perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Agent::SNMP - A module that will query a SNMP device and return it's output.
Inherited perfSONAR_PS::MP::Agent::Base class that allows a command to be executed. Specific tools should inherit from this class and override parse() in order to be able to format the command line output in a well understood data structure.
# command line to run, variables are indicated with the '%...%' notation
my $command = '/bin/ping -c %count% %destination%';
# options to use, the above keys defined in $command will be
# substituted with the following values
my %options = (
'count' => 10,
'destination' => 'localhost',
# create and setup a new Agent
my $agent = perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Agent::CommandLine( $command, $options );
# collect the results (i.e. run the command)
if( $mp->collectMeasurements() == 0 )
# get the raw datastructure for the measurement
print "Results:\n" . $self->results() . "\n";
# opps! something went wrong! :(
else {
print STDERR "Command: '" . $self->commandString() . "' failed with result '" . $self->results() . "': " . $agent->error() . "\n";
new( $command, $options, $namespace)
Creates a new agent class
$host = device to query
$port = udp port number to query on $host
$ver = snmp version number (1,2c,3)
$comm = community string to use to query device
$vars = hash of OIDs to query
init( )
Setup the snmp agent
collectMeasurement( @var )
collect the snmp oids defined. Optional list of variables to collect @var (otherwise will use whatever was defined in the constructor or overloaded with $self->variables())
host( $string )
accessor/mutator function for the host to query
port( $string )
accessor/mutator function for the udp port to query
version( $string )
accessor/mutator function for the snmp version to use
version( $string )
accessor/mutator function for the snmp community string
variables( $string )
accessor/mutator function for the hash of snmp oids to collect
addVariable( $string )
Add the snmp oid to the list of variable to collect
removeVariables( )
Clears the list of snmp oids to collect
removeVariables( $string )
removes a single snmp oid variable from teh list to query
getVariableCount( )
determines the number of snmp oid variables to poll
collectVariables( )
Actually polls the host on port with community string and version the list of variables.
Input: @vars = list of oids to collect, if not supplied, will use $self->variables().
-1 = something went wrong (use $self->error() )
0 = everything went okay
creates and sets a Net::SNMP session for use in collection of oids
closes the Net::SNMP session
-1 = could not close the session;
0 = closed session okay