $skip = $test->skip('Unsupported', !0);

# true
skip example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $skip = $test->skip('Unsupported', sub{!0});

# true


This package provides the following features:

# [required]


# [optional]


# [optional; repeatable]

=attribute $name
=signature $name
=example-$number $name # [repeatable]

# [optional; repeatable]

=function $name
=signature $name
=example-$number $name # [repeatable]

# [optional; repeatable]

=message $name
=signature $name
=example-$number $name # [repeatable]

# [optional; repeatable]

=method $name
=signature $name
=example-$number $name # [repeatable]

# [optional; repeatable]

=routine $name
=signature $name
=example-$number $name # [repeatable]

# [optional; repeatable]

=feature $name
=example $name

# [optional; repeatable]

=error $name
=example $name

# [optional; repeatable]

=operator $name
=example $name

# [optional]


The specification is designed to accommodate typical package declarations. It is used by the parser to provide the content used in test automation and document generation. Note: When code blocks are evaluated, the "redefined" warnings are now automatically disabled.


Example Test Documentation



The abstract block should contain a subtitle describing the package. This is tested for existence.

=attribute name

The name attribute is read-write, optional, and holds a string.

=example-1 name

  # given: synopsis

  my $name = $example->name;

  # "..."


$test->for('attribute', 'name');

$test->for('example', 1, 'name', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

Describing an attribute requires at least three blocks, i.e. attribute $name, signature $name, and example-$number $name. The attribute block should contain a description of the attribute and its purpose. The signature block should contain a routine signature in the form of $signature : $return_type, where $signature is a valid typed signature and $return_type is any valid Venus::Check expression. The example-$number block is a repeatable block, and at least one block must exist when documenting an attribute. The example-$number block should contain valid Perl code and return a value. The block may contain a "magic" comment in the form of given: synopsis or given: example-$number $name which if present will include the given code example(s) with the evaluation of the current block. Each attribute is tested and must be recognized to exist.


Awncorp, C<>



The authors block should contain text describing the authors of the package.


This package provides an example class.



The description block should contain a description of the package and it's behaviors.





The encoding block should contain the appropriate encoding.

=error error_on_unknown

This package may raise an error_on_unknown error.

=example-1 error_on_unknown

  # given: synopsis

  my $error = $example->error;

  # "..."


$test->for('error', 'error_on_unknown');

$test->for('example', 1, 'error_on_unknown', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

The error $name block should contain a description of the error the package may raise, and can include an example-$number $name block to ensure the error is raised and caught.

=example-1 name

  # given: synopsis

  my $name = $example->name;

  # "..."


$test->for('example', 1, 'name', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

The example-$number $name block should contain valid Perl code and return a value. The block may contain a "magic" comment in the form of given: synopsis or given: example-$number $name which if present will include the given code example(s) with the evaluation of the current block.

=feature noop

This package is no particularly useful features.

=example-1 noop

  # given: synopsis

  my $feature = $example->feature;

  # "..."



$test->for('example', 1, 'noop', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

The feature $name block should contain a description of the feature(s) the package enables, and can include an example-$number $name block to ensure the feature described works as expected.

=function eg

The eg function returns a new instance of Example.

=example-1 eg

  # given: synopsis

  my $example = eg();

  # "..."


$test->for('function', 'eg');

$test->for('example', 1, 'eg', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

Describing a function requires at least three blocks, i.e. function $name, signature $name, and example-$number $name. The function block should contain a description of the function and its purpose. The signature block should contain a routine signature in the form of $signature : $return_type, where $signature is a valid typed signature and $return_type is any valid Venus::Check expression. The example-$number block is a repeatable block, and at least one block must exist when documenting an attribute. The example-$number block should contain valid Perl code and return a value. The block may contain a "magic" comment in the form of given: synopsis or given: example-$number $name which if present will include the given code example(s) with the evaluation of the current block. Each attribute is tested and must be recognized to exist.


function: eg

method: prepare
method: execute



The includes block should contain a list of function, method, and/or routine names in the format of $type: $name. Empty (or commented out) lines are ignored. Each function, method, and/or routine is tested to be documented properly, i.e. has the requisite counterparts (e.g. signature and at least one example block). Also, the package must recognize that each exists.





The inherits block should contain a list of parent packages. These packages are tested for loadability.





The integrates block should contain a list of packages that are involved in the behavior of the main package. These packages are not automatically tested.


attributes: attribute



The layout block should contain a list blocks to render using "render", in the order they should be rendered.





The libraries block should contain a list of packages, each describing how particular type names used within function and method signatures will be validated. These packages are tested for loadability.


No license granted.



The license block should contain a link and/or description of the license governing the package.

=message accept

The accept message represents acceptance.

=example-1 accept

  # given: synopsis

  my $accept = $example->accept;

  # "..."


$test->for('message', 'accept');

$test->for('example', 1, 'accept', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

Describing a message requires at least three blocks, i.e. message $name, signature $name, and example-$number $name. The message block should contain a description of the message and its purpose. The signature block should contain a routine signature in the form of $signature : $return_type, where $signature is a valid typed signature and $return_type is any valid Venus::Check expression. The example-$number block is a repeatable block, and at least one block must exist when documenting an attribute. The example-$number block should contain valid Perl code and return a value. The block may contain a "magic" comment in the form of given: synopsis or given: example-$number $name which if present will include the given code example(s) with the evaluation of the current block. Each attribute is tested and must be recognized to exist.

=metadata prepare

{since => "1.2.3"}


$test->for('metadata', 'prepare');

The metadata $name block should contain a stringified hashref containing Perl data structures used in the rendering of the package's documentation.

