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 perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message  -  this is a message handler object


    new will return undef in case of wrong parameters ( will return Error object in the future )
   it accepts only one parameter -  reference, thats it
   the reference might be of type:
   hashref to the hash  with named parameters which can be used to initialize this object
   DOM object 
   hashref with single key { xml => <xmlString>}, where xmlString ,must be valid Message xml element  or document

   it extends: 
    use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Message; 
   Namespaces will be added dynamically from the underlying data and metadata


             use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message ;
             my ($DOM) = $requestMessage->getElementsByTag('message');
             my $message = new perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message($DOM);
             $message = new perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message({id => '2345', 
                                                             type = 'SetupdataResponse',
                                                             metadata => {'id1' =>   <obj>},
                                                             data=> {'id1' => <obj>}}); 
            #######   add data element, namespaces will be added from this object to Message object namespace declaration
             $message->addPartById('id1', 'data', new perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message::data({id=> 'id1', metadataIdRef => 'metaid1' }));
            ########add metadata element, namespaces will be added from this object to Message object namespace declaration
             $message->addPartById('id1', 'metadata',  new perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message::metadata({id=> 'id1' });
             my $dom = $message->getDOM(); # get as DOM 
             print $message->asString();  # print the whole message


new( )

      creates message object, accepts parameter in form of:
      DOM with nmwg:message element tree or hashref to the list of
        type => <string>, id => <string> , namespace => {}, metadata => {}, ...,   data   => { }  ,
     or DOM object or hashref with single key { xml => <xmlString>}
    it extends:
     use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Message 
     All parameters will be passed first to superclass


    add another filter object ( md ) or return array of filters


    set filters array or return it


    set or return eventType 


    set or return DB object


   set id number for metadata element
   if no argument supplied then just return the current one


   increment id number for metadata element


   increment id number for  data element


   set id number for  data element
   if no argument supplied then just return the current one


   accepts parent DOM object as argument
   returns newly created DOM with all namespaces acquired from underlying elements


      accept current metadata and chain this metadata with every reffered metadata,
      clone it, merge it with chained metadata and return new metadata
       eventType must be the same or eventTypes->ops->select


     add supplied  metadata, set id and set supplied eventtype
     arguments: $md,   $eventType 
     md id will be set as  "meta$someid"
     then metaId counter will be increased
     returns:  set metadata id


     add  data with result datum only to the   message
     arguments: hashref with keys - {metadataIdRef => $metaidkey, message =>  $message, eventType => $eventType})
     returns:  set data id


     add md with eventype and data with result datum, where contents of the datum is some message
     arguments: hashref - {md => $md, message =>  $message, eventType => $eventType})
     if $md is not supplied then new will be created and 
     returns: $self


      this is abstract handler method for MetadataKey request, accepts response Message object 
      returns filled response message object  or error message


     this is abstract handler method forSetupData request,  accepts response Message object 
     returns filled response message object  or error message 


    this is abstract method for MeasurementArchiveStore request, must be implemented by the tool
    returns filled response message object  or error message 


   build query for sql specific operation: ['lt', 'gt','eq','ge','le','ne'] 
   arguments: operation and  element object to run querySQL on
   returns: hashref to the found parameters and query as arrayref of form [  entryname1 => {'operator' => 'value1'},   entryname2 => {'operator' => 'value2'}, .... ]
   the whole structure will look as:
      {  'query_<tablename>' => [ <query> ], '<tablename>' => { sql_entry1 => value1, sql_entry2 => value2, ...} }


    finds set time range from  any  element in the Message objects tree which is able to contain nmtm parameter with 
    startTime/endTime selects or timestamp
    returns:  hashref suitable for SQL query in form of - { gt => <unix epoch time>, lt => <unix epoch time>} or { eq => <unix epoch time>}
    $timequery->{eq|gt|lt} = unix_time
    arguments: hashref - {element => <element object with time inside>, timehash => <timehash in form of  {'start' => <>, 'end' =>'', duration => ''}>}


   Maxim Grigoriev (FNAL)   2007


Copyright (C) 2007 by Internet2 Copyright (C) 2007 by Fermitools, Fermilab

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.