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Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::Parser - Websocket parser


use Protocol::WebSocket::Fast;

my $parser = Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ClientParser->new;

    max_frame_size     => 0,
    max_message_size   => 0,
    max_handshake_size => 0,
    deflate => {
        server_max_window_bits     => 15,
        client_max_window_bits     => 15,
        client_no_context_takeover => 0,
        server_no_context_takeover => 0,
        mem_level                  => 8,
        compression_level          => -1,
        strategy                   => 0,
        compression_threshold      => 1410,


$data = $parser->send_ping;
$data = $parser->send_message(opcode => OPCODE_TEXT, payload => 'hello world');
my @messages = $parser->get_messages($data);


Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::Parser contains common implementation for Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ClientParser and Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ServerParser. No direct class instantiation is possible.

The instance of Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::Parser keeps track of state (established connection, closed etc.) and might contain some not parsed (incomplete) data.



Performs parser configuration. If connection is already established, some settings might have no effect.

Available parameters (default values are provided in brackets):

max_frame_size [0 = unlimited]

Max size of a message frame in bytes.

max_message_size [0 = unlimited]

Max size of a message in bytes. If compression is in use, this is the max size of a decompressed message.

max_handshake_size [0 = unlimited]

Max size of connect request (for server parser) or connect response (for client parser) headers.

check_utf8 [false]

If set to true, parser will treat payload of every incoming frame with opcode OPCODE_TEXT and also a message in a close frame as utf-8 payload. If it contains an invalid utf-8 character sequence, will set frame's or message's error to Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::Error::invalid_utf8.


Compression configuration. Can't be changed after connection is established (changes are ignored).

Provided as a hashref with the following possible parameters:

server_max_window_bits [15]

This parameter has a decimal integer value without leading zeroes between 9 to 15, inclusive, indicating the base-2 logarithm of the LZ77 sliding window size.

By including this parameter in an extension negotiation offer, a client limits the LZ77 sliding window size that the server will use to compress messages. If the peer server uses a small LZ77 sliding window to compress messages, the client can reduce the memory needed for the LZ77 sliding window.

This option MAY be set by client-side.

client_max_window_bits [15]

This parameter has a decimal integer value without leading zeroes between 9 to 15, inclusive, indicating the base-2 logarithm of the LZ77 sliding window size.

A client informs server, that it is not going to use an LZ77 sliding window size greater than the size specified by the value in the extension negotiation offer to compress messages.

By including this extension parameter in an extension negotiation response, a server limits the LZ77 sliding window size that the client uses to compress messages. This reduces the amount of memory for the decompression context that the server has to reserve for the connection.

This option MAY be set by client-side.

client_no_context_takeover [false]

A a client informs the peer server of a hint that the client is not going to use context takeover.

This reduces the amount of memory that the server has to reserve for the connection by the cost of reducing session compression ratio.


By including this extension parameter in an extension negotiation offer, a client prevents the peer server from using context takeover. If the peer server doesn't use context takeover, the client doesn't need to reserve memory to retain the LZ77 sliding window between messages by the cost of reducing session compression ratio.

mem_level [8]

Specifies how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression state. mem_level=1 uses minimum memory leading to slow compression speed and reduces compression ratio. mem_level=9 uses maximum of the memory for optimal speed.

compression_level [-1]
-1 - default compression
0 - no compression
1 - best speed
9 - best compression
strategy [0]

The parameter is used to tune the compression algorithm.

0 - default startegy
1 - filtered
2 - huffman only
3 - RLE
4 - fixed
compression_threshold [1410]

The minimum size of text message payload to let the payload be compressed.

Default value is 1410, i.e. when the message payload is going to exceed one TCP-segment, it will be compressed in the hope that it still be able to fit in.

This parameter is not used when message is created manually frame by frame, i.e. by frame builder


as the whole message size is not known at the moment. It's developer responsibility to decide, whether compress message or not:

parser->start_message(deflate => 0 | 1)

See rfc7692 and zlib manual for more details.


Disables usage of permessage-deflate compression extension at connection negotiation phase.


Returns max_frame_size setting.


Returns max_message_size setting.


Returns max_handshake_size setting.


Returns deflate config as hashref. See configure


Returns deflate config of the currently established connection as hashref. It might be different than the default deflate_config.


Returns true if connection has been established, i.e. for client-side if parser successfully parsed server response and for server-side if accept_response has been invoked.