=method prepare

The prepare method prepares for execution.

=example-1 prepare

  # given: synopsis

  my $prepare = $example->prepare;

  # "..."


$test->for('method', 'prepare');

$test->for('example', 1, 'prepare', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

Describing a method requires at least three blocks, i.e. method $name, signature $name, and example-$number $name. The method block should contain a description of the method and its purpose. The signature block should contain a routine signature in the form of $signature : $return_type, where $signature is a valid typed signature and $return_type is any valid Venus::Check expression. The example-$number block is a repeatable block, and at least one block must exist when documenting an attribute. The example-$number block should contain valid Perl code and return a value. The block may contain a "magic" comment in the form of given: synopsis or given: example-$number $name which if present will include the given code example(s) with the evaluation of the current block. Each attribute is tested and must be recognized to exist.





The name block should contain the package name. This is tested for loadability.

=operator ("")

This package overloads the C<""> operator.

=example-1 ("")

  # given: synopsis

  my $string = "$example";

  # "..."


$test->for('operator', '("")');

$test->for('example', 1, '("")', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

The operator $name block should contain a description of the overloaded operation the package performs, and can include an example-$number $name block to ensure the operation is functioning properly.


t/path/to/other.t: present: authors
t/path/to/other.t: present: license



The partials block should contain references to other marked-up test files in the form of $file: $method: $section, which will call the $method on a Venus::Test instance for the $file and include the results in-place as part of the rendering of the current file.




The project block should contain a description and/or links for the package's project.

=signature prepare

  prepare() (boolean)


$test->for('signature', 'prepare');

The signature $name block should contain a routine signature in the form of $signature : $return_type, where $signature is a valid typed signature and $return_type is any valid Venus::Check expression.


  use Example;

  my $example = Example->new;

  # bless(..., "Example")


$test->for('synopsis', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

The synopsis block should contain the normative usage of the package. This is tested for existence. This block should be written in a way that allows it to be evaled successfully and should return a value.


Example Class



The tagline block should contain a 2-5 word description of the package, which will be prepended to the name as a full description of the package.





The version block should contain a valid version number for the package.

# ...


This framework provides a set of automated subtests based on the package specification, but not everything can be automated so it also provides you with powerful hooks into the framework for manual testing.

# ...

$test->for('synopsis', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

  my $result = $tryable->result;

  # must return truthy to continue

The code examples documented can be automatically evaluated (evaled) and returned using a callback you provide for further testing. Because the code examples are returned as Venus::Try objects this makes capturing and testing exceptions simple, for example:

# ...

$test->for('synopsis', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

  # catch exception thrown by the synopsis
  $tryable->catch('Path::Find::Error', sub {
    return $_[0];

  # test the exception
  my $result = $tryable->result;
  ok $result->isa('Path::Find::Error'), 'exception caught';

  # must return truthy to continue

Additionally, another manual testing hook (with some automation) is the example method. This hook evaluates (evals) a given example and returns the result as a Venus::Try object. The first argument is the example ID (or number), for example:

# ...

$test->for('example', 1, 'children', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

  my $result = $tryable->result;

  # must return truthy to continue

Finally, the lesser-used but useful manual testing hook is the feature method. This hook evaluates (evals) a documented feature and returns the result as a Venus::Try object, for example:

# ...

$test->for('feature', 'export-path-make', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;

  ok my $result = $tryable->result, 'result ok';

  # must return truthy to continue

The test automation and documentation generation enabled through this framework makes it easy to maintain source/test/documentation parity. This also increases reusability and reduces the need for complicated state and test setup.


This package may raise the following errors:

error: error_on_abstract

This package may raise an error_on_abstract exception.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $input = {
  throw => 'error_on_abstract',

my $error = $test->catch('error', $input);

# my $name = $error->name;

# "on_abstract"

# my $message = $error->render;

# "Test file \"t/Venus_Test.t\" missing abstract section"

# my $file = $error->stash('file');

# "t/Venus_Test.t"
error: error_on_description

This package may raise an error_on_description exception.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $input = {
  throw => 'error_on_description',

my $error = $test->catch('error', $input);

# my $name = $error->name;

# "on_description"

# my $message = $error->render;

# "Test file \"t/Venus_Test.t\" missing description section"

# my $file = $error->stash('file');

# "t/Venus_Test.t"
error: error_on_name

This package may raise an error_on_name exception.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $input = {
  throw => 'error_on_name',

my $error = $test->catch('error', $input);

# my $name = $error->name;

# "on_name"

# my $message = $error->render;

# "Test file \"t/Venus_Test.t\" missing name section"

# my $file = $error->stash('file');

# "t/Venus_Test.t"
error: error_on_synopsis

This package may raise an error_on_synopsis exception.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $input = {
  throw => 'error_on_synopsis',

my $error = $test->catch('error', $input);

# my $name = $error->name;

# "on_synopsis"

# my $message = $error->render;

# "Test file \"t/Venus_Test.t\" missing synopsis section"

# my $file = $error->stash('file');

# "t/Venus_Test.t"
error: error_on_tagline

This package may raise an error_on_tagline exception.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $input = {
  throw => 'error_on_tagline',

my $error = $test->catch('error', $input);

# my $name = $error->name;

# "on_tagline"

# my $message = $error->render;

# "Test file \"t/Venus_Test.t\" missing tagline section"

# my $file = $error->stash('file');

# "t/Venus_Test.t"




Copyright (C) 2022, Awncorp,

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache license version 2.0.