Returns true if parser received close packet from peer, that is no further frames/messages are expected from peer.


Returns true if parser sent close packet to peer, that is no further frames/messages are expected to be sent to peer.


Returns true if connection has been established and peer has agreed to use per-message deflate extension.


Tries to parse frames from $data.

In list context it returns all fully arrived frames frames and consumes all of the $data.

In scalar context, if at least one frame is fully arrived, it returns Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::FrameIterator which is a lazy frame iterator (parses on-the-fly). Otherwise returns undef.

This operation is destructive, i.e. once parsed, data is removed from internal buffer and accessible only via high-level interface, i.e. as Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::Frame or FrameIterator

This method enables frame-by-frame receiving mode, so that you can't mix it will get_messages() calls. Once you've started receiving a message frame-by-frame you have to continue receiving until final frame arrives, but no more than final frame! Thus if you want to mix frame/message mode you should use scalar context iterator interface (because list context will return all received frames, possibly even after final frame). After that you can safely swith to whole-message-mode by calling get_messages. In other words, switching between get_frames() / get_messages() is only possible when you are between two messages.


Tries to parse messages from from $data.

In list context it returns all fully arrived messages and consumes all of the $data.

In scalar context, if at least one message is fully arrived, it returns Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::MessageIterator which is a lazy message iterator (parses on-the-fly). Otherwise returns undef.

This operation is destructive, i.e. once parsed data is be removed from internal buffer and accessible only via high-level interface, i.e. as Message or MessageIterator.

This method can't be called until current message is fully received if you earlier called get_frames(). See get_frames() description.

If you plan to switch to get_frames() mode, you should only use scalar context iterator interface, because list context may consume consequent frames from the next message.

start_message(opcode => [OPCODE_BINARY], deflate => [0])

Start multiframe message.

Returns new FrameSender, assuming that a developer will manually compose message from frames.

my $sender = $parser->start_message(opcode => OPCODE_TEXT, deflate => 0);
$sender->send("hello ");
$sender->send("!!!", 1); # final frame

Options can be:


Use compression for the whole message or not.


Message opcode (from Protocol::WebSocket::Fast). Should be either OPCODE_TEXT or OPCODE_BINARY.

send_control($opcode, [$payload = ''])

Returns serialized single frame control message with the specified opcode and optional payload.

Max payload length is 125, everything bigger will be trimmed.

The constructed frame is always final and is never compressed.

See Protocol::WebSocket::Fast for available opcodes.

send_ping([$payload = ''])

Same as send_control(OPCODE_PING, $payload).

send_pong([$payload = ''])

Same as send_control(OPCODE_PONG, $payload).

send_close($code, [$payload = ''])

Returns serialized close frame with the specified code and optional payload.

See Protocol::WebSocket::Fast for available close code constants.

Max payload length is 123, everythin bigger will be trimmed.

The constructed frame is always final and is never compressed.

send_message(payload => $msg|\@msg, opcode => [OPCODE_BINARY], deflate => [unspecified])

Returns serialized single frame message with the supplied payload data.

payload can be a string or arrayref of strings

When deflate option is specified, then the payload is either compressed or not. Otherwise, if deflate option is not specified, then compression is determined by the following policy:

If the opcode is OPCODE_BINARY, then compression is not applied.

If the opcode is OPCODE_TEXT and payload length exceeds compression_threshold (see configure) then compression is applied.

Otherwise payload is sent uncompressed.


my $data = $parser->send_message(
    opcode  => OPCODE_TEXT,
    deflate => 1,
    payload => 'Lorem ipsum dolor',

send_message_multiframe(payload => \@strings, opcode => [OPCODE_BINARY], deflate => [unspecified])

This method sends one message as multiple frames. It is useful if it is desirable to preserve payload decomposition into multiple pieces, which will be serialized as multiple frames.

See send_message for parameters.

NOTE: parameter payload must be an arrayref of strings. Each string in array will be sent as a separate frame.

my $data = $parser->send_message_multiframe(
    opcode  => OPCODE_BINARY,
    payload => [qw/Lorem ipsum dolor/],


Clears internal state and reset buffer.


Returns close code that you may pass to send_close() after receiving close frame from peer or after an error occured.

This is just a hint, you are free to send any close code you want (that conforms to RFC). However if you don't have special need, sending suggested_close_code() is recommended.